

After 30 plus years of enterprise application development, I’ve found that the actual application development process for programmers consists of three high-level tasks:

  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Documenting

The graph in Figure 8-1 is what I consider the ideal distribution of time for those three tasks. Yes, that’s 60% of the development time spent on testing. The first response I get from most developers and project managers is, “Wow, that’s an awful lot of time for testing, isn’t it?” Not really. All the time you spend testing is time you won’t have to spend supporting the application. And it costs a lot more to fix a defect in production than it does to take care of the problem earlier. It’s as simple as that.


Figure 8-1. An ideal distribution of development work

Professional PL/SQL programmers write test units for their PL/SQL program units as they write their program units. I’ve been having you write them all along, haven’t I? These are the only proper ways to reduce the amount of time spent testing:

  • Develop with modularity (object orientation) because once a well-encapsulated software component is tested, it’s unlikely it will break or need testing if a different unrelated module is modified.
  • Automate testing by writing automated test units for every program unit (within reason) and/or by using a testing application suite.
  • Write rerunnable test units. You should be able to run test units over and over again until there are no errors, without having to do any extra work to run them again.
  • Update test units with additional tests if a defect not caught by the current test unit rears its ugly head.
  • Don’t lose your test units.
  • Document your test units.

In contrast, nowadays it seems that everyone’s favorite way to reduce the amount of time spent testing is to not test at all, which means passing testing on to the end user (not a good idea), which in turn means passing it on to support personnel (even worse). Why is passing testing on to support personnel even worse? At least the end users have a good idea how things should work. Support personnel usually know even less. It becomes a case of the proverbial “blind leading the blind.”

So just whose responsibility is testing?

  1. You are primarily responsible for testing your own code. You need to write test plans and test units to execute those test plans.
  2. Your peers on your programming team are also responsible if they run into an error when using one of your components. Their responsibility is to inform you that there is a defect in your code, to ask you to update your test plans, update your test units, and then to test your code again.
  3. Your supervisor, whether a technical lead, project manager, or in another position, is responsible for verifying that you have executed your test plans and that there are no errors. Your supervisor is also responsible for verifying that your test plans are updated if someone encounters an error.
  4. An application’s support personnel are responsible for reporting errors to the development team so defects can be fixed, and then test plans and test units can be updated and rerun.
  5. An application’s end users are responsible for reporting errors to the support team so defects can be fixed, and then test plans and test units can be updated and rerun.

I used a numbered list for these responsibilities to emphasize that you are the one most responsible for testing.

So just what do I mean by “test plan” and “test unit”? A test plan is a document that outlines how an application is to be tested. It should at least answer the following questions:

  • How will the persistence layer (database) be tested?
  • How will the application layer (middle tier) be tested?
  • How will the presentation layer (the various presentation layers: data entry, reporting, interfaces, and so on) be tested?
  • What technique will be used to keep track of what needs to be tested?
  • What technique will be used to record that something has been tested?
  • Who will sign off that the testing has been completed successfully and that there are no errors?
  • How many rounds of testing will there be, and who will perform each round of testing?

A test unit is a list of tests to be executed by a tester (a person who tests) or executed by a program, written or scripted, which executes the test steps in an automated fashion. This chapter is about writing test units:

  • The commonly executed steps in a PL/SQL test unit for SQL
  • The commonly executed steps in a PL/SQL test unit for PL/SQL
  • A table to store the tests performed and their results
  • A package to aid in writing PL/SQL test units
  • A framework for keeping track of what needs to be tested in a persistence layer (database/objectbase)

Let’s start by looking at the common tasks involved in testing SQL.

SQL Test Patterns

If you have a PL/SQL method that uses SQL, then you must devise some method to test that the SQL in that program unit works correctly. From an abstract point of view, that boils down to executing some or all of these steps in the following order:


If you’re going to test a program unit’s ability to INSERT a new entry into a table, you first need to decide on an acceptable set of values to use during the INSERT, and then you must clean up after yourself by removing what you’ve just added so the test unit can be run again. Since it’s entirely possible that an error may have occurred before your INSERT operation, you need to DELETE first. Otherwise, when you rerun your test on INSERT, you may get an error due to a row that was not properly cleaned up or removed during a prior test. That’s why I have DELETE as the number one high-level operation for testing any PL/SQL program unit that automates SQL testing.

Next, if you’re going to test a PL/SQL program unit’s ability to retrieve values from a table, you first need to INSERT those values so they are available. That means you must INSERT before you SELECT, which, in turn, means you need to DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and then DELETE in your test unit.

Now if you’re going to test a program unit’s ability to UPDATE, it follows that you must first SELECT to verify that there is something to UPDATE, which requires you to INSERT before you SELECT and DELETE before you INSERT. Then you need to DELETE in order to clean up after yourself.

Last, if you’re going to test a program unit’s ability to DELETE, you need to perform a DELETE, then an INSERT, followed by a SELECT, (yes, you can skip UPDATE) and then a DELETE. I like to call this abstract pattern the SQL Circle of Life, as illustrated in Figure 8-2.


Figure 8-2. The SQL Circle of Life

At this moment, this discussion may seem quite silly. But you’ll see soon enough, when you start writing test units, you will need to keep the SQL Circle of Life in mind when writing rerunnable SQL test units in PL/SQL.

Let’s look at patterns found when testing PL/SQL methods next.

PL/SQL Test Patterns

Just as there is an abstract pattern to testing SQL in PL/SQL, there is also a pattern you’ll need to follow to test PL/SQL program units themselves. The PL/SQL testing pattern is “blocking” your test code.

You need to wrap each of your PL/SQL tests in a PL/SQL block so you can programmatically maintain control in your test unit. If you can’t maintain control in your test unit, it may end abruptly without performing all your tests. Here’s an example:

  -- Perform your test by calling a method with test data here

  -- Then check to ensure test success here
  when OTHERS then
    -- Catch any PL/SQL exception and report the error here
-- Go on to the next test

You’ll end up testing your PL/SQL methods by calling them with test values in your test unit, and then inspecting the results of the operation to verify it worked correctly. In order to maintain control, you’ll need to catch any raised exceptions, hence the when OTHERS then clause in the exception-handling section of the PL/SQL block surrounding your code. From the exception-handling section, you’ll report any errors that take place, therefore handling the exception, not raising the exception to the outer (enclosing) PL/SQL block. Then you’ll go on to perform your next method test.

How will you report and keep track of success or failure in your test units? You’ll do that with a testing tool. Let’s look at that next.

A Testing Tool

Humans are very good at creating their own tools. To that end, I’ve created a “testing tool” that helps me code my PL/SQL test units.

I have two high-level requirements for this testing tool. It needs to

  • Provide a set of constants that I can use for column values when testing.
  • Provide a set of methods that I can use to save tests and results for later analysis.

Do you recall that in the “SQL Test Patterns” section, I stated that you first need to decide on an acceptable set of values to use during the INSERT? How do you go about that?

Well here’s how I do it: I ask the database! Listing 8-1 is a SQL*Plus query I run to determine the varchar2 lengths that are in common use. For the most part, there should only be a few. While in the past, the lengths of a character field may have had some meaning, they no longer do. With the advent of globalization, the lengths of character fields only amount to specifying an upper limit on the amount of storage you’re willing to use for a given string value.

Listing 8-1. A Query to Determine Commonly Used Lengths for Varchar2 Columns, data_length_histogram.sql

01  rem data_length_histogram.sql
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create a histogram of VARCHAR2 data lengths in use
05  column column_name format a30;
07  set linesize  1000;
08  set newpage   1;
09  set pagesize  32767;
10  set trimspool on;
12  spool data_length_histogram.txt;
14  select column_name,
15         min(data_length) min,
16         avg(data_length) avg,
17         max(data_length) max,
18         count(1) occurs
20  where  owner = USER
21  and    data_type like 'VARCHAR%'
22  and    table_name not in (
23         'AUTHORS',
25         'A_THRU_Z',
26         'DEBUGS',
27         'PLAN_TABLE',
31         'TOP_100_FIRST_NAMES',
32         'TOP_100_LAST_NAMES' )
33  group by column_name
34  order by max(data_length),
35         column_name
36  /
38  spool off;

And here’s the output from the query in Listing 8-1:

COLUMN_NAME                           MIN        AVG        MAX     OCCURS
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
LOGICAL_INDICATOR                       1          1          1          1
PHYSICAL_INDICATOR                      1          1          1          1
CAS_NUMBER                             30         30         30          1
CODE                                   30         30         30          7
EXTERNAL_ID                            30         30         30          1
FIRST_NAME                             30         30         30          1
LAST_NAME                              30         30         30          1
MIDDLE_NAME                            30         30         30          1
DESCRIPTION                            80         80         80          4
ID_CONTEXT                            100        100        100          2
NAME                                   80 85.7142857        100          7
TITLE                                 100        100        100          1
NARRATIVE                            2000       2000       2000          1

13 rows selected.

Analyzing this output, I have concluded that I will need the following constants for testing:

  • A TRUE value for the indicator variables
  • A FALSE value for the indicator variables
  • A 30-character code value that I can specify any time I test inserting a new code or partial name value into a code or content table
  • An 80-character description value that I can specify any time I test inserting a new description into a code or content table
  • A 100-character value that I can specify any time I test inserting a new ID context or title into a content or intersection table
  • A 2,000-character value that I can specify any time I test inserting a new comment or narrative into a content table

I’ll keep this list of requirements in mind when I code my testing tool’s package specification, so the constants will be accessible to all other program units, and therefore available when writing their test units.


After having internationalized a number of enterprise applications, I began to wonder why we have to specify a maximum column length for character columns at all. In the future, I don’t think we’ll need to do this; the database will handle the length automatically, and why not?

One programmer I know argued that was important and gave me what he thought was a valid example: “It’s important to constrain a number column for money. It should be NUMBER(11,2), because dollars have hundredths values (dimes and pennies).” But that’s only valid for dollars; other currencies have thousandths.

Consider that characters used in the English language use one byte of storage. Other languages use characters that require two to four bytes of storage. In addition, sentences, even words, in English are quite compact when compared with other languages. For example, an idea expressed in 30 characters in English may take four to five times as many words and/or characters in German.

So just what are we specifying when we constrain a varchar2’s length? I think it’s just our expectation that nothing entered into the column will ever need to be larger than what we’ve specified. So until Oracle gets with my line of thinking, we might as well decide on a standard set of character column lengths and stick to it. Here are the lengths I commonly use for character fields in applications:

  • Code: 30 English only; 60 internationalized
  • Code context: 500 English only; 1,000 internationalized
  • Comments: 2,000 English only; 4,000 internationalized
  • Description: 80 English only; 160
  • ID context: 100 English only; 200 internationalized
  • Name: 80 English only; 160 internationalized
  • Name context: 1,000 English only; 2,000 internationalized
  • Title: 80 English only; 160 internationalized

I would like to hear your thoughts: [email protected]. Now back to testing.

How about some behavior? What will I call the methods that aid me with writing test units? Here’s a preliminary set of requirements:

  • clear(): To erase the results of a previous test run from table TESTS
  • get_id(): To allocate a new primary key value for the table TESTS
  • test(): To test the testing tool
  • set_test(): To start a new test
  • set_result(): To store the results of a test

However, before I write a testing tool package, I need to create a table to permanently store the results of my tests.

A TEST Table

Why store my test results in a table? Because then I can use SQL to query the table to analyze the results of my testing. No tool is more powerful at manipulating data than SQL, so a table is the ideal place to save the results of testing.

What do I need to store? Here’s my short list of data to store:

  • The name of the package or user-defined TYPE (object name) that contains the method being tested
  • The name of the method being tested
  • An external identifier for the test being performed on a given method so I can identify a given test if it fails
  • A short but meaningful description of the test
  • The result of the test

In order to store this data, I’ve written the DDL script in Listing 8-2. It creates a test table named TESTS. I’ve also added an ID column for a primary key. This will be a unique session ID, so testing in one session does not collide with testing going on in another session. I’ve also included insert user and insert date columns, which are standard columns I add to all tables (to add those bread crumbs I talked about in Chapter 7).

Listing 8-2. A DDL Script to Create a Testing Results Table,

01  rem
02  rem by Donald Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create test results
05  create table TESTS (
06  id                             number                         not null,
07  object_name                    varchar2(30),
08  method_name                    varchar2(30),
09  test_number                    number,
10  description                    varchar2(80),
11  result                         varchar2(256),
12  unique_session_id              varchar2(24)                   not null,
13  insert_user                    varchar2(30)  default USER     not null,
14  insert_date                    date          default SYSDATE  not null );
16  alter  table TESTS add
17  constraint   TESTS_PK
18  primary key (
19  id )
20  using index
21  tablespace USERS pctfree 0
22  storage (initial 1M next 1M pctincrease 0);
24  create sequence TESTS_ID
25  start with 1 order;
27  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'TESTS'),
29  grant all on TESTS to PUBLIC;
31  grant all on TESTS to PUBLIC;

Now that I have a table to store results, let’s get to writing a testing tool package.

A TEST Package Specification

In my testing tool’s package, I define a set of variables or constants that are suitable as insert values for SQL statements. I can then use these predefined values when writing test units. This approach has several advantages. First, global use of these testing values will create an environment where testing is done with consistency. In turn, because of that consistency, everyone involved in testing will know what these predefined values are, and then know that they are looking at test data if they encounter these values while testing.

Listing 8-3 is the package specification for my testing tool. On the top half of the specification, I’ve added globally accessible constants to be utilized by all programmers when writing their test units. These are followed by methods designed to aid programmers when writing their test units. By using these methods, the test data is consistently formatted and stored for easy analysis.

Listing 8-3. A Testing Tool Package Spec, rps.test.pks

001  create or replace package TEST as
002  /*
003  test.pks
004  by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
005  A Testing package
006  */
008  -- Result constants
009  v_TEST_ERROR                constant  varchar2(5) := 'ERROR';
010  v_TEST_OK                   constant  varchar2(2) := 'OK';
011  v_TEST_SUCCESS              constant  varchar2(7) := 'SUCCESS';
013  -- Testing constants
014  d_TEST_19000101             constant  date        :=
015    to_date('19000101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
016  d_TEST_99991231             constant  date        :=
017    to_date('99991231', 'YYYYMMDD'),
019  v_TEST_N                    constant  varchar2(1) := 'N';
021  v_TEST_Y                    constant  varchar2(1) := 'Y';
023  v_TEST_30                   constant  varchar2(30) :=
026  v_TEST_30_1                 constant  varchar2(30) :=
027    'TEST1 TEST1 TEST1 TEST1 TEST1x';
029  v_TEST_30_2                 constant  varchar2(30) :=
030    'TEST2 TEST2 TEST2 TEST2 TEST2x';
032  v_TEST_80                   constant  varchar2(80) :=
033    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
034    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
036  v_TEST_100                  constant  varchar2(100) :=
037    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
038    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
040  v_TEST_2000                 constant  varchar2(2000) :=
041    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
042    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
043    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
044    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
045    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
046    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
047    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
048    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
049    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
050    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
051    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
052    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
053    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
054    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
055    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
056    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
057    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
058    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
059    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
060    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
061    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
062    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
063    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
064    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
065    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
066    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
067    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
068    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
069    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
070    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
071    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
072    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
073    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
074    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
075    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
076    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
077    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
078    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
079    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
080    'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
082  --          1         2         3         4         5
083  -- 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
085  -- Clear the results of the last test
086  PROCEDURE clear(
087  aiv_object_name                       TESTS.object_name%TYPE);
090  -- Set the result of the last test to v_TEST_ERROR
091  PROCEDURE error;
094  -- Set the result of the last test to the passed Oracle error
095  PROCEDURE error(
096  aiv_result                     in     TESTS.result%TYPE);
099  -- Display help text
100  PROCEDURE help;
103  -- Instantiate the package
104  PROCEDURE initialize;
107  -- Set the result of the last test to v_TEST_OK
108  PROCEDURE ok;
111  -- Update the test with its results
112  PROCEDURE set_result(
113  aiv_result                     in     TESTS.result%TYPE);
116  -- Add a test
117  PROCEDURE set_test(
118  aiv_object_name                in     TESTS.object_name%TYPE,
119  aiv_method_name                in     TESTS.method_name%TYPE,
120  ain_test_number                in     TESTS.test_number%TYPE,
121  aiv_description                in     TESTS.description%TYPE);
124  -- Set the result of the last test to v_TEST_SUCCESS
125  PROCEDURE success;
128  -- Test unit
129  PROCEDURE test;
132  end TEST;
133  /
134  @se.sql TEST

Let’s examine Listing 8-3, line by line:

  • Lines 9 through 11 add three character constants, ERROR, OK, and SUCCESS, to be used as values for parameter aiv_result, when calling method result(). OK means the test completed successfully, and ERROR means the test did not complete successfully. Constant SUCCESS is called only at the end of a program unit’s test unit after recording a test for the package or user-defined TYPE in question, in order to flag that the package or TYPE’s test unit completely successfully, without raising any uncaught exceptions. If an uncaught exception does occur, the programmer should pass the value of SQLERRM as the result.
  • Lines 14 through 80 add constants to be used globally for testing inserts into SQL tables. These “testing” values not only self-document their values as test values, but also exercise the maximum column size constraints on the columns for tables for which they are used to test.
  • Lines 86 and 87 declare method clear(), which a program should call at the beginning of a test unit in order to clear any previous test results before starting a new round of tests.
  • Line 91 declares method error(), which a program should call to record that the test resulted in an error.
  • Lines 95 and 96 declare an overridden version of method error(), which takes one argument. A program should call this method if it needs to record an Oracle exception error message.
  • Lines 107 and 108 declare method ok(), which a program should call to record that an individual test completed without errors.
  • Lines 112 and 113 declare the method set_result(). Methods error(), ok(), and success() call this method to record testing results. This method uses pragma autonomous_transaction so entries are not lost if the test fails in the program unit in question because of an uncaught exception.
  • Lines 117 through 121 declare the method set_test(), which a programmer should use to record a test that is about to be executed inside a test unit. This method also uses pragma autonomous_transaction so entries are not lost if the test fails in the program unit in question because of an uncaught exception.
  • Line 125 declares method success(), which a program should call at the end of a test unit to flag that the entire test unit completed successfully. That doesn’t mean that there weren’t errors during the individual tests; it means that the method test() itself was completely executed.
  • Line 129 declares the standard test unit method to be used by every package and user-defined TYPE: test(). This is where a programmer codes the test units for every associated PL/SQL program unit. You’ll see an example in the testing tool’s package body shortly.

The test result constants OK, ERROR, and SUCCESS make it easy to identify errors after tests are run. If you want to know which test unit methods failed, just write a query where you list every object in the table TESTS that doesn’t have a row where the object_name can also be found with a result value of SUCCESS. If you want to know which individual tests failed, write a query to list the rows where column result starts with ERR or ORA. I’ll show you a couple of sample queries like these in the “Automating Testing” section later in this chapter.

Now let’s look at the implementation.

A TEST Package Body

Now that you’ve seen the specification for my testing tool, let’s look at its implementation, including an example of its use. Listing 8-4 is the DDL to create the package body for package TEST.

Listing 8-4. A Testing Tool Package Body, rps.test.pkb

001  create or replace package body TEST as
002  /*
003  test.pkb
004  by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
005  A Testing package
006  */
008  -- Hold this value across calls to test() and result()
009  n_id                        ;
012  PROCEDURE clear(
013  aiv_object_name                       TESTS.object_name%TYPE) is
015  pragma autonomous_transaction;
017  begin
018    delete TESTS
019    where  object_name       = aiv_object_name
020    and    unique_session_id = SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id;
022    commit;
023  end clear;
026  PROCEDURE error is
028  begin
029    set_result(v_TEST_ERROR);
030  end error;
033  PROCEDURE error(
034  aiv_result                     in     TESTS.result%TYPE) is
036  begin
037    set_result(aiv_result);
038  end error;
041  FUNCTION get_id
042  return                       is
044  n_id                        ;
046  begin
047    select TESTS_ID.nextval
048    into   n_id
049    from   SYS.DUAL;
051    return n_id;
052  end get_id;
055  PROCEDURE help is
056  begin
057    pl('You're on your own buddy.'),
058  end help;
061  PROCEDURE initialize is
062  begin
063    null;
064  end;
067  PROCEDURE ok is
069  begin
070    set_result(v_TEST_OK);
071  end ok;
074  PROCEDURE set_result(
075  aiv_result                     in     TESTS.result%TYPE) is
077  pragma autonomous_transaction;
079  begin
080    update TESTS
081    set    result = aiv_result
082    where  id     = n_id;
084    if nvl(sql%rowcount, 0) = 0 then
085      raise_application_error(-20000, 'Can''t find test'||
086        to_char(n_id)||
087        ' on update TEST'||
088        ' in TEST.test'),
089    end if;
091    n_id := NULL;
093    commit;
094  end set_result;
097  PROCEDURE set_test(
098  aiv_object_name                in     TESTS.object_name%TYPE,
099  aiv_method_name                in     TESTS.method_name%TYPE,
100  ain_test_number                in     TESTS.test_number%TYPE,
101  aiv_description                in     TESTS.description%TYPE) is
103  pragma autonomous_transaction;
105  begin
106    n_id := get_id();
108    begin
109      insert into TESTS (
110             id,
111             object_name,
112             method_name,
113             test_number,
114             description,
115             result,
116             unique_session_id,
117             insert_user,
118             insert_date )
119      values (
120             n_id,
121             upper(aiv_object_name),
122             upper(aiv_method_name),
123             ain_test_number,
124             aiv_description,
125             NULL,
126             SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id,
127             USER,
128             SYSDATE );
129    exception
130      when OTHERS then
131        raise_application_error(-20000, SQLERRM||
132          ' on insert TEST'||
133          ' in TEST.test'),
134    end;
135    commit;
136  end set_test;
139  PROCEDURE success is
141  begin
142    set_result(v_TEST_SUCCESS);
143  end success;
146  PROCEDURE test is
148  n_number                              number;
150  begin
151    pl('TESTS.test()'),
152    clear('TEST'),
154    set_test('TEST', NULL, 1,
155      'Is v_TEST_N equal to N?'),
156    if v_TEST_N = 'N' then
157      ok();
158    else
159      error();
160    end if;
162    set_test('TEST', NULL, 2,
163      'Is the length of v_TEST_N equal to 1?'),
164    if nvl(length(v_TEST_N), 0) = 1 then
165      ok();
166    else
167      error();
168    end if;
170    set_test('TEST', NULL, 3,
171      'Is v_TEST_Y equal to Y?'),
172    if v_TEST_Y = 'Y' then
173      ok();
174    else
175      error();
176    end if;
178    set_test('TEST', NULL, 4,
179      'Is the length of v_TEST_Y equal to 1?'),
180    if nvl(length(v_TEST_Y), 0) = 1 then
181      ok();
182    else
183      error();
184    end if;
186    set_test('TEST', NULL, 5,
187      'Is the length of v_TEST_30 equal to 30?'),
188    if nvl(length(v_TEST_30), 0) = 30 then
189      ok();
190    else
191      error();
192    end if;
194    set_test('TEST', NULL, 6,
195      'Is the length of v_TEST_30_1 equal to 30?'),
196    if nvl(length(v_TEST_30_1), 0) = 30 then
197      ok();
198    else
199      error();
200    end if;
202    set_test('TEST', NULL, 7,
203      'Is the length of v_TEST_30_2 equal to 30?'),
204    if nvl(length(v_TEST_30_2), 0) = 30 then
205      ok();
206    else
207      error();
208    end if;
210    set_test('TEST', NULL, 8,
211      'Is the length of v_TEST_80 equal to 80?'),
212    if nvl(length(v_TEST_80), 0) = 80 then
213      ok();
214    else
215      error();
216    end if;
218    set_test('TEST', NULL, 9,
219      'Is the length of v_TEST_100 equal to 100?'),
220    if nvl(length(v_TEST_100), 0) = 100 then
221      ok();
222    else
223      error();
224    end if;
226    set_test('TEST', NULL, 10,
227      'Is the length of v_TEST_2000 equal to 2000?'),
228    if nvl(length(v_TEST_2000), 0) = 2000 then
229      ok();
230    else
231      error();
232    end if;
234    set_test('TEST', 'get_id', 11,
235      'Does get_id() work?'),
236    begin
237      n_number := get_id();
238      if n_number > 0 then
239        ok();
240      else
241        error();
242      end if;
243    exception
244      when OTHERS then
245        error(SQLERRM);
246    end;
248    set_test('TEST', 'help', 12,
249      'Does help() work?'),
250    begin
251      help();
252  --    raise_application_error(-20999, 'Testing test unit report'),
253      ok();
254    exception
255      when OTHERS then
256        error(SQLERRM);
257    end;
259    set_test('TEST', NULL, NULL, NULL);
260    success();
261  end test;
264  end TEST;
265  /
266  @be.sql TESTS

Let’s look at Listing 8-4 in detail:

  • Lines 12 through 23 implement procedure clear(), which is called by method test() to remove any previous test for the same unique session ID.
  • Lines 26 through 30 implement procedure error(), which is called by method test() to record a generic error.
  • Lines 33 through 38 implement procedure error(), which is called by method test() inside an exception handler in order to record an Oracle exception’s error message.

image Note  Do you find the use of the same method names for more than one purpose disturbing? This is called overloading the method names. One error() method is used to record a generic error, while the second is used to record an Oracle error message.

  • Lines 41 through 52 implement function get_id(), which returns the next primary key value to be used when inserting a row into table TESTS.
  • Lines 67 through 71 implement procedure ok(), which is called by method test() to record the success of an individual test.
  • Lines 74 through 94 implement procedure set_result(), which updates the last recorded test with the passed result value. This method uses an instance-level variable, n_id, in coordination with procedure test(). test() saves the last id it allocates to variable n_id in the package’s memory, and then set_result() uses that value when saving the result. I do this to reduce the amount of coding required by the test unit writer.
  • Lines 97 through 136 implement procedure set_test(), which is used by test unit writers to record that a test is about to take place.
  • Lines 139 through 143 implement procedure success(), which is called by method test() to indicate the successful execution of the test unit itself.
  • Lines 146 through 260 implement procedure test(), which is the actual test unit for package TEST. Yes, I’ve used the testing tool to test the testing tool. Neat, huh?
  • Line 148, inside the test unit method test(), declares a number variable to temporarily hold the result of one of the tests.
  • Line 151 calls pl() to give feedback to the tester that the test has been started.
  • Line 152 calls procedure TEST.clear(), passing the name of the object in order to remove any previous test results.
  • Lines 154 and 155 call procedure TEST.test(), passing it the information about the test I’m about to perform.
  • Line 156 performs my first test, to see if the constant TEST.v_TEST_N has the correct value. Since I’m certain that this test cannot cause an exception, I have not blocked the code for the test.
  • Line 157 sets the result for the test to constant TEST.v_TEST_OK by calling procedure ok() if v_TEST_N is indeed the character N; otherwise, on line 159, I set the result to TEST.v_TEST_ERROR by calling procedure error().
  • Lines 162 through 232 perform tests on the remaining constants in a similar fashion. With all these tests, I’m confident that an exception cannot possibly be raised, so I don’t block the test code. This is not so for the next test.
  • Lines 234 and 235 call procedure TEST.test() in order to record that I’m about to perform a test of function get_id().
  • Lines 236 through 246 block the call to method get_id() in order to catch any unexpected exception. Next, I execute my actual test, a call to get_id(). If there is no unexpected exception, the next line, 238, tests to see if the ID value was greater than zero. If so, I call method ok(); otherwise, I call error(). If an exception does occur, I call error(), passing the value of SQLERRM.
  • Lines 250 through 256 block a call to help() and then test it in a fashion similar to the previous test.
  • Line 258 calls test() for the package, therefore passing only the object’s name.
  • Line 259 calls procedure success(). These last two calls will indicate that the test procedure test() itself completed successfully, instead of possibly aborting somewhere in the midst of the test from an unhandled exception.

Now that I’ve shown you my relational testing tool, it’s your turn to create an object-relational version.

It’s Your Turn to Create a Testing Tool

Your assignment is to recreate the testing tool I’ve just shown you as an object-relational TYPE instead of a package. There’s one twist, though. You can’t declare constants, pseudo-constants, or variables in a TYPE, as I did in the TEST package specification, so you’ll need to declare additional parameterless functions that return the constant values.

To create an object-relational testing tool, follow these steps.

  1. Write a DDL script to create a TYPE specification named TEST. This type should have an attribute for every column name in table TESTS. It should also have corresponding methods for each method found in package TEST. In addition, you’ll add parameterless functions in the place of the constants in package TEST. Include the method signature for, but skip coding the methods help() and test(). We’ll work on coding test() in the next section, and help() in the next chapter.
  2. Save your script as ops.test.tps.
  3. Log in as username OPS.
  4. Compile your script: SQL> @ops.test.tps.
  5. Write a DDL script to create the object table TESTS of TEST.
  6. Save your script as
  7. Compile your script: SQL>
  8. Write a DDL script to create the TYPE BODY for TEST.
  9. Save your script as ops.test.tpb.
  10. Compile your script: SQL> @ops.test.tpb.

But what about testing your new test tool? I’ll devote the entire next section to that task. Do you want to see my solution for this exercise? Listings 8-5, 8-6, and 8-7 are the DDL for the TYPE specification, table, and body, respectively, for my version of TYPE TEST.

Listing 8-5. A DDL Script for TYPE TEST’s Spec, ops.test.tps

001  drop   type TEST;
002  create type TEST as object (
003  /*
004  test.tps
005  by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
006  A Type for logging test results
007  */
008  -- Type TEST's attributes
009  id                                    number,
010  object_name                           varchar2(30),
011  method_name                           varchar2(30),
012  test_number                           number,
013  description                           varchar2(80),
014  result                                varchar2(256),
015  unique_session_id                     varchar2(24),
016  insert_user                           varchar2(30),
017  insert_date                           date,
019  -- Allocate the next primary key value fir id
021  return                                number,
023  -- Get the test value for January 1, 1900
024  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_19000101
025  return                                date,
027  -- Get the test value for December 31, 1999
028  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_19991231
029  return                                date,
031  -- Get the test value N for any indicators
032  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_n
033  return                                varchar2,
035  -- Get the test value Y for any indicators
036  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_y
037  return                                varchar2,
039  -- Get the 30 character test value
040  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30
041  return                                varchar2,
043  -- Get the first 30 character test value duplicate for LIKE
044  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30_1
045  return                                varchar2,
047  -- Get the second 30 character test value duplicate for LIKE
048  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30_2
049  return                                varchar2,
051  -- Get the 80 character test value
052  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_80
053  return                                varchar2,
055  -- Get the 100 character test value
056  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_100
057  return                                varchar2,
059  -- Get the 2000 character test value
060  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_2000
061  return                                varchar2,
063  -- Clear any previous test run for the specified object name
065  aiv_object_name                       varchar2),
067  -- Set the result to ERROR
070  -- Set the result to Oracle ERROR
072  aiv_result                     in     varchar2),
074  -- Set the result to the specified result value
075  MEMBER PROCEDURE set_result(
076  aiv_result                     in     varchar2),
078  -- Show the help text for this object
081  -- Set the result to OK
084  -- Set the result of the execution of test() to SUCCESS
085  MEMBER PROCEDURE success,
087  -- Test this object
090  -- Set the test about to be performed
091  MEMBER PROCEDURE set_test(
092  aiv_object_name                in     varchar2,
093  aiv_method_name                in     varchar2,
094  ain_test_number                in     number,
095  aiv_description                in     varchar2),
097  -- Get the map value
099  return                                number,
101  -- Parameter-less constructor
103  self                           in out nocopy test)
104  return                         self as result,
106  -- Convenience constructor
108  self                           in out nocopy test,
109  ain_id                         in     number,
110  aiv_object_name                in     varchar2,
111  aiv_method_name                in     varchar2,
112  ain_test_number                in     number,
113  aiv_description                in     varchar2)
114  return                                self as result
115  );
116  /
117  @se.sql
119  grant execute on TEST to public;

In Listing 8-5, the TYPE specification for TEST, I added the static functions get_test_19000101() through get_test_2000() to act as and replace the constants d_TEST_19000101 through v_TEST_2000 from the package TEST specification on lines 14 through 80.

Listing 8-6. The DDL Script for Table TESTS,

01  rem
02  rem by Donald Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Create test results
05  --drop   table TESTS;
06  create table TESTS of TEST
07  tablespace USERS pctfree 0
08  storage (initial 1M next 1M pctincrease 0);
10  alter  table TESTS add
11  constraint   TESTS_PK
12  primary key (
13  id )
14  using index
15  tablespace USERS pctfree 0
16  storage (initial 1M next 1M pctincrease 0);
18  --drop   sequence TESTS_ID;
19  create sequence TESTS_ID
20  start with 1 order;
22  execute SYS.DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(USER, 'TESTS'),
24  grant all on TESTS to PUBLIC;

There’s nothing really new in Listing 8-6, the script to create a table based on TYPE TEST.

Listing 8-7. A DDL Script for TYPE TEST’s BODY, ops.test.tpb

001  create or replace type body TEST as
002  /*
003  test.tpb
004  by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
005  A Type for logging test results
006  */
009  aiv_object_name                       varchar2) is
011  pragma autonomous_transaction;
013  begin
014    delete TESTS
015    where  object_name       = aiv_object_name
016    and    unique_session_id = SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id;
018    commit;
019  end clear;
023  return                                number is
025  n_id                                  number;
027  begin
028    select TESTS_ID.nextval
029    into   n_id
030    from   SYS.DUAL;
032    return n_id;
033  end get_id;
036  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_19000101
037  return                                date is
039  begin
040    return to_date('19000101', 'YYYYMMDD'),
041  end get_test_19000101;
044  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_19991231
045  return                                date is
047  begin
048    return to_date('19991231', 'YYYYMMDD'),
049  end get_test_19991231;
052  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_n
053  return                                varchar2 is
055  begin
056    return 'N';
057  end get_test_n;
060  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_y
061  return                                varchar2 is
063  begin
064    return 'Y';
065  end get_test_y;
068  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30
069  return                                varchar2 is
071  begin
073  end get_test_30;
076  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30_1
077  return                                varchar2 is
079  begin
080    return 'TEST1 TEST1 TEST1 TEST1 TEST1x';
081  end get_test_30_1;
084  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_30_2
085  return                                varchar2 is
087  begin
088    return 'TEST2 TEST2 TEST2 TEST2 TEST2x';
089  end get_test_30_2;
092  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_80
093  return                                varchar2 is
095  begin
096    return 'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
097           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
098  end get_test_80;
101  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_100
102  return                                varchar2 is
104  begin
105    return 'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
106           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
107  end get_test_100;
110  STATIC FUNCTION get_test_2000
111  return                                varchar2 is
112  --                 1         2         3         4         5
113  --        12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
114  begin
115    return 'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
116           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
117           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
118           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
119           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
120           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
121           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
122           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
123           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
124           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
125           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
126           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
127           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
128           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
129           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
130           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
131           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
132           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
133           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
134           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
135           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
136           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
137           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
138           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
139           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
140           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
141           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
142           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
143           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
144           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
145           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
146           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
147           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
148           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
149           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
150           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
151           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
152           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
153           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test '||
154           'Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Testx';
155  end get_test_2000;
159  begin
160    pl('You''re on your own buddy.'),
161  end help;
164  MEMBER PROCEDURE error is
166  begin
167    set_result('ERROR'),
168  end error;
172  aiv_result                     in     varchar2) is
174  begin
175    set_result(aiv_result);
176  end error;
181  begin
182    set_result('OK'),
183  end ok;
186  MEMBER PROCEDURE set_result(
187  aiv_result                     in     varchar2) is
189  pragma autonomous_transaction;
191  begin
192    result := aiv_result;
194    update TESTS
195    set    result = self.result
196    where  id     =;
198    if nvl(sql%rowcount, 0) = 0 then
199      raise_application_error(-20000, 'Can''t find test'||
200        to_char(||
201        ' on update TEST'||
202        ' in TEST_TS.test'),
203    end if;
205    self := new test();
207    commit;
208  end set_result;
211  MEMBER PROCEDURE set_test(
212  aiv_object_name                in     varchar2,
213  aiv_method_name                in     varchar2,
214  ain_test_number                in     number,
215  aiv_description                in     varchar2) is
217  pragma autonomous_transaction;
219  begin
220                := TEST.get_id();
221    self.object_name       := upper(aiv_object_name);
222    self.method_name       := upper(aiv_method_name);
223    self.test_number       := ain_test_number;
224    self.description       := aiv_description;
225    self.result            := NULL;
226    self.unique_session_id := SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id;
227    self.insert_user       := USER;
228    self.insert_date       := SYSDATE;
230    begin
231      insert into TESTS values (self);
232    exception
233      when OTHERS then
234        raise_application_error(-20000, SQLERRM||
235          ' on insert TESTS'||
236          ' in TEST.set_test'),
237    end;
238    commit;
239  end set_test;
242  MEMBER PROCEDURE success is
244  begin
245    set_result('SUCCESS'),
246  end success;
249  STATIC PROCEDURE "test" is
251  n_number                              number;
252  o_test                                TEST;
254  begin
255    pl('TEST.test()'),
257    -- A defect requires the schema owner
258    &_USER..TEST.clear('TEST'),
260    o_test := new TEST();
261    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 1,
262      'Is get_test_N equal to N?'),
263    if TEST.get_test_N = 'N' then
264      o_test.success();
265    else
266      o_test.error();
267    end if;
269    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 2,
270      'Is the length of get_test_N equal to 1?'),
271    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_N), 0) = 1 then
272      o_test.success();
273    else
274      o_test.error();
275    end if;
277    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 3,
278      'Is get_test_Y equal to Y?'),
279    if TEST.get_test_Y = 'Y' then
280      o_test.success();
281    else
282      o_test.error();
283    end if;
285    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 4,
286      'Is the length of get_test_Y equal to 1?'),
287    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_Y), 0) = 1 then
288      o_test.success();
289    else
290      o_test.error();
291    end if;
293    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 5,
294      'Is the length of get_test_30 equal to 30?'),
295    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30), 0) = 30 then
296      o_test.success();
297    else
298      o_test.error();
299    end if;
301    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 6,
302      'Is the length of get_test_30_1 equal to 30?'),
303    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30_1), 0) = 30 then
304      o_test.success();
305    else
306      o_test.error();
307    end if;
309    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 7,
310      'Is the length of get_test_30_2 equal to 30?'),
311    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_30_2), 0) = 30 then
312      o_test.success();
313    else
314      o_test.error();
315    end if;
317    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 8,
318      'Is the length of get_test_80 equal to 80?'),
319    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_80), 0) = 80 then
320      o_test.success();
321    else
322      o_test.error();
323    end if;
325    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 9,
326      'Is the length of get_test_100 equal to 100?'),
327    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_100), 0) = 100 then
328      o_test.success();
329    else
330      o_test.error();
331    end if;
333    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, 10,
334      'Is the length of get_test_2000 equal to 2000?'),
335    if nvl(length(TEST.get_test_2000), 0) = 2000 then
336      o_test.success();
337    else
338      o_test.error();
339    end if;
341    o_test.set_test('TEST', 'get_id', 11,
342      'Does get_id() work?'),
343    begin
344      n_number := TEST.get_id();
345      if n_number > 0 then
346        o_test.success();
347      else
348        o_test.error();
349      end if;
350    exception
351      when OTHERS then
352        o_test.error(SQLERRM);
353    end;
355    o_test.set_test('TEST', 'help', 12,
356      'Does help() work?'),
357    begin
358      &;
359      raise_application_error(-20999, 'Testing the error routine'),
360      o_test.success();
361    exception
362      when OTHERS then
363        o_test.error(SQLERRM);
364    end;
366    o_test.set_test('TEST', NULL, NULL, NULL);
367    o_test.success();
368  end "test";
372  return                                number is
374  begin
375    return;
376  end to_map;
380  self                           in out nocopy test)
381  return                                self as result is
383  begin
384                := NULL;
385    self.object_name       := NULL;
386    self.method_name       := NULL;
387    self.test_number       := NULL;
388    self.description       := NULL;
389    self.result            := NULL;
390    self.unique_session_id := NULL;
391    self.insert_user       := NULL;
392    self.insert_date       := NULL;
394    return;
395  end test;
399  self                           in out nocopy test,
400  ain_id                         in     number,
401  aiv_object_name                in     varchar2,
402  aiv_method_name                in     varchar2,
403  ain_test_number                in     number,
404  aiv_description                in     varchar2)
405  return                                self as result is
407  begin
408                := ain_id;
409    self.object_name       := aiv_object_name;
410    self.method_name       := aiv_method_name;
411    self.test_number       := ain_test_number;
412    self.description       := aiv_description;
413    self.result            := NULL;
414    self.unique_session_id := SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id;
415    self.insert_user       := USER;
416    self.insert_date       := SYSDATE;
418    return;
419  end test;
422  end;
423  /
424  @be.sql TEST

Did you notice in Listing 8-6 that I used the SQL*Plus defined variable &USER in the source listing? This is a work-around to a defect in the Oracle compiler when trying to resolve the name of a method that is part of the same TYPE BODY.

In the sections that follow, I’ll use the relational testing tool to test packages and the object-relational tool I just created to test TYPEs. So let’s move on to a discussion of testing with these new testing tools.


Do you recall the discussion about table types early in Chapter 1, where I said that tables fall into one of three categories: content, codes, or intersections? The types of methods and method names used by each of these three categories will follow a pattern. Content table packages (or TYPEs) will all have a similar set of methods and method names. Code table packages (or TYPEs) will also have a similar set of methods and method names. And so will intersection table packages (or TYPEs).

Accordingly, these three categories will have a pattern of tests that follows the set of methods and method names used by each category. Content table packages will generally have methods to insert, update, delete, and select a specified row from a table. In contrast, a code table will have only a method to get the ID value for a specified code, or code and description for a specified ID. Intersection table packages will have methods like content table packages, and additional methods suitable only for intersections.

So the SQL Circle of Life I talked about earlier in this chapter will be fully employed for content and intersection table packages but not for code table packages. Since content tables are usually dependent on one or more code tables, and intersection tables are dependent on two content tables, let’s start with a code table package. I’ll cover the testing of the WORKER_TYPE table package now, and you’ll code and test the GENDER_TYPE table package later in this section.

Testing a Code Table Package

As usual, let’s dive right into a code listing. Listings 8-8 and 8-9 are the full-blown, production-ready packages for the WORKER_TYPE table.

The package specification lists methods that are specific to a code table.

  • get_code_descr(): Used to retrieve the code and description values for a specified ID.
  • get_code_id_descr(): Used to retrieve the code, ID, and description values for a fully or partially specified code. For a partially specified code, the method may return a single matching set of values or raise exception TOO_MANY_ROWS if more than one matching entry exists in the table.
  • get_id(): Returns the ID that corresponds to the specified code.

The package specification also lists some methods that are universal to all table packages.

  • get_id(): Returns a newly allocated primary key value for the table.
  • help(): Displays help text for the package.
  • test(): Tests the package.

Listing 8-8. The Specification for Table Package WORKER_TYPE,rps.worker_type.pks

01  create or replace PACKAGE WORKER_TYPE as
02  /*
03  worker_type.pks
04  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
05  Code Table WORKER_TYPES's methods.
06  */
09  -- Gets the code and decription values for the specified ain_id.
10  PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
11  ain_id                         in,
12  aov_code                          out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
13  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE );
16  -- Verifies the passed aiov_code value is an exact or like match on
17  -- the date specified.
18  PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
19  aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
20  aon_id                            out,
21  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE,
22  aid_on                         in     WORKER_TYPES.active_date%TYPE );
25  -- Verifies the passed aiov_code value is currently an exact or like
26  -- match.
27  PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
28  aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
29  aon_id                            out,
30  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE );
33  -- Returns a newly allocated id value.
34  FUNCTION get_id
35  return                      ;
38  -- Returns the id for the specified code value.
39  FUNCTION get_id(
40  aiv_code                       in     WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE )
41  return                      ;
44  -- Test-based help for this package. "set serveroutput on" in
45  -- SQL*Plus.
46  PROCEDURE help;
49  -- Test units for this package.
50  PROCEDURE test;
53  end WORKER_TYPE;
54  /
55  @se.sql WORKER_TYPE

Listing 8-9. The Body for Table Package WORKER_TYPE ,rps. worker_type.pkb

001  create or replace PACKAGE BODY WORKER_TYPE as
002  /*
003  worker_type.pkb
004  by Don Bales on 2014-10-20
005  Table WORKER_TYPES's methods
006  */
009  PROCEDURE get_code_descr(
010  ain_id                         in,
011  aov_code                          out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
012  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE ) is
014  begin
015    select code,
016           description
017    into   aov_code,
018           aov_description
019    from   WORKER_TYPES
020    where  id = ain_id;
021  end get_code_descr;
024  PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
025  aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
026  aon_id                            out,
027  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE,
028  aid_on                         in     WORKER_TYPES.active_date%TYPE ) is
030  v_code                                WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE;
032  begin
033    select id,
034           description
035    into   aon_id,
036           aov_description
037    from   WORKER_TYPES
038    where  code = aiov_code
039    and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
040  exception
041    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
042      select id,
043             code,
044             description
045      into   aon_id,
046             v_code,
047             aov_description
048      from   WORKER_TYPES
049      where  code like aiov_code||'%'
050      and    aid_on between active_date and nvl(inactive_date, DATE_.d_MAX);
052      aiov_code := v_code;
053  end get_code_id_descr;
056  PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr(
057  aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,
058  aon_id                            out,
059  aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE ) is
061  begin
062   get_code_id_descr(
063    aiov_code,
064    aon_id,
065    aov_description,
066    SYSDATE );
067  end get_code_id_descr;
070  FUNCTION get_id
071  return                       is
073  n_id                        ;
075  begin
076    select WORKER_TYPES_ID.nextval
077    into   n_id
078    from   SYS.DUAL;
080    return n_id;
081  end get_id;
084  FUNCTION get_id(
085  aiv_code                       in     WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE )
086  return                       is
088  n_id                        ;
090  begin
091    select id
092    into   n_id
093    from   WORKER_TYPES
094    where  code = aiv_code;
096    return n_id;
097  end get_id;
100  PROCEDURE help is
102  begin
103  --   12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
104   pl('=================================== PACKAGE ===================================='),
105   pl(chr(9));
106   pl('WORKER_TYPE'),
107   pl(chr(9));
108   pl('----------------------------------- FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------'),
109   pl(chr(9));
110   pl('WORKER_TYPE.get_id'),
111   pl('return                      ;'),
112   pl(chr(9)||'Returns a newly allocated sequence value for id.'),
113   pl(chr(9));
114   pl('WORKER_TYPE.get_id('),
115   pl('aiv_code                       in     WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE )'),
116   pl('return                      ;'),
117   pl(chr(9)||'Returns the corresponding id for the specified code.'),
118   pl(chr(9));
119   pl('----------------------------------- PROCEDURES ---------------------------------'),
120   pl(chr(9));
121   pl('WORKER_TYPE.get_code_descr('),
122   pl('ain_id                         in,'),
123   pl('aov_code                          out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,'),
124   pl('aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE );'),
125   pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding code and description for the specified'),
126   pl(chr(9)||'id.'),
127   pl(chr(9));
128   pl('WORKER_TYPE.get_code_id_descr('),
129   pl('aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,'),
130   pl('aon_id                            out,'),
131   pl('aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE,'),
132   pl('aid_on                         in     WORKER_TYPES.active_date%TYPE );'),
133   pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding code, id, and description for'),
134   pl(chr(9)||'the specified code.  First it trys to find an exact match.  If one'),
135   pl(chr(9)||'cannot be found, it trys to find a like match.  It may throw a'),
136   pl(chr(9)||'NO_DATA_FOUND or a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception if a match cannot be'),
137   pl(chr(9)||'found for the specified code and point in time.'),
138   pl(chr(9));
139   pl('WORKER_TYPE.get_code_id_descr('),
140   pl('aiov_code                      in out WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE,'),
141   pl('aon_id                            out,'),
142   pl('aov_description                   out WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE );'),
143   pl(chr(9)||'Gets the corresponding code, id, and description for'),
144   pl(chr(9)||'the specified code.  First it trys to find an exact match.  If one'),
145   pl(chr(9)||'cannot be found, it trys to find a like match.  It may throw a'),
146   pl(chr(9)||'NO_DATA_FOUND or a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception if a match cannot be'),
147   pl(chr(9)||'found for the specified code at the current point in time.'),
148   pl(chr(9));
149   pl(' );'),
150   pl(chr(9)||'Displays this help text if set serveroutput is on.'),
151   pl(chr(9));
152   pl('WORKER_TYPE.test( );'),
153   pl(chr(9)||'Built-in test unit.  It will report success or error for each test if set'),
154   pl(chr(9)||'serveroutput is on.'),
155   pl(chr(9));
156  end help;
159  PROCEDURE test is
161  n_id                        ;
162  v_code                                WORKER_TYPES.code%TYPE;
163  v_description                         WORKER_TYPES.description%TYPE;
165  begin
166    -- Send feedback that the test ran
167    pl('WORKER_TYPE.test()'),
169    -- Clear the last set of test results
170    &_USER..TEST.clear('WORKER_TYPE'),
172    -- First, we need some test values
174    -- Let's make sure they don't already exist: DELETE
175    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'DELETE', 0,
176      'Delete test entries'),
177    begin
178      delete WORKER_TYPES
179      where  code in (
180        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
181        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
182        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2);
183      &_USER..TEST.ok();
184    exception
185      when OTHERS then
186        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
187    end;
189    -- Now let's add three test codes: INSERT
190    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'INSERT', 1,
191      'Insert 3 test entries'),
192    begin
193      insert into WORKER_TYPES (
194             id,
195             code,
196             description,
197             active_date,
198             inactive_date )
199      values (
200             get_id(),
201             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
202             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80,
203             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101,
204             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231 );
206      insert into WORKER_TYPES (
207             id,
208             code,
209             description,
210             active_date,
211             inactive_date )
212      values (
213             get_id(),
214             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
215             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80,
216             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101,
217             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231 );
219      insert into WORKER_TYPES (
220             id,
221             code,
222             description,
223             active_date,
224             inactive_date )
225      values (
226             get_id(),
227             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2,
228             &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80,
229             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_19000101,
230             &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231 );
232      &_USER..TEST.ok();
233    exception
234      when OTHERS then
235        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
236    end;
238    -- Now that we have test entries,
239    -- let's test the package methods
240    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'get_id()', 2,
241      'Get the ID for the specified code'),
242    begin
243      n_id := get_id(&_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30);
245      if n_id > 0 then
246        &_USER..TEST.ok();
247      else
248        &_USER..TEST.error();
249      end if;
250    exception
251      when OTHERS then
252        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
253    end;
255    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'get_code_descr()', 3,
256      'Get the code and description for the specified ID'),
257    begin
258      get_code_descr(
259        n_id,
260        v_code,
261        v_description);
262      if v_code        = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30 and
263         v_description = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80 then
264        &_USER..TEST.ok();
265      else
266        &_USER..TEST.error();
267      end if;
268    exception
269      when OTHERS then
270        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
271    end;
273    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'get_code_id_descr()', 4,
274      'Get the code, ID, and description for the specified code'),
275    begin
276      v_code := &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30;
277      get_code_id_descr(
278        v_code,
279        n_id,
280        v_description);
281      if v_code           = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30 and
282         n_id             > 0                      and
283         v_description    = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80 then
284        &_USER..TEST.ok();
285      else
286        &_USER..TEST.error();
287      end if;
288    exception
289      when OTHERS then
290        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
291    end;
293    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'get_code_id_descr()', 5,
294      'Get the code, ID, and description for the specified date'),
295    begin
296      v_code := 'TEST';
297      -- This test should raise a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception
298      -- because at least three duplicate values will
299      -- on the date specified
300      get_code_id_descr(
301        v_code,
302        n_id,
303        v_description,
304        &_USER..TEST.d_TEST_99991231);
305      if v_code           = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30 and
306         n_id > 0                 and
307         v_description    = &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_80 then
308        &_USER..TEST.ok();
309      else
310        &_USER..TEST.error();
311      end if;
312    exception
313      when TOO_MANY_ROWS then
314        &_USER..TEST.ok();
315      when OTHERS then
316        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
317    end;
319    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'help()', 6,
320      'Display help'),
321    begin
322      help();
323      &_USER..TEST.ok();
324    exception
325      when OTHERS then
326        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
327    end;
329    -- Let's make sure they don't already exist: DELETE
330    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', 'DELETE', 7,
331      'Delete test entries'),
332    begin
333      delete WORKER_TYPES
334      where  code in (
335        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30,
336        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_1,
337        &_USER..TEST.v_TEST_30_2);
338      &_USER..TEST.ok();
339    exception
340      when OTHERS then
341        &_USER..TEST.error(SQLERRM);
342    end;
344    &_USER..TEST.set_test('WORKER_TYPE', NULL, NULL, NULL);
345    &_USER..TEST.success();
346  end test;
349  end WORKER_TYPE;
350  /
351  @be.sql WORKER_TYPE

I’ll explain only the test unit method test() in Listing 8-9 this time around.

  • Lines 161 through 163 declare a handful of variables that I will need while testing the package’s methods.
  • Line 167 uses pl() to output some feedback to the tester that the test method did indeed execute.
  • Line 170 clears any previous test results for this package.
  • Lines 175 through 187 delete any existing “test” entries so they don’t cause a problem with the current test. I do this with a SQL DELETE statement because the code table package pattern of methods has no ongoing use for a routine that deletes code values.
  • Lines 190 through 236 insert three “test” entries into the code table. The first entry uses the standard 30-character value for the code. I’ll try to find an exact match for this value later in testing. The second and third entries exist to cause a TOO_MANY_ROWS exception later in testing. Without explicitly testing the method, get_id(), the method that returns a new primary key value is also tested during the insertion of the three “test” entries.
  • Lines 240 through 253 test the second get_id() method, the code table package pattern method, which returns a code’s ID value.
  • Lines 255 through 271 test method get_code_descr().
  • Lines 273 through 291 test the method get_code_id_descr() for an exact match on today’s date.
  • Lines 293 through 317 test the method get_code_id_descr() to verify it will raise exception TOO_MANY_ROWS when there is no exact match.
  • Lines 319 through 327 test method help().
  • Lines 330 through 342 delete the “test” entries I added at the beginning of the test. This means I’ve used DELETE, INSERT, and then DELETE as the SQL Circle of Life for testing this code table package.
  • Lines 344 and 345 add the entry to the testing table that indicates the test method itself ran successfully.

I can now query the table TESTS to find the results of the test. Listing 8-10 is a SQL*Plus script to list the results of the last performed test.

Listing 8-10. A Report to Show the Results of the Last Test, rps.last_test_results.sql

01  rem last_test_results.sql
02  rem by Donald J. Bales on 2014-10-20
03  rem Display the last test results
05  set linesize 1000;
06  set newpage  1;
07  set pagesize 32767;
08  set trimspool on;
10  column test         format a34;
11  column t#           format 99;
12  column description  format a27;
13  column result       format a7;
15  spool last_test_results.txt;
17  select t.object_name||
18         decode(substr(t.method_name, -1, 1), ')', '.', ' ')||
19         t.method_name test,
20         t.test_number t#,
21         t.description,
22         t.result
23  from   TESTS t
24  where  t.unique_session_id = SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id
25  and    t.object_name       = (
26  select e.object_name
27  from   TESTS e
28  where  e.unique_session_id = SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id
29  and                = (
30  select max(
31  from   TESTS x
32  where  x.unique_session_id = SYS.DBMS_SESSION.unique_session_id))
33  order by;
35  spool off;

When I run script last_test_results.sql after testing WORKER_TYPE I get the following output from SQL*Plus:

TEST                                T# DESCRIPTION                           RESULT
---------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- -------
WORKER_TYPE DELETE                   0 Delete test entries                   OK
WORKER_TYPE INSERT                   1 Insert 3 test entries                 OK
WORKER_TYPE.GET_ID()                 2 Get the ID for the specified code     OK

WORKER_TYPE.GET_CODE_DESCR()         3 Get the code and description          OK
                                       for the specified ID

WORKER_TYPE.GET_CODE_ID_DESCR()      4 Get the code, ID, and                 OK
                                       description for the specified code

WORKER_TYPE.GET_CODE_ID_DESCR()      5 Get the code, ID, and descr           OK
                                       iption for the specified date
WORKER_TYPE.HELP()                   6 Display help                          OK
WORKER_TYPE DELETE                   7 Delete test entries                   OK
WORKER_TYPE                                                                  SUCCESS

9 rows selected.

If any of the tests failed, the enclosing PL/SQL block caught any raised exception, then the column result would list the word ERROR or the reported Oracle error message from any raised exception. If the enclosing PL/SQL block around a test failed to catch a raised exception, then the test unit itself would not complete, and the last entry in the report, SUCCESS, would not exist. Now that you’ve seen me do it, it’s your turn.

It’s Your Turn to Test a Code Table Package

I tested the WORKER_TYPE code table package, and you’ll test the GENDER_TYPE code table package. The two tests should be very similar. You can find a full-blown, production-ready version of package GENDER_TYPE in the downloaded code directory for Chapter 8. I suggest you proceed as follows.

  1. Copy the method WORKER_TYPE.test() and paste it into package body GENDER_TYPE.
  2. Modify the method for any column name and other changes.
  3. Save and compile the package body.
  4. Execute the test against GENDER_TYPE by executing method test().
  5. Use report last_test_results.sql to see the results of your test.

No, I’m not going to show you my solution because it follows the same pattern as any other code table package’s test() method. Instead, let’s move on to testing a content table’s package.

Testing a Content Table Package

This time, for an example of a content table test unit, I’m going to show you only a partial code listing. Listing 8-11 is the test unit from the full-blown, production-ready package for the LOGICAL_WORKPLACES table. Its package specification (not shown) lists the following methods that are specific to a content table package (or TYPE):

  • get_name() or get_name_context(): Actually, in this case, since table LOGICAL_WORKPLACES has a hierarchal relationship with itself, the method is get_name_context(), which shows all the names in the hierarchy separated by periods (.).
  • get_external_id() or get_code_context(): Once again, since table LOGICAL_WORKPLACES has a hierarchal relationship with itself, the method is named get_code_context(), which shows all the external IDs in the hierarchy separated by periods (.).
  • get_row(): Returns a matching row depending on primary key column or unique key column value(s) set in the record passed to the method.
  • set_row(): Updates an existing matching row, using the same rules implemented by get_row() to find a matching row, or inserts a new row if a match is not found.

The package specification has one method that is unique to a hierarchal table:

  • create_id_context(): Creates a hierarchal unique key that represents the hierarchal relationship between rows in the same table as a character value separated by periods (.)

And it also has some methods that are universal to all table packages:

  • get_id()Returns a newly allocated primary key value for the table
  • help()help text for the package
  • test()package
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