About the Technical Reviewers


Jeff Handley Jeff Handley is a development lead at Microsoft, working on NuGet. He has also worked on ASP.NET Web Pages, Razor, Windows Azure, and WCF RIA Services. Before joining Microsoft in 2008, Jeff spent over 10 years in the field developing and architecting web applications.


Luan Nguyen Luan Nguyen is senior software development engineer at Microsoft. He has been working on NuGet since its inception in 2010. Since then, he has helped ship all releases of NuGet from version 1.0 to 2.7, implementing numerous features. Luan is also the creator of the popular NuGet Package Explorer (http://npe.codeplex.com), an essential tool for all NuGet package authors and users. He loves interacting with the NuGet community through Twitter, CodePlex, and Stack Overflow, with the common username dotnetjunky.

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