
3D animation 29, 2789

3D games 283

3D space, theoretical lessons in 36

6 Minutes to Midnight 122

20th Century Fox Studios 298

42 Entertainment 122

50 Cent Bulletproof: G Unit Edition 224

360-degree video 12, 22, 23, 24, 612, 21213, 221, 309, 320

Abrash, Michael 317

abstract vs. realistic storytelling 634

accelerometers 224, 309

acting in immersive theater 1415; concepts to consider 1445; Leighn, Keight on 1414; putting ideas together 145

acting in VR stories 20913

actions 34

active storytelling 678; embodiment in 68; in first-person experiences 678; passive storytelling vs. 67

ADR1FT 250, 251, 252

Advanced Development Group 201

Aeschylus 177, 178

Aether Inc. 209

agency: beyond interactive decisions at act breaks 117; defined 309; illusion of impacting the story in 190; storytelling in VR through 295307

Allen, Woody 215

Allgeier, Brian 3743

Allumette 7

alternate reality: games 1223, 183, 187, 188; stories 312; Wild West of 29

Alternate Reality Gaming Network 122

ambisonic audio 309

American Cinematographer 298

Anderson, Grant 267, 269, 270

antagonist 30, 135, 1501; conflict from 31; defined 135, 30910; establishing, for first-person-viewer narratives 151; establishing, visually 151; in three-act structure 110, 112, 114

antagonistic force 112, 130, 132, 135, 155

Antz 215


(A)partment 8 141, 262, 2634, 265, 266

Apollonian approach 179, 180, 310, 312

Apple 4

Apple Music 100

Arcade Fire 99

Aristotle 29, 76, 95, 98, 109, 110, 113, 1589, 175, 176, 177, 180

Art as Experience 80

Artaud, Anton 4

artificial intelligence (AI) 35, 119, 139, 145

artificial reality 4, 310

artists 25681; Haddad, Angela interview 25661; Holmes, Mark Cordell interview 2719; insights from 2801; Jaunt Studios and the Invisible VR Series case study 26770; Lesser, Annie interview 2626

Aspen Movie Map 4

Atari 4

audience, determining 94

Augmented Reality (AR) 3, 5, 24, 29, 31, 66, 68, 82, 310; avatars in 140; defined 310; definition for story told in 312; diegetic and mimetic in 1767; environmental elements and 66; exercises in creating narrative for 12732; in immersive theatrical experiences 82; incorporation of embodiment into 68; mythological approaches to 1812

avatars 140, 310

Avengers Initiative 224

backstory 11819, 310

balance 180

Baobab Studios 21416, 222

(B)arbershop 262, 264, 265

Barkley, Gnarls 99

beat-based structure 11516; interactive 11718

Beck 99

Best Family Game at E3 2009 224

Big Sleep, The 262

Billington, Pete 6871, 727, 78

binaural audio 19, 85, 184, 311

binocular omni orientation systems (BOOM) 311

Birth of Tragedy, The 179, 180

Bolas, Mark 233

Bolter, Jay David 1, 5, 6, 83, 314, 315, 319

Bourne Identity, The 267, 269

Boyd, Brian 45

brain, story and essence of 456

Brainstorm 4

branching narratives 105, 108, 311

Brave New World 120

breaking the fourth wall 64

Bredow, Rob 2018, 222

Brillhart, Jessica 817, 24, 87, 165, 297

Brisson, Luc 174

Broderick, Damien 4

Call of Duty 304

cameras 204, 61

Cameron, James 74, 88, 169

Campbell, Joseph 1812

Cannes “Next Marche de Film” 21415

case studies: Baobab VR Studios 21416; Jaunt Studios and the Invisible VR Series 26770; Light Sail VR 2414; Lucy VR series 2924

Cash, Johnny 99

Casper, Jeremy 134

Castaway 201

catalyst 111, 114, 1602

Catmull, Ed 23

CAVE (cave automatic virtual environment) 180, 311

CCCs (central compelling characters) 21920, 222

Celia, Matthew 2414, 254

Cervantes, Miguel de 120

Chandler, Raymond 262

character arc 113, 116, 135, 1378, 142, 311, 319

characters in VR 30, 13356; additional, narrative purpose of 152; antagonist 135, 1501, 30910; avatars 140, 310; character arc 1378, 311; concepts and ideas 145; concepts to consider 1445; conflict 135; defined 1345; exercises 1536; external goals 136, 1489, 312; external story 136; Hill, Sarah on 21920; inciting incident 137, 315; internal flaws 137; internal goals 136, 14950, 315; internal story 1367; mind–body problem 13840; protagonist 135, 14550, 319; resolution 136, 138, 319; reversal 137, 320; spotlight on acting 1414

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 224

Chemical Brothers 99

Choose Your Own Adventure book 187

cinematic directing, storytelling in VR through 817; Brillhart, Jessica on 816; concepts to consider 16; putting ideas together 1617

cinematic storytelling: concepts to consider 173; diegetic and mimetic in 1767; early objections to 78; Edwards, Chris on 16274; five-act structure in 11315; perspective in 1718; putting ideas together 174; techniques, technological challenges with 5960; three-act structure in 11013; through cinematic directing 819; in video games 1819; visualization in 16274

cinematic VR 6, 31112

Cline, Ernest 211

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 201

Clue 2289

Colbert, Stephen 263

comic books 158, 243, 272

conflict 31, 135, 312

contagonists 134

Crichton, Michael 119

Crosby, Tai 2459, 254, 255

Cruz-Neira, Carolina 4759

CS Go 304

Cuarón, Alfonso 169

D&AD Black Pencil 99

Dallas Buyers Club 267, 269

Dam Keeper, The 215

Dark Knight, The 122, 187

Darnell, Eric 21416, 223

data, storytelling through 4759

DC Comics 122

Debevec, Paul 28591, 3078

Deboard, Guy 63

Delusion 263

Demeter 256

dénouement 113

Descartes, René 723, 90, 13840

Dewey, John 80

diegetic: in Aristotelian narratives 176; in cinematic storytelling 1767

digesis 175

Dinello, Paul 263

Dionysian approach 179, 310, 312

Dionysus 179, 180, 310, 312

directing 817, 20913

Dirty Work 122

Disney 50, 84, 1634, 171, 186, 224, 227, 267, 287, 307

Disney, Walt 307

Disneyland 163, 171

Disney World 171

dissonance 601, 316

Don Quixote 120

drama in immersive experiences 1415

dramatic conflict 31, 135, 312

DreamWorks Animation 69, 215

E3 Convention 38

eBay 215

Edge of Nowhere 37, 38, 3940, 41, 42

Edge of Tomorrow 267, 269

Edwards, Chris 16274

embodiment 68

Emerging Analytics Center 478

empathy 19, 205, 210, 283

Empowered By Light 221

endings 160, 316

energy 14, 16, 312

environmental storytelling 38, 42, 66, 235, 237, 253, 280

ethical concerns in VR 11926; concepts to consider 125; immersive experiences 1201; overview of 11920; Peters, Steve on 1226; privacy in virtual space 121; putting ideas together 1256; risks in virtual space 121

Euripides 177, 178

experimental storytelling 623

external goals 30; defined 136, 312; of protagonist, establishing 1489

external story 136

extradiegetic 176, 177

eye tracking 313

Facebook 12, 5, 22, 221

facilitator 82

falling action 113

Fan, Maureen 21415

FarmVille 215

fiction vs. nonfiction storytelling 18291; concepts to consider 190; Peters, Steve on 18291; putting ideas together 1901

field of view (FOV) 88, 173, 248, 313

Filmatics 19

first-person peripheral 96

first-person point of view 96, 147

first-person-viewer narratives: antagonist for, establishing 151; for protagonist, establishing 1478

first view 313

Fisher, Scott 233

fish tank VR 313

five-act structure: interactive 117; overview of 11314; see also television series, structure used in

fixed-frame video 217, 219, 2201

forest of digital trees metaphor 1989

formats 51, 101, 115, 116, 313

Fourth Wall Studios 122

Freytag, Gustav 113

Frontiers in Neuroscience 46

Gaeta, John 23

Galaga 306

GameSpot Best Use of Zombies at E3 2005 224

game theory 345, 171, 187, 274

gaming: expansion of 1819; role of, in VR 345; spotlight on 3743; see also video games, storytelling in VR through

Gary the Gull 7

Gates, Bill 119

Gear VR 313

Genette, Gerard 176

genre 63

gesture 99, 121, 313

Getting to Know You 262, 263

Glaucon 175

global agency 234, 303, 314

Godzilla 163, 201

Goldstein, Andrew 233, 2356, 237, 238, 239, 240, 254

Google Cardboard 1, 5, 217, 227, 295, 296, 297, 313

Google Creative Lab 8

Google Daydream 224, 295, 297

Google Glass 209, 217

Google Hangouts 217

Google Tilt Brush 2312

Google VR 2856, 2957

GoPro 2, 20, 241, 320

Gottschall, Jonathan 46

Grand Clio 99

Grand Prix Cannes Lion 99

Grand Theft Auto 75, 304

Gray, Robyn Tong 233, 234, 235, 236, 2378, 239, 254

Grusin, Richard 1, 5, 6, 83, 314, 315, 319

Guardian, The 2

Guilty Party 224

gyroscopes 309

habituation 210, 314

Hackman, Gene 215

Haddad, Angela 25661, 280, 281

Hanna Barbera’s Cartoon Carnival 37

haptics 4, 90, 314

Harry Potter 43, 186

Hart, Kiri 207

Haunted Mansion, The 224

Haven, Kendall 32

Hawking, Stephen 119

head-mounted display (HMD) 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 33, 4950, 120, 121, 146, 177, 188, 191, 209, 211, 232, 237, 260, 284

head tracking 313, 314

Heidegger, Martin 28, 144

Heilig, Morton 4

Heraclitus 98

Here Be Dragons 99

Hermes 25, 179

hero or heroine see protagonist

Hero With a Thousand Faces, The 182

Highway 53 263

Hill, Sarah 21721, 222

Hollow Lens 233

Hollywood Reporter, The 298

Holmes, Mark Cordell 2719, 280

Honor Flight Hub 217

Horace 113

Hotel Savoy 263

HTC Vive 1, 49, 224, 227, 296, 313

Huffington Post, The 1

Hume, David 98

Hurlements en faveur de Sade 63

Huxley, Aldous 24, 120

hypermediacy 4, 5, 83, 314

IGN People’s Choice Award 2012 224

ILM 201, 206

ILMxLAB 2, 2012, 205, 207, 208

immediacy 56, 83, 314, 315

immersion: breaking the fourth wall and 64; cameras for creating 61; concerns and challenges 24; defined 315; embodiment and 68, 78; in gaming 18; in interactive structure 117; mediated experience and, evidence of 56; production practices and 60; storytelling through (interviews) 8492, 2626; 360-degree video for creating 612; see also immersion, storytelling through; immersive narrative; immersive theater

immersion, storytelling through 8492, 2626; concepts to consider 91; Lesser, Annie interview 2626; Nelson, Noah on 8492; putting ideas together 912

immersive narrative 93132; audience, determining 94; backstory structure 11819; concepts to consider 1089; to entertain 95; exercises 12732; five-act structure 11316; to inform 956; interactive structure 11618; Milk, Chris on 99109; to persuade 95; POV, establishing 968; privacy in 121; purpose, determining 945; putting ideas together 109; risks in 121; sense of self in 98; Theseus’ Paradox 989; three-act structure 11013; traditional narratives 10910; see also ethical concerns in VR

immersive theater 8092; Celia, Matt on 254; drama in, storytelling through 1415; experimental art installations 823; Haddad, Angela on 258; Holmes, Mark Cordell on 275; Krusell, Jonathan on 2256, 230; Nelson, Noah on 8491; nonlinear storytelling 834; of oppressed 812; overview of 801; Peters, Steve on 1856; theme park attractions 83; Todorovic, Nikola on 213; see also acting in immersive theater; immersion

immersive video 1, 217, 21920

inciting incident: creating 1601; defined 137, 315; enemy arises 162; magical opportunity 161; missing piece 162; test 161; types of 1612

Independence Day 201

Independent Games Festival 233

IndieCade 233

Industrial Light & Magic 201

insights: artists 2801; storytellers 2213; technologists and producers 2545; visionaries 3078

Insomniac Games 37

interactive structure: beat-based 11718; five-act 117; three-act 11617

interactivity 18, 71, 76, 117, 138, 167, 168, 170, 172, 180, 295, 297, 315

interface 107, 215, 282, 315

internal flaws 137

internal goals 301; defined 136, 315; of protagonist, establishing 14950

internal journey 1367, 138, 156, 162

internal story 1367

interpupillary distance (IPD) 316

interviews 200308; artists 25681; storytellers 20223; technologists and producers 22455; visionaries 282308

intradiegetic 176, 177, 316


Invisible VR series 267, 269, 280

irony 160, 316

Jaunt Studios 267, 280

Jaunt VR 26770

Jenkins, Henry 66

JK Imaging/Kodak 20

Judas Mandala, The 4

judder 316, 317

kinesthetic dissonance 316

Kliavkoff, George 267, 270

Kondo, Robert 215

Krueger, Myron 4, 310

Krusell, Jonathan 22432

Kurzweil, Ray 91

Lanier, Jaron 4

la réalité virtuelle 4

LARPing 231

latency 4, 57, 317

LA Times 298

Lawnmower Man, The 4

Leighn, Keight 1415

lens, storytelling in VR through 204; concepts to consider 234; Meyhoefer, Paul on 203; putting ideas together 24

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation 221

Lesser, Annie 2626, 280, 281

Le Théâtre et son double (Artaud) 4

Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) 43

Life of Theseus 98

Light Sail VR 2414

Liman, Doug 267, 269, 270, 280

Limitless Entertainment 7

local agency 317

logos 174

Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise 48

Love, Courtney 99

Love Has No Labels 221

LucasFilm 2, 168, 2017, 2018

Luckey, Palmer 23

Lucy 116, 2924, 307

ludology 356, 317

Macbeth 81

MacWorld 298

Madagascar 215

Magic Leap 168, 204, 305

Malick, Terrence 134, 209

Master of the Cinematic Universe: The Secret Code to Writing in the New World of Media 134

master storyteller, Chris Milk as 99109

Matrix, The 4

McConaughey, Matthew 209

mediated experiences 56, 81, 83, 121, 139, 179, 1801

Mediated Reality 310

Méliès, Georges 43

Mellencamp, John 99

metadiegetic 176, 177, 317

metaphor 159

metaverse 317

Meyhoefer, Paul 203, 24

Microsoft Hollow Lens 233

Milk, Chris 19, 99109, 210, 217, 308

mimesis 175

mimetic 1767; in Aristotelian narratives 176; in cinematic storytelling 1767

mind–body problem 13840

Mindshow 224

mise-en-scene 66

MIT 4, 66

Mixed Reality (MR) 24, 29, 317; avatars in 140; defined 317; definition for story told in 312; diegetic and mimetic in 1767; environmental elements and 66; exercises in creating narrative for 12732; in immersive theatrical experiences 82; incorporation of embodiment into 68; mythological approaches to 1812

Modest Mouse 99

Mo Mimes Media 122, 182

MTV Moon Men 99

Mud 209

multiverse 11, 317

Musk, Elon 119

muthos 1745

Mystery of Edwin Drood, The 80

mythological approaches 1812

Napier, Mick 263

narrative: branching 105, 108, 311; defined 318; elements 58, 59; fiction versus nonfiction storytelling 18291; principles governing 2931; see also characters in VR

narrative shards 1334

narrative structures, creating 15894; Aeschylus 177, 178; Apollonian approach 179, 180, 310, 312; balance in, finding 180; connecting classical storytelling and philosophy with immersive media 174; diegetic and mimetic approaches 1767; Dionysian approach 179; Euripides 177, 178; exercises 1924; fiction vs. nonfiction storytelling 18291; inciting incident or catalyst, creating 1602; irony 160; metaphor 159; mythological approaches 1812; Plato 1747; ritual in, role of 1801; Socrates 1745; Sophocles 177, 178; structure 1589; symbolism 160

narratologists 35, 176

narratology 356, 318

nausea 4, 120, 319, 320

navigation 318

NBA 3, 217

NBC 100, 298

negative endings 160, 316

negative irony 160, 316

Nelson, Noah 8492

Nerve 2467

neurology, storytelling through 4759

New York Times, The 100, 298


Niantic 295

Nietzsche 179, 180

Nike 100

Nintendo 4

Noise Beater 263

Nokia 2

Nolan, Jonathan 119

No Mimes Media 122

No Proscenium Podcast 84

Obama, Barack 285, 2901

O’Conner, Flannery 29

Oculus 1, 2, 5, 37, 69, 210, 221, 224, 294, 317

Oculus Rift 1, 5, 49, 99100, 1834, 313

Oculus Rift DK2 258

Oculus Story Studio 6878

Open VR 313

Orth, Adam 2504, 255

Oscars 101, 215, 269, 285

Otherworld Interactive 233

Pac Man 3056

passive storytelling 678; active storytelling vs. 67; embodiment in 68; in first-person experiences 678

pattern seeking 45

payoff 34, 115, 189, 318

Pearl 296

Penguins of Madagascar, The 215

Penrose Studios 7

Persephone 256

perspective: changes in 6; forced 1718, 265; hyper-perspective 823; retrospective storytelling 645; technological 179; see also point of view (POV)

Peters, Steve 1226, 18291

Petridis, Elia 19

photo-realism 66, 318

Piper Jaffray 23

Pitt, Brad 209

Pixar Animation 2, 7, 68, 69, 215, 216, 271, 273, 274, 2767, 283, 287

“Places not Pages” 282

platform agnostic 49, 313

platforms 4950, 59, 95, 109, 115, 170, 174, 313

Plato 77, 120, 1747; allegory of the cave 77, 175; diegetic and mimetic discussions 1767

Plato the Myth Maker 174

players 34

Plutarch 98

Poetics 158

point of view (POV) 968, 147, 2459, 256; defined 318; first-person 96, 147; first-person peripheral 96; second-person 97; third-person 978; see also perspective

Popular Science 298

position trigger 318

positive endings 160, 316

positive irony 160, 316

post-VR sadness 47

power gesture 121

presence 10, 14, 16, 64, 73, 140, 167, 243; alpha 143; defined 319; in Light Sail 2412; physical 104; sense of 18, 165, 304, 305; virtual 98, 288

Pretty Woman 15

production practices to tell better stories in VR 601

protagonist 135, 14550, 319; defined 135, 319; establishing, for first-person-viewer narratives 1478; establishing, visually 1457; external goal of, establishing 1489; internal goal of, establishing 14950

protagonistic force 30, 312, 112, 135

Protagoras 174

“Pygmalion’s Spectacles” (Weinbaum) 34

QuickTime VR 4

Ratchet & Clank series 37, 41, 42

Ready Player One 75, 209, 211, 212, 299

realistic storytelling, abstract vs. 634

real-time storytelling 646; environment in, role of 66; vs. retrospective storytelling 645

refresh rate 319

remediation 1, 56, 116, 319

Republic 174, 175

resolution 31, 136, 138, 319

retrospective storytelling 645; memory in 65; vs. real-time storytelling 645

reversal 137, 320

ritual 1801

Rose, Brian 2957, 308

Rosenthal, Larry 2824, 307, 308


Samsung 2, 5, 313

sandbox experiences 878, 320

Sanocki, Tom 7

Schilowitz, Ted 298307, 308

science and technology behind storytelling 4578; abstract vs. realistic storytelling 634; active storytelling 678; Billington, Pete on 6871, 727, 78; breaking the fourth wall 64; cameras 61; concepts to consider 589, 78; Cruz-Neira on 4759; experimental storytelling 623; passive storytelling 678; production practices to tell better stories in VR 601; putting ideas together 59, 78; real-time storytelling 646; retrospective storytelling 645; science, story, and the body 467; Shamash, Jessica on 68, 712, 76, 77, 78; story and essence of brain 456; storytelling through data and neurology 4759; technological challenges with traditional storytelling techniques 5960; 360-degree video 612

second-person point of view 97

Sedaris, Amy 263

Sega 4

self in immersive narratives, sense of 98

Sensorama 4

setup 34, 113, 320

Shakespeare, William 81, 113

Shamash, Jessica 689, 712, 76, 778

Shawshank Redemption 1056

Shephard, Mike 66

Sheridan, Tye 20910, 211, 21213, 222

SilVR Thread 2459, 254, 256

simulator sickness 316, 320

Sisters 233

Skywalker Sound 201, 202

Sleep No More 81, 263

Smith, Alvy Ray 216

Smithsonian Institution 285, 2901

social VR 62, 74, 211, 212, 2223, 270, 308, 320

Society of the Spectacle, The 63

Socrates 1745

Sony Pictures Imageworks 201, 285

Sony PlayStation 1, 37, 170, 250

Sophist 174

Sophocles 177, 178

“Sound & Vision” 99

Space Invaders 306

spatial navigation 320

spherical image 234

spherical lens 21, 23

spherical video 99100, 218

Spiderman 3 224

Spielberg, Steven 70, 169, 209

Star Trek 180, 288

Star Wars 6970, 89, 150, 180, 2018, 222, 250; Episode VII 202; Millennium Falcon 19, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208; A New Hope 118; Rogue One 118; Story Group 204, 205; Trials on Tatooine 2012, 2068

stereoscopic 3D 3, 23, 74, 248, 275

stitching 21, 22, 320

Stone, Sharon 215

StoryForward Podcast 122, 182

story maps 45

Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story 32

storytellers 20123; Baobab VR Studios case study 21416; Bredow, Rob interview 2018; Hill, Sarah interview 21721; insights from 2213; Sheridan, Tye interview 20910, 211, 21213; Todorovic, Nikola interview 209, 21012, 213

Storytelling Animal, The 46

storytelling in VR 13; components of good story 2931; environmental 38, 42, 66, 235, 237, 253, 280; fiction vs. nonfiction 18291; forms vs. formulas in 323; future methods of 246; gaming and game theory in 345; ludology vs. narratology in game studies and 356; mediums for, advantages/disadvantages of 334; stories in alternate realities 312; in 3D space, theoretical lessons in 36; through cinematic directing 817; through data and neurology 4759; through the lens 204; through video games 3743; see also science and technology behind storytelling

StoryUP 217

structure: backstory 11819; beat-based 11518; five-act 11315; interactive 11618; narrative, creating 1589; in television series 11416; three-act 11013; webisodic 115

Stuart Little 201

Stubbs the Zombie 224

style over substance 1978

Sundance Film Festival 6, 99100, 210, 233

Super Mario 230

Surf’s Up 201

Swingers 267, 269

SXSW 99, 100

symbolism 160

Tarrant, Jeff 219

teaser 114

technologists and producers 22455; Crosby, Tai interview 2459; Goldstein, Andrew interview 233, 2356, 237, 238, 239, 240; Gray, Robyn Tong interview 233, 234, 235, 236, 2378, 239; insights from 2545; Krusell, Jonathan interview 22432; Light Sail VR case study 2414; Orth, Adam interview 2504

technology see science and technology behind storytelling

TED talk 10, 19, 99, 217, 286

tele-existence 321

television series, structure used in 11416; Act I 114; Act II 114; Act III 114; Act IV 115; Act V 115; best-based 11516; teaser 114; webisodic 115

Theaetetus 174

Then She Fell 263

theory in practice 196308; artists 25681; forest of digital trees metaphor 1989; interviews and case studies 200308; overview of 1967; storytellers 20223; style over substance 1978; technologists and producers 22455; visionaries 282308

Theseus’ Paradox 989

Third Floor, The 16274

third-person limited 97

third-person multiple 97

third-person omniscient 978

third-person point of view 978

Thompson, Matt 116, 2924, 307

three-act structure 11013; antagonist in 110, 112, 114; in cinematic storytelling 11013; interactive 11617

three Cs (central compelling characters) 21920, 222

Three One Zero 250

Todorovic, Nikola 209, 21012, 213

Toronto International Film Festival 215

Toy Story 2, 215, 271, 273

trailers 197

Tree of Life, The 134, 209

Tribeca Film Festival 7, 100, 214

trigger points 2589, 280

Tsutsumi, Dice 215

turn/turn of events 112

U2 99, 100

UK MVA Innovation Award 99

ultimate empathy machine, VR as 19, 205, 210, 283

uncanny valley 145, 321

U.S. Army 52, 106, 217

Universal Adventure Parks 171

user interface (UI) 215

Vance, Tom 267, 269, 270

Variety 298

Vice News 100

video game arcades 4

video games, storytelling in VR through 3743; Allgeier, Brian on 3742; concepts to consider 423; putting ideas together 43; see also gaming

View-Master 3

Vimeo 12

Virtual Reality (VR): avatars in 140; concepts to consider 16; defined 321; definition for story told in 312; diegetic and mimetic in 1767; early conceptual ideas about 34; edges of the frame in 1819; environmental elements and 66; exercises in creating narrative for 12732; future of 246; gaming in 1819; in immersive theatrical experiences 82; incorporation of embodiment into 68; in modern era 45; mythological approaches to 1812; navigating mediated experiences 56; perspective in 6, 1718; philosophical storytelling approaches in 68; roots of 4; storytelling in, through cinematic directing 816; storytelling in, through the lens 204; as ultimate empathy machine 19

Virtual Reality Application Center 48

visionaries 282308; Debevec, Paul interview 28591; insights from 3078; Lucy VR series case study 2924; Rose, Brian interview 2957; Rosenthal, Larry interview 2824; Schilowitz, Ted interview 298307

visualization 16274

visual programming lab (VPL) 4

VR caves 48, 504, 175, 179, 321

VR domes 321

VR machines 4

VR science and storytelling 4759

VR surfaces 321

VR tables 321

Walken, Christopher 215

Walking Dead, The 186, 235

Wallack, Melissa 267, 269

Wall Street Journal, The 298

Ware, Colin 313

Warner Bros/DC Comics 122

Watchmen 122

Watts, Robert 2414, 254

Web Conference, 2016 2

webisodic structure 115

Weinbaum, Stanley 34

West, Kanye 99

Westworld 119

White, Jack 99

Why So Serious? 122

Wired 75, 298

Within 99, 100

World of Warcraft 229


x factor 133

X-Men 163; Apocalypse 209

YouTube 12, 21, 25, 5960, 213, 295, 296

z-axis 88, 146

Zeus 25, 179

Zynga 215

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