Chapter 22


From the material covered in this book, one can see that we are currently—and for the foreseeable future will be—living in a world of malicious actors intent on diverting and destroying the rewards of the wonderful fruits of countless inventors of the integrated technology we employ when we communicate over the public Internet. The creators of our computing, network connecting, mobility, storage, and website offering systems envisioned a world of benign individuals who would use technology for their own benefit and the shared benefit of others. And that shared benefit has spread to individuals and organizations throughout the world, creating an interconnected web of a global society. Hopefully, our technologists will create encryption, monitoring, and surveillance systems that will prolong the interconnected world we inhabit for the coming generations, so that our book is only a warning that will spur others on to protecting us from predators while continuing to supply each of us with further wonders through our lifetimes.

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