


1  A New Reality and How We Got Here

Spotlight on Directing: Storytelling in VR through Cinematic Directing

A Conversation with Jessica Brillhart, Principal Filmmaker for VR at Google

Spotlight on Cameras: Storytelling in VR through the Lens

A Conversation with Paul Meyhoefer, VP JK Imaging/Kodak

2  A Stone Bridge Covered in Microchips

Spotlight on Gaming: Storytelling in VR through Video Games

A Conversation with Brian Allgeier, VR Game Designer, Insomniac Games

3  Science and Technology behind Storytelling

Spotlight on VR Science and Storytelling: Storytelling through Data and Neurology

A Conversation with Dr. Carolina Cruz-Neira, Director of the Emerging Analytics Center, the University of Arkansas, Little Rock

Spotlight on Story: Storytelling at the Oculus Story Studio

A Conversation with Jessica Shamash, Producer, and Pete Billington, Immersive Storyteller

4  Storytelling Principles for Immersive Space

Spotlight on Immersive Theater: Storytelling through Immersion

A Conversation with Noah Nelson, Creator and Host of No Proscenium Podcast

5  Designing an Immersive Narrative

Spotlight on New Frontiers: A Master Storyteller

A Conversation with Chris Milk, Founder and CEO, Within

Spotlight on Ethics: Considerations for VR Storytelling

A Conversation with Steve Peters, Experience Designer, Host of StoryForward Podcast and CCO of Mo Mimes Media


6  Characters in VR

Spotlight on Acting: Storytelling through Drama in Immersive Experiences

A Conversation with Keight Leighn, Actress


7  Creating Narrative Structures

Spotlight on Visualization: Cinematic Storytelling in VR

A Conversation with Chris Edwards, Founder, Chief Production Officer, and CEO, The Third Floor

Spotlight on Narrative: Fiction Versus Nonfiction Storytelling

A Conversation with Steve Peters, Experience Designer, Host of StoryForward Podcast and CCO of Mo Mimes Media


8  Theory in Practice: Interviews and Case Studies

The Storytellers

Interview: Rob Bredow, Chief Technology Officer, LucasFilm

Interview: Tye Sheridan and Nikola Todorovic, Creators of Aether Inc.

Case Study: Baobab VR Studios

Interview: Sarah Hill, CEO and Chief Storyteller, StoryUp

The Technologists and Producers

Interview: Jonathan Krusell, Google Daydream Producer

Interview: Robyn Tong Gray and Andrew Goldstein, Founders, Otherworld Interactive

Case Study: Light Sail VR

Interview: Tai Crosby, Founder and CEO, SilVR Thread

Interview: Adam Orth, Creative Director, Three One Zero

The Artists

Interview: Angela Haddad, VR Artist and Producer

Interview: Annie Lesser, Immersive Theater Director

Case Study: Jaunt Studios and the Invisible VR Series

Interview: Mark Cordell Holmes, Art Director, Pixar

The Visionaries

Interview: Larry Rosenthal, VR Pioneer and Producer

Interview: Paul Debevec, Senior Staff Engineer, Google VR

Case Study: Lucy VR series

Interview: Brian Rose, Google VR Team, Community and Outreach

Interview: Ted Schilowitz, Futurist, 20th Century Fox Studios



About the Author

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