
3-Point Estimate 277; see also Accuracy and Precision

Accuracy 11216, 265; see also Precision and 3-Point Estimate

Actual Cost (AC) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) 278; see also EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Actual Time (AT) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed)

Adjusted R-Square 265; see also R-Square

ADORE 265; Assumption 266; Dependency 269; Exclusion 272; Opportunity 277; Risk 279; see also ECUADOR

Alternative Hypothesis see Hypothesis Testing

Analogical Estimating Method 10, 265

Analogous Method see Analogical Estimating Method

Analogy see Analogical Estimating Method

Approach see Estimating Approach

Arithmetic Mean 11516, 266

A/S/c/K/N/D notation see Queueing Theory: notation

Assumption 266; see also ADORE

Asymptote 266

Augustine, N.R TBA

Average see Arithmetic Mean

Average Absolute Deviation (AAD) 266; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Axiom 266

Background Correlation 132, 140, 141, 143

Base Year Values 266

Basis of Estimate 9, 266

Bath Tub Curve 2589

Benford’s Law 266; fraud detection 10

Bessel’s Correction Factor 266

Beta Distribution 613, 11828

Bootstrap Sampling 1756

Bounded Development Project 267

Budget At Completion (BAC) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Central Limit Theorem 103

Chauvenet’s Criterion 266; see also Outlier T est

Chi-Squared Distribution 254

Chi-Squared Test 2516, 267

Closed Interval 267; see also Open Interval

Coefficient of Determination 267

Coefficient of Variation (CV) 267

Collaborative Working 1213; penalty 267

Collinearity see Multicollinearity

Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) 143

Comparative Estimating Method see Analogical Estimating Method

concave curve or function 267; see also convex curve

Confidence Interval 267; see also Prediction Interval

Confidence Level 267

Confidence Limit 268

Contingency planning 15862

convex curve or function 268; see also concave curve

Correlation 10, 268; Copula 268; Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient 277; see also Measures of Linearity, Dependence and Correlation; see also Correlation Matrix and Linear Correlation and Rank Correlation

Correlation Matrix 1401, 1434, 1445, 147; chain-linked correlation 13540; Geometric Mean 1378; isometric correlation 143; hub-linked correlation 1403; Monte Carlo Simulation 12947

cost and schedule analysis 21517

Cost and Schedule Correlation 1856

Cost Driver see Estimate Drivers

Cost Performance Index (CPI) 185; see also EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Cost Variance (CV) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Covariance 268; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Crawford’s Unit Learning Curve 268; see also Quantity-based Learning Curve

Critical Path: definition 208

Critical Path Analysis 20721; Binary activity paths 21015; cost and schedule analysis 21518; Earliest Finish Time 2089, 21213; Earliest Start Time 2089, 21213; Float 2089, 211, 215; in Microsoft Excel 21013; Latest Finish Time 2089, 21315; Latest Start Time 2089, 21315; Monte Carlo Simulation 21820; Network diagram; Planned Duration 2089; procedure 21014; Time-phased estimate 2089; Variable Critical Paths 21820

Cross-Impact Analysis 268

Cumulative Average 268

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) 11315; Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) 267; Continuous 269; Discrete 268

Current Year Value 269

Curve Fitting 12

CV: see Coefficient of Variation and Cost Variance

Cycle compression 26

Data Normalisation 10, 269

Data Type 269

Deciles 269; see also Percentiles, Quantiles, Quartiles and Quintiles; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Degrees of Freedom 269

DeJong Unit Learning Curve 269; see also Quantity-based Learning Curve

Delphi Technique 269

Dependency 269; see also ADORE

Descriptive Statistic 269; see also Inferential Statistic

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) 269; Discount Rate 269

Dixon’s Q-Test 270; see also Outlier Test

Drivers see Estimate Drivers

Earned Schedule (ES) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Earned Value (EV) see BCWP (Budget Cost of Work Performed)

Earned Value Analysis 270 see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Earned Value Management (EVM) 634, 270 see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

ECUADOR 151; sentencing issues 151

escalation 187

Estimate 271

Estimate At Completion (EAC) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Estimate Drivers 271

Estimate Maturity Assessment (EMA) 9, 271

Estimate To Completion 902; Comparison 902; Guess and Iterate 648; Microsoft Excel Solver 6873; non-linear Regression 7381; Weibull Distribution 8190; see also EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Estimating Approach 9, 271; Bottom-up Approach 266; Ethereal Approach 272; Top-down Approach 282

Estimating Method 9, 271

Estimating Metric 1834, 2712; Factors 272; Rates 279; Ratios 279; Top-down Risk Opportunity Uncertainty 1834

Estimating Procedure 272; Critical Path Analysis 21014; Norden-Rayleigh Curve Linear Transformation 757, 847; Queueing Theory 25961, 2436, 2379

Estimating Process 9, 272

Estimating Technique 9, 272

EVM Abbreviations and Terminology 270; AC (Actual Cost) 270; ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed) 270; AT (Actual Time) 270; BAC (Budget At Completion) 270; BCWP (Budget Cost of Work Performed) 270; BCWS (Budget Cost of Work Scheduled) 270; CPI (Cost Performance Index) 270; CV (Cost Variance) 270; EAC (Estimate At Completion) 270; ES (Earned Schedule) 270; ETC (Estimate To Completion) 270; EV (Earned Value) 270; PV (Planned Value) 270; SPI (Schedule Performance Index - Cost Impact) 271; SPI(t) (Schedule Performance Index - Time Impact) 271; SV (Schedule Variance - Cost Impact) 271; SV(t) (Schedule Variance Time Impact) 271

Excel function see Microsoft Excel functions

Excess Kurtosis 11516, 1679, 272; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Exchange Rate Risks 1868

Exclusion 272; see also ADORE

Expected Value Technique see Factored Value Technique

Expert Judgement 177; Delphi Technique 177

Exponential Function 259, 272

Exponential Smoothing 272

Extrapolation 272

Factored Value Technique (applied to Risk Opportunity Uncertainty) 2016, 272; applied to Arithmetic Mean Values 2035; applied to Most Likely Values 2013; applied to the Maximum Values 2045; Low Probability Risks 204; Optimism Bias 201; Risk Validation 2045; Unknown Unknowns 201, 2045

Factors, Rates and Ratios 10

failure rate 2578; ageing process 257; infant mortality 257; random events 257

Formulaic Estimating Method see Parametric Estimating Method

F-Test 272

Gamma Distribution 261

Generalised Exponential Function see Exponential Function

Generalised Extreme Studentised Deviate (GESD) 272; see also Outlier Test

Generalised Logarithmic Function see Logarithmic Function

Generalised Power Function see Power Function

Geometric Mean 273; see also Measures of Central Tendency

Good Practice Spreadsheet Modelling (GPSM) 9, 273

Grubbs’ Test 273; see also Outlier Test

Harmonic Mean 273; see also Measures of Central Tendency

Heteroscedasticity 273

High Probability Risks 158; Complementary Opportunity 1656; probability of occurrence 1656

Homoscedasticity 273

Hypothesis Testing 11; Alternative Hypothesis 265; Null Hypothesis 2536, 277

Iglewicz and Hoaglin’s Modified Z-Score 273; see also Outlier Test

Imprecision 11216

Independent Third-Party Dependencies 29

Indices 273; Composite 267; Constant Year Value 268

Inferential Statistic 273; see also Descriptive Statistic

inflation see escalation

Inherent Risk in Spreadsheets (IRiS) 910, 273

Interdecile Range 273; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 273; Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) 273

Interpolation 273

Interquantile Range 273; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Interquartile Range 273; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Interquintile Range 274; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Lane hopping see Queue Discipline: queue hopping

Laspeyres Index 274

Lateral Shift Factors 189

Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) 1745

Learning Curve 274; Breakpoint 274; Cost Drivers 274; Segmentation 274; Step-point 274; Learning Exponent 274; Learning Rate and Learning Rate Multiplier 274; see also Quantity-based Learning Curves and Time-based Learning Curves

Least Squares Regression 274

Leptokurtic or Leptokurtotic 274; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Lessons Learnt Checklist 188

Linear Correlation 268; Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient 277; see also Measures of Linearity, Dependence and Correlation; see also Rank Correlation

Linear Function 259, 274

Linear Transformation 12; see also Mathematical Transformation

Little’s Law or Little’s Lemma see Queueing Theory: Little’s Law

Logarithm 274

Logarithmic Function 259, 275

Low Probability Risks 157; Extreme Risks 1669; probability of occurrence 1669

Manhattan Project 956

Mann-Whitney U-Test 275

Marching Army Technique 189, 215, 275

Mathematical Transformation 275; see also Logarithm

Maximum 275

MDAL (Master Data and Assumptions List) see ADORE

Mean Absolute Deviation see Average Absolute Deviation (AAD)

Measures of Central Tendency 10, 275

Measures of Dispersion and Shape 1011, 275

Measures of Linearity, Dependence and Correlation 11

Median 11516, 275; see also Measures of Central Tendency

Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) 275; see also Measures of Central Tendency

Memoryless Probability Distribution 228, 275; Exponential Distribution 229; Geometric Distribution 229

Mesokurtic or Mesokurtotic 275; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Method see Estimating Method

Microsoft Excel Functions: BETA.DIST 61, 71; BETA.INV 240; CHISQ.DIST.RT 254; CHISQ.INV.RT 254; CHISQ.TEST 252, 256; COUNT 76; COUNTIF 86, 102; EXP 76; EXPON.DIST 257; FIND 211; GAMMA.INV 238, 239, 245, 261; IF 211, 213; IFERROR 211, 245; INTERCEPT 76, 86; LARGE 245; LEN 210; LN 82, 86; MAX 261; OFFSET 76, 77, 87; POISSON. DIST 250, 253; RAND 238, 239, 245, 261; RANDBETWEEN 102; SLOPE 76, 86; SQRT 19, 21, 52; SUMPRODUCT 101, 211, 250; SUMSQ 77; WEIBULL.DIST 1718, 24, 52, 257

Microsoft Excel Solver 7581, 8490

Minimum 275

Mode 1718, 21, 215, 11516, 276; see also Measures of Central Tendency

Model Validation and Verification see individual terms: Validation and Verification

Monotonic Function 276

Monte Carlo Simulation 95182, 276; choice of Input Distribution 11628; common pitfalls 1013; history 956; holistic model 1518; independent events 12731; Input variable uncertainty 97101; multiple iterations 1012; Normal Distribution 10312; optimism bias 17881; Output Uncertainty Range 11216; relevance 96, 101; Risk Management 14951; risk mitigation 15862; Risk Opportunity Uncertainty (ROU) evaluation 14777; semi-independent events 1325; substitute Input Distributions 11828; TRACEability 17781; see also Monte Carlo Simulation Correlation

Monte Carlo Simulation Correlation: 12847; chain-linked correlation 13540; hub-linked correlation 1403; isometric correlation 143; negative correlation 1467; semi-independent events 1325

Most Likely Value 97

Moving Average 276; see also Arithmetic Mean

Moving Geometric Mean 276; see also Geometric Mean

Moving Harmonic Mean 276; see also Harmonic Mean

Moving Maximum 276; see also Maximum

Moving Measures 187

Moving Median 276; see also Median

Moving Minimum 276; see also Minimum

Moving Standard Deviation 276; see also Standard Deviation

Multicollinearity 267, 276

Multiple Prototypes 2930

Multi-Variant Learning 276

Net Present Value (NPV) 277; see also Discounted Cash Flow

Network diagram 2089; Activity on Arrow 209; Activity on Node 209

Nominal Year Value see Current Year Value

Norden-Rayleigh Curve 1594, 277; Budget reduction 30; Camelling effect 301, 437, 59, 61; complexity 314; Estimate To Completion 6392; Guess and Iterate 645; history 15; impact of changes in resource recruitment 304; increasing scope of work 301; least squares error 6871; limitations 2630; Marching Army Technique 3943; Microsoft Excel Solver 3941; Modal re-positioning 479; phased development 301; Pro Rata Product Rule 356; properties 1530; Rayleigh Distribution 215; Resource profile 567; Schedule slippage 356, 3649; Slowing-down Time 376; Square Rule 314, 35

Norden-Rayleigh Curve Alternatives: Beta Distribution alternative 4957; PERT-Beta Distribution 556; Triangular Distribution 579; Weibull Distribution 734, 8190

Norden-Rayleigh Curve Linear Transformation 737, 847; non-linear Regression 812; procedure 757, 847

Normal Copula 1346

Normal Distribution 11826

Normality Test 274; Jarque-Bera Test 274

Null Hypothesis see Hypothesis Testing

Open Interval 277; see also Closed Interval

Opportunity 1479, 277; see also Risk and Uncertainty

opportunity promotion 15960

opportunity realisation see opportunity promotion

Optimism Bias 277

Outlier 277

Outlier Tests 11

Outturn Year Value see Then Year Value

Paasche Index 277

Parametric Estimating Method 277

Partial Correlation 129, 1325, 21920

Payback Period 277; see also Discounted Cash Flow

Pearson’s Linear Correlation Coefficient 277

pedagogical features 28; Caveat Augur 6; Excel functions and facilities 67; Formulaphiles 45; Formula-phobes 56; references 7; Worked Examples 6

Peirce’s Criterion 277; see also Outlier Test

Percentile Growth Charts 10412; heights of children 10412

Percentiles 277; see also Deciles, Quantiles, Quartiles and Quintiles; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Performance 1834

PERT-Beta Distribution 557, 613, 1712; Cost and Schedule Analysis 556; Guess and Iterate 668; least squares error 713; Microsoft Excel Solver 55, 57; Resource profile 567

Pessimism Bias 1878, 189

Pessimistic Schedule 189 see Schedule Risk Analysis

Phased Development 29

Planned Value (PV) see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Platykurtic or Platykurtotic 278; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Positively Skewed 11923

Power Function 259, 278; see also Logarithm

Precision 278; see also Accuracy and 3-Point Estimate

Primary Data 278; see also Data Type

Primary Drivers 278; see also Secondary Drivers

Probability Density Function (PDF) 11315, 278

Probability Distribution 11, 268; Continuous 268; Discrete 270

Probability Mass Function (PMF) 278

Probability of Occurrence 148, 1514, 278; see also Risk and Opportunity; 5-Ms 173; Arithmetic Mean 1723; Estimate Maturity Assessment (EMA) 1967; Ethereal Approach 1701; Most Likely Value 1723; modelling an uncertain Probability of Occurrence 1714

probable outcomes 96

Properties of Straight Lines 11

Quadratic Mean or Root Mean Square 278; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Qualitative Techniques 10

Quantiles 278; see also Deciles, Percentiles, Quartiles and Quintiles; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Quantity-based Learning Curve 12, 271, 278; Equivalent Unit Learning 12, 271; Learning Curve Cost Driver Segmentation 12; Multi-Variant Learning 12; Unlearning and Re-learning 12

Quartiles 278; see also Median; see also Deciles, Percentiles, Quantiles and Quintiles; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Queue Discipline 2267; queue hopping 2267

queue drop-outs see Service Discipline

Queueing Systems: A/S/c 2267; A/S/c/K/N/D 2267;Lifed items 227; notation 2267; see also Queueing Theory

Queueing Theory 22263; capacity 223; change in arrival rate trend 25962; Exponential Distribution 229, 2489; Exponential Function 229; Gamma Distribution 2389, 245; Geometric Distribution 229; history 22263; Inter-arrival time 231, 2479; Little’s Law 2323, 2389, 2423; Memoryless Queue 22731; multiple channel queues 2427, 2437; Poisson Arrivals 22931, 245; Poisson Distribution 22931, 24856; Poisson Process 24757; procedure (change in arrival rates) 25961; procedure (multiple channel queues) 2436; procedure (single channel queue) 2379; Queue Types 2247; random arrivals 223; Service discipline 2246; single channel queue 23142, 23642; Traffic Intensity 2334; Utilisation Factor; Weibull Distribution 2579

Quintiles 278; see also Deciles, Percentiles, Quantiles and Quartiles; see also Measures of Dispersion and Shape

Quotations see a word (or two) from the wise

random arrivals 223

random: definition 4

Range 278

Rank Correlation 278; Kendall’s Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient 274; Partial Rank Correlation 1334

Rayleigh Distribution 1821, 504; Least Squares Error 514; PDF and CDF 1718; Research & Development (R&D) 1517; Truncation 1821, 504

Real Year Value 279

References 14, 93, 182, 200, 206, 221, 263

Regression Analysis 279; Multiple Linear Regression 11; Nonlinear Regression 12; Simple Linear Regression 12

Regression Confidence Interval 279

Regression Prediction Interval 279

Reliability Analysis 257

Research & Development (R&D) 26

Residual Risk Exposure 1667, 279; see also Risk Exposure

Risk 1479, 279

Risk and Opportunity Ranking Factor 1589, 279

Risk Contingency 1667, 184; Estimate Maturity Assessment (EMA) 1969

Risk Exposure 1589, 1667, 279; see also Residual Risk Exposure

risk mitigation 15960

risk opportunity uncertainty 1624; difference 1624; extreme values 170

Risk Opportunity Uncertainty (ROU) evaluation 96, 149, 1518, 156, 183200; Camelling Effect 152, 156; Lateral Shift Factors 188; Marching Army Technique 1856; single integrated model 149, 1518; Slipping and Sliding Technique 18995; Top-down ROU 1839, 189; use of Uplift Factors 186

Risk Opportunity Uncertainty (ROU) maturity 1969; Estimate Maturity Assessment (EMA) 1969

Risk Uplift Factors 279

R-Square (Regression) 279; see also Adjusted R-Square

scatter 259; Lognormal Distribution 259; Normal Distribution 259

Schedule Maturity Assessment (SMA) 280

Schedule Performance Index (SPI(t)): Time Impact see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Schedule Performance Index (SPI): Cost Impact 185; see also EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) 185, 20721, 220Schedule Variance (SV(t)): Time Impact see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Schedule Variance (SV(t)): Time Impact see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

Schedule Variance (SV): Cost Impact see EVM Abbreviations and Terminology

scope creep see Norden-Rayleigh Curve: increasing scope

Secondary Data 280; see also Data Type

Secondary Driver 280; see also Primary Driver

Series overview 1, 12, 114, 2; see also Volume Overviews

Service Discipline 227; FIFO 227; LIFO 227; SIPO 227; SIRO 227

skewness 1679

Skewness Coefficient 280

Slipping and Sliding Technique 180, 18995, 280; Bottom-up Approach 18995; Lateral Shift Factors 189; Marching Army Technique 18990; Monte Carlo Simulation 18990; Risk Contingency 190, 195; Stretch Factor 1925; Top-down Approach 18990; Uplift Factors 18990

Software Development 29; Putnam-Norden-Rayleigh Curve (PNR) 29

Solution Development 1594; Norden-Rayleigh Curve 1594

Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient 280

Spreadsheet Validation and Verification 280; see also individual terms: Validation and Verification

Standard Deviation 280; Population 280; Sample 280

Standard Error 280

Standing Army Technique see ROU evaluation: Marching Army Technique see Marching Army Technique

Stanford-B Unit Learning Curve 280; see also Quantity-based Learning Curve

Statistics 280

Stepwise Regression 281; see also Regression Analysis

Strong Law of Large Numbers 103

substitute distributions 11826

Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 184

Tertiary Data 281; see also Data Type

Then Year Value 281; see also Indices

Three-Point Estimate see 3-Point Estimate

Time Series Analysis 12, 281; Additive/Subtractive; Classical Decomposition Method 267; Multiplicative

Time-Based Learning Curve 12, 281; Time-Constant Learning Curve 281; Time-Performance Learning Curve 281; see also Quantity-based Learning Curve

TRACEability 9, 68, 119, 142, 145, 186, 204, 257, 282, 316

Transformation see Mathematical Transformation

Trend Analysis 11; Moving Measures 11

Triangular Distribution 11822, 126; Square Rule 33

Trusted Source Estimating Method 282 t-Test 282

Tukey Fences 282; see also Outlier Test

Type I Error (False Positive) 282

Type II Error (False Negative) 282

Uncertainty 97, 282; Cone of Uncertainty 267

Unknown Unknowns 17880

Uplift Factors 184, 1868, 189

Validation 282; see also Verification

Variance 282; Population 282; Sample 283

Verification 283; see also Validation

Volume I overview 910

Volume II overview 1011

Volume III overview 1112

Volume IV overview 78, 1213

Weak Law of Large Numbers 103

Weibull Distribution 1718, 215, 5863; Bath Tub Curve 2589; Beta Distribution 5863; Double Log Linearisation 8190; Exponentiated 2589; failure rate 2578; Reliability Analysis 257; Truncation 215, 5861

Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-Test see Mann-Whitney U-Test a word (or two) from the wise 3, 13, 15, 26, 77, 95, 170, 179, 180, 185, 202, 207, 224

Wright’s Cumulative Average Learning Curve 283; see also Quantity-based Learning Curve

Z-Score 283

Z-Test 283

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