
NuGet Command-Line Reference

In previous chapters, you’ve seen the NuGet command line being used. While we’ve covered most commands, this appendix lists all available commands from the NuGet command line. Parts of this appendix are based on the information available on the official NuGet web site at NuGet documentation (from the Outercurve Foundation) is licensed under Creative Commons license BY 3.0 ( Commands in this chapter are listed alphabetically.

The help Command

This command displays general help information and help information about other commands:

nuget help [command]

For example, retrieving help for the NuGet push command may be done by issuing the following command:

nuget help push

Available options are shown in Table B-1.

Table B-1. Available Options for the NuGet help Command

Option Description
All Print detailed information for all available commands.
Markdown Print detailed help in markdown format.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The config Command

The NuGet config command can be used to set values in a NuGet configuration file. More on configuration files can be found in Appendix D. Here’s an example:

nuget config -Set <name>=<value>

Available options are shown in Table B-2.

Table B-2. Available Options for the NuGet config Command

Option Description
Set One or more key-value pairs to be set in config.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The delete Command

After publishing a package to a NuGet feed, the NuGet delete command enables a user to delete a package from the server. Note that some NuGet feeds, like the official NuGet Gallery at, may not allow package deletion. The reason for this is threefold:

  • Other packages may depend on that package. Those packages might not necessarily be on the same feed.
  • It ensures that folks who are not committing packages (package restore) will not have broken builds.
  • It helps ensure that important community-owned packages are not mass deleted.

Here’s an example:

nuget delete <package Id> <package version> [API Key] [options]

Available options are shown in Table B-3.

Table B-3. Available Options for the NuGet delete Command

Option Description
Source Specify the server URL.
NoPrompt Do not prompt when deleting.
ApiKey The API key used to connect to the server.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The install Command

The following command installs a package by using the specified sources:

nuget install packageId|pathToPackagesConfig [options]

If no sources are specified, all sources defined in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config are used. If nuget.config specifies no sources, the default NuGet feed is used.

Note that when no package name is specified to the install command and instead packages.config is referenced, the install command will install all packages listed in packages.config. This may be very useful to restore a set of dependencies in a project without having to explicitly install all packages manually.

Available options are shown in Table B-4.

Table B-4. Available Options for the NuGet install Command

Option Description
Source Specify the server URL.
OutputDirectory Specify the directory in which packages will be installed.
Version The version of the package to install.
ExcludeVersion If set, the destination folder will contain only the package name, not the version number.
PreRelease Allow prerelease packages to be installed. This flag is not required when restoring packages from packages.config.
NoCache When NoCache = true, NuGet contacts the configured package source to check for the existence of the requested package. When it has found the version, it will use the version from the cache if it’s there or download a fresh copy if it’s not. If the version no longer exists in the feed, the version from the cache is ignored.
RequireConsent Checks whether package restore is granted before installing a package.
SolutionDirectory Solution directory root used for package restore.
FileConflictAction The action to take, when asked to overwrite or ignore existing files referenced by the project. Possible values: Overwrite, Ignore, None.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The list Command

The following command displays a list of packages from a given source:

nuget list [search terms] [options]

If no package sources are specified, all sources defined in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config are used. If nuget.config specifies no sources, the default NuGet feed is used.

Available options are shown in Table B-5.

Table B-5. Available Options for the NuGet list Command

Option Description
Source A list of package sources in which to search.
Verbose Display detailed information for each package.
AllVersions List all versions of a package. By default, only the last version is displayed.
PreRelease Allow prerelease packages to be listed.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The pack Command

Create a NuGet package based on the specified .nuspec file, a project file, or an assembly name by using the pack command:

nuget pack <nuspec | project | assembly> [options]

Available options are shown in Table B-6.

Table B-6. Available Options for the NuGet pack Command

Option Description
OutputDirectory Specify the directory for the created NuGet package file. If none is specified, use the current directory.
BasePath The base path of the files defined in the .nuspec file.
Verbose Show verbose output for package building.
Version Override the version number from the .nuspec file.
Exclude Specify one or more wildcard patterns to exclude when creating a package.
Symbols Determine whether a package containing sources and symbols should be created. When specified with a .nuspec file, create a regular NuGet package file and the corresponding symbols package.
Tool Determine whether the output files of the project should be in the tools folder.
Build Determine whether the project should be built before building the package.
NoDefaultExcludes Prevent default exclusion of NuGet package files and files and folders starting with a dot (for example, .svn).
NoPackageAnalysis Specify whether the command should not run package analysis after building the package.
IncludeReferencedProjects Include referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package. If a referenced project has a corresponding nuspec file that has the same name as the project, that referenced project is added as a dependency. Otherwise, the referenced project is added as part of the package.
ExcludeEmptyDirectories Prevent inclusion of empty directories when building the package.
Properties Provide the ability to specify a semicolon-delimited list of properties when creating a package.
MinClientVersion Set the minClientVersion attribute for the created package. This value will override the value of the existing minClientVersion attribute (if any) in the .nuspec file.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The push Command

The following command pushes a package to the server:

nuget push <package path> [API key] [options]

Depending on the NuGet feed you are pushing to, the package will immediately be published as well. Optionally, this behavior can be disabled by specifying the -CreateOnly option.

Available options are shown in Table B-7.

Table B-7. Available Options for the NuGet push Command

Option Description
Source The package source to publish to. By default, NuGet assumes you are pushing to a v2 feed and appends /api/v2/package to the specified package source URL. To overcome this or to push to a v1 feed, you have to explicitly specify the source URL. If omitted, will be used unless a DefaultPushSource configuration value is specified.
ApiKey The API key for the server.
Timeout Specifies the timeout for pushing to the server in seconds. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file, and then any nuget.config or .nuget uget.config starting from the root of the drive and ending in the current directory.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The restore Command (NuGet >2.7)

The following command restores NuGet packages for a solution file or packages.config file specified. Note that it is available only in NuGet version 2.7 and newer.

nuget restore [solution | packages.config file] [options]

If a solution is specified, this command restores NuGet packages that are installed in the solution and in projects contained in the solution. Otherwise, the command restores packages listed in the specified packages.config file.

If no package sources are specified, all sources defined in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config are used. If NuGet.config specifies no sources, the default NuGet feed is used.

Available options are shown in Table B-8.

Table B-8. Available Options for the NuGet install Command

Option Description
Source A list of package sources to use.
NoCache If set, the NuGet package cache will not be used for restoring packages.
RequireConsent Checks whether package restore is granted before installing a package.
DisableParallelProcessing If set, parallel NuGet package restores are disabled.
PackagesDirectory (or OutputDirectory) Specify the directory in which packages will be restored.
SolutionDirectory Solution directory root used for package restore.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The setapikey Command

This command saves an API key for a given server URL:

nuget setapikey <API key> [options]

When no URL is provided, the API key for the official NuGet gallery is saved. API keys are stored in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config.

Available options are shown in Table B-9.

Table B-9. Available Options for the NuGet setapikey Command

Option Description
Source The package source to store the API key for.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The sources Command

This command provides the ability to manage list of sources located in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config:

nuget sources <List|Add|Remove|Enable|Disable> -Name [name] -Source [source]

Available options are shown in Table B-10.

Table B-10. Available Options for the NuGet sources Command

Option Description
Name Name of the source.
Source Path to the package source.
Username The username to be used when connecting to a server that requires authentication.
Password The password to be used when connecting to a server that requires authentication.
StorePasswordInClearText Do not encrypt the password when storing it in the configuration file. Note that by default, passwords will be encrypted with the computer’s machineKey.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The spec Command

Generate a .nuspec for a new package with the following command:

nuget spec [package id]

If this command is run in the same folder as a project file (.csproj, .vbproj, or .fsproj), it will create a package manifest that uses replacement tokens, such as $id$, $version$, $description$, and $authors$.

Available options are shown in Table B-11.

Table B-11. Available Options for the NuGet spec Command

Option Description
AssemblyPath Assembly to use for metadata.
Force Overwrite a .nuspec file if it exists.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.

The update Command

Update packages to latest available versions by using the following command, which also updates nuget.exe itself.

nuget update <packages.config|solution>

Available options are shown in Table B-12.

Table B-12. Available Options for the NuGet update Command

Option Description
Source A list of package sources to search for updates.
Id Package IDs to update.
RepositoryPath Path to the local packages’ folder (location where packages are installed).
Safe Looks for updates with the highest version available within the same major and minor version as the installed package.
Self Update the running nuget.exe file to the newest version available from the server.
Verbose Show verbose output while updating.
Prerelease Allow updating to prerelease versions. This flag is not required when updating prerelease packages that are already installed.
FileConflictAction The action to take, when asked to overwrite or ignore existing files referenced by the project. Possible values: Overwrite, Ignore, None.
ConfigFile The NuGet configuration file to use. If not specified, %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config is used as the configuration file.
Verbosity Specifies the amount of detail in the output. Possible values are normal, quiet, detailed.
NonInteractive Do not prompt for user input or confirmations.
Help Help information for the command.
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