


1  Introduction to Security Threats

2  The 2014–2015 Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Break-In Case Study

Step 1: Reconnaissance

Step 2: Picking the Right Target and Spear Phishing Them

Spear Phishing


Step 3: Initial System Entry

Next Steps to Establish an Undetectable Anonymous Persistent Presence

Password Decryption Process and Equipment


Final Steps

Tools Used by Hackers to Acquire Valid Entry Credentials and Tools Used by Security Personnel to Detect Activity and Malware and Protect the Stored Data

Tool 1: Initial Spear-Phishing Entry Leading to the ScanBox Keystroke Logger

Tool 2: Setting Up an Anonymous Path Using Tor

Tool 3: CrowdStrike Identified Hacker Clusters, China Chopper Web-Shell Controller

CrowdStrike’s Identified Hacking Clusters

China Chopper Web Shell Controller

Types of Common Monitoring Software Employed

Looking for Derusbi Parsing Software

RSA’s ECAT Scanning Software

Yara’s Operation

3  Anonymous Persistent Threats

Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Identified Shell Crew

Kaspersky Lab Has Identified a Recent Attack Group That Identifies Its Tools as Careto: The Mask

Dark Web

4  Creating Secure Code

First Principle of Code Protection: Code Isolation and Confinement

Code Isolation Techniques

Implementation of the Four Code-Confinement Methods

Reference Monitors

OS Chroots

OS Jail Routines

FreeBSD Jail

Linux’s Ptrace Monitor and Systrace Routines

Employing Applications Such as Ostia or NACI

Isolation of Virtual Machines

Computer Virtualization

Threats to Computer Virtualization

Subverting VM Isolation

VM-Based Malware

Software Fault Isolation

5  Providing a Secure Architecture

Providing a Secure Architecture

Isolation and Least Privilege

Access Control Concepts

Operating Systems

Browser Isolation and Least Privilege

Hacking Attacks

Spear Phishing and Behavioral Attacks

Spoofing, Digital Misrepresentation, and Mobile Security

6  The Hacker Strategy: Expanded

Lab Analysis and Learning Vulnerabilities

Hacker Strategies


Attracting the Victim

Gain Control

Exfiltrate Data and Conscript

Overall: Cloak the Source

Antivirus Protection

Crack Passwords

The Key


Basic Control of Hijacking Attacks

Platform Defenses

Run-Time Defenses

Advanced Hijacking Attacks: Heap Spraying

The Final Solution to Hacking Attacks

7  Malware, Viruses, Worms, Bugs, and Botnets


Botnets: Process and Components and History

Viruses and Worms

A More Detailed Examination of Malware, Viruses, Trojans, and Bots/Botnets


Some Examples of Historical Worm Attacks

Morris Worm

Code Red I and Code Red II Worms

Nimda Worm

SQL Slammer

Conficker Worm

E-Mail Worms

Love Bug Worm

MyDoom Worm

Storm Worm and Storm Botnet


Virus Propagation


Detecting a Virus

Polymorphic Code

Metamorphic Code

When Malware Is Detected


Star-Structured Botnets

Hierarchical Botnets

Defending from Botnets

Anonymity and Sneakiness

Sneakiness and Side-Channel Attacks

Covert Channels


Side Channels

Side Channels in Web Surfing

Exploiting Side Channels for Stealth Scanning

UI Side-Channel Snooping


Detecting Attacks and Removal Systems

Intrusion Detection Systems

Host-Based and Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Honeypot Traps out in the Network

Passive and Reactive Systems

Statistical Anomaly and Signature-Based IDSs

Comparison with Firewalls

Detection Evasion Techniques


Detecting Attacks and Attackers with Examples

Symmetric Cryptography

The Problem of Detecting Attacks

Directory Traversal

What Is Another Method to Detect This Attack?

An Alternate Paradigm

Detection Accuracy

Detecting Successful Attacks

Detection versus Blocking

Styles of Detection

Signature Based

Vulnerability Signatures

Anomaly Based

Specification-Based Detection

Behavioral Detection

The Problem of Evasion

8  Cryptography and the RSA Algorithm

Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard

Public Keys

Modern Approaches for Breaking Encryption

Current Cryptography Concepts

More Cryptography, Private-Key, Public-Key Encryption, RSA Algorithm Details

9  Browser Security and Cross-Site Scripting

Three Web Threat Models

Web-Page Content

Code Isolation

Browser Security Model

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Rendering Content


Security User Interface


Frame Busting

Browser Code Isolation

Web Worker


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Content Security Policy

10  Banking Security, Zeus, and SpyEye

Fraud Process

Risk Management Process for Banks

Zeus and SpyEye Attacks

Online Fraud and the Impacts of Zeus and SpyEye Attacks

11  Web Application Security

Basics of SQL Injections

More Examples of Injection-Based Attacks

A Review of the ScanBox Software

12  Session Management, User Authentication, and Web Application Security

Session Management and User Authentication

Session Management

HTTP Cookies

Session ID

Storing Session IDs

Web Application Security

Structured Query Language Injection

An SQL Injection Example: The CardSystems Solutions Attack

Cross-Site Request Forgery

Cross-Site Scripting

Example of an XSS Attack on PayPal

Session Management and User Authentication Conclusion

13  Web Security, DNS Security, and the Internet

14  Network Security and Defenses

Network Security: Recap


Address Resolution Protocol

Internet Protocol

Packet Sniffing

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Blind TCP Session Hijacking

Stopping Services

Exhausting Resources

SYN Flooding

Smurf DoS Attacks

Internet Control Message Protocol

Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

Cryptographic Network Protection

Internet Protocol Security

Network Attacks

Physical/Link-Layer Threats: Eavesdropping

Physical/Link-Layer Threats: Spoofing

Layer 3 Threats

Layer 4 TCP and UDP Threats

DHCP Threats

Domain Name System Threats

Concluding Highlights

15  Network Security Protocols and Defensive Mechanisms

Network Security Protocols

IP Security (IPSec) Protocol

Phase 1

Phase 2

Layer 2: Link-Layer Connectivity of Wireless

TCP/IP Basic Layer 2–3 Security Problems

Defense Mechanisms That Can Be Employed

Virtual Private Network

Several Different Protocols Then Apply to These Modes

Basic Packet Formats

Filtering Network Traffic at the IP Level

Basic Packet Filtering

Firewall Stateful Packet Filtering

Other Protocols of Concern

IP Fragmentation

Transport Layer Security

Proxy Firewall

Web Traffic Scanning

Intrusion Detection Systems

Two Critical Infrastructure Protocols: BGP and DNS

Infrastructure Protocols for DNS and DNSSEC

Network Control Firewalls

Security Principle Reference Monitors

16  Denial-of-Service Attacks

17  Mobile Platform Security

Comparison of Mobile Platforms

Apple iOS Operating System

Core OS Layer

Core Services Layer

Media Layer

Cocoa Touch Layer

Development of iOS Applications

Apple iOS Security

Android Mobile Smartphone

Android Security Model

Security Features

App Development Concepts

Exploit Prevention

Layers of Security

Java Sandbox

Apple iOS versus Android Operating System Comparisons

Windows Mobile Models 7 and 8 Devices

Windows Phone OS 7.0 Security Model

.NET Code Access Security That Can Be Exploited on Windows Phones

Mobile Platform Security

Mobile Platform Security

Attack Vectors for Mobile Devices

18  Cellular Access Security: 4G LTE, Mobile WiMAX, 5G, and MIMOs

First-Generation Cellular Network

Security Issues and Drawbacks

Second-Generation Cellular Network

Security Issues and Drawbacks

Third-Generation Cellular Network

Security Issues and Drawbacks

Information Security

Security Analysis

Goals and Objectives in Security

Boundaries and Limitations in Security

Types of Security Issues

Types of Security Attacks

Architecture of Security

4G Security (LTE and WiMAX)

WiMAX Introduction

History of WiMAX

Evolution of Mobile WiMAX

Mobile WiMAX Architecture

WiMAX Security, Threats, and Solutions

4G LTE Introduction

History of 4G LTE

4G LTE Architecture

4G LTE Security, Threats, and Solutions

A 5G Future

5G Security


Massive MIMO

Millimeter Wave


19  Wireless LAN Security

Regulatory WLAN Security Standards








Wire Lined to Wireless Transition


Corporate Background of Wireless Networks

Wireless Network Security Methods

CIA Triangle of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

Smart Cards

Security Tokens and Software Tokens

Wireless Security History, Standards, and Developments

Wired Equivalent Privacy

Wi-Fi Protected Access

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP)

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)

Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)


Other Security Considerations

Threats of Wireless Networks

Confidentiality Attacks

Access Control Attacks


20  The Stuxnet Worm and the Vulnerability of the U.S. Electric Power Grid

More Details of the Stuxnet Worm Used for Cyber Warfare

Attack Process

Path 1: Via WinCC

Path 2: Via Network Shares

Path 3: Via the MS10-061 Print Spooler 0-Day Vulnerability

Path 4: Via the MS08-067 SMB Vulnerability

Path 5: Via Step7 Projects

Stuxnet Damage

Cyber Terrorism after Stuxnet

Stuxnet Attack Summary

Response and Industrial Control Security

The Vulnerable U.S. Electronic Power Grid

Components and Operating Elements of the U.S. Electric Power Grid

Irreplaceable Large Power Transformers and Our Smart Grid Risk

Smart Meters

Programmable Logic Controllers

Advantages of PLCs

Distribution Transformers and Controllers

Local PLC Inner-Loop Controller

A SCADA System


21  Cyber Warfare

Weapons of Cyber War

Cyber Crime as a Service


22  Conclusion




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