About the Authors


Maarten Balliauw is a technical evangelist at JetBrains. His interests are all web: ASP.NET MVC, PHP, and Windows Azure. He’s a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Windows Azure and an ASPInsider. He has published many articles in both PHP and .NET literature, such as MSDN Magazine and PHP Architect. Maarten is a frequent speaker at national and international events such as MIX (Las Vegas), TechDays, and DPC. His blog can be found at http://blog.maartenballiauw.be.
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/maartenballiauw


Xavier Decoster is a consultant living in Belgium and cofounder of MyGet, a NuGet-as-a-Service platform on Windows Azure. He’s a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Visual Studio ALM and has published various articles on MSDN, on CodeProject, and on various other web sites.

He hates development friction, and in order to make other developers aware of how frictionless development can and should be, he tries to share his experiences and insights by contributing to the community as a speaker, author, blogger, and through various open source projects. He blogs at www.xavierdecoster.com, and you can follow him on Twitter (@xavierdecoster).

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