

Acceptable state, 121, 123

Access control, 10

Accuracy, 77, 87

Actuators, infrastructure, 12

Adaptive component management service (ACMS), 20

Ajax-based user interface, 136

Application level migration, 57, 58

Application Program Interfaces (APIs), 81, 98, 103104, 176

Application state persistence/recovery, 6162

Architecture, 1112, 28, 4950, 174178

Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties, 129

Atomic services, 17

Atomic units, 87

Audio services, 82, 92, 9495, 100

Autonomic service-provisioning framework, 77

Availability, security management, 10


Back end support environment, 99

Belief, evidence theory, 35

Best path prediction, 32

Bottlenecks, 75, 77, 84, 97


Call-back instances, 104

Candidate set generation, 39

Canny algorithm, 31

CATran, 130132

CELF approach, 152, 157

Centralized services, 97, 98

Certificate authority (CA), 19

Challenges, 35, 14, 174

Clustering, 113

Collaborative filtering (CF) approaches, 8, 135, 143152, 163

Communication unit, 129

Compensating transaction generator (CTG), 129

Compiler support, 6061

Composite objects, 39

ConcurTask Trees (CTT) model, 78

Confidentiality, 10

Constraints, 5, 78, 100101

Content-based approaches, 8, 135


acquisition, 16

category, 2627

collection, 2529

defined context, 27

direct, 26, 27

format, 9293, 106

local service matching, 85

management, middleware, 1617

probers, 84

reasoning, 1617

representation, 16

Context awareness

challenges, 3

context category, 26

dynamic transaction management, 121

evaluations, 129

little consideration of, 114

method, HCI, 75

technology, 56

transaction model, 116120

Context-driven service selection, 7981

Context manager, 8384

Context reasoning prototype, 3343

Contiki, 180

Control area net (CAN)-based network layer (CBL), 2021

Coordination algorithm, 121123

Coordinator, evaluations, 129

CORTEX system, 15

Cosine similarity metric, 85

Coverage, 85



Daily work assisting service, 171

DAML language, 76


collection, 136138

management, 4, 1718

processing, 103

producers and consumers, 18

sources, 18

storage, 102103

transfer, 123

verification, 123

DBLP dataset, 155156, 159

Decomposition, 49

Deduced objects, 38

Default participant, 125

Defined context, 27

Delay-sensitive migration process, 58

Dempster-Shafer theory, 6

Dempster-Shafer theory, context reasoning (DSCR)

evidence selection strategy, 4041

evidence theory, 3435

model, 3637

objects layer, 3839

overview, 3334

performance, 4143

propagating evidence, 3739

recognizing user activity, 3940

sensors layer, 3738

Dempster’s rule, 35

Desktop level migration, 57, 58

Device discovery and evaluation module (DDEM), 64, 6667, 69

Device layer, 174175


fault tolerance, 4

matching, 75

mobile, as entity, 116117

pervasive computing systems, 1114

profile, 9395, 106107

DHTML viewstate, 5859

Digg Web site, 140

Direct context, 2627

DisconnetProb, 130, 131

Discount rate, sensors, 37

Discovery, see Service registration and discovery

Dispatch requests, 80

Display moment, 101, 104

Distributed hash table (DHT)-based P2P overlay, 17

Document vector, 138

Dynamic characteristics, 26

Dynamic context, 27

Dynamic transaction management, 121125


Eavesdropping attacks, 177

ECA, 118120

Effective region, 86

Embedded Web services, 178181

EMDP approach, 150

Empty processing elements, 52

Entities, 116117


context format, 93

context manager, 83

iCampus case study, 169171

mobile transaction evaluation, 129130

pervasive computing systems, 1921

Errors, 3, 31

Euclidean distance, 85

Evidence selection strategy, 4041

Evidence theory, 24, 3435, 3739

Exact context reasoning, 16

Executing state, 121, 123

Executors, 121123

Expert search, 162163

Extended independent cascade (EIC) model, 157, 159160


Failed ratio (FR), 130

Failed state, 121, 123

False context information, 3

Fault tolerance, 4

Favorite fraction, 137, 139142

Feature combinations, 140, 141142

Fixed host (FH), 116

Fixed infrastructure, uncertain, 112

Fixed networks, 116

Flexibility dynamics, 48, 54

Forwarding, 124

Frame of discernment, 24

Framework, 2829

FriendFeed, 140

Front end support environment, 99

Full function device (FFD), 174175

Functionality vs. resource usage, 5

Fuzzy characteristics, 26

Fuzzy context reasoning, 1617


GetTemp function, 180, 181

Global combination selection, 81, 86, 87, 8889

Global decisions, 123

Global item similarity (GIS), 146, 148, 149

Global positioning system (GPS), 29, 3133

Global System for Mobile (GSM) signals, 16

Global transaction states, 121

Global variables, 6162

Greedy algorithms, 152153, 156165


Heterogeneous characteristics, 4, 58, 112

Hierarchical concurrency control algorithm, 113

High Commit Mobile (HiCoMo) transactions, 113

Historical context database, 33

History-based composition, 17

HITS algorithm, 160, 162165

Hot-swapping, 98

HTML/DHTML viewstate, 5859

Human-computer interaction (HCI)

context-awareness method, 75

context-driven service selection, 7989

context manager, 8384

device matching, 75

global combination selection, 8589

interaction migration, 7679

local service matching, 8485

many users, one device, 75

migration request, 92

one user, many devices, 7475

overview, 7376

scalability of algorithm, 75

service selection, 75

smart office video calls, scenario, 8997

summary, 104105

technology, 67

user devices, 8183

Web service-based migration framework, 97104

XML, 105107


ICluster, 147

Illustrations, 6870

Implementation, 6870, 180181

Incorrect reasoning, 3

Independent cascade model (IC), 154, 160161

Indirect context, 26, 27

Indoor techniques, user tracking, 1516, 2930

Influence diffusion models, 154

Influence maximization problem, 152, 157

Influence model, 159

Influence spread, 160161

Information overload, 74

Infrared technology, 13, 16, 30

Infrastructure, 1113, 112

Initialization section, 61

Initiators, 121125

Integrity, security management, 10

Intelligent Campus (iCampus), 21, 169173

Intelligent urban traffic management, 3133

Interaction devices manager (IDM), 99, 101104

Interaction requirements description (IRD), 99, 100101, 104


devices selection, 103104

learning from past, 8

migration, 67, 7579

migration request, 103

mobile transaction evaluation, 132

rendering, 104

services and service selection, 7981

termination, 104

Interaction Web service description (IWSD), 101

Interaction Web service (IWS), 102

Interdependent characteristics, 26

Internet, context collection, 28

Interrelation of services, 97

InterSynd system, 136

Inverse update frequency (IUF), 139, 140, 142

I/O adapter management module (IOAMM), 64, 6667, 69

IPSpace (IPv6-enabled intelligent space), 173182

iShadow, 169173

Isolation Only Transaction (IOT), 113

ISST vs. IS, 162

Item-to-item collaboration filtering, 135


Jawbone UP, 2

JINI discovery system, 77

JPEG encoding, 49, 52


Kangaroo transaction, 113

K-anonymity, 18

Kendall’s notation, 56

Keyboard input service, 81, 94

Kimura and Saito algorithm, 152

K like-minded users, 146, 147, 148149

K-means algorithm, 146


Latency, scalability, 97

Latent semantic indexing (LSI), 153, 155

Lightweight embedded Web services, 178181

Lightweight modules, 21

Lightweight task migration, 58

Linear threshold model, 154

Link states, mobile transaction evaluation, 130131

Local service matching, 8081, 8485, 9495

Location information, 6, 116117

Location services, 29

Long term evolution (LTE) technology, 13

Low-level context, 27

LRI form, 6364


Many users, one device, 75

Map service, 21, 171

Matching degree, 9597

Matrix factorization, 155

Maximum term frequency normalization (NTF), 138

Memory-based schemes, 135

Mesh routers, 14

Meta-words, new, 6061

Metrics, 150, 159160

Micaz, 33

Microsoft SQL servers, 33

Middleware and middleware layer

challenges, 5

concepts, 5

context management, 1617

data management, 1718

defined, 11

hiding complexity and heterogeneity, 14

iShadow, 170

lightweight embedded Web services, 178179

overview, 1415

resource management, 15

security management, 1819

service management, 17

systems, 15

user tracking, 1516


context-driven service selection, 81

latencies, 6869

management modules, 64

request initiation, 7980

Migration support environment (MSE), 81, 98100, 101104

MixedGreedy algorithm, 152

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), 17

Mobile clients, 14

Mobile devices (MD/MDD), 116117, 121, 129130; see also Pervasive mobile transactions

Mobile robot position identification, 3031

Mobile ubiquitous device with/without database (MUD/MUDD), 116

Mobility, 3, 112, 114; see also Pervasive mobile transactions

Modality interchange, 61

Model-based collaborative filtering approaches, 135

Moflex model, 113

Monte Carlo simulations, 157, 160

MovieLens dataset, 150

Mozart Programming System, 58; see also xMozart platform

Multiconstrained optimal path (MCOP) problems, 78

Multimodality representation, 58

Multimodal programming, 67

Multiple modalities, 64, 6667

Multithreading function, 180


Near field communication (NFC) technology, 13

NectraRSS, 136

NewGreedy algorithm, 152

Nike FuelBand, 2

Nodes, 14, 28, 4849, 153154

NonCATran, 130132

NumInteration, 132

NumMobiTran, 130, 131


Objects layer, 3839

Office environment, 9091

Offline phase, CFSF approach, 145147

One user, many devices, 7475

Online phase, CFSF approach, 145, 147149

Ontology languages, 20, 76

Outdoor techniques, user tracking, 1516, 2930

OZ language, 5962, 64, 6668; see also xMozart platform


Participants, 123125, 129

Passwords, 176177

PD approach, 150

Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC), 144, 146, 150

Peer-to-peer structure, 97, 98


CFSF approach, 150152

D-S theory, context reasoning, 4143

RSS content-based recommendations, 140142

social networks, top-K recommendations, 159165

Personal area network (PAN), 174175, 177

Person as entity, 116117

Pervasive computing, 18

Pervasive computing systems, structure and elements

architecture, 12

devices, 1114

environments, 1921

infrastructure, 1114

intelligent Campus, 21

middleware, 1419

overview, 11

wireless networks, 1314

Pervasive mobile transactions

context-aware transaction model, 116120

dynamic transaction management, 121125

evaluations, 129132

formal transaction verification, 125129

introduction, 111114

overview, 111

transaction framework, 114116

Pervasive multiprocessor (PMP) system, 4854, 50, 5457

Petri nets, 125129

Photo sharing service, 21, 171

Physical contexts, 5

PICO/SeSCo system, 15

Pipeline-based resource allocation, 4954

Plausibility, evidence theory, 35

Poisson distribution-based task arrival ratio, 52

Position identification, 2931; see also Location information

PostRank, 137, 140, 142

Precision at N, 141

Probabilistic approach-based resource allocation, 5457

Processing elements (PEs), 48, 52, 5456

Process level migration, 57, 58, 75

Promotion transaction model, 113

Protoheads, 180

Public key infrastructure (PKI), 19

Pure cosine similarity (PCS), 146


QTK toolkit, 59

Qualified executors, 121

Quality of Service (QoS), 18, 77, 86


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 13, 16, 30

Randomly allocating algorithms, 4954

Real-time road status report, 3132

Received signal strength indicator (RSSI), 30

Recognition, user activity, 3940

Reduce function device (RFD), 174175

Remaining time estimation, 32

Re-ranking items, 140141

Resource abstraction, 15

Resource allocation, 4757

Resource control, 15

Resource handles, 60, 63

Resource management

application state persistence and recovery, 6162

compiler support, 6061

HTML/DHTML viewstate, 5859

implementation and illustrations, 6770

introduction, 5758

middleware, 15

model, 5862

overview, 47

OZ source file reorganization, 59

pipeline-based resource allocation, 4954

PMP systems, 4849

probabilistic approach-based resource allocation, 5457

resource allocation, 4757

resource redirection, 6364

technology, 6

transparent task migration, 5770

xMozart platform, 6467

Resource registration and discovery, 15, 19

Resource router (RR), 49, 5456

Resources, limited in pervasive environments, 112

Resource transformation schema, 63

Resource usage vs. functionality, 5

Response, 97, 124

Road status report, real-time, 3132

Routine task predictability, 39

RSS content-based recommendations

average favorite, 141

data collection, 136138

defined, 136

document vector, 138

favorite fraction, 139

feature combinations, 140142

inverse update frequency, 139

overview, 136

performance, 140142

PostRank, 140

precision at N, 141

recommendation algorithm features, 138140

similarity, 138

single feature, 141

user preferences, 138139

RSS readers, 78



algorithm, HCI, 75

DSCR prototype, 41

intelligent Campus, 21

smart car space, 20

smart office video calls, scenario, 97

SCBPCC approach, 147, 150

Scenes system, 15

Scudware platform, 2021, 76

Search service, 21, 171

Section-based OZ programming, 60

Secure service discovery service (SSDS), 19

Security architecture, 176178

Security management, 1819

Selective transition, 125126

Semantic context management service (SCMS), 20


integration, smart cars, 20

matching, 7677, 100, 103

need for ontology languages, 76

new, compiler support, 6061

Semantic virtual agents (SVAs), 20

Sensed context, 27

Sensing data, 18

Sensors, 12, 14, 28, 3738

Service combinations, 75, 8889

Service composition, 17

Service-coverage coloring procedure, 88

Service grids and layer, 176177

Service management, middleware, 17

Service matching procedure, 8485

Service-oriented architecture (SOA/SOAP), 76, 78, 178180

Service-oriented middleware support, 81

Service property matching, 84

Service registration and discovery, 17, 19

Service selection, 75, 77

Shadow functions, 62

Shortest path, executors, 121

Similarity, 137138, 140141

Singular value decomposition (SVD), 153, 155, 160

Skeleton representation, 101

Smart car environments, 1921, 76

Smets approach, 41, 42

Smoothing function, 147

Social networks, top-K recommendations

algorithms, 159160

expert search, 162163

GAUP vs. CF, 163

greedy algorithm, 156159

influence model, 159

influence spread, 160161

ISST vs. IS, 162

metrics, 159160

overview, 8, 152153

performance, 159165

problem formulation, 153154

topic drift, HITS algorithm, 163165

user preferences, computing, 155156

State persistence, 62

State recovery, 68

State variables, 61

Static context, 27

Strict transactions, 113

Structure and elements, pervasive computing systems

devices, 1114

environments, 1921

infrastructure, 1114

intelligent Campus, 21

middleware, 1419

overview, 11

wireless networks, 1314

Subtransaction execution, 123

Support environment, 98100

Symmetric key AES algorithm, 174

System load, 130


Tag-free activity sensing (TASA), 30

Task analysis, PMP systems, 49

Task arrival ratio, 52

Task level migration, 75

Task management, 49

Task migration, 6

TCOT protocol, 113

Technology, 23, 58

TERESA, 7879, 103

Term frequency (TF), 138

TF-IDF weighting method, 138

TinyOS, 33

Topic drift, HITS algorithm, 163165

Top-K selection strategy, 41

Traditional mobile host (TMH), 116

Traffic information and management, 19, 26, 3133

Transactions, see Pervasive mobile transactions

Transparency, 3

Transparent task migration

application state persistence and recovery, 6162

compiler support, 6061

HTML/DHTML viewstate, 5859

implementation and illustrations, 6770

initialization section, 61

introduction, 5758

modality interchange, 61

model, 5862

new semantics, 6061

OZ source file reorganization, 59

resource handles, 60

resource redirection, 6364

section-based OZ programming, 60

shadow functions, 62

state variables, 61

xMozart platform, 6467

TSSO ticket, 177


Ubiquitous computing, 1, 74

Ubiquitous service broker (USB), 49

Unavailable transaction service, 114

Uncertain fixed infrastructure, 112

URI form, 63

Usability, challenges, 4

User active scope (UAS), 8789, 95, 97


activity recognition, 3940

authentication, 176

clustering, 146

context format, 93

context manager, 8384

devices, 8183

HCI migration request, 92

history and preferences, 8283

preference matching, 84

ratings, smoothing, 146147

security management, 10

Users, preference and recommendations

background, 143145

CFSF approach, 145149

collaborative filtering-based recommendations, 143152

data collection, 136138

feature combinations, 140

greedy algorithm, 156159

overview, 135136

performance, 140142, 159165

problem formulation, 153154

recommendation algorithm features, 138140

RSS content-based recommendations, 136142

social networks, top-K recommendations, 152165

technology, 78

user preferences, computing, 155156

Users, tracking

best path prediction, 32

middleware, 1516

mobile robot position identification, 3031

overview, 29

position identification, 2930

real-time road status report, 3132

remaining time estimation, 32

security management, 19

traffic information, 19, 3133

User-topic matrix, 156


Vanishing point method, 3031

Variables, global, 6162

Vector space similarity (VSS), 144

Verification, 123, 126129


calls, smart office, 9093, 9597

display service, 81

input service, 92, 95

output and output service, 82, 92, 9495

surveillance, 16

Virtual contexts, 5

Vision-based schemes, 16

Visual position calibration method, 3031


Weak transactions, 113

Wearable devices, 2, 13

Weather information, 26, 171

Web service-based HCI migration framework, 67, 7576, 97104

Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 76

Web Service Description Language-Semantics (WSDL-S), 102, 103

Web services, lightweight embedded, 178181

Wi-Fi technology, 13, 33

Wireless mesh gateway (WMG), 2829

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs), 14, 28

Wireless mesh router (WMR), 28

Wireless mesh sensor networks (WMSNs), 13, 2829

Wireless mesh subnetwork, 116

Wireless networks, 1314, 116117

Wireless routing backbone network, 116

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

concepts, 13

context awareness, 56

context collection, 2529

data management, 17

IPSpace, 174

service layer, 176

WLAN, 33

Word-of-mouth approach, 152; see also Social networks

Work flow, service composition, 17

WSDLs, 76, 178


XML language and format, 105107, 176, 178, 182

xMozart platform, 6, 5862, 64, 6667; see also OZ language


Zadeh paradox, 35

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