
images  A

AppFabric dashboard

    Action pane

        menu items

        service configuration

    Application and Service count

    auto-start feature


    monitoring WF instances

        Connection string property

        diagnostic tracing and message logging

        end-to-end monitoring

        errors only

        health monitoring

        Monitoring profile settings

        with PowerShell


        WF event monitoring configuration

    persisted WF instances

        Connections pane

        HYPERVWINSEVEN2 server

        instance and monitoring stores initialization

        persistence with PowerShell

        selecting SQL Server Store

    summary metrics

    View and Time Period dropdown boxes

    WCF call history

    WF instance history

    WF metrics



        Tracked Events

        Workflow.JeepParts service

    workflow host management

AppFabric Windows Server

    architectural components

        AppFabric EventCollection service

        AppFabric workflow management service

        cache cluster

        caching services

        hosting services

        IIS Manager

        monitoring data stores

        persistence data stores

    dashboard (see AppFabric Dashboard)


        custom tracking record

        Delay activity

        Enter Application Package Information screen

        Import Application package



        ordering and picking up Jeep parts

        package contents selection

        picking up order

        Receive activity

        ReceiveRequest service activity

        referencing hosted service

        SendResponse service activity

        Sequential service activity

        server farm deployment

        single server deployment


        Visual Studio 2012

        WCF Test Client

        WCF Workflow Service Application

        WCF Workflow Service Application project template

        Workflow.JeepParts service

        xamlx workflow service extension


        Administration tools



        Cache client

        Check for updates

        components installed with IIS

        Confirmation screen

        confirming monitoring configuration


        hardware requirements

        hosting services

        IIS 7.5

        IIS Manager

        Launch configuration tool

        Microsoft AppFabric wizard

        persistence configuration

        persistence setup


        Progress screen

        Remote Administration

        Results screen

        section within IIS

        server configuration

        Set Monitoring configuration

        software requirements

        SQL Agent Service not started


        Starting SQL Server Agent service


        Windows Azure

        Windows PowerShell 2.0

        WindowsServerAppFabric setup file

        Windows updates

images  B

images  C

Cloud workflows

    Azure storage configuring

    blob storage


        consuming, worker role

        CreateContainerReference() call

        Default Customer Argument


        overview of


        SaveCustomer activity

        Window.Resources entry

        worker role

        XAML markup

        XAML Markup file, saving

    cloud persistence

    connection string

    firewall rules

    hosting services

        added records

        ApproveCustomer operation



        customer applications, submitting code

        OwnersSSN property

        pawnshop approval process

        persisted workflow instances

        persistence configuring


        SaveCustomer activity


        WCF workflow service application

        web role


    publishing to Azure

        credentials for subscription

        deployed solution

        location selection

        menu command

        SQL database

        web page

    service bus

    SQL Database creation

Custom workflow activities




        addition activity

        calculated commission


        design time validation


        FirstCodeActivity and SalesCommission activities




        passing data in and out

        SalesCommission activity

        WF variable varCommission

        WorkflowItemPresenter, ContentControl

    asynchronous process

        AsyncCodeActivityContext object

        BeginExecute code

        Execute method

        multi-threaded pattern

        ReadFile activity

        ReadFileAsync activities

        reading content

        reading file

        WF runtime

    base classes

    Boilerplate code

    Class Library project

    code activity

        base class CodeActivity


        FirstCodeActivity activity


        Implement Abstract Class


        out-of-the-box activities

        referencing system.activities

    coding level

    distributing process


    native activity

        CacheMetadata method

        scheduling process

        WaitForResponse activity

        WF runtime

    Person class


    System.Activities namespace



images  D

images  E

images  F, G

Flowchart workflows

    business process modeling

        adding Visual C# class library

        Assign activity

        Customer.cs file

        customer orders workflow

        customers type

        DataModel references

        downloading NuGet

        ForEach<T> activity

        GetCustomeOrders.cs file


        managing NuGet packages

        Nested ForEach<T> activities

        Order.cs class

        OrderLineItem.cs class

        order totaled for customer

        out argument

        Program.cs file

        TestOrders references

        textbox value

        Unit Test project

        Workflow1.xaml file

        WriteLine activity

    calculating state tax

        adding bookmark activity

        approval user interface

        approved order

        Assign activity

        creating new InArgument

        Delay activity

        FlowSwitch activity

        GetCustomerorders activity

        If activity

        implementing the Else and Branch2

        MainWindow.xaml.cs file

        MainWindow.xaml file

        order approval workflow

        Order.cs file

        Pick activity

        response from workflow

        setting approval flag

        setting the annotations

        WaitForResponse code activity

        wfCommunication parent workflow

        wfCommunication.xaml file

        WriteLine activity


        within activity toolbox

        unconnected activity nodes

        ValidateUnconnectedNodes property



        condition property

        FalseLabel and TrueLabel properties

    FlowSwitch<T> activity

        default and rating transitions

        expression return value

        type selection

    ForEach<T> implementation (see ForEach<T> activity)

    Pick activity

    using Entity Framework

        DatabaseGenerated property

        Key property

        Required property

        tables through EF Code First

    WF4-4.5 control flows

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images  I

images  J, K

images  L

images  M

images  N

images  O

images  P, Q

images  R

Rehosting controls, XAML

    ActivityBuilder object

    Assign activity

    C# code


    designer rehosting




    OnIntialized event

    programmatically adding arguments


    sequence and assign activities

    WF components rehosting

    WF designer

    WF4.5 designer features


        AnnotationEnabled property

        auto-surround sequencing

        Designer Annotations


        multi-selecting activities

        outline view

        panning workflows

        textbox search


images  S

images  T, U

Tracking records

    activity lifecycle









        information subscription


        workflow instance state (see Workflow instance state)




    workflow lifecycle

Tracking workflows

    activity state

        custom code activity


        EventTime property

    annotation recording

    custom data tracking

    data gathering

    data storage



        enable log

        Event Viewer

        tracked records

        workflow service/host

    event configuration


    tracking participant

        composite activity



        ImplementedVisibility property

        multiple activities selection

        Program.cs file

        records to SQL server

        sequence activity


        template selection

        tracking data

        Visual Studio 2012


        workflow runs



        writeline activity

    tracking profiles


        wildcard syntax

        XML elements

    tracking records (see Tracking records)

    WorkflowServiceHost tracking

        App.config file

        behavior extension


        BehaviorType property

        console tracking data

        custom tracking extension element

        framework references




        Process work workflow

        Program1.cs file

        Receive activity

        WCF service

images  V

images  W, X, Y, Z

Windows Azure

    cloud services



        virtual machine size

        web roles

        worker roles

    data management

    development tools






    service offerings

    workflows (see Workflows)

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services








    contract-first feature





        generated WF activities

        importing process

        operation contract “ApplyForJob”


        applicationId parameter

        Assign activity

        CanCreateInstance property




        job application-related classes

        JobApplication service parameter


        Key value

        message content definition

        message data property

        .NET type JobApplication

        parallel activity

        ReceiveAndSendReply activity

        service call parameter job

        ServiceContractName property

        test client



        While activity

        workflow management


    message data




        business process

        interview feedback


        workflow instances

    SendAndReceiveReply activity


        background check service

        candidate notification

        checkbox control

        client functionality

        FlowDecision condition property

        HireCandidate activity

        interview feedback composite activity

        job application status

        OperationName property

        ProvideFeedbackToCandidate activity

        ProvideFeedbackToCandidate properties

        ReceiveReplyForSend activity

        Sequence activity

        setting the data

    service and data contracts

    service client

        AppForJob service




        JobApplicationService service

        service reference

    stateful services




    workflow-first approach


        “contract-first” pattern

        decision making



        job handling applications

        ProvideFeedbackToCandidate activity

    workflow service instance

    workflow termination

Windows workflow activities

    abstract class

    activity life cycle




    data management





    dynamic activities







        <string, object> signature


    error handling

    exceptions handling

        Add> New Item> Activity

        Alert workflow



        argInSeconds argument

        auto surround feature

        browsing .Net types


        Catches System.Exception



        Delay activity

        exception activity

        ExceptionActivity code

        Program.cs file

        Rethrow activity



        TryCatch activity

        Try/Catch block

        varApplicationException variable

        varSeconds variable



    imperative code

        declaring variables

        sequence activity

        WriteLine activity


    out-of-box activities

    System.Activities namespace

    System.Object namespace



        Activity1.xaml file



        custom addition activity


        sequence activity

        System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices object



Windows workflow foundation (WF)

    building blocks

    collection activities

    control flow activity

    data modeling

    DoWhile activity

    error handling

    FlowChart activity

    FlowDecision activity

    FlowSwitch<T> activity

        assign activity

        FinalState activity

        StateMachine activity

        WriteLine activity

    ForEach<T> activity



    If activity

    main factors

    messaging activities


    .NET Framework 4.0

    out-of-box activities

    Parallel activity

    ParallelForEach<T> activity



    Pick activity

    PickBranch activity

    platform update 1

    primitives activities

    product team

    runtime activities

    Sequence activity

    software framework

    state machine activities

    Switch<T> activity

    transaction activities





        auto-connect and auto-insert

        auto-surround sequence

        build-time validation

        centralized view state

        C# expressions


        deleting variables and arguments

        expression extensibility

        flowchart capabilities





        tree-style workflow outline


        workflow versioning

    While activity


        C# code

        engine technology







        workflow designer (see Workflow designer)


    WriteLine activity

Workflow designer




    client applications


        default flowchart activity

        default parameter

        dynamic business logic

        GetLatestWorkflow method

        Order object


        random orders simulating

        receiving orders from customers

        WriteLine activity

    console application


    default code


    expression editor

    external events

    managing workflows

        button click functionality

        code, managing folder

        Create button



        Flowchart activity

        Save button



        WorkflowDesigner object

        XAML viewing

    namespace System.Collections.Generic

    rehosting components (see Rehosting components)

    rehosting controls, XAML (see Rehosting controls, XAML)




    WriteLine activity

Workflow management

    persistence maturity

        data storage



        WorkflowIdentity properties

    side-by-side workflow existence

        ApplicationId 35

        application process

        approval process

        approved candidates

        business process

        candidate experience



        ReceiveAndSendReply messaging activity

        running workflow versions

        SendReply activity


        SQL Server


        versions code

        WCF Test Client

        workflow definition

        workflow instance



    updating running workflow

        business process

        child activities

        custom tool

        DynamicUpdateMap (see DynamicUpdateMap)


        incorrect version

        mandatory InArgument

        mapping method


        Reason property

        returning movies

        wfReadytoUpdate.xaml file

        workflow definition

        workflow instance unloading

        workflow snapshot



    activity diagrams

        building diagrams, Visual Studio


    business processes

        behavioral characteristics



        Fast Pass concept

        FIFIO concept

        industrial engineering (IE)

        mathematical equations


    class diagrams

    cloud workflows (see Cloud workflows)

    component diagrams

    hosting patterns



    non-durable workflows

    queuing data

        CloudQueueClient object

        consuming queues

        Customer.cs Class

        CustomerPawn.cs Class





        development storage

        flowchart workflow

        FromJson function

        InitiateAzureQueue() function

        message queue

        PawnedItem.cs Class

        Pawning.cs Class

        SaveCustomer activity code



        ToJson function

        truncated exponential backoff

        web role

        WebRole1 project



        money transfer


        software project



    sequence diagrams


    use case diagrams

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