
image  A

image  B

image  C




        NuGet Package Manager Console


        tools and applications

        tools updation

    useful package distribution

Communications protocol



        administration area

        AdministrationController class



        ASP.NET MVC



        complete source code


        GenerateSearchUri method

        Global.asax Application_Start() method

        home page

        Internet Information Server (IIS)

        IPackageRepository interface

        IPluginManager interface

        ISearchEngine implementations

        ISearchEngine interface

        MEF catalog

        MyGet feed

        PackageManager class

        PluginManager class


        search engine plug-ins

        shadow copy

image  D, E

image  F

image  G

image  H

image  I, J, K

image  L

image  M


    additional profile information

    aggregate feeds

    build service

        build conventions

        build source

        HTTP POST URLBitBucket repository

    build services


    external identity provider



        GitHub repository settings

    mirror package

        command line

        web interface

    package promotion flow

        package source adding

        Package Sources tab

        upstream package source

    packages tab

    security settings

        Add Feed Privileges button

        Feed Security tab

        managing user privileges

        security model

    visual studio extension

image  N

No commit strategy

    package metadata tracking

    package restoration enabling


        NuGet 1.6

        NuGet.config file

        RestorePackages task


    $(SolutionDir)packages folder

    source control layout


        Mercurial usage


        team foundation server




        NuGet repository


NuGet package repository

    BLOB storage

    NAS device

    network share


        build artifacts

        build configuration

        JFrog artifactory

        Sonatype Nexus

    Visual Studio extension

NuGet server

    API key

    MVC web application

        ASP.NET Web Forms approach



        default Home Page



        Intranet Application recipe

    MyGet (see MyGet)

    NuGet feed

    NuGet gallery


        configuration setting

        new account creation

        source code

        SQL Server database

    package repository (see NuGet package repository)

    packages location

    preventing disruptions


        consuming NuGet packages

        downloading and installation

        upload NuGet packages

image  O

Octopus Deploy


    build process


        health check

        HelloOctopus package

        initial configuration

        installation path

        new project creation

        NuGet feed

        NuGet package step type

        package deployment step

        production environment

        project group addition


        three-tier application

        XML transformations and IIS

    convention-based deployments

    conventions-based process

    high-level overview


        configuration screen

        Server Setup Wizard

        Server web portal


    NuGet package

        ASP.NET MVC application

        Install-Package OctoPack

        NuGet feed


    release version



        HelloWorld package

    Tentacle agent

image  P, Q

Package management

    ASP.NET MVC project

    description and dependencies

    dialog box


    information hyperlink


        ELMAH package

        web.config File

    JSON parser


    metadata attributes

    multiple projects

        NuGet Visual Studio extension

        uninstalling packages

        updating packages

    NuGet command line

        built-in help function

        latest version

        package uninstall

        specific version installation

        updating package

    NuGet Visual Studio extension

    Package Manager Console

        default project

        Get-Help cmdlet

        install-Package cmdlet

        latest version

        multiple projects

        newer version

        PowerShell commands

        reinstall packages

        Tab key

        Uninstall-Package cmdlet

    package visualizer

    PowerShell code

    release notes

    sources and cache

    stable release vs. prerelease versions



    updated version

    version and last update date

    Visual Studio

Package Manager Console extension


    $dte object

    Find-Symbol cmdlet

    NuGet package folder structure

        init.ps1 PowerShell Script

        NuGet package manifest

    Remove-Usings cmdlet

    Tab expansion

        Add-WorkItem cmdlet

        cmdlets features



    tools package


Package manifests

    convention-over-configuration approach

    file element

        content files


        .NET Framework

        single assembly

        src and target attribute

        wildcard character

    metadata section


        replacement tokens

    referencing dependency

        <dependencies> element

        explicit assembly

        framework assembly

        targetFramework values


    XSD schema

Publishing packages

    NuGet Package Explorer

    sample package

    symbol package

        consume symbols



        visual studio

        account creation

        API key

        NuGet push command publishing

        package overview

        ProNuGetStringExtensions package

        unpublished packages list

        upload package menu option


image  R

image  S

image  T


    build runner

        build feature

        configuration option

        configuration parameters


    command line version

    consuming packages

    enabling NuGet server


image  U

image  V

image  W

image  X, Y, Z

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