Chapter 18. Debugging

You’re bound to run into some confusing errors as you integrate machine learning into your product, embedded or otherwise, and probably sooner rather than later. In this chapter, we discuss some approaches to understanding what’s happening when things go wrong.

Accuracy Loss Between Training and Deployment

There are a lot of ways for problems to creep in when you take a machine learning model out of an authoring environment like TensorFlow and deploy it into an application. Even after you’re able to get a model building and running without reporting any errors, you might still not be getting the results you expect in terms of accuracy. This can be very frustrating because the neural network inference step can seem like a black box, with no visibility into what’s happening internally or what’s causing any problems.

Preprocessing Differences

An area that doesn’t get very much attention in machine learning research is how training samples are converted into a form that a neural network can operate on. If you’re trying to do object classification on images, those images must be converted into tensors, which are multidimensional arrays of numbers. You might think that would be straightforward, because images are already stored as 2D arrays, usually with three channels for red, green, and blue values. Even in this case, though, you do still need to make some changes. Classification models expect their inputs to be a particular width and height, for example 224 pixels wide by 224 high, and a camera or other input source is unlikely to produce them in the correct size. This means you’ll need to rescale your captured data to match. Something similar has to be done for the training process, because the dataset will probably be a set of arbitrarily sized images on disk.

A subtle problem that often creeps in is that the rescaling method used for a deployment doesn’t match the one that was used to train the model. For example, early versions of Inception used bilinear scaling to shrink images, which was confusing to people with a background in image processing because downscaling that way degrades the visual quality of an image and is generally to be avoided. As a result, many developers using these models for inference in their applications instead used the more correct approach of area sampling—but it turns out that this actually decreases the accuracy of the results! The intuition is that the trained models had learned to look for the artifacts that bilinear downscaling produces, and their absence caused the top-one error rate to increase by a few percent.

The image preprocessing doesn’t stop at the rescaling step, either. There’s also the question of how to convert image values typically encoded from 0 to 255 into the floating-point numbers used during training. For several reasons, these are usually linearly scaled into a smaller range: either –1.0 to 1.0 or 0.0 to 1.0. You’ll need to do the same value scaling in your application if you’re feeding in floating-point values. If you’re feeding 8-bit values directly, you won’t need to do this at runtime—the original 8-bit values can be used untransformed—but you do still need to pass them into the toco export tool through the --mean_values and --std_values flags. For a range of –1.0 to 1.0, you’d use --mean_values=128 --std_values=128.

Confusingly, it’s often not obvious what the correct scale for input image values should be from the model code, since this is a detail that’s often buried in the implementation of the APIs used. The Slim framework that a lot of published Google models use defaults to –1.0 to 1.0, so that’s a good range to try, but you might end up having to debug through the training Python implementation to figure it out in other cases, if it’s not documented.

Even worse, you can end up getting mostly correct results even if you get the resizing or value scaling a bit wrong, but you’ll degrade the accuracy. This means that your application can appear to work upon a casual inspection, but end up with an overall experience that’s less impressive than it should be. And the challenges around image preprocessing are actually a lot simpler than in other areas, like audio or accelerometer data, for which there might be a complex pipeline of feature generation to convert raw data into an array of numbers for the neural network. If you look at the preprocessing code for the micro_speech example, you’ll see that we had to implement many stages of signal processing to get from the audio samples to a spectrogram that could be fed into the model, and any difference between this code and the version used in training would degrade the accuracy of the results.

Debugging Preprocessing

Given that these input data transformations are so prone to errors, you might not easily be able to even spot that you have a problem—and if you do, it might be tough to figure out the cause. What are you supposed to do? We’ve found that there are a few approaches that can help.

It’s always best to have some version of your code that you can run on a desktop machine if at all possible, even if the peripherals are stubbed out. You’ll have much better debugging tools in a Linux, macOS, or Windows environment, and it’s easy to transfer test data between your training tools and the application. For the sample code in TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, we’ve broken the different parts of our applications into modules and enabled Makefile building for Linux and macOS targets, so we can run the inference and preprocessing stages separately.

The most important tool for debugging preprocessing problems is comparing results between the training environment and what you’re seeing in your application. The most difficult part of doing this is extracting the correct values for the nodes you care about during training and controlling what the inputs are. It’s beyond the scope of this book to cover how to do this in detail, but you’ll need to identify the names of the ops that correspond to the core neural network stages (after file decoding, preprocessing, and the first op that takes in the results of the preprocessing). The first op that takes in the results of the preprocessing corresponds to the --input_arrays argument to toco. If you can identify these ops, insert a tf.print op with summarize set to -1 after each of them in Python. You’ll then be able to see printouts of the contents of the tensors at each stage in the debug console if you run a training loop.

You should then be able to take these tensor contents and convert them into C data arrays that you can compile into your program. There are some examples of this in the micro_speech code, like a one-second audio sample of someone saying “yes”, and the expected results of preprocessing that input. After you have these reference values, you should be able to feed them as inputs into the modules holding each stage of your pipeline (preprocessing, neural network inference) and make sure the outputs match what you expect. You can do this with throwaway code if you’re short on time, but it’s worth the extra investment to turn them into unit tests that ensure your preprocessing and model inference continue to be verified as the code changes over time.

On-Device Evaluation

At the end of training, neural networks are evaluated using a test set of inputs, and the predictions are compared to the expected results to characterize the overall accuracy of the model. This happens as a normal part of the training process, but it’s rare to do the same evaluation on the code that has been deployed on a device. Often the biggest barrier is just transferring the thousands of input samples that make up a typical test dataset onto an embedded system with limited resources. This is a shame, though; making sure that the on-device accuracy matches what was seen at the end of training is the only way to be sure that the model has been correctly deployed, because there are so many ways to introduce subtle errors that are difficult to spot otherwise. We didn’t manage to implement a full test set evaluation for the micro_speech demo, but there is at least an end-to-end test that makes sure we get the correct labels for two different inputs.

Numerical Differences

A neural network is a chain of complex mathematical operations performed on large arrays of numbers. The original training is usually done in floating point, but we try to convert down to a lower-precision integer representation for embedded applications. The operations themselves can be implemented in many different ways, depending on the platform and optimization trade-offs. All these factors mean that you can’t expect bit-wise identical results from a network on different devices, even if it’s given the same input. This means you must determine what differences you can tolerate, and, if those differences become too large, how to track down where they come from.

Are the Differences a Problem?

We sometimes joke that the only metric that really matters is the app store rating. Our goal should be to produce products that people are happy with, so all other metrics are just proxies for user satisfaction. Since there are always going to be numerical differences from the training environment, the first challenge is to understand whether they hurt the product experience. This can be obvious if the values you’re getting out of your network are nonsensical, but if they only differ by a few percentage points from what’s expected, it’s worth trying out the resulting network as part of a full application with a realistic use case. It might be that the accuracy loss isn’t a problem, or that there are other issues that are more important and should be prioritized.

Establish a Metric

When you are sure that you have a real problem, it helps to quantify it. It can be tempting to pick a numerical measure, like the percentage difference in the output score vector from the expected result. This might not reflect the user experience very well, though. For example, if you’re doing image classification and all of the scores are 5% below what you’d expect, but the relative ordering of the results remains the same, the end result might be perfectly fine for many applications.

Instead, we recommend designing a metric that does reflect what the product needs. In the image classification case, you might pick what’s called a top-one score across a set of test images, because this will show how often the model picks the correct label. The top-one metric is how often the model picks the ground truth label as its highest-scoring prediction (top-five is similar, but covers how often the ground truth label is in the five highest-scoring predictions). You can then use the top-one metric to keep track of your progress and, importantly, get an idea of when the changes you’ve made are good enough.

You should also be careful to assemble a standard set of inputs that reflect what’s actually fed into the neural network processing, because as we discussed earlier, there are lots of ways that preprocessing can introduce errors.

Compare Against a Baseline

TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers was designed to have reference implementations for all of its functionality, and one of the reasons we did this was so that it’s possible to compare their results against optimized code to debug potential differences. Once you have some standard inputs, you should try running them through a desktop build of the framework, with no optimizations enabled so that the reference operator implementations are called. If you want a starting point for this kind of standalone test, take a look at If you run your results through the metric you’ve established, you should see a score that you expect. If not, there might have been some error during the conversion process or something else might have gone wrong earlier in your workflow, so you’ll need to debug back into training to understand what the problem is.

If you do see good results using the reference code, you should then try building and running the same test on your target platform with all optimizations enabled. It might not be as simple as this, of course, since often embedded devices don’t have the memory to hold all the input data, and outputting the results can be tricky if all you have is a debug logging connection. It’s worth persevering, though, even if you must break your test up into multiple runs. When you have the results, run them through your metric to understand what the deficit actually is.

Swap Out Implementations

Many platforms will enable optimizations by default, given that the reference implementations may take so long to run on an embedded device that they’re practically unusable. There are lots of ways to disable these optimizations, but we find the simplest is often just to find all the kernel implementations that are currently being used, usually in subfolders of tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels, and overwrite them with the reference versions that are in that parent directory (making sure you have backups of the files you’re replacing). As a first step, replace all of the optimized implementations and rerun the on-device tests, to ensure that you do see the better score that you’d expect.

After you’ve done this wholesale replacement, try just overwriting half of the optimized kernels and see how that affects the metric. In most cases you’ll be able to use a binary search approach to determine which optimized kernel implementation is causing the biggest drop in the score. Once you have narrowed it down to a particular optimized kernel, you should then be able to create a minimal reproducible case by capturing the input values for one of the bad runs and the expected output values for those inputs from the reference implementation. The easiest way to do this is by debug logging from within the kernel implementation during one of the test runs.

Now that you have a reproducible case, you should be able to create a unit test out of it. You can look at one of the standard kernel tests to get started, and either create a new standalone test or add it to the existing file for that kernel. That then gives you a tool that you can use to communicate the issue to the team responsible for the optimized implementation, because you’ll be able to show that there’s a difference in the results from their code and the reference version, and that it affects your application. That same test can then also be added to the main code base if you contribute it back, and ensure that no other optimized implementations cause the same problem. It’s also a great tool for debugging an implementation yourself, because you can experiment with the code in isolation and iterate quickly.

Mysterious Crashes and Hangs

One of the most difficult situations to fix on an embedded system is when your program doesn’t run, but there’s no obvious logging output or error to explain what went wrong. The easiest way to understand the problem is to attach a debugger (like GDB) and either look at a stack trace if it’s hung or step through your code to see where execution goes wrong. It’s not always easy to set up a debugger, though, or the source of the problem may still not be clear after using one, so there are some other techniques you can try.

Desktop Debugging

Full operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows all have extensive debugging tools and error reporting mechanisms, so if at all possible try to keep your program portable to one of those platforms, even if you have to stub out some of the hardware-specific functionality with dummy implementations. This is how TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers is designed, and it means that we can first try to reproduce anything that’s going wrong on our Linux machines. If the same error occurs in this environment, it’s usually much easier and faster to track down using standard tooling, and without having to flash devices, speeding up iterations. Even if it would be too difficult to maintain your full application as a desktop build, at least see whether you can create unit and integration tests for your modules that do compile on a desktop. Then you can try giving them similar inputs to those in the situation you’re seeing a problem with and discover whether this also causes a similar error.

Log Tracing

The only platform-specific functionality that TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers requires is an implementation of DebugLog(). We have this requirement because it’s such an essential tool for understanding what’s going on during development, even though it’s not something you need for production deployments. In an ideal world, any crashes or program errors should trigger log output—for example, our bare-metal support for STM32 devices has a fault handler that does this)—but that’s not always feasible.

You should always be able to inject log statements into the code yourself, though. These don’t need to be meaningful, just statements of what location in the code has been reached. You can even define an automatic trace macro, like this:

#define TRACE DebugLog(__FILE__ ":" __LINE__)

Then use it in your code like this:

int main(int argc, char**argv) {
  while (true) {

You should see output in your debug console showing how far the code managed to go. It’s usually best to start with the highest level of your code and then see where the logging stops. That will give you an idea of the rough area where the crash or hang is happening, and then you can add more TRACE statements to narrow down exactly where the problem is occurring.

Shotgun Debugging

Sometimes tracing doesn’t give you enough information about what’s going wrong, or the problem might occur only in an environment in which you don’t have access to logs, like production. In those cases, we recommend what’s sometimes called “shotgun debugging.” This is similar to the “shotgun profiling” we covered in Chapter 15, and it’s as simple as commenting out parts of your code and seeing whether the error still occurs. If you start at the top level of your application and work your way down, you can usually do the equivalent of a binary search to isolate which lines of code are causing the issue. For example, you might start with something like this in your main loop:

int main(int argc, char**argv) {
  while (true) {
    // DoSomething();

If this runs successfully with DoSomething() commented out, you know that the problem is happening within that function. You can then uncomment it and recursively do the same within its body to focus in on the misbehaving code.

Memory Corruption

The most painful errors are caused by values in memory being accidentally overwritten. Embedded systems don’t have the same hardware to protect against this that desktop or mobile CPUs do, so these can be particularly challenging to debug. Even tracing or commenting out code can produce confusing results, because the overwriting can occur long before the code that uses the corrupted values runs, so crashes can be a long way from their cause. They might even depend on sensor input or hardware timings, making issues intermittent and maddeningly hard to reproduce.

The number one cause of this in our experience is overrunning the program stack. This is where local variables are stored, and TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers uses these extensively for comparatively large objects; thus, it requires more space than is typical for many other embedded applications. The exact size you’ll need is not easy to ascertain, unfortunately. Often the biggest contributor is the memory arena you need to pass into SimpleTensorAllocator, which in the examples is allocated as a local array:

  // Create an area of memory to use for input, output, and intermediate arrays.
  // The size of this will depend on the model you're using, and may need to be
  // determined by experimentation.
  const int tensor_arena_size = 10 * 1024;
  uint8_t tensor_arena[tensor_arena_size];
  tflite::SimpleTensorAllocator tensor_allocator(tensor_arena,

If you are using the same approach, you’ll need to make sure the stack size is approximately the size of that arena, plus several kilobytes for miscellaneous variables used by the runtime. If your arena is held elsewhere (maybe as a global variable), you should need only a few kilobytes of stack. The exact amount of memory required depends on your architecture, the compiler, and the model you’re running, so unfortunately it’s not easy to give an exact value ahead of time. If you are seeing mysterious crashes, it’s worth increasing this value as much as you can to see whether that helps, though.

If you’re still seeing problems, you should start by trying to establish what variable or area of memory is being overwritten. Hopefully this should be possible using the logging or code elimination approaches described earlier, narrowing down the issue to the read of a value that seems to have been corrupted. Once you know what variable or array entry is being clobbered, you can then write a variation on the TRACE macro that outputs the value of that memory location along with the file and line it’s been called from. You might need to do special tricks like storing the memory address in a global variable so that it’s accessible from deeper stack frames if it’s a local. Then, just like you would for tracking down a normal crash, you can TRACE out the contents of that location as you run through the program and attempt to identify which code is responsible for overwriting it.

Wrapping Up

Coming up with a solution when things work in a training environment but fail on a real device can be a long and frustrating process. In this chapter, we’ve given you a set of tools to try when you do find yourself stuck and spinning your wheels. Unfortunately there aren’t many shortcuts in debugging, but by methodically working through the problem using these approaches, we do have confidence that you can track down any embedded machine learning problems.

Once you’ve gotten one model working in a product, you’ll probably start to wonder about how you can adapt it or even create an entirely new model to tackle different issues. Chapter 19 discusses how you can transfer your own model from the TensorFlow training environment into the TensorFlow Lite inference engine.

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