adaptive leadership 228

Amazon Watch 232233

Annan, K. 130

authentic leadership 18, 21, 33

Belize Natural Energy 124125

Benyus, J. 231235

biosphere as universal context for leadership 4041

boundary spanners 140

critical leadership studies 17, 14, 1626, 117, 229230

Caring for Climate Initiative 132141

climate change: chap. 8, 9, 10; 116, 159, 219; in Ethiopia 185194; Kellerman on 3

collaborative environmental leadership 129, 139141

collective leadership 22

colonialism 6364

complex adaptive systems 8493

complexity science 8, 8185, 93

connection: chap. 12; 217218, 220222

critical constructionism 3638

critical discourse analysis 1314, 23, 49

critical theory 16, 3436

culture and leadership 108109, 170171

Darwin, C. 101, 106; survival of the fittest misquoted 217

discourses of leadership 5, 4950, 81, 146

domination: see power

Earle, Sylvia 228232

eco-leadership 49, 4760, 81, 8593, 100, 116, 122124, 146, 159, 228

embodiment of leadership 103104

emergence 8384

enlightened self-interest 217

evolutionary biology 101; and leadership 108, 233

followership 104105, 167184

Friends for Conservation and Development 118121

Gore, A. 9, 147148, 151

Greensburg, KS 235238

Hansen, J. 9, 148150

Hertzberg, F. 104105

hierarchy 6166, 72, 9192

imperialism 6364

instrumentalism 2, 17, 2021

justice 3245; as universal context 43; environmental 43

Long Caye at Lighthouse Reef 121123

long-term thinking 218219, 232233

managerialism 1617

Maslow, A. 104105

McKibben, B. 9, 150151

new public management 23

organizational adaptability 8788

organizational climate 4849, 107

power 2, 3, 1720, 3637, 54, 6176, 92, 117

reductionism 82, 85

restorative leadership: chap. 14

romance of leadership 19

servant leadership 7374, 193, 228

social justice 1, 7, 43, 62; in Ethiopia 10

storytelling 198211

systems 4143; closed vs. open 216222; theory 100; thinking 228

survival of the fittest 217

sustainable development 15, 19, 23, 116

The Nature Conservancy 123124

Tostan 234235

totalitarian leadership 72

trait approach 18

transformational leadership 228

transnational public-private partnerships 130

United Nations Global Compact 128141

Wallerstein, I. 63

Wilson, E.O. 101

worldviews 213222

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