
Object-Relational SQL

It was the philosopher George Santayana who stated, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Philosophy is an interesting pursuit from my point of view because it looks at very high-level abstract patterns of behavior. Patterns are repeated data or behavior of a simple or complex nature.

When we build an application, we attempt to model the workflow of the real world in order to automate or organize the workflow to improve how quickly or accurately we can perform its associated work. However, modeling is not only representing what data is used, but also recognizing the patterns of usage: behavior. Restated simply, we attempt to model the real world, and those who get modeling right profit from it the most.

Information Modeling

As business analysts and computer scientists, we have come a long way. Relational database technology has freed us from the tyranny of the high priests of database administration, so we are all capable of storing and retrieving data in sets of highly organized, two-dimensional tables. But, up to this point, we store only the data we use, for the most part ignoring the behavior.

As an analyst, I know that the accuracy of a real-world model depends on its use of the following:

  • Current data: Data (words, numbers, and dates) about what happened last. I say “last” because usually, by the time you record the information, it’s data about what just happened, not what’s about to happen.
  • Hierarchical data: Data about the relationships of like datum. For example, in a business organization, a department may belong to a subdivision, which may in turn belong to a division, which may in turn belong to a particular operating company; these are all levels of organization that have a hierarchical relationship to each other.
  • Historical data: Multiple occurrences of “current” data; that is, data about what has happened over time, not just the last occurrence of behavior. Yes, data is about behavior.
  • Current behavior: Methods (functions or procedures) used to accomplish the last act of work. Once again, I say “last” because by the time the act of work is recorded, these are the methods just used, not what will be used in the future.
  • Hierarchical behavior: Methods used with hierarchical data.
  • Historical behavior: Multiple occurrences of “current” methods; that is, methods used to accomplish acts of work at a particular point in time.

So I submit that in order for you to have an accurate model of the real world, you need to employ all six facets of information in your model. Is that what we do today? For the most part, no.

Today, simple applications store current data in a database and store current methods (behavior) in a presentation layer’s codebase. When I say presentation layer, I mean the software you use to enter data into the application (data entry) or to view data from an application (reporting).

More sophisticated applications may store hierarchical data and try to separate the code (program logic) used to present information from the rules of work, or so-called business (busyness) rules. Then they have one database and two codebases: a database for the persistence of data, a codebase for the “current” business rules or behavior, and a second codebase for presenting or interfacing with a human role player. When business rules are changed in the mid-tier codebase, the old rules are lost forever.

Rarely do applications store the behavior that belongs to an entity with the entity. And even more rarely is the behavior that is stored with an entity temporal in nature; that is, sensitive to at what time the behavior takes place. Yet, that’s how the real world is. No wonder business people have problems with our software solutions. We’re not modeling the real world as it is!

To make matters worse, there’s a disturbing trend toward the presentation layer defining the model. Mapping tools like Hibernate (java) or Django (Python) will create database entities for you. That’s very convenient. However, what may be a convenient way to pass current data for data entry is not necessarily an accurate model of the real world.

Often, using the presentation layer to build the underlying real-world model leads to denormalized data, which leads to fat rows in a database, which because of physics, leads to poor performance. The mantra behind tools like Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Hibernate, Django and so on is database independence—as if to suggest that all databases are created equal, which they certainly are not.

Oracle is dominant among its peers because it is superior. It’s that simple. If you’re not going to use Oracle, I suggest checking out PostgreSQL, which is a high-quality, object-relational, open source alternative, but it’s not Oracle by any stretch of imagination.

We’ve had the capability of modeling the real world accurately in object-relational databases for some time now, so why don’t we? The following are my answers to that question:

  • “Lex I: Corpus omne perseverare in statu suo quiescendi vel movendi uniformiter in directum, nisi quatenus a viribus impressis cogitur statum illum mutare.”: Newton’s first law translated for our purposes: everyone uses relational databases, so everyone will continue to use relational databases unless there is a compelling enough reason to move in a different direction.
  • Ignorance, not stupidity (business community): The level of awareness that the real world is a combination of fact and action, or data and methods, and the value of that information is not commonly understood by business people. Yet, they are the ones who drive the need for applications. If the business community doesn’t understand its own work problems, then no information technology department within that community will ever understand the associated work problems either because the business community defines applications of business.
  • Ignorance, not stupidity (technical community): The level of awareness that technology developers have currently attained does not commonly include object-relational technology. Heck, most techies I talk to don’t even know what object-relational means. You’ll hear more evidence about this in this chapter.

In order for you to understand and communicate these newer ideas (my answers), you need to come up to speed on some technology jargon. Let’s start with object orientation.

Object Orientation

What’s the big deal about object orientation anyway? First and foremost, it’s about modeling the real world. Here are some examples:

  • Rather than being concerned about a particular process, the emphasis is on independent entities that can actually perform the process.
  • Rather than write one large procedure that does everything, and would also need to be tossed if the process in question changed, it’s about assigning the appropriate parts of a procedure to the various role players in the procedure.
  • Instead of having one large program, it’s about modularity—having multiple, independent, and reusable components that act appropriately together to complete an act of work.

So it’s about teamwork.

Key Tenets

Object orientation has three key tenets:

  • Encapsulation: This refers to packaging related data and methods together. Object orientation is the natural way to think about things; natural, as in nature. It’s the way nature does it. Nature creates things that have both attributes and behavior. For example, I don’t think about what I’d like to eat for dinner, and then you go eat it for me. It doesn’t work that way. My thoughts about food affect me, not you. We are separate entities. All my attributes and behaviors are encapsulated in me. All your attributes and behaviors are encapsulated in you. If someone tells each of us to do something, odds are, we’ll do it differently, or may not do it at all. How’s that for modularity?
  • Inheritance: This is the ability to reuse the data and methods of a more abstract type. If we continue on about the idea of asking each of us to perform a particular task, we’ll most likely do it differently because we inherited different genetic attributes from our parents, and they taught us different behaviors, too. So we inherited different attributes and behaviors from our parents, upon which we will add new ones, or override what our parents taught us and do it our own way.
  • Polymorphism: This refers to hiding different implementations behind a common interface. Polymorphism is the use of the same name for a particular behavior, yet knowing that each object, or person in our case, may perform the behavior differently. If I’m asked to clean the floor, I’ll get out the vacuum cleaner, and then follow up by washing the floor with a bucket of clear water, while you may hire someone to do the job. All the same, the floor gets cleaned, and that’s the behavior that was requested.

Using these three tenets, you can naturally model both the attributes and behavior, or data and methods, for any real-world entity. Let’s talk more about reuse.


What is reuse anyway? I consider it reuse any time you can abstract multiple lines of code into a larger block of code that will then be called by more than one actor. I also think there are multiple levels of reuse. Let’s start with the smallest unit of reuse: method-level reuse.

Method-Level Reuse

I always tell programmers who I work with that if they must code the same lines of code more than once to accomplish the same task, then they need to create a method. That’s what I call method-level reuse.

The trick is where to put the method. That’s an easy question to answer for an object-oriented programmer: put the method with the entity that’s executing the behavior! That’s what object-orientation is all about.

Next up is what I call component-level reuse.

Component-Level Reuse

Component-level reuse is when you can reuse a particular class of an entity, or in SQL jargon, a TYPE. You can reuse a class in two ways: through direct application (composition) or inheritance. Direct application would be where you create a TYPE called PERSON, and then create a table based on that type, called PERSONS. In this case, you’ll have used the TYPE PERSON directly.

On the other hand, you could create a sub-TYPE called WORKER based on TYPE PERSON. Now TYPE WORKER would inherit all the data attributes and methods from its parent PERSON, possibly adding some of its own attributes and methods. This would be a case where you reused component PERSON by using inheritance.

Finally, if you define these TYPEs, and then reuse them in more than one application, that’s also an example of component reuse, and an example of reuse at the most intriguing level. For example, if a human resource information system (HRIS) uses the TYPE PERSON in its TYPE hierarchy for TYPE EMPLOYEE, and then a safety application on the same database uses PERSON in its TYPE hierarchy for TYPE WORKER, then both applications can TREAT their sub-TYPEs as a PERSON in order to share (or reuse) related information.

The last example sounds like it could also be called application-level reuse.

Application-Level Reuse

You can also design an entire set of applications such that they all use the same underlying abstract TYPEs. This allows each application to share a common set of applications that act as infrastructure for more complex applications. The use of common TYPEs in the inheritance hierarchy of sub-TYPEs would allow the common use of the same tables for all related applications. Now that’s what I call reuse!

Service Orientation

Object-oriented programmers have been building service-oriented applications for ages. That’s the entire nature of object-oriented programming. You build independent components that provide supporting services through their method calls. You test them, and then you don’t have to recode the same service ever again.

Even if you continue to build relational instead of object-relational databases, you can still provide service-oriented routines by properly associating your methods with your data. That’s what I’ve been having you do up to this point. I’ve asked you to create what I called a “table package” for each table. Each “table package” contains a set of methods that logically belong to the data that is stored in the associated table.

For example, I named the relational Worker table WORKERS. Then I asked you to create a package called WORKER that contained a method for allocating a new primary key value. I’ve been using this pseudo-object orientation since PL/SQL became available, and it’s a tactic that has worked well. Every programmer I’ve worked with has quickly come up to speed on the technique, and then reused the methods in the table package over and over again to accomplish the same logical task consistently every time.

In addition, although applications have been written in multiple programming languages and tools, all of them call the same “table package” methods to perform a particular service. Once again, even though different presentation layers are coded in different languages by different programmers, the same consistent behavior is seen across all presentations for all services—and that is reuse of the best kind.

Do these varying presentation layers recode the same behavior in varying languages? No. They all use the same code stored with the data. That’s object orientation and service orientation in use. So how do you get there from here?

A Roadmap to Reality

So how do you get to using object-relational technology from relational technology? It’s not as hard as you might think. Just like the function of life, f(l), you’ll get out whatever you put in to it. You can fully implement object-oriented technology in four progressive steps.

  1. Create table packages.
  2. Create user-defined types.
  3. Create object views.
  4. Create object tables.

Yes, you can implement four different levels of object orientation in your database, and based on what you implement, gain a level of consistency and reusability equal to your level of implementation.

Step 1: Table Packages

The first step is to start thinking in an object-oriented fashion, or as I call it, thinking naturally. This means organizing your data and methods in a related fashion, as I had you do earlier with table packages. I always name tables with a plural name, and then name their related packages with a singular name, so the package names are the singular of the table names. You can use whatever convention you want. By doing so, you should at least be able to employ encapsulation and polymorphism.

Table Method Encapsulation

You’ll be employing encapsulation by gathering behavior and hiding it behind a public method call specification. Create a table package for every table in your database that has the same SQL statement executed on it more than once. Create a method for such a SQL statement, so the same behavior can be shared by multiple program units. Also, add any other related methods that perform calculations, concatenations, or locale-specific behavior.

Table Method Polymorphism

Next, look at the bigger picture. Notice the patterns of use of your table package methods, and use the same names for a particular pattern of use across all table packages.

For example, I use a FUNCTION named get_id() in every table package where I need a method that allocates a new primary key sequence value. Then, for a code table like WORKER_TYPES, if I need to get an ID value for a new entry, I call WORKER_TYPE.get_id(). Similarly, getting an ID value for a new WORKERS table entry will be a different package name, but the same method name: WORKER.get_id().

That’s polymorphism in action.

Step 2: User-Defined Types

The second step is to create a new object type, a user-defined type, that encapsulates both data attributes and method call specifications in a permanent new “data” or object type in the database.

Gather the list of column names you use in the relational table, and then collect the methods you specify in each table’s package specification. Use this information along with the keyword TYPE to create a new object type in the database.

Unlike the table’s associated package specification, where all methods are essentially STATIC (always available), you’ll need to decide whether methods will operate on an instance of an object, a MEMBER method, or will be available through the object’s TYPE definition, a STATIC method. In addition, you may want to add your own CONSTRUCTOR method(s) in order to make it easier to create a new object instance. And you may also want to define a MAP MEMBER method to specify how objects are sorted.

When you create user-defined types, you have the opportunity to use all three facets of object orientation. As with table packages, you’ll be employing encapsulation and polymorphism. But you may also be able to leverage inheritance, so keep on the lookout for higher-level patterns between user-defined types. If you see a high-level pattern, consider defining a super-TYPE, and then inheriting from that super-TYPE for similar sub-TYPEs.

If you stop at this level of implementation, you’ll still be able to use data from relational tables as objects by TREATing the relational data as objects on the fly in your SQL statements. But, if you get this far, I would at least do step 3.

Step 3: Object Views

The third step involves creating object views for your relational tables. An object view presents the underlying relational table data as a table of the newly created user-defined object type.

If you use more than one table in an object view, you can write INSTEAD OF triggers that will then appropriately update the underlying relational tables if you execute a SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement against an object view.

One of the advantages to using object views is that you can still use object-relational-ignorant tools against the relational tables. But if I were you, and you went this far, I would go all the way and reap the full benefit of object-oriented technology in an Oracle database; I would do step 4.

Step 4: Object Tables

The last step is where you create an object-relational database or objectbase, one where real-world entities are accurately modeled for both attributes and behavior. I’m not advocating moving all of an application’s code into the database—I mean objectbase; actually, just the opposite. The only items that should reside in the objectbase are the entities, along with their data attributes and methods that are in scope for the particular application.

This means that what is normally thought of as data in a relational database should be stored in the objectbase, along with its associated entity business rules. Whatever code is used to present the object-relational model—data-entry screens, reports, graphics, and so on—should continue to reside in an external codebase. Regardless of the presentation layer, any entity-related business rule should be executed in the objectbase, not in the presentation layer.

That may seem like a radical departure from what you’re currently doing, or perhaps not. If you’re using EJBs, you’re already making a remote procedure call to employ business rules in a so-called middle tier. Why not do it correctly, and employ the authoritative rules that permanently reside side by side with the data attributes, instead of supposedly recoding the same rules again and again (with inconsistency) in another codebase?

A Change in Order

Building an object-relational database, or objectbase, calls for a change in order. When building a relational database, you follow this order:

  1. Create tables with columns (attributes).
  2. Create table packages with methods (behavior).
  3. Code presentation by accessing the data in tables and the behaviors in their associated packages.

When you build an object-relational database, or objectbase, you follow this order:

  1. Create user-defined types with attributes and behaviors.
  2. Create tables based on your user-defined types.
  3. Code presentation by accessing attributes and behaviors in user-defined type tables.

With that change of order in mind, I think it’s time I actually show you example of what I’m talking about. Enough philosophy—it’s time for action. We’ll begin with how to create a new user-defined type, an object type.

Object Types

You remember the keyword TYPE from Chapter 3, right? You used it to declare the equivalent of an array in PL/SQL: a PL/SQL table. Well in this context, you’re going to use it to permanently create a new user-defined data type in the database. Using the term data type is a bit of a misnomer. You’re really going to be creating new types of classes of entities, or object types. Yes, here’s a new word for your vocabulary: object type. An object type defines both data attributes and related methods. So the SQL keywords you’ll use to create user-defined object types are CREATE TYPE.

By creating a user-defined type, you’ll permanently marry data and its associated methods in the database so they can’t be separated, not even accidentally. It’s a marriage for life; no divorce allowed. Of course, you’ll be able to change data and behavior over time, but you’ll be coding behavior so it will be time-dependent, and therefore be coding behavior over time.

Some day, we will store universal behavioral executables the same way we store data. But today, the best we can do is to store our code with our data, not as separate entities, and to modify our code to be point-in-time-dependent, so we can reproduce behavior as it existed at any point in time.

Since you probably have little experience with this form of SQL, I’m going to show you two examples, with you doing some of the coding along the way. First, let’s create a user-defined TYPE for one of your code tables: Gender Type.

image Note  In Chapters 15, you were using an Oracle username of RPS to log into the database. This meant you were using the RPS schema. In this chapter, you need to use Oracle username OPS to log into the database so you won’t encounter naming conflicts. By the end of this chapter, you will have object-relational types and tables in schema OPS that have the same names as relational packages and tables in schema RPS.

Create a User-Defined Type Specification

Creating a user-defined type takes two steps. First, you create a specification, and then you create a type body, or implementation, similar to creating a package. Listing 6-1 is an example of a CREATE TYPE specification script for creating a user-defined type for code table Gender.

Listing 6-1. An Example of a CREATE TYPE Statement for a Code Table, gender_type.tps

01  create TYPE GENDER_TYPE as object (
02  /*
03  gender_type.tps
04  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
05  Type GENDER's attributes and methods.
06  */
07  id                                    number,
08  code                                  varchar2(30),
09  description                           varchar2(80),
10  active_date                           date,
11  inactive_date                         date,
12  /*
13  A constructor for creating a new instance of type GENDER_TYPE with NULL
14  values.
15  */
17  self                           in out gender_type)
18  return                                self as result,
19  /*
20  A constructor for creating a new instance of type GENDER_TYPE for insert.
21  */
23  self                           in out gender_type,
24  aiv_code                              varchar2,
25  aiv_description                       varchar2)
26  return                                self as result,
27  /*
28  Gets the code and decription values for the specified id.
29  */
30  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
31  ain_id                         in     number,
32  aov_code                          out varchar2,
33  aov_description                   out varchar2),
34  /*
35  Verifies that the passed code value is an exact or like match on the
36  date specified.
37  */
38  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
39  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
40  aon_id                            out number,
41  aov_description                   out varchar2,
42  aid_on                         in     date),
43  /*
44  Verifies that the passed code value is currently an exact or like match.
45  */
46  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
47  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
48  aon_id                            out number,
49  aov_description                   out varchar2),
50  /*
51  Returns a new primary key id value for a row.
52  */
54  return                                number,
55  /*
56  Returns the id for the specified code value.
57  */
59  aiv_code                       in     varchar2)
60  return                                number,
61  /*
62  Test-based help for this package.  "set serveroutput on" in SQL*Plus.
63  */
65  /*
66  Test units for this package.
67  */
69  /*
70  A MAP function for sorting at the object level.
71  */
72  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
73  return                                varchar2
74  );
75  /
76  @se.sql GENDER_TYPE

The CREATE TYPE specification syntax used by Listing 6-1 is as follows:

<attribute_name_1>                    <attribute_type_1>,
<attribute_name_2>                    <attribute_type_2>,...
<attribute_name_N>                    <attribute_type_N>,
SELF                         [IN OUT][NOCOPY]<type_name>,
<parameter_name_1>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_1>,
<parameter_name_2>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_2>,...
<parameter_name_N>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_N>)]
[RETURN                               <return_type>],
SELF                         [IN OUT][NOCOPY]<type_name>,[
<parameter_name_1>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_1>,
<parameter_name_2>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_2>,...
<parameter_name_N>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_N>)],


  • <type_name> is the name of your user-defined TYPE.
  • <attribute_name> is the name of a data item in your user-defined TYPE.
  • <attribute_type> is a predefined scalar data type or a user-defined type.
  • <method_name> is the name of a MEMBER or STATIC, FUNCTION or PROCEDURE.
  • <parameter_name> is the name of a parameter being passed into or out of a method.
  • <parameter_type> is a predefined scalar data type or a user-defined type.
  • <return_type> is also a predefined scalar data type or a user-defined type to be returned by an associated FUNCTION.

Wow! As you can see by Listing 6-1, I’ve added a lot of methods to my Gender Type code user-defined TYPE. Let’s take a look at the listing line by line:

  • Line 1 uses the DDL keywords CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT to declare a new user-defined TYPE specification for my schema in the database. I call my new type GENDER_TYPE, as in it’s the Gender Type code’s user-defined object type.
  • Lines 2 through 6 contain my usual source code preamble that documents the name of the source file, the author, date written, and purpose.
  • On lines 7 through 11, I list the attributes for the TYPE. Theses are the names of the columns from the original relational table. Did you notice that I ended the last attribute with a comma (,), which means I intend to continue specifying attributes or methods for the TYPE?
  • Lines 12 through 18 declare a user-defined CONSTRUCTOR method. You’ll call a CONSTRUCTOR any time you want to create a new instance of a TYPE. For example, all user-defined TYPEs come with a default CONSTRUCTOR, where you pass in attribute values in the order they are specified in the TYPE specification. So to create a new instance of Gender Type using the default CONSTRUCTOR, you would code something like this:

    o_gender_type := GENDER_TYPE(3, ‘U’, ‘Unknown’, SYSDATE, NULL);

    The CONSTRUCTOR I’ve declared here will create an instance of the TYPE with all its attributes initialized to NULL values. This is handy when I want to access a member function without actually working with a permanent instance of a TYPE.

  • Lines 12 through 15 hold a multiline comment that documents the purpose of the method. Remember to document as you go.
  • Lines 19 through 26 declare a user-defined CONSTRUCTOR for coding convenience. Using it, you can create a new instance of Gender Type by simply passing the code and description like this:

    o_gender_type := GENDER_TYPE(‘U’, ‘Unknown’);

  • On lines 27 through 33, I specify my first STATIC method for the TYPE. If I specify a method as STATIC, it’s available for execution through the TYPE’s name, like a package, but not available through an instance of the type. For example, to execute PROCEDURE get_code_descr(), I would code GENDER_TYPE.get_code_desc(...), not using a variable of the TYPE in the method call like this: o_gender_type.get_code_desc(...).
  • Skipping down, lines 50 through 54 declare a MEMBER method, get_id(), to allocate the next primary key value. This is the same method I asked you to create in a table package in Chapter 5. Now it has become a MEMBER method for the TYPE.
  • Finally, lines 69 through 73 declare a MAP MEMBER FUNCTION. This method will be used by the Oracle database any time it needs to sort object-level instances of the TYPE.

Let’s review. How did I get here, to a TYPE specification, from there, a relational table and associated table package? Here’s what I did:

  1. Took the columns from the relational table and made them the attributes of the TYPE.
  2. Took the methods from the relational table’s package specification and made them MEMBER or STATIC methods of the TYPE.
  3. Added a MAP MEMBER FUNCTION for sorting.
  4. Added user-defined CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTIONs for convenience.

Now that you’ve seen the specification, let’s look at the implementation!

Create a User-Defined Type Implementation

Listing 6-2 is a CREATE TYPE BODY ... AS (implementation) script for the TYPE GENDER_TYPE specification shown in Listing 6-1. I’ll cover all the methods implemented in this TYPE in subsequent chapters, when I take a polymorphic look at methods required by the TYPE and presentation layers: data entry, data migration, data processing, reporting, graphing, and so on. For now, it’s important for you to focus on the method implementations that are unique to a TYPE, namely the MAP MEMBER and CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTIONs.

Listing 6-2. An Example of a CREATE TYPE BODY Statement for a Code Table, gender_type.tpb

001  create or replace TYPE BODY GENDER_TYPE as
002  /*
003  gender_type.tpb
004  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
005  Type GENDER_TYPE's attributes and methods
006  */
008  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION gender_type(
009  self                           in out gender_type)
010  return                                self as result is
012  begin
013    id            := NULL;
014    code          := NULL;
015    description   := NULL;
016    active_date   := NULL;
017    inactive_date := NULL;
018    return;
019  end gender_type;
022  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION gender_type(
023  self                           in out gender_type,
024  aiv_code                              varchar2,
025  aiv_description                       varchar2)
026  return                                self as result is
028  begin
029    id            := get_id();
030    code          := aiv_code;
031    description   := aiv_description;
032    active_date   := SYSDATE;
033    inactive_date := DATE_.d_MAX;
034    return;
035  end gender_type;
038  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
039  ain_id                         in     number,
040  aov_code                          out varchar2,
041  aov_description                   out varchar2 ) is
043  begin
044    select code,
045           description
046    into   aov_code,
047           aov_description
048    from   GENDER_TYPES
049    where  id = ain_id;
050  end get_code_descr;
053  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
054  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
055  aon_id                            out number,
056  aov_description                   out varchar2,
057  aid_on                         in     date ) is
059  v_code                                varchar2(30);
061  begin
062    select id,
063           description
064    into   aon_id,
065           aov_description
066    from   GENDER_TYPES
067    where  code = aiov_code
068    and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
069  exception
070    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
071      select id,
072             code,
073             description
074      into   aon_id,
075             v_code,
076             aov_description
077      from   GENDER_TYPES
078      where  code like aiov_code||'%'
079      and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
080      aiov_code := v_code;
081  end get_code_id_descr;
084  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
085  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
086  aon_id                            out number,
087  aov_description                   out varchar2 ) is
089  begin
090   get_code_id_descr(
091    aiov_code,
092    aon_id,
093    aov_description,
094    SYSDATE );
095  end get_code_id_descr;
099  return                                number is
101  n_id                                  number;
103  begin
104    select GENDERS_ID.nextval
105    into   n_id
106    from   SYS.DUAL;
108    return n_id;
109  end get_id;
112  STATIC FUNCTION get_id(
113  aiv_code                       in     varchar2 )
114  return                                number is
116  n_id                                  number;
118  begin
119    select id
120    into   n_id
121    from   GENDER_TYPES
122    where  code = aiv_code;
124    return n_id;
125  end get_id;
130  begin
131   pl('No help at this time.'),
132  end help;
137  begin
138    pl('No tests coded at this time'),
139  end test;
142  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
143  return                                varchar2 is
145  begin
146    return description||to_char(active_date, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),
147  end to_varchar2;
150  end;
151  /
152  @be.sql GENDER_TYPE

The CREATE TYPE BODY syntax used by Listing 6-2 is as follows:

SELF                         [IN OUT][NOCOPY]<type_name>,
<parameter_name_1>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_1>,
<parameter_name_2>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_2>,...
<parameter_name_N>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_N>),]
[RETURN                               <return_type>],
SELF                         [IN OUT][NOCOPY]<type_name>,[
<parameter_name_1>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_1>,
<parameter_name_2>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_2>,...
<parameter_name_N>           [IN OUT] <parameter_type_N>),]


  • <type_name> is the name of your user-defined TYPE.
  • <method_name> is the name of a MEMBER or STATIC, FUNCTION or PROCEDURE.
  • <parameter_name> is the name of a parameter being passed INto or OUT of a method.
  • <parameter_type> is a predefined scalar data type or a user-defined type.
  • <return_type> is also a predefined scalar data type or a user-defined type to be returned by an associated FUNCTION.

As you can see by Listing 6-2, I’ve added quite a bit of behavior to my Gender Type code user-defined type. Let’s break down the listing:

  • Line 1 uses the DDL keywords CREATE TYPE BODY ... AS to create a TYPE BODY for TYPE specification GENDER_TYPE. The BODY consists of method implementations for the methods declare in the TYPE specification.
  • Lines 9 through 19 implement a CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION that will return an instance of a Gender Type object initialized to NULL values.
  • Lines 22 through 35 implement a CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION for coding convenience that requires you to pass in only a code and description in order to create a new Gender Type object instance. As you can see on line 29, the method initializes the id attribute using the MEMBER FUNCTION get_id().
  • Lines 98 through 109 implement the MEMBER FUNCTION get_id() in order to allocate the next primary key value.
  • Lines 198 through 203 implement the MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2(), which returns the description for a given code along with its creation date, all as one long varchar2 value. Oracle will use this value to determine precedence when ordering object instances in a SQL SELECT statement. You don’t need to declare and implement a MAP MEMBER FUNCTION, but I always do.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Now, if you’re real sharp, you may have noticed that I have some dependency issues with the implementation. In order for the TYPE BODY to compile, an object table named GENDER_TYPES must already exist! Yes, the STATIC methods refer to an object table GENDER_TYPES, based on object TYPE GENDER_TYPE. This isn’t a big problem. I can address it one of two ways:

  • Compile the TYPE specification, create the object table based on the TYPE specification, and then compile the TYPE BODY.
  • Use dynamic SQL in the STATIC methods so the dependent table name in the SQL statements doesn’t get resolved until runtime.

I normally choose the first alternative, for performance reasons.

It’s Your Turn to Create a User-Defined Type

Now that you’ve seen me transform the Gender Type table and table package into a user-defined TYPE, it’s time for you to do the same for the Worker Type table.

  1. Make sure to log into the database using username OPS, password OPS.
  2. Get the list of columns from the relational SQL WORKER_TYPES table (from Chapter 5), and at least the one method you created in table package WORKER_TYPE, and use that information to code a WORKER_TYPE TYPE specification.
  3. Save your specification script as worker_type.tps.
  4. Compile your specification: @worker_type.tps.
  5. Create a WORKER_TYPE TYPE BODY script, which will contain the implementation for your method get_id().
  6. Save you body script as worker_type.tpb.
  7. Compile your body: @worker_type.tpb.
  8. Test your user-defined type to at least see that it compiled.

To test your user-defined type, you can use an anonymous PL/SQL procedure like the following.

-- Declare a worker_type_o variable
o_worker_type                         WORKER_TYPE;

  -- Now use the default constructor to create a new instance
  -- of the object
  o_worker_type := new WORKER_TYPE(
    NULL, 'H', 'A hard worker', SYSDATE, NULL);
  -- Now allocate a new ID using the member function get_id() := o_worker_type.get_id();
  -- Now show the values of the attributes in the instance
  pl('            = '||;
  pl('o_worker_type.code          = '||o_worker_type.code);
  pl('o_worker_type.description   = '||o_worker_type.description);
  pl('o_worker_type.active_date   = '||o_worker_type.active_date);
  pl('o_worker_type.inactive_date = '||o_worker_type.inactive_date);

Your results should look something like this:            = 111
o_worker_type.code          = H
o_worker_type.description   = A hard worker
o_worker_type.active_date   =  20070223 100918
o_worker_type.inactive_date =

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Listings 6-3 and 6-4 demonstrate my solution for this exercise. Once again, I’m showing you a fully implemented TYPE.

Listing 6-3. A Worker Type Used-Defined TYPE Specification, worker_type.tps

01  create TYPE WORKER_TYPE as object (
02  /*
03  worker_type.tps
04  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
05  Type WORKER_TYPE's attributes and methods.
06  */
07  id                                    number,
08  code                                  varchar2(30),
09  description                           varchar2(80),
10  active_date                           date,
11  inactive_date                         date,
12  -- Gets the code and decription values for the specified work_type_id.
13  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
14  ain_id                         in     number,
15  aov_code                          out varchar2,
16  aov_description                   out varchar2 ),
17  -- Verifies the passed aiov_code value is an exact or like match on the
18  -- date specified.
19  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
20  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
21  aon_id                            out number,
22  aov_description                   out varchar2,
23  aid_on                         in     date ),
24  -- Verifies the passed aiov_code value is currently an exact or like match.
25  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
26  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
27  aon_id                            out number,
28  aov_description                   out varchar2 ),
29  -- Returns a newly allocated id value.
31  return                                number,
32  -- Returns the id for the specified code value.
34  aiv_code                       in     varchar2 )
35  return                                number,
36  -- Test-based help for this package.  "set serveroutput on" in SQL*Plus.
38  -- Test units for this package.
40  -- A MAP function for sorting at the object level.
41  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
42  return                                varchar2,
43  -- A constructor for creating a new instance of type WORKER_TYPE
44  -- with NULL values.
46  self                           in out worker_type)
47  return                                self as result,
48  -- A constructor for creating a new instance of type WORKER_TYPE
49  -- for insert.
51  self                           in out worker_type,
52  aiv_code                       in     varchar2,
53  aiv_description                in     varchar2)
54  return                                self as result
55  );
56  /
57  @se.sql WORKER_TYPE

Listing 6-4. A Worker Type User-Defined TYPE BODY, worker_type.tpb

001  create or replace TYPE BODY WORKER_TYPE as
002  /*
003  worker_type.tpb
004  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
005  Type WORKER_TYPE's methods
006  */
010  return                                number is
012  n_id                                  number;
014  begin
015    select WORKER_TYPES_ID.nextval
016    into   n_id
017    from   SYS.DUAL;
019    return n_id;
020  end get_id;
023  STATIC FUNCTION get_id(
024  aiv_code                       in     varchar2 )
025  return                                number is
027  n_id                                  number;
029  begin
030    select id
031    into   n_id
032    from   WORKER_TYPES
033    where  code = aiv_code;
035    return n_id;
036  end get_id;
039  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
040  ain_id                         in     number,
041  aov_code                          out varchar2,
042  aov_description                   out varchar2 ) is
044  begin
045    select code,
046           description
047    into   aov_code,
048           aov_description
049    from   WORKER_TYPES
050    where  id = ain_id;
051  end get_code_descr;
054  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
055  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
056  aon_id                            out number,
057  aov_description                   out varchar2,
058  aid_on                         in     date ) is
060  v_code                                varchar2(30);
062  begin
063    select id,
064           description
065    into   aon_id,
066           aov_description
067    from   WORKER_TYPES
068    where  code = aiov_code
069    and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
070  exception
071    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
072      select id,
073             code,
074             description
075      into   aon_id,
076             v_code,
077             aov_description
078      from   WORKER_TYPES
079      where  code like aiov_code||'%'
080      and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
082      aiov_code := v_code;
083  end get_code_id_descr;
086  STATIC PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
087  aiov_code                      in out varchar2,
088  aon_id                            out number,
089  aov_description                   out varchar2 ) is
091  begin
092   get_code_id_descr(
093    aiov_code,
094    aon_id,
095    aov_description,
096    SYSDATE );
097  end get_code_id_descr;
102  begin
103   pl('No help coded at this time.'),
104  end help;
109  begin
110    pl('No tests coded at this time.'),
111  end test;
114  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
115  return                                varchar2 is
117  begin
118    return description||to_char(active_date, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),
119  end to_varchar2;
122  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION worker_type(
123  self                           in out worker_type)
124  return                                self as result is
126  begin
127    id            := NULL;
128    code          := NULL;
129    description   := NULL;
130    active_date   := NULL;
131    inactive_date := NULL;
132    return;
133  end worker_type;
136  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION worker_type(
137  self                           in out worker_type,
138  aiv_code                       in     varchar2,
139  aiv_description                in     varchar2)
140  return                                self as result is
142  begin
143    id            := get_id();
144    code          := aiv_code;
145    description   := aiv_description;
146    active_date   := SYSDATE;
147    inactive_date := DATE_.d_MAX;
148    return;
149  end worker_type;
152  end;
153  /
154  @be.sql WORKER_TYPE

Why don’t we create an object view next!

Object Views

Think of this as a cloning project. You can seamlessly transition into the use of user-defined objects by intelligently overlaying your relational database structure with a set of object views. An object view takes the columns from one or more relational tables and morphs them into a pseudo-table of user-defined objects, complete with attributes and behavior.

Create an Object View

Listing 6-5 is a script to create an object view for the relational Gender Type code table GENDER_TYPES. This view automatically maps the column values in table GENDER_TYPES to the attributes of user-defined TYPE GENDER_TYPE, producing what appears to be a table of GENDER_TYPE objects called GENDER_TYPEZ.

Listing 6-5. An Example of an Object View Script for Table GENDER_TYPES, gender_typez.vw

01  rem gender_typez.vw
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create an object view for relational table GENDER_TYPES
05  create view GENDER_TYPEZ of GENDER_TYPE
06  with object identifier (id) as
07  select id,
08         code,
09         description,
10         active_date,
11         inactive_date
12  from   RPS.GENDER_TYPES;

The CREATE VIEW syntax used in Listing 6-5 is as follows:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW <view_name> OF <type_name>
WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER (<primary_key_attributes>) AS
SELECT <column_name_1>,
FROM   <table_name>;


  • <view_name> is the name of the view to create.
  • <type_name> is the user-defined TYPE to map the columns to in the relational table.
  • <primary_key_attributes> is one or more attributes in the user-defined TYPE that map to the primary key column(s) of the underlying table.
  • <column_name> is the name of a column in the table to map to the attributes of the user-defined TYPE.
  • <table_name> is the underlying table to map to the user-defined TYPE.

That wasn’t much work, was it? OK, now let’s test the view. Listing 6-6 is an anonymous PL/SQL procedure to test the object view. It’s well commented, so you can see what is being tested. Note that you can execute INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements against an object view or its underlying table and get the same results. An object view therefore provides a means for your database to be both relational and object-oriented at the same time!

image Note  On line 12, I’ve added RPS. to GENDER_TYPES so the anchor points to the relational SQL schema’s GENDER_TYPES table.

Listing 6-6. A Test Unit for View GENDER_TYPEZ, gender_typez.sql

01  rem gender_typez.sql
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem test unit for object view GENDER_TYPEZ
05  declare
06  -- Declare a variable of the user-define type
07  o_gender_type                         GENDER_TYPE;
08  -- Declare a variable for the underlying table
09  r_gender_type                         RPS.GENDER_TYPES%ROWTYPE;
11  begin
12    -- Insert a test object using the convenience constructor
13    insert into GENDER_TYPEZ
14    values ( GENDER_TYPE( 'T', 'Test') );
16    -- Now update the inactive date on the object
17    update GENDER_TYPEZ
18    set    inactive_date = SYSDATE
19    where  code          = 'T';
21    -- Retrieve the object in order to show its values
22    select value(g)
23    into   o_gender_type
24    from   GENDER_TYPEZ g
25    where  code          = 'T';
27    -- Show the object's values
28    pl('            = '||;
29    pl('o_gender_type.code          = '||o_gender_type.code);
30    pl('o_gender_type.description   = '||o_gender_type.description);
31    pl('o_gender_type.active_date   = '||o_gender_type.active_date);
32    pl('o_gender_type.inactive_date = '||o_gender_type.inactive_date);
34    -- Delete the test object
35    delete GENDER_TYPEZ
36    where  code          = 'T';
38    -- This time insert the test object using the instance variable
39    insert into GENDER_TYPEZ
40    values ( o_gender_type );
42    -- Now, select the values from the underlying relational table
43    select *
44    into   r_gender_type
45    from   RPS.GENDER_TYPES
46    where  code          = 'T';
48    -- Show the record's values
49    pl('            = '||;
50    pl('r_gender_type.code          = '||r_gender_type.code);
51    pl('r_gender_type.description   = '||r_gender_type.description);
52    pl('r_gender_type.active_date   = '||r_gender_type.active_date);
53    pl('r_gender_type.inactive_date = '||r_gender_type.inactive_date);
55    -- Last, delete the object from the relational table
56    delete RPS.GENDER_TYPES
57    where  code          = 'T';
59    -- Commit all these operations
60    commit;
62    -- Confirm that the test completed successfully
63    pl('Test completed successfully.'),
64  end;
65  /

And, here are the results of the test unit in Listing 6-6:

SQL> @gender_ov.sql            = 131
o_gender.code          = T
o_gender.description   = Test
o_gender.active_date   =  20070223 140020
o_gender.inactive_date =  20070223 140020            = 131
r_gender.code          = T
r_gender.description   = Test
r_gender.active_date   =  20070223 140020
r_gender.inactive_date =  20070223 140020
Test completed successfully.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

image Note  On line 9, I’ve added RPS. to GENDER_TYPES%ROWTYPE so the anchor points to the relational SQL schema’s GENDER_TYPES table.

It’s Your Turn to Create an Object View

Yes, it’s your turn. Can you guess what I’m going to ask you to do next? I thought so.

  1. Make sure you are logged in to the database using Oracle username OPS.
  2. Create a script to create an object view for table RPS.WORKER_TYPES that maps its values to user-defined type WORKER_TYPE. You know, the TYPE you just finished creating in the previous exercise.
  3. Save your script as worker_typez.vw.
  4. Execute your script to create the object view: @worker_typez.vw.
  5. Create a test unit script and test your new object view.

Nope, I’m not going to show you my solution. This is so simple you don’t need my help!

Next, let’s do step four of the four-step transformation to object-orientation.

Object Tables

Once you’ve created a TYPE, it’s no harder to create an object (-relational) table than it is to build a relational table.

Create an Object Table

As a matter of fact, Listing 6-7 is nothing more than my table-creation script for the Gender Types table,, from Chapter 5, with a few minor changes.

Listing 6-7. An Example of an Object Table Script for GENDER_TYPES,

01  rem
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create an object table for the Gender Type codes
05  --drop   table GENDER_TYPES;
06  create table GENDER_TYPES of GENDER_TYPE;
08  --drop   sequence GENDERS_ID;
09  create sequence GENDERS_ID
10  start with 1;
12  alter  table GENDER_TYPES add
13  constraint   GENDER_TYPES_PK
14  primary key ( id )
15  using index;
17  alter  table GENDER_TYPES add
18  constraint   GENDER_TYPES_UK
19  unique ( code, active_date )
20  using index;
22  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'GENDER_TYPES'),

The CREATE TABLE syntax used in Listing 6-7 is as follows:

CREATE TABLE <table_name> OF <type_name>;

where <table_name> is the name of the table to create, and <type_name> is the user-defined TYPE to use instead of column names for the table.

There isn’t a lot of extra work to creating an object table vs. a relational table, now is there? Here’s the rundown:

  • On line 6, I use the new syntax to create a table of one user-defined TYPE instead of one or more predefined scalar data types.
  • On lines 10 through 12, I create a sequence for the object (-relational) table.
  • On lines 12 through 15, I create a primary key on the object table, just as I did on the relational table.
  • On lines 17 through 20, I create a unique key on the object table, just as I did on the relational table.

It’s Your Turn to Create an Object Table

Once again, it’s your turn. For this exercise, create an object table named WORKER_TYPES for the Worker Type code table.

  1. Write a script to create an object table based on user-defined TYPE WORKER_TYPE.
  2. Save your script as
  3. Execute your script to create the object view:
  4. Create a test unit script and test your new object table.

I’ll indulge you. Listing 6-8 is my solution to this exercise.

Listing 6-8. An Example of an Object Table Script for WORKER_TYPES,

01  rem
02  rem copyright by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create an object table for the Worker Type codes
05  --drop   table WORKER_TYPES;
06  create table WORKER_TYPES of WORKER_TYPE;
08  --drop   sequence WORKER_TYPES_ID;
09  create sequence WORKER_TYPES_ID
10  start with 1;
12  alter  table WORKER_TYPES add
13  constraint   WORKER_TYPES_PK
14  primary key ( id )
15  using index;
17  alter  table WORKER_TYPES add
18  constraint   WORKER_TYPES_UK
19  unique ( code )
20  using index;
22  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'WORKER_TYPES'),

To test this object table, I just save my object view test unit as worker_types.sql, change the object view name to the object table name, and get rid of the relational table tests, and then ta da! Listing 6-9 shows my test unit for WORKER_TYPES.

Listing 6-9. A Test Unit for Table WORKER_TYPES, worker_types.sql

01  rem worker_types.sql
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem test unit for object table WORKER_TYPES
05  declare
06  -- Declare a variable of the user-define type
07  o_worker_type                         WORKER_TYPE;
09  begin
10    -- Insert a test object using the convenience constructor
11    insert into WORKER_TYPES
12    values ( WORKER_TYPE( 'T', 'Test') );
14    -- Now update the inactive date on the object
15    update WORKER_TYPES
16    set    inactive_date = SYSDATE
17    where  code          = 'T';
19    -- Retrieve the object in order to show its values
20    select value(g)
21    into   o_worker_type
22    from   WORKER_TYPES g
23    where  code          = 'T';
25    -- Show the object's values
26    pl('             = '||;
27    pl('o_worker_type.code           = '||o_worker_type.code);
28    pl('o_worker_type.description    = '||o_worker_type.description);
29    pl('o_worker_type.active_date    = '||o_worker_type.active_date);
30    pl('o_worker_type.inactive_date  = '||o_worker_type.inactive_date);
32    -- Delete the test object
33    delete WORKER_TYPES
34    where  code          = 'T';
36    -- This time insert the test object using the instance variable
37    insert into WORKER_TYPES
38    values ( o_worker_type );
40    -- Last, delete the object from the relational table
41    delete WORKER_TYPES
42    where  code          = 'T';
44    -- Commit all these operations
45    commit;
47    -- Confirm that the test completed successfully
48    pl('Test completed successfully.'),
49  end;
50  /

The results of the test unit in Listing 6-9 should look something like this:

SQL> @worker_types.sql             = 1
o_worker_type.code           = T
o_worker_type.description    = Test
o_worker_type.active_date    = 29-DEC-14
o_worker_type.inactive_date  = 29-DEC-14
Test completed successfully.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Come on, you have to admit it. It’s pretty easy to make a transition to object orientation, right? Perhaps, or perhaps not. Some argue that there is a problem between how object-oriented languages represent data and how data is stored in a relational database, calling it an impedance mismatch.

Impedance Mismatch?

I argue that if done properly, there is little so-called “mismatch” between the classes used in an object-oriented language like Java and object-relational user-defined types in Oracle—that is, if they both properly model the real world.

I have an entire section dedicated to the use of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and object-relational user-defined types in one of my previous books (Java Programming with Oracle JDBC, OReilly, 2001). My 30 plus years of experience in both programming with object-oriented languages and using relational and now object-relational databases has led me to the conclusion that the mismatch is one of improper analysis vs. the reality of the problem domain.

The only time I see a mismatch is when one of the following occurs:

  • “Catchall” classes are used in the presentation layer, which make it easy to represent and move objects around in the presentation layer, but they don’t actually model the real world at all.
  • Denormalized attributes in classes, which once again make it easier to work with data in the presentation layer, but don’t even remotely represent the cardinality of the real world.
  • No time is taken to do a proper analysis. It’s build a presentation and then create a database that fits it, or restated, shoot, ready, aim! Right.
  • Target databases use a different programming language from the presentation layer’s object-oriented programming environment, so the database programming language is misunderstood, misused, or ignored altogether.

Don’t take these in any particular order, because there are more reasons than I am willing to list. I seem to remember the same phenomena—you know, all the reasons not to adopt better technology—years ago when relational technology first appeared, say 1984?

So what haven’t I told you? There are, in fact, a few topics I have not covered yet. Let’s delve into those next.

Nested Types and Collections

First, I haven’t shown any examples with nested types. For example, I could create a TYPE ADDRESS for address information, and then use that TYPE as an attribute in another TYPE like CONTACT. You can do that; it’s not a problem.

Nor have I shown you any examples of a TYPE that contain arrays of other TYPEs. That’s certainly possible. You can create what is called a nested TYPE, and implement it as a nested table where you can have an unlimited number of entries, or as a varying array that has a fixed number of entries. I don’t like the sound of the latter. It’s not very relational in nature. And nesting is where all the so-called impedance mismatch occurs.

In the minds of some object-oriented programmers, it’s necessary to create huge, complex, object types that contain everything remotely similar. You know this; if you’re an object-oriented programmer, you’ve seen them, or worse, created them.

Consider Figure 6-1, a class diagram to replace the ERD for the problem domain from Chapter 1. Are all three historical entities—LocgicalAssignment, PhysicalAssignment, and WorkAssignment—part of Worker in an object-oriented setting? No, they may be related, but you won’t find them on any particular worker, will you? They are actually stand-alone entities. However, in most cases, someone would create a class Worker that contained these three entities as arrays. There’s the mismatch. It’s a break between reality and programming convenience.


Figure 6-1. A partial class diagram for the sample problem domain

It’s Your Turn to Prove There’s No Impedance Mismatch

At this point, I’ve coded the scripts to create the Gender code object table, and you’ve done the same for the Worker Type object table. Now you can put these to work as you code the scripts for and create a Worker object table. Here’s what to do.

  1. Verify that you successfully executed the following scripts: gender_type.tps, gender_type.tpb,, and gender_types.ins.
  2. Verify that you successfully coded and executed the following scripts: worker_type.tps, worker_type.tpb,, and worker_types.ins.
  3. Write a script to create a TYPE specification for the Worker entity. You can get the attributes from the column names in file worker_types.tabfrom Chapter 5. You can get the method names from package file worker_type.pks from Chapter 5.
  4. Save your script as worker.tps.
  5. Compile your script: @worker.tps.
  6. Write a script to create an object table named WORKERS using the user-defined type WORKER you just created.
  7. Save your script as
  8. Compile your script:
  9. Write a script to implement the TYPE BODY for the Worker entity. You can get the method implementations from package file worker_type.pkb from Chapter 5.
  10. Save your script as worker.tpb.
  11. Compile your script: @worker.tps.
  12. At this point, you should have a valid WORKERS object table. So now modify the script you used to populate the WORKERS table in Chapter 5, workers.ins, to populate the WORKERS object table.
  13. Save your script as workers.ins.
  14. Execute your script in order to populate the object table: @workers.ins.
  15. Create a test unit script and test your new object table.

Listings 6-10 through 6-13 show my solutions for this exercise. Listing 6-10 is my specification for the TYPE WORKER.

Listing 6-10. The Specification Script for User-Defined TYPE WORKER, worker.tps

001  create type WORKER as object (
002  /*
003  worker.tps
004  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
005  Type WORKER's attributes and methods.
006  */
007  id                                    number(38),
008  worker_type_id                        number(38),
009  external_id                           varchar2(30),
010  first_name                            varchar2(30),
011  middle_name                           varchar2(30),
012  last_name                             varchar2(30),
013  name                                  varchar2(100),
014  birth_date                            date,
015  gender_type_id                        number(38),
016  /*
017  Get the worker's current age.
018  */
019  MEMBER FUNCTION get_age
020  return                                number,
021  /*
022  Get the worker's age on the specified date.
023  */
024  MEMBER FUNCTION get_age(
025  aid_on                                date)
026  return                                number,
027  /*
028  Calculate a worker's age for the given birth date
029  and point in time.
030  */
031  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
032  aid_birth_date                 in     date,
033  aid_on                         in     date)
034  return                                number,
035  /*
036  Calculate a worker's current age for the given bith date.
037  */
038  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
039  aid_birth_date                 in     date)
040  return                                number,
041  /*
042  Get the specified worker's age at the given point in time.
043  */
044  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
045  ain_id                         in     number,
046  aid_on                         in     date)
047  return                                number,
048  /*
049  Get the specified worker's current age.
050  */
051  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
052  ain_id                         in     number)
053  return                                number,
054  /*
055  Get the specified worker's birth date.
056  */
057  STATIC FUNCTION get_birth_date(
058  ain_id                         in     number)
059  return                                date,
060  /*
061  Get the specified worker's external ID.
062  */
063  STATIC FUNCTION get_external_id
064  return                                varchar2,
065  /*
066  Calculate the locale specific formatted name.
067  */
068  STATIC FUNCTION get_formatted_name(
069  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
070  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
071  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2)
072  return                                varchar2,
073  /*
074  Get the specified worker's formatted name.
075  */
076  STATIC FUNCTION get_formatted_name(
077  ain_id                         in     number)
078  return                                varchar2,
079  /*
080  Get the next primary key value for the table.
081  */
083  return                                number,
084  /*
085  Get the specified worker's internal ID.
086  */
087  STATIC FUNCTION get_id(
088  aiv_external_id                in     varchar2)
089  return                                number,
090  /*
091  Get the specified worker's row object.
092  */
093  STATIC FUNCTION get_row(
094  aio_worker                     in     WORKER)
095  return                                WORKER,
096  /*
097  Calculate the non-locale specific unformmated name.
098  */
099  STATIC FUNCTION get_unformatted_name(
100  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
101  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
102  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2)
103  return                                varchar2,
104  /*
105  Display the help text for this TYPE.
106  */
108  /*
109  Check to see if a worker with the same name, birth_date and
110  gender already exists in the database.
111  */
112  STATIC FUNCTION is_duplicate(
113  aiv_name                       in     varchar2,
114  aid_birth_date                 in     varchar2,
115  ain_gender_type_id             in     varchar2)
116  return                                boolean,
117  /*
118  Set the specified worker's row object.
119  */
120  STATIC PROCEDURE set_row(
121  aioo_worker                    in out WORKER),
122  /*
123  Execute the test unit for this TYPE.
124  */
126  /*
127  The MAP function for this TYPE.
128  */
129  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
130  return                                varchar2,
131  /*
132  A convenience constructor for this TYPE.
133  */
135  self                           in out worker,
136  ain_worker_type_id             in     number,
137  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
138  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
139  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2,
140  aid_birth_date                 in     date,
141  ain_gender_type_id             in     number)
142  return                                self as result,
143  /*
144  A NULL values constructor for this TYPE.
145  */
147  self                           in out worker)
148  return                                self as result
149  );
150  /
151  @se.sql

Listing 6-11. The CREATE TABLE Script for Object Table WORKERS,

01  rem
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create an object table for Workers
05  --drop   table WORKERS;
06  create table WORKERS of WORKER;
08  --drop   sequence WORKERS_ID;
09  create sequence WORKERS_ID
10  start with 1;
12  --drop   sequence EXTERNAL_ID_SEQ;
13  create sequence EXTERNAL_ID_SEQ
14  start with 100000000 order;
16  alter  table WORKERS add
17  constraint   WORKERS_PK
18  primary key ( id )
19  using index;
21  alter  table WORKERS add
22  constraint   WORKERS_UK1
23  unique ( external_id )
24  using index;
26  alter  table WORKERS add
27  constraint   WORKERS_UK2
28  unique (
29  name,
30  birth_date,
31  gender_type_id )
32  using index;
34  alter  table WORKERS add
35  constraint   WORKERS_FK1
36  foreign key   ( worker_type_id )
37  references   WORKER_TYPES ( id );
39  alter  table WORKERS add
40  constraint   WORKERS_FK2
41  foreign key   ( gender_type_id )
42  references   GENDER_TYPES ( id );
44  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'WORKERS'),

Listing 6-12. The BODY Implementation Script for TYPE WORKER , worker.tpb

001  create or replace type body WORKER as
002  /*
003  worker.tpb
004  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
005  TYPE WORKER's methods
006  */
008  MEMBER FUNCTION get_age(
009  aid_on                         in     date)
010  return                                number is
012  begin
013    return WORKER.get_age(birth_date, aid_on);
014  end get_age;
017  MEMBER FUNCTION get_age
018  return                                number is
020  begin
021    return WORKER.get_age(birth_date, SYSDATE);
022  end get_age;
025  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
026  aid_birth_date                 in     date,
027  aid_on                         in     date)
028  return                                number is
030  begin
031   if aid_birth_date is not NULL and
032      aid_on         is not NULL then
033     return trunc(months_between(aid_on, aid_birth_date) / 12);
034   else
035     return NULL;
036   end if;
037  exception
038   when OTHERS then
039     return NULL;
040  end get_age;
043  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
044  aid_birth_date                 in     date)
045  return                                number is
047  begin
048    return WORKER.get_age(aid_birth_date, SYSDATE);
049  end get_age;
052  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
053  ain_id                         in     number,
054  aid_on                         in     date)
055  return                                number is
057  begin
058    return WORKER.get_age(WORKER.get_birth_date(ain_id), aid_on);
059  end get_age;
062  STATIC FUNCTION get_age(
063  ain_id                         in     number)
064  return                                number is
066  begin
067    return WORKER.get_age(WORKER.get_birth_date(ain_id));
068  end get_age;
071  STATIC FUNCTION get_birth_date(
072  ain_id                         in     number)
073  return                                date is
075  d_birth_date                          date;
077  begin
078    select birth_date
079    into   d_birth_date
080    from   WORKERS
081    where  id = ain_id;
083    return d_birth_date;
084  end get_birth_date;
087  STATIC FUNCTION get_external_id
088  return                                varchar2 is
090  v_external_id                         varchar2(30);
092  begin
093    select lpad(to_char(EXTERNAL_ID_SEQ.nextval), 9, '0')
094    into   v_external_id
095    from   SYS.DUAL;
097    return v_external_id;
098  end get_external_id;
102  return                                number is
104  n_id                                  number;
106  begin
107    select WORKERS_ID.nextval
108    into   n_id
109    from   SYS.DUAL;
111    return n_id;
112  end get_id;
115  STATIC FUNCTION get_id(
116  aiv_external_id                in     varchar2)
117  return                                number is
119  n_id                                  number;
121  begin
122    select id
123    into   n_id
124    from   WORKERS
125    where  external_id = aiv_external_id;
127    return n_id;
128  end get_id;
131  STATIC FUNCTION get_formatted_name(
132  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
133  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
134  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2)
135  return                                varchar2 is
137  begin
138   return aiv_last_name||', '||aiv_first_name||' '||aiv_middle_name;
139  end get_formatted_name;
142  STATIC FUNCTION get_formatted_name(
143  ain_id                         in     number)
144  return                                varchar2 is
146  v_first_name                          varchar2(30);
147  v_middle_name                         varchar2(30);
148  v_last_name                           varchar2(30);
150  begin
151    select first_name,
152           middle_name,
153           last_name
154    into   v_first_name,
155           v_middle_name,
156           v_last_name
157    from   WORKERS
158    where  id = ain_id;
160    return get_formatted_name(
161            v_first_name,
162            v_middle_name,
163            v_last_name);
164  end get_formatted_name;
167  STATIC FUNCTION get_row(
168  aio_worker                     in     WORKER)
169  return                                WORKER is
171  o_worker                              WORKER;
173  begin
174    if is not NULL then
175      -- retrieve the row by the primary key
176      select value(w)
177      into   o_worker
178      from   WORKERS w
179      where  id =;
180    elsif aio_worker.external_id is not NULL then
181      -- retrieve the row by the external unique key
182      select value(w)
183      into   o_worker
184      from   WORKERS w
185      where  external_id = aio_worker.external_id;
186    else
187      -- retrieve the row by the name, birth_date, and gender
188      select value(w)
189      into   o_worker
190      from   WORKERS w
191      where  name       = worker.get_formatted_name(
192                            aio_worker.first_name,
193                            aio_worker.middle_name,
194                            aio_worker.last_name)
195      and    birth_date = aio_worker.birth_date
196      and    gender_type_id  = aio_worker.gender_type_id;
197    end if;
198    return o_worker;
199  exception
200    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
201      raise;
202    when OTHERS then
203      raise_application_error(-20001, SQLERRM||
204        ' on select WORKERS'||
205        ' in WORKER.get_row()'),
206  end get_row;
209  STATIC FUNCTION get_unformatted_name(
210  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
211  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
212  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2)
213  return                                varchar2 is
215  begin
216    return upper(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(
217      aiv_last_name||aiv_first_name||aiv_middle_name,
218        '''', NULL), ',', NULL), '-', NULL), '.', NULL), ' ', NULL));
219  end get_unformatted_name;
222  STATIC FUNCTION is_duplicate(
223  aiv_name                       in     varchar2,
224  aid_birth_date                 in     varchar2,
225  ain_gender_type_id                  in     varchar2)
226  return                                boolean is
228  n_selected                            number;
230  begin
231    execute immediate
232     'select count(1)
233      from   WORKERS
234      where  name       = aiv_name
235      and    birth_date = aid_birth_date
236      and    gender_type_id  = ain_gender_type_id'
237      into   n_selected
238      using  in aiv_name,
239             in aid_birth_date,
240             in ain_gender_type_id;
242    if nvl(n_selected, 0) > 0 then
243      return TRUE;
244    else
245      return FALSE;
246    end if;
247  end is_duplicate;
252  begin
253  --   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
254    pl('================================== PACKAGE ==================================='),
255    pl(chr(9));
256    pl('WORKER'),
257    pl(chr(9));
258    pl('---------------------------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------'),
259    pl(chr(9));
261    pl('return                                number;'),
262    pl(chr(9)||'Returns a newly allocated sequence value for id.'),
263    pl(chr(9));
264    pl('WORKER.get_id('),
265    pl('aiv_external_id                in     varchar2 )'),
266    pl('return                                number;'),
267    pl(chr(9)||'Returns the corresponding id for the specified external_id.'),
268    pl(chr(9));
269    pl('---------------------------------- PROCEDURES --------------------------------'),
270    pl(chr(9));
271    pl('WORKER.get_external_id_descr('),
272    pl('ain_id                         in     number,'),
273    pl('aov_external_id                   out varchar2,'),
274    pl('aov_description                   out WORKERS.description%TYPE );'),
275    pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding external_id and description for the specified'),
276    pl(chr(9)||'id.'),
277    pl(chr(9));
278    pl('WORKER.get_external_id_id_descr('),
279    pl('aiov_external_id                      in out varchar2,'),
280    pl('aon_id                out number,'),
281    pl('aov_description                   out WORKERS.description%TYPE,'),
282    pl('aid_on                         in );'),
283    pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding external_id, id, and description for'),
284    pl(chr(9)||'the specified external_id.  First it trys to find an exact match.  If one'),
285    pl(chr(9)||'cannot be found, it trys to find a like match.  It may throw a'),
286    pl(chr(9)||'NO_DATA_FOUND or a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception if a match cannot be'),
287    pl(chr(9)||'found for the specified external_id and point in time.'),
288    pl(chr(9));
289    pl('WORKER.get_external_id_id_descr('),
290    pl('aiov_external_id               in out varchar2,'),
291    pl('aon_id                            out number,'),
292    pl('aov_description                   out WORKERS.description%TYPE );'),
293    pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding external_id, id, and description for'),
294    pl(chr(9)||'the specified external_id.  First it trys to find an exact match.  If one'),
295    pl(chr(9)||'cannot be found, it trys to find a like match.  It may throw a'),
296    pl(chr(9)||'NO_DATA_FOUND or a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception if a match cannot be'),
297    pl(chr(9)||'found for the specified external_id at the current point in time.'),
298    pl(chr(9));
299    pl(' );'),
300    pl(chr(9)||'Displays this help text if set serveroutput is on.'),
301    pl(chr(9));
302    pl('WORKER.test( );'),
303    pl(chr(9)||'Built-in test unit.  It will report success or error for each test if set'),
304    pl(chr(9)||'serveroutput is on.'),
305    pl(chr(9));
306  end help;
309  STATIC PROCEDURE set_row(
310  aioo_worker                    in out WORKER) is
312  d_null                       constant date        := DATE_.d_MIN;
313  n_null                       constant number      := 0;
314  v_null                       constant varchar2(1) := ' ';
315  o_worker                              WORKER;
317  begin
318    -- set the formatted name
319 := worker.get_formatted_name(
320                          aioo_worker.first_name,
321                          aioo_worker.middle_name,
322                          aioo_worker.last_name);
323    -- get the existing row
324    begin
325      o_worker := get_row(aioo_worker);
326    exception
327      when NO_DATA_FOUND then
328        o_worker := NULL;
329    end;
330    -- if a row exists, update it if needed
331    if o_worker is not NULL then
332 :=;
333      if nvl(o_worker.worker_type_id, n_null) <>
334           nvl(aioo_worker.worker_type_id, n_null) or
335         nvl(o_worker.external_id,    n_null) <>
336           nvl(aioo_worker.external_id,    n_null) or
337         nvl(o_worker.first_name,     v_null) <>
338           nvl(aioo_worker.first_name,     v_null) or
339         nvl(o_worker.middle_name,    v_null) <>
340           nvl(aioo_worker.middle_name,    v_null) or
341         nvl(o_worker.last_name,      v_null) <>
342           nvl(aioo_worker.last_name,      v_null) or
343         nvl(o_worker.birth_date,     d_null) <>
344           nvl(aioo_worker.birth_date,     d_null) or
345         nvl(o_worker.gender_type_id,      n_null) <>
346           nvl(aioo_worker.gender_type_id,      n_null) then
347        begin
348          update WORKERS
349          set    worker_type_id = aioo_worker.worker_type_id,
350                 external_id    = aioo_worker.external_id,
351                 first_name     = aioo_worker.first_name,
352                 middle_name    = aioo_worker.middle_name,
353                 last_name      = aioo_worker.last_name,
354                 name           =,
355                 birth_date     = aioo_worker.birth_date,
356                 gender_type_id = aioo_worker.gender_type_id
357          where  id             =;
359  --        n_updated := nvl(n_updated, 0) + nvl(sql%rowcount, 0);
360        exception
361          when OTHERS then
362            raise_application_error( -20002, SQLERRM||
363              ' on update WORKERS'||
364              ' in WORKER.set_row()' );
365        end;
366      end if;
367    else
368    -- add the row if it does not exist
369      begin
370 := get_id();
371        insert into WORKERS
372        values ( aioo_worker );
374  --      n_inserted := nvl(n_inserted, 0) + nvl(sql%rowcount, 0);
375      exception
376        when OTHERS then
377          raise_application_error( -20003, SQLERRM||
378            ' on insert WORKERS'||
379            ' in WORKER.set_row()' );
380      end;
381    end if;
382  end set_row;
386  self                           in out nocopy worker) is
388  begin
389    pl('================================== PACKAGE ==================================='),
390    pl(chr(9));
391    pl('WORKER'),
392    pl(chr(9));
393    pl(chr(9)||'No tests for WORKER at this time'),
394  end test;
397  MAP MEMBER FUNCTION to_varchar2
398  return                                varchar2 is
400  begin
401    return rtrim(name||to_char(birth_date, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'));
402  end to_varchar2;
406  self                           in out worker,
407  ain_worker_type_id             in     number,
408  aiv_first_name                 in     varchar2,
409  aiv_middle_name                in     varchar2,
410  aiv_last_name                  in     varchar2,
411  aid_birth_date                 in     date,
412  ain_gender_type_id             in     number)
413  return                                self as result is
415  begin
416    id             := WORKER.get_id();
417    worker_type_id := ain_worker_type_id;
418    external_id    := WORKER.get_external_id();
419    first_name     := aiv_first_name;
420    middle_name    := aiv_middle_name;
421    last_name      := aiv_last_name;
422    name           := WORKER.get_formatted_name(
423      first_name, middle_name, last_name);
424    birth_date     := aid_birth_date;
425    gender_type_id := ain_gender_type_id;
426    return;
427  end worker;
431  self                           in out worker)
432  return                                self as result is
434  begin
435    id             := NULL;
436    worker_type_id := NULL;
437    external_id    := NULL;
438    first_name     := NULL;
439    middle_name    := NULL;
440    last_name      := NULL;
441    name           := NULL;
442    birth_date     := NULL;
443    gender_type_id := NULL;
444    return;
445  end worker;
448  end; --WORKER;
449  /
450  @be.sql WORKER

image Note  Make sure you execute scripts gender_types.ins and worker_types.ins before executing workers.ins (Listing 6-13); otherwise, the script will be missing required code values.

Listing 6-13. The Populate Table Script for Object Table WORKERS, workers.ins

01  rem workers.ins
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Seed the Worker table with the top 100 names
04  rem 100 last x 100 first x 26 middle = 260,000 entries
06  set serveroutput on size 1000000;
08  declare
10  -- This is the number of seconds since midnight
11  -- I'll use it to profile my code's performance.
12  n_start                               number :=
13    to_number(to_char(SYSDATE, 'SSSSS'));
15  -- Here, I declare four psuedo-constants to hold the
16  -- ID values from the code tables, rather `than look
17  -- them up repeatedly during the insert process.
18  n_G_FEMALE                  ;
19  n_G_MALE                    ;
20  n_WT_CONTRACTOR             ;
21  n_WT_EMPLOYEE               ;
23  -- I'll use this to keep track of the number of
24  -- rows inserted.
25  n_inserted                            number := 0;
27  begin
28    -- Get the ID values for the codes
29    n_G_FEMALE      := GENDER_TYPE.get_id('F'),
30    n_G_MALE        := GENDER_TYPE.get_id('M'),
31    n_WT_CONTRACTOR := WORKER_TYPE.get_id('C'),
32    n_WT_EMPLOYEE   := WORKER_TYPE.get_id('E'),
34    -- Use an INSERT INTO SELECT SQL statement
35    insert into WORKERS
36    select WORKER(
37           WORKERS_ID.nextval,
38           decode(mod(WORKERS_ID.currval, 2),
39             0, n_WT_EMPLOYEE, n_WT_CONTRACTOR),
40           lpad(to_char(EXTERNAL_ID_SEQ.nextval), 9, '0'),
41           first_name,
42           letter||'.',
43           last_name,
44           WORKER.get_formatted_name(
45             first_name, letter||'.', last_name),
46           DATE_.random(
47             to_number(to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYY')) - 65,
48             to_number(to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYY')) - 18),
49           decode(gender_code, 'F', n_G_FEMALE, n_G_MALE))
50    from   RPS.TOP_100_LAST_NAMES,
51           RPS.TOP_100_FIRST_NAMES,
52           RPS.A_THRU_Z;
54    n_inserted := n_inserted + sql%rowcount;
56    commit;
58    pl(to_char(n_inserted)||' rows inserted in '||
59      (to_number(to_char(SYSDATE, 'SSSSS')) - n_start)||
60      ' seconds.'),
61  end;
62  /
64  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'WORKERS'),

If you compare the three object tables—GENDER_TYPES, WORKER_TYPES, and WORKERS—against the class diagram in Figure 6-1, you’ll see that you’ve fully implemented both the attributes and methods of the classes: GENDER_TYPE, WORKER_TYPE, and WORKER in the database using user-defined TYPEs. Congratulations.

Is there a performance penalty for using object-relational technology? Sure there is! You didn’t think you could do extra work, that is, instatiating classes (TYPES) for free did you? How much of a performance penalty? Well, workers.ins inserted 260,000 objects in 126 seconds. That’s 2063 objects per second, or about six times slower than its relational counterpart. Is it worth the extra functionality? I think so, but now it’s up to you.


To sum it all up, the real world is made up of things, or objects. Objects have both attributes and behaviors. Using attributes alone, you can answer only the question “What was that?” But with behaviors, you can also answer the question “When did it behave that way?” So you decide which way to go. Try one, then the other!

Table 6-1 is a summary of the SQL and PL/SQL objects that are used in order to fully model a business, scientific, or any real-world problem accurately.

Table 6-1. A Summary of SQL and PL/SQL Objects Used to Model the Real World




Relational table (SQL)



Relational view (SQL)



Table package (PL/SQL)



User-defined type (SQL and PL/SQL)



Object view (SQL)

Columns mapped to attributes


Object table (SQL)



The single most important point of this chapter is that you can’t accurately model anything without attributes and behavior, or data and methods. And as the saying goes, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We, the business and technical community, can now accurately model the real world. So we can remember the past and no longer repeat our mistakes. We can profit from our knowledge, the information we have gathered, as we all move through time and space.

Now that you know how to write some PL/SQL, let’s look at how you can see what’s going on as your PL/SQL program executes.

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