
We would first of all like to thank each of our case studies who have all so generously given of their time for interviews, shared insights into their work and practices and given permission to reproduce their photographs, which we feel is a real endorsement for the aims of this book.

A special thank you goes to our other contributors who have openly shared their professional experiences through their essays and images and who have supported our intention so actively. And to Peter Kennard for distilling decades of research into a foreword which so succinctly captured the spirit of what we set out to do.

We would also like to thank Sian Bonnell, Andrew Dewdney and Jennifer Hurstfield for their help with the interviews. We are also grateful to Andrew Moran, Leila Miller (London College of Furniture) and Itai Doron (London College of Furniture) for their support and Nigel Shafran for his patience while we went through his archive of work books to find our cover image.

Shirley Read would like to thank Sian Bonnell, Lynda Finn, Jennifer Hurstfield, Georgina McNamara, Nicole Polonsky and Jane Roberts for their comments, advice and discussion of practice.

Finally we would also like to extend our thanks to Judith Newlin, Galen Glaze, Anna Valutkevich, Kimberly Duncan-Mooney and Helen Evans at Focal Press for their trust in our idea and for their advice and support in bringing the project to fruition.

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