
Image A

AllowCustomPaging and VirtualItemCount, 127


APIs, 151


function, 139

GetBufferedInputStream, 141

GetBufferlessInputStream, 141

HttpHandler, 140

HttpModule, 140

HttpResponse, BeginFlush and EndFlush, 141

implementation, 139

bundling and minification

advantages, 130

App_Start, 131

possibilities, 133

transforms, 132133

VS2010 users, 131

data controls and model binding

BindItem, 126

HTML encoded databind, 127

ItemType property, 123125

validation, 126

enable CDN fallback, 151

HTML5, 130

HttpRequest.Abort, 151

IIS Express, 150


JIT compilation (4.5), 149

memory, 149

precompile, 150

Prefetcher, 150

shared assemblies (ASP.NET 4 & VS11), 148149

routing changes, 151

validation and XSS

AntiXSS, 136

characters <>, 135

Dorrans, Barry, 136

output unencoded, 133

potential request, 134135

raw unvalidate data, 135

server controls, 135

unobtrusive validation, 137139

ValidateRequestMode, 136

web.config, 135

value providers

binder creation, 129130

GetPeople method, 127128

QueryString values, 128

web forms compilation, 151


API requirements, 142

browsers, 142

Hello, WebSockets, 143148

HTTP, 141

limitations, 141


async controller actions, 166167

Azure, 169

EF database migration

App_data directories, 169

class, 167

configuration.cs, 168

MVC controller, 167

enhancements, 169170

mobile development

browser overriding, 164

DisplayMode, 162164

jQuery.Mobile.MVC, 166

mobile-optimized site, 160162

project template and jQuery framework, 165166

sites, 159

project templates

aspects, 158159

resolutions, 158159

screenshot, 157

Razor enhancements

bundle syntax, 157

null and boolean handling, 156

tilde syntax (~), 156

single page application and recipes, 170

version upgrade

assembly references, 154

copying content, 153154

manual upgrade, 154155

methods, 153

NuGet package, 156

ASP.NET. See also Web API

event handlers, 31

smart tasks, code editor, 3132

user control, 3031

Async, ASP.NET 4.5

function, 139

GetBufferedInputStream, 141

GetBufferlessInputStream, 141

HttpHandler, 140

HttpModule, 140

HttpResponse, BeginFlush and EndFlush, 141

implementation, 139

Async and await. See also VB.NET

advantages, 104

applications, 103

awaited method, 106

BCL methods, 106

caller information attributes, 116118

cancelling methods, 109110

hand method

asynchronous, 111

IL decompiler, 113116

Main method, 113

MoveNext method, 113

namespaces, 111

state machine, 111113

handling errors, 107109

hood, 110

key points, 116

meaning, 104

output, 105

real-world frustration, 103, 121

rules, 106

summarization, 105

trace output, 117

Async controller actions, 166167

Azure. See Windows Azure

Image B

Banks, Richard, 5

Base Class Library (BCL)

application domain, 5758

streams, 56


assemblies, 50

ZipArchive class, 5255

ZipFile class, 5051

timeout intervals, expression, 49

UTF-16, 49

WeakReference<T>, 5556

BasicHttpBinding, 177

Bundling and minification

advantages, 130

App_Start, 131

possibilities, 133

transforms, 132133

VS2010 users, 131

Image C

C# expressions, 259261

Cloud Service

Azure datacenter

dashboard, 241

deployment package, 237243

package, 239241

steps, 237

Visual Studio, 241243

compute emulator

multiple instances, 236237

storage emulator, 236237

system tray, 236

dialog box, 232233

emulator, 233

Solution Explorer

files, 234235

HelloCloud, 221

properties window, 235

steps, 232233

virtual machines, 243245

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

garbage collection

LOH, 79

NGen tool, 79

re-JIT feature, 78

JIT, 78

windows, 321


classes, 97

DataAccessLayer.cs, 9596

disadvantages, 95

HandleRequest() method, 97

implementation, 9899

Logger.cs, 96

RequestHandler, 96

ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair, 7375

Content Delivery Network (CDN), 220

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). See XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)


color picker, 3435

comment/uncomment, 34

hacks, 34

style sheets, 34

Image D

Data provider

entity framework

entity model designer, 213

Enums, 204206

overview, 204

performance, 212

spatial data types, 210211

stored procedures, 206210

table-value functions, 211212

LocalDb, 199201


asynchronous programming, 201202

features, 204

SqlCredential, 203

streaming, 202

Denny, Mitch, 4

Dorrans, Barry, 136

Image E

Entity framework (EF)

App_data directory, 169

class, 167

configuration.cs, 168

entity model designer, 213

Enums, 204206

MVC controller, 167

overview, 204

performance, 212

spatial data types, 210211

stored procedure

browser, 208

calling function, 208210

database objects, 207

overview, 206

steps, 206

table-value functions, 211212


EventExtension class, 295

features, 293

markup extension, 293295

ViewModel class, 295

weak reference, 295


classes, 91

FakeDatabaseConnection.cs, 91

HandleRequest(), 9394

HandlerNameCreator.cs, 91

implementation, 9495

Program.cs, 93

RequestHandler.cs, 92

RequestListener.cs, 92

Image F

Fakes framework

changes, 47

Dotfuscator, 4647

shims, 46

stubs, 4246

types, 42

Forster, Brendan, 5

Image G

Garbage collection (GC)

LOH, 79

NGen tool, 79

re-JIT feature, 78

Godbold, Steve, 6

Image H


encoding databind

DataGrid, 127

expressions, 127

file upload control, 130

input types, 3233

video and audio, 33

HttpRequest.Abort, 151

Image I

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 216

Integrated development environment (IDE). See also Fakes framework

ASP.NET web forms

event handlers, 31

smart tasks, code editor, 3132

user control, 3031

compatibilities, 9


color picker, 3435

comment/uncomment, 34

hacks, 34

style sheets, 34

different testing frameworks, 2830


input types, 3233

video and audio, 33

hubs and pivots, 1618


console and DOM explorer, 3738

improvements, 36

overloaded functions, 40

reference and reference group, 39

multi monitor, 1820

performance improvements, 41

publish profiles, 42

quick launch box

options, 11

types, 11

word open, 10

references, 21

remote debugger, 41

search options

error view, 12

expressions, 12

find/replace screen, 12

parallel watch window, 13

Solution Explorer, 13

threads window, 13

toolbox, 13

Solution Explorer

active document, 15

collapse all projects, 14

filter files displayed, 16

open files and pending changes, 14

preview images, 15

rename file, 15

scope, context menu option, 15

SQL Server object window, 27

stand-alone utilities, 41

tabs and preview mode, 2021

toolbar, 9

VSUpdate, 41

WAI-ARIA, 3536

web developers

IntelliSense options, 27

match tag element, 26

page inspector, 2326

quotation marks, 27

toolbar option, 22

Image J


console and DOM explorer, 3738

improvements, 36

overloaded functions, 40

reference and reference group, 39

Image K

Krishnan, Mahesh, 78

Image L

Large Object Heap (LOH), 79


add option, 201

database creation, 199

project, 200

SQL Server Object Explorer, 199200

Image M

Mackey, Alex, 6

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)

meaning, 8182

Microsoft.Composition package

action, 102

ContainerConfiguration, 100101

ConventionBuilder, 101102

differences, 100

.NET 4.5

closed generic types, 8384

composition scoping enhancements, 9099

convention-based part registration, 8890

diagnostic improvements, 99

features, 82

open generic types, 8488

terminology, 82

Microsoft.Composition package

action, 102

ContainerConfiguration, 100101

ConventionBuilder, 101102

differences, 100

Mobile development

browser overriding, 164


browsers, 164

Internet Explorer 9, 164

testbrowser, 162163

themes/layouts, 162164

features, 166

jQuery.Mobile.MVC, 166

mobile-optimized site

flow layouts and responsive design, 160162

limitations, 162

viewport meta tag, 160162

project template and jQuery framework, 165166

sites, 159

Model View View-Model (MVVM), 293

Multi core JIT compilation (4.5), 149

Image N, O

Native Image Generation (NGen) tool, 79

.NET 4.5, 197. See also Windows 8 application

Banks, Richard, 5

closed generic types, 8384

composition scoping enhancements

CompositionScopeDefinition, 9599

ExportFactory<T>, 9195

summarization, 99

types, 90

convention-based part registration

convention + attributes, 90

end view, 90

For*() methods, 8990

RegistrationBuilder, 88

rule creation, 8990

covers, 2

Denny, Mitch, 4

diagnostic improvements, 99

download, 2

features, 82

Forster, Brendan, 5

Godbold, Steve, 6

Krishnan, Mahesh, 78

Mackey, Alex, 6

objectives, 1

open generic types

client and project, 8485

closed generic types, 86

DummyData, 87

FakeRepository class, 87

IRepository, 85

output window, 88

repositories, 84

RepositoriesFactory, 8586

overview, 1

progress, 2

subject matter, 2


async programming, 23

devices and platforms, 3

NuGet, 3

openness, 4

standards and technologies, 3

Tulloch, William, 7

Visual Studio 2012, 4


command line, 371372

package manager

explorer, 372373

test framework, 369

tools menu, 367

uninstall option, 370371

update packages, 368

Image P, Q

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 216

Portal Class Library (PCL)

frameworks dialog box, 76

project dialog box, 75

project properties page, 76

target, Xbox 360, 77

Xbox 360, 77

Prefetcher (Windows 8 and ASP.NET 4.5), 150

ProfileOptimization and Multicore Just-in-Time (JIT), 78

Image R

Razor enhancements

bundle syntax, 157

null and boolean handling, 156

tilde syntax (~), 156

Representational State Transfer (REST), 179180

Ribbon’s controls

application menu bar, 283

both controls, 283

components, 281

markup snippet, 282

quick access toolbar, 283

ribbon tab, 282

XAML, 282

Rich Internet Application (RIA), 297

Image S

Shared assemblies (ASP.NET 4 & VS11), 148149

Silverlight 5


3D, 315

animations, 315

history, 297

multiple-clicks, 304305

performance improvements, 318

PivotViewer control, 305308

text improvements

different character, 298

LineStackingStrategy values, 299300

normal line height, 298299

OpenType font, 301302

overflow text controls, 301

OverflowContentTarget, 300301

printing enhancements, 303

trusted applications

calling native code, 317318

file system access, 317

multiple-window, 316317

type-ahead, text-searching facility, 303304


data templates, 308311

debugging experience, 314

markup extensions, 313

relative source binding, 313

style binding, 311312

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 180

Single Page Application (SPA), 170

Software as a Service (SaaS), 216

SQL Server object window, 27

SqlClient data provider

asynchronous programming, 201202

features, 204

SqlCredential, 203

streaming, 202

Stored procedure

browser, 208

calling function, 208210

database objects, 207

overview, 206

steps, 206


assemblies, 50

ZipArchive class

constructor, 52

individual zip entries and extract files, 53

Metro applications, 5455

source directories, 52

ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(), 53

ZipFile Class, 5051

Image T

Tables vs. SQL database, 221

Table-value functions (TVFs), 211212

Task methods

ConfigureAwait() method, 66

Delay() methods, 61

FromResult<TResult>() methods, 6465

Run() methods, 5961

Task.Yield(), 6566

WhenAll() methods, 6364

WhenAny() method, 6162

Task Parallel Library (TPL)

ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair, 7375

features, 58

Run() methods, 5961

SqlClient data provider, 201

task methods

ConfigureAwait() method, 66

Delay(), 61

Task.FromResult<TResult>(), 6465

Task.Run(), 5961

Task.WhenAll(), 6364

Task.WhenAny(), 6162

Task.Yield(), 6566

UnWrap(), 5961

TPL Dataflow (TDF)

ActionBlock, 6871

blocks, 68

BufferBlock, 7273

TransformBlock, 7172

Themes, .NET 4.5

async programming, 23

devices and platforms, 3

NuGet, 3

openness, 4

standards and technologies, 3

TPL Dataflow (TDF)


Complete() method, 70

Console.Read() statement, 70

output result, 69

Post() method, 69

process messages, 70

target block, 6871

tasks output, 70

blocks, 68

BufferBlock, 7273

TransformBlock, 7172

Trusted applications

calling native code, 31718

file system access, 317

multiple-window, 316317

Tulloch, William, 7

Image U

Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP), 176177

Image V

Validation. See XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)


call hierarchy, 118119

FunctionNamespaces, 120

global keyword, 120121

iterators, 119120

namespaces, 120

Versioning workflow

dynamic updation

database steps, 276278

ModifyWorkflow() method, 279

output, 278

Program class, 278279

results, 279

update map, 275276

features, 270


application output, 274

GetInput, 271

program.cs file, 271274

WorkflowIdentity, 275

Virtual machines (VMs), 217, 243245

VirtualizingPanel features, 289

Visual Studio 2010. See Integrated development environment (IDE)

Visual Studio 2012. See .NET 4.5

Image W

WAI-ARIA, 3536

Web API. See also WebSockets;Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)


Book.cs file, 183184

BooksController, 184187

Chrome browser, 187

controller dialog box, 184

dialog box, 181182

MVC 4 Project dialog box, 182183

attributes, action, 193194

CRUD operations, 180, 191192

error handling, 190191

filtering, sorting and paging, 194

HttpClient class, 180

Representational State Transfer, 179180

right return format

Application_Start method, 190

CsvFormatter, 189190

HttpClient class, 188

MIME text, 188

routing, 192

Simple Object Access Protocol, 180

Web IDE improvements

IntelliSense options, 27

match tag, 26

page inspector

alert message, 26

browser menu, 23

files tab, 23

HTML tab, 2526

inspection features, 2425

quotation marks, 27

toolbar option, 22

Web sites

ASP.NET application

dialog box, 227228

portal, 226227

.publishsettings file, 228229

management portal, 225

NEW panel, 225226


configuration, 230231

find apps, 229230

last step, 231232


API requirements, 142

browsers, 142

definition, 195

drawbacks, 195

Hello, WebSockets, 143148

HTTP, 141

limitations, 141

.NET, 197

NetHttpsBinding/NetHttpBinding, 195197

polling, 195

server, 195197

Windows 8 applications. See also Windows 8 Store apps

AppBar, 327

application-switching panel, 332

charms, 328

classic apps, 320

design principles, 319


application runs, 323

background, running, 324

concepts, 321

history, 321

intallation, Windows Store, 322

interface, 324

Modern UI design guidelines, 321

restricted access, 323

Save button, 324

UI thread, 322

legacy apps, 320

principles, 320

sharing application data, 328329

snapped, 329331

Start screen, 325

typical app, 325326

Windows Store and modern UI, 320

Windows 8 Store apps

AppBar, 341343

CarouselPanel, 344345

controls, 339

data picking

declarations tab, 355

share target, 353354

share target UI, 356359

ShareTargetApp, 354

steps, 353354

data sharing

DataRequestedEventArgs parameter, 351

message, 351352

OnNavigatedTo method, 351

text box, 352353

XAML, 350

FlipView, 343344

Grid control, 340341

life cycle

App.xaml.cs file, 360

application manifest, 365

application steps, 359

background task, 363

OnLaunched method, 361362

overridden methods, 362

RegisterFrame method, 360

RestoreAsync method, 360

SaveAsync method, 361

steps, background task, 363366

TextBox, 362


Grid, 348

InitData methods, 349350

MainPage.xaml file, 347348

modes, 345

steps, 347348

zoomed-in view, 346347

zoomed-out view, 346347

StackPanel, 341

types, 332

WrapGrid and ScrollViewer, 340


App.xaml.cs file, 336337

assets and common folders, 337

controls, 335

dialog box, 333

even handler, 336

MainPage.xaml file, 333334

manifest file, 338

properties panel, 334

Windows Azure. See Web sites

cloud, 215216

Cloud Service

Azure datacenter, 237243

dialog box, 232233

emulator, 233

Solution Explorer, 233235

steps, 232233

storage and compute emulators, 236237

virtual machines, 243245

data management

access keys, 248

AddMessage method, 252

blobs, 219220

CDNs, 220

CloudBlob object, 251

dashboard, 246247

DataContext class, 249

dotnetbook, 219

entity, 218

GetMessage method, 252

NoSQL database, 218

partition keys, 219

persist data, 218

querying data, table storage, 249

queues, 251252

slobs vs. blobs, 220

SQL database, 221

steps, 246247

table storage, data entities, 248

table storage service, 218219

tables vs. SQL database, 221

updating and inserting data, 250

Visual Studio, 253

dialog box, 223

download page, 224

execution models

Cloud Services, 217

virtual machines (VMs), 217

web sites, 217

features, 222


communication, 221

queues, 222

service bus, 222

regular datacenter-cloud offering, 215

SQL Database

CUSTOM CREATE option, 256257

database creation, 254255

management portal, 256257

Visual Studio, 223224

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). See also WebSockets

async-await calls, 171

basicHttpBinding, 177

compression, 178

configuration file, 172173

IntelliSense, 174

REST, 178

SOAP, 178

tooltips, 173174

Universal Datagram Protocol, 176177

validation errors, 175176

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

data value changes, 292


binding-static properties, 286287

DataContext object, 287

delay property, 285286

retrieve information, 288

dispatcher class, 293


EventExtension class, 295

features, 293

markup extension, 293295

ViewModel class, 295

weak reference, 295

ICollectionViewLiveShaping, 292

ICustomTypeProvider, 291292

non-UI threads

button and list box, 289

code behind, 290

EnableCollectionSynchronization() method, 290

exception, 290

view model, 289

Ribbon’s controls

application menu bar, 283

both controls, 283

components, 281

markup snippet, 282

quick access toolbar, 283

ribbon tab, 282

XAML, 282

synchronous and asynchronous validation

IDataErrorInfo interface, 283284

INotifyDataErrorInfo, 284285

XAML markup, 284

VirtualizingPanel, 288

Windows workflow foundation (WF)

activities, 267

ActivityDelegate objects, 264


add annotation, 262

caption, add, 263

context menu, 262

dock, 263

object, 263

C# expressions, 259261

designer search, 262

features, 267

multi-select, 264

pan mode, 264

rehosted designer

shell header items, 265

WF4.5 features, 265267

sequence, 264

validation, 264

versioning workflow

dynamic updation, 275280

features, 270

side-by-side, 271275

workflow development models

contract-first, 268270

state machine workflows, 268

Workflow development models

contract-first, 268270

state machine workflows, 268

Image X, Y, Z

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

AntiXSS, 136

characters <>, 135

Dorrans, Barry, 136

output unencoded, 133

raw unvalidate data, 135

server controls, 135

unobtrusive validation, 137139

ValidateRequestMode, 136

web.config, 135

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