Chapter 11. Advanced Searching

In a very real sense, this entire book so far has been about searching. You’ve seen all sorts of queries that use joins and WHERE clauses and grouping techniques to search out and return the results that you need. Some types of searching operations, though, stand apart from others in that they represent a different way of thinking about searching. Perhaps you’re displaying a result set one page at a time. Half of that problem is to identify (search for) the entire set of records that you want to display. The other half of that problem is to repeatedly search for the next page to display as a user cycles through the records on a display. Your first thought may not be to think of pagination as a searching problem, but it can be thought of that way, and it can be solved that way; that is the type of searching solution this chapter is all about.

11.1 Paginating Through a Result Set


You want to paginate or “scroll through” a result set. For example, you want to return the first five salaries from table EMP, then the next five, and so forth. Your goal is to allow a user to view five records at a time, scrolling forward with each click of a “Next” button.


Because there is no concept of first, last, or next in SQL, you must impose order on the rows you are working with. Only by imposing order can you accurately return ranges of records.

Use the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER to impose order, and specify the window of records that you want returned in your WHERE clause. For example, to return rows 1 through 5:

	select sal
	  from (
	select row_number() over (order by sal) as rn,
	  from emp
	       ) x
	 where rn between 1 and 5


Then to return rows 6 through 10:

	select sal
	  from (
	select row_number() over (order by sal) as rn,
	  from emp
	       ) x
	 where rn between 6 and 10


You can return any range of rows that you wish simply by changing the WHERE clause of your query.


The window function ROW_NUMBER OVER in inline view X will assign a unique number to each salary (in increasing order starting from 1). Listed below is the result set for inline view X:

	select row_number() over (order by sal) as rn,
	  from emp

	RN         SAL
	--  ----------
	 1         800
	 2         950
	 3        1100
	 4        1250
	 5        1250
	 6        1300
	 7        1500
	 8        1600
	 9        2450
	10        2850
	11        2975
	12        3000
	13        3000
	14        5000

Once a number has been assigned to a salary, simply pick the range you want to return by specifying values for RN.

For Oracle users, an alternative: you can use ROWNUM instead of ROW NUMBER OVER to generate sequence numbers for the rows:

	select sal
	  from (
	select sal, rownum rn
	  from (
	select sal
	  from emp
	 order by sal
	 where rn between 6 and 10


Using ROWNUM forces you into writing an extra level of subquery. The innermost subquery sorts rows by salary. The next outermost subquery applies row numbers to those rows, and, finally, the very outermost SELECT returns the data you are after.

11.2 Skipping n Rows from a Table


You want a query to return every other employee in table EMP; you want the first employee, third employee, and so forth. For example, from the following result set:


you want to return:



To skip the second or fourth or n th row from a result set, you must impose order on the result set, otherwise there is no concept of first or next, second, or fourth.

Use the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER to assign a number to each row, which you can then use in conjunction with the modulo function to skip unwanted rows. The modulo function is MOD for DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. In SQL Server, use the percent (%) operator. The following example uses MOD to skip even-numbered rows:

	1  select ename
	2    from (
	3  select row_number() over (order by ename) rn,
	4         ename
	5    from emp
	6         ) x
	7   where mod(rn,2) = 1


The call to the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER in inline view X will assign a rank to each row (no ties, even with duplicate names). The results are shown below:

	select row_number() over (order by ename) rn, ename
	  from emp

	-- --------
	 5 FORD
	 8 KING
	14 WARD

The last step is to simply use modulus to skip every other row.

11.3 Incorporating OR Logic when Using Outer Joins


You want to return the name and department information for all employees in departments 10 and 20 along with department information for departments 30 and 40 (but no employee information). Your first attempt looks like this:

	select e.ename, d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc
	  from dept d, emp e
	 where d.deptno = e.deptno
	   and (e.deptno = 10 or e.deptno = 20)
	 order by 2

	ENAME       DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
	------- ---------- -------------- -----------
	KING            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
	SMITH           20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	ADAMS           20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	FORD            20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	SCOTT           20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	JONES           20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

Because the join in this query is an inner join, the result set does not include department information for DEPTNOs 30 and 40.

You attempt to outer join EMP to DEPT with the following query, but you still do not get the correct results:

	select e.ename, d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc
	  from dept d left join emp e
	    on (d.deptno = e.deptno)
	 where e.deptno = 10
	    or e.deptno = 20
	 order by 2

	------- ---------- ------------ -----------
	SMITH           20 RESEARCH     DALLAS
	ADAMS           20 RESEARCH     DALLAS
	FORD            20 RESEARCH     DALLAS
	SCOTT           20 RESEARCH     DALLAS
	JONES           20 RESEARCH     DALLAS

Ultimately, you would like the result set to be:

	------- ---------- ------------ ---------
	KING            10 ACCOUNTING    NEW YORK
	SMITH           20 RESEARCH      DALLAS
	JONES           20 RESEARCH      DALLAS
	SCOTT           20 RESEARCH      DALLAS
	ADAMS           20 RESEARCH      DALLAS
	FORD            20 RESEARCH      DALLAS
	                30 SALES         CHICAGO
	                40 OPERATIONS    BOSTON


Move the OR condition into the JOIN clause:

	1  select e.ename, d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc
	2    from dept d left join emp e
	3      on (d.deptno = e.deptno
	4         and (e.deptno=10 or e.deptno=20))
	5   order by 2

Alternatively, you can filter on EMP.DEPTNO first in an inline view and then outer join:

	1  select e.ename, d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc
	2    from dept d
	3    left join
	4         (select ename, deptno
	5            from emp
	6           where deptno in ( 10, 20 )
	7         ) e on ( e.deptno = d.deptno )
	8  order by 2


DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server

Two solutions are given for these products. The first moves the OR condition into the JOIN clause, making it part of the join condition. By doing that, you can filter the rows returned from EMP without losing DEPTNOs 30 and 40 from DEPT.

The second solution moves the filtering into an inline view. Inline view E filters on EMP.DEPTNO and returns EMP rows of interest. These are then outer joined to DEPT. Because DEPT is the anchor table in the outer join, all departments, including 30 and 40, are returned.

11.4 Determining Which Rows Are Reciprocals


You have a table containing the results of two tests, and you want to determine which pair of scores are reciprocals. Consider the result set below from view V:

	select *
	  from V

	TEST1      TEST2
	----- ----------
	   20         20
	   50         25
	   20         20
	   60         30
	   70         90
	   80        130
	   90         70
	  100         50
	  110         55
	  120         60
	  130         80
	  140         70

Examining these results, you see that a test score for TEST1 of 70 and TEST2 of 90 is a reciprocal (there exists a score of 90 for TEST1 and a score of 70 for TEST2). Likewise, the scores of 80 for TEST1 and 130 for TEST2 are reciprocals of 130 for TEST1 and 80 for TEST2. Additionally, the scores of 20 for TEST1 and 20 for TEST2 are reciprocals of 20 for TEST2 and 20 for TEST1. You want to identify only one set of reciprocals. You want your result set to be this:

	TEST1      TEST2
	-----  ---------
	   20         20
	   70         90
	   80        130

not this:

	TEST1      TEST2
	-----  ---------
	   20         20
	   20         20
	   70         90
	   80        130
	   90         70
	  130         80


Use a self join to identify rows where TEST1 equals TEST2 and vice versa:

	select distinct v1.*
	  from V v1, V v2
	 where v1.test1 = v2.test2
	   and v1.test2 = v2.test1
	   and v1.test1 <= v1.test2


The self-join results in a Cartesian product in which every TEST1 score can be compared against every TEST2 score and vice versa. The query below will identify the reciprocals:

	select v1.*
	  from V v1, V v2
	 where v1.test1 = v2.test2
	   and v1.test2 = v2.test1

	TEST1      TEST2
	----- ----------
	   20         20
	   20         20
	   20         20
	   20         20
	   90         70
	  130         80
	   70         90
	   80        130

The use of DISTINCT ensures that duplicate rows are removed from the final result set. The final filter in the WHERE clause (and V1.TEST1 <= V1.TEST2) will ensure that only one pair of reciprocals (where TEST1 is the smaller or equal value) is returned.

11.5 Selecting the Top n Records


You want to limit a result set to a specific number of records based on a ranking of some sort. For example, you want to return the names and salaries of the employees with the top five salaries.


The solution to this problem depends on the use of a window function. Which window function you will use depends on how you want to deal with ties. The following solution uses DENSE_RANK, so that each tie in salary will count as only one against the total:

	1  select ename,sal
	2    from (
	3  select ename, sal,
	4         dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) dr
	5    from emp
	6         ) x
	7   where dr <= 5

The total number of rows returned may exceed five, but there will be only five distinct salaries. Use ROW_NUMBER OVER if you wish to return five rows regardless of ties (as no ties are allowed with this function).


The window function DENSE_RANK OVER in inline view X does all the work. The following example shows the entire table after applying that function:

	select ename, sal,
	       dense_rank() over (order by sal desc) dr
	  from emp

	ENAME      SAL         DR
	------- ------ ----------
	KING      5000          1
	SCOTT     3000          2
	FORD      3000          2
	JONES     2975          3
	BLAKE     2850          4
	CLARK     2450          5
	ALLEN     1600          6
	TURNER    1500          7
	MILLER    1300          8
	WARD      1250          9
	MARTIN    1250          9
	ADAMS     1100         10
	JAMES      950         11
	SMITH      800         12

Now it’s just a matter of returning rows where DR is less than or equal to five.

11.6 Finding Records with the Highest and Lowest Values


You want to find “extreme” values in your table. For example, you want to find the employees with the highest and lowest salaries in table EMP.


DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server

Use the window functions MIN OVER and MAX OVER to find the lowest and highest salaries, respectively:

	1  select ename
	2    from (
	3  select ename, sal,
	4         min(sal)over() min_sal,
	5         max(sal)over() max_sal
	6    from emp
	7         ) x
	8   where sal in (min_sal,max_sal)


DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server

The window functions MIN OVER and MAX OVER allow each row to have access to the lowest and highest salaries. The result set from inline view X is as follows:

	select ename, sal,
	       min(sal)over() min_sal,
	       max(sal)over() max_sal
	  from emp

	------- ------ ---------- ----------
	SMITH      800        800       5000
	ALLEN     1600        800       5000
	WARD      1250        800       5000
	JONES     2975        800       5000
	MARTIN    1250        800       5000
	BLAKE     2850        800       5000
	CLARK     2450        800       5000
	SCOTT     3000        800       5000
	KING      5000        800       5000
	TURNER    1500        800       5000
	ADAMS     1100        800       5000
	JAMES      950        800       5000
	FORD      3000        800       5000
	MILLER    1300        800       5000

Given this result set, all that’s left is to return rows where SAL equals MIN_SAL or MAX_SAL.

11.7 Investigating Future Rows


You want to find any employees who earn less than the employee hired immediately after them. Based on the following result set:

	---------- ---------- ---------
	SMITH             800 17-DEC-80
	ALLEN            1600 20-FEB-81
	WARD             1250 22-FEB-81
	JONES            2975 02-APR-81
	BLAKE            2850 01-MAY-81
	CLARK            2450 09-JUN-81
	TURNER           1500 08-SEP-81
	MARTIN           1250 28-SEP-81
	KING             5000 17-NOV-81
	JAMES             950 03-DEC-81
	FORD             3000 03-DEC-81
	MILLER           1300 23-JAN-82
	SCOTT            3000 09-DEC-82
	ADAMS            1100 12-JAN-83

SMITH, WARD, MARTIN, JAMES, and MILLER earn less than the person hired immediately after they were hired, so those are the employees you wish to find with a query.


The first step is to define what “future” means. You must impose order on your result set to be able to define a row as having a value that is “later” than another.

You can use the LEAD OVER window function to access the salary of the next employee that was hired. It’s then a simple matter to check whether that salary is larger:

	1  select ename, sal, hiredate
	2    from (
	3  select ename, sal, hiredate,
	4         lead(sal)over(order by hiredate) next_sal
	5    from emp
	6         ) alias
	7   where sal < next_sal


The window function LEAD OVER is perfect for a problem such as this one. It not only makes for a more readable query than the solution for the other products, LEAD OVER also leads to a more flexible solution because an argument can be passed to it that will determine how many rows ahead it should look (by default 1). Being able to leap ahead more than one row is important in the case of duplicates in the column you are ordering by.

The following example shows how easy it is to use LEAD OVER to look at the salary of the “next” employee hired:

	select ename, sal, hiredate,
	       lead(sal)over(order by hiredate) next_sal
	  from emp

	------- ------ --------- ----------
	SMITH      800 17-DEC-80       1600
	ALLEN     1600 20-FEB-81       1250
	WARD      1250 22-FEB-81       2975
	JONES     2975 02-APR-81       2850
	BLAKE     2850 01-MAY-81       2450
	CLARK     2450 09-JUN-81       1500
	TURNER    1500 08-SEP-81       1250
	MARTIN    1250 28-SEP-81       5000
	KING      5000 17-NOV-81        950
	JAMES      950 03-DEC-81       3000
	FORD      3000 03-DEC-81       1300
	MILLER    1300 23-JAN-82       3000
	SCOTT     3000 09-DEC-82       1100
	ADAMS     1100 12-JAN-83

The final step is to return only rows where SAL is less than NEXT_SAL. Because of LEAD OVER’s default range of one row, if there had been duplicates in table EMP, in particular, multiple employees hired on the same date, their SAL would be compared. This may or may not have been what you intended. If your goal is to compare the SAL of each employee with SAL of the next employee hired, excluding other employees hired on the same day, you can use the following solution as an alternative:

	select ename, sal, hiredate
	  from (
	select ename, sal, hiredate,
	       lead(sal,cnt-rn+1)over(order by hiredate) next_sal
	  from (
	select ename,sal,hiredate,
	       count(*)over(partition by hiredate) cnt,
	       row_number()over(partition by hiredate order by empno) rn
	  from emp
	 where sal < next_sal

The idea behind this solution is to find the distance from the current row to the row it should be compared with. For example, if there are five duplicates, the first of the five needs to leap five rows to get to its correct LEAD OVER row. The value for CNT represents, for each employee with a duplicate HIREDATE, how many duplicates there are in total for their HIREDATE. The value for RN represents a ranking for the employees in DEPTNO 10. The rank is partitioned by HIREDATE so only employees with a HIREDATE that another employee has will have a value greater than one. The ranking is sorted by EMPNO (this is arbitrary). Now that you now how many total duplicates there are and you have a ranking of each duplicate, the distance to the next HIREDATE is simply the total number of duplicates minus the current rank plus one (CNT-RN+1).

See Also

For additional examples of using LEAD OVER in the presence of duplicates (and a more thorough discussion of the technique above): Chapter 8, the section on “Determining the Date Difference Between the Current Record and the Next Record” and Chapter 10, the section on “Finding Differences Between Rows in the Same Group or Partition.”

11.8 Shifting Row Values


You want to return each employee’s name and salary along with the next highest and lowest salaries. If there are no higher or lower salaries, you want the results to wrap (first SAL shows last SAL and vice versa). You want to return the following result set:

	ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND
	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	SMITH             800        950       5000
	JAMES             950       1100        800
	ADAMS            1100       1250        950
	WARD             1250       1250       1100
	MARTIN           1250       1300       1250
	MILLER           1300       1500       1250
	TURNER           1500       1600       1300
	ALLEN            1600       2450       1500
	CLARK            2450       2850       1600
	BLAKE            2850       2975       2450
	JONES            2975       3000       2850
	SCOTT            3000       3000       2975
	FORD             3000       5000       3000
	KING             5000        800       3000


The window functions LEAD OVER and LAG OVER make this problem easy to solve and the resulting queries very readable.

Use the window functions LAG OVER and LEAD OVER to access prior and next rows relative to the current row:

	1  select ename,sal,
	2         coalesce(lead(sal)over(order by sal),min(sal)over()) forward,
	3         coalesce(lag(sal)over(order by sal),max(sal)over()) rewind
	4    from emp


The window functions LAG OVER and LEAD OVER will (by default and unless otherwise specified) return values from the row before and after the current row, respectively. You define what “before” or “after” means in the ORDER BY portion of the OVER clause. If you examine the solution, the first step is to return the next and prior rows relative to the current row, ordered by SAL:

	select ename,sal,
	       lead(sal)over(order by sal) forward,
	       lag(sal)over(order by sal) rewind
	  from emp

	ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND
	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	SMITH             800        950
	JAMES             950       1100        800
	ADAMS            1100       1250        950
	WARD             1250       1250       1100
	MARTIN           1250       1300       1250
	MILLER           1300       1500       1250
	TURNER           1500       1600       1300
	ALLEN            1600       2450       1500
	CLARK            2450       2850       1600
	BLAKE            2850       2975       2450
	JONES            2975       3000       2850
	SCOTT            3000       3000       2975
	FORD             3000       5000       3000
	KING             5000                  3000

Notice that REWIND is NULL for employee SMITH and FORWARD is NULL for employee KING; that is because those two employees have the lowest and highest salaries, respectively. The requirement in the problem section should NULL values exist in FORWARD or REWIND is to “wrap” the results meaning that, for the highest SAL, FORWARD should be the value of the lowest SAL in the table, and for the lowest SAL, REWIND should be the value of the highest SAL in the table. The window functions MIN OVER and MAX OVER with no partition or window specified (i.e., an empty parenthesis after the OVER clause) will return the lowest and highest salaries in the table, respectively. The results are shown below:

	select ename,sal,
	       coalesce(lead(sal)over(order by sal),min(sal)over()) forward,
	       coalesce(lag(sal)over(order by sal),max(sal)over()) rewind
	  from emp

	ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND
	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	SMITH             800        950       5000
	JAMES             950       1100        800
	ADAMS            1100       1250        950
	WARD             1250       1250       1100
	MARTIN           1250       1300       1250
	MILLER           1300       1500       1250
	TURNER           1500       1600       1300
	ALLEN            1600       2450       1500
	CLARK            2450       2850       1600
	BLAKE            2850       2975       2450
	JONES            2975       3000       2850
	SCOTT            3000       3000       2975
	FORD             3000       5000       3000
	KING             5000        800       3000

Another useful feature of LAG OVER and LEAD OVER is the ability to define how far forward or back you would like to go. In the example for this recipe, you go only one row forward or back. If want to move three rows forward and five rows back, doing so is simple. Just specify the values 3 and 5 as shown below:

	select ename,sal,
	       lead(sal,3)over(order by sal) forward,
	       lag(sal,5)over(order by sal) rewind
	  from emp

	ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND
	---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
	SMITH             800      1250
	JAMES             950      1250
	ADAMS            1100      1300
	WARD             1250      1500
	MARTIN           1250      1600
	MILLER           1300      2450         800
	TURNER           1500      2850         950
	ALLEN            1600      2975        1100
	CLARK            2450      3000        1250
	BLAKE            2850      3000        1250
	JONES            2975      5000        1300
	SCOTT            3000                  1500
	FORD             3000                  1600
	KING             5000                  2450

11.9 Ranking Results


You want to rank the salaries in table EMP while allowing for ties. You want to return the following result set:

	RNK     SAL
	--- -------
	  1     800
	  2     950
	  3    1100
	  4    1250
	  4    1250
	  5    1300
	  6    1500
	  7    1600
	  8    2450
	  9    2850
	 10    2975
	 11    3000
	 11    3000
	 12    5000


Window functions make ranking queries extremely simple. Three window functions are particularly useful for ranking: DENSE_RANK OVER, ROW_NUMBER OVER, and RANK OVER.

Because you want to allow for ties, use the window function DENSE_RANK OVER:

	1 select dense_rank() over(order by sal) rnk, sal
	2   from emp


The window function DENSE_RANK OVER does all the legwork here. In parentheses following the OVER keyword you place an ORDER BY clause to specify the order in which rows are ranked. The solution uses ORDER BY SAL, so rows from EMP are ranked in ascending order of salary.

11.10 Suppressing Duplicates


You want to find the different job types in table EMP but do not want to see duplicates. The result set should be:



All of the RDBMSs support the keyword DISTINCT, and it arguably is the easiest mechanism for suppressing duplicates from the result set. However, this recipe will also cover two additional methods for suppressing duplicates.

The traditional method of using DISTINCT and sometimes GROUP BY certainly works. The solution below is an alternative that makes use of the window function ROW_NUMBER OVER:

	1  select job
	2    from (
	3  select job,
	4         row_number()over(partition by job order by job) rn
	5    from emp
	6         ) x
	7   where rn = 1

Traditional Alternatives

Use the DISTINCT keyword to suppress duplicates from the result set:

	select distinct job
	  from emp

Additionally, it is also possible to use GROUP BY to suppress duplicates:

	select job
	  from emp
	 group by job


DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server

This solution depends on some outside-the-box thinking about partitioned window functions. By using PARTITION BY in the OVER clause of ROW_NUMBER, you can reset the value returned by ROW_NUMBER to 1 whenever a new job is encountered. The results below are from inline view X:

	select job,
	       row_number()over(partition by job order by job) rn
	  from emp

	JOB               RN
	--------- ----------
	ANALYST            1
	ANALYST            2
	CLERK              1
	CLERK              2
	CLERK              3
	CLERK              4
	MANAGER            1
	MANAGER            2
	MANAGER            3
	PRESIDENT          1
	SALESMAN           1
	SALESMAN           2
	SALESMAN           3
	SALESMAN           4

Each row is given an increasing, sequential number, and that number is reset to 1 whenever the job changes. To filter out the duplicates, all you must do is keep the rows where RN is 1.

An ORDER BY clause is mandatory when using ROW_NUMBER OVER (except in DB2) but doesn’t affect the result. Which job is returned is irrelevant so long as you return one of each job.

Traditional Alternatives

The first solution shows how to use the keyword DISTINCT to suppress duplicates from a result set. Keep in mind that DISTINCT is applied to the whole SELECT list; additional columns can and will change the result set. Consider the difference between the two queries below:

	select distinct job           select distinct job, deptno
	  from emp                      from emp

	JOB                           JOB           DEPTNO
	---------                     --------- ----------
	ANALYST                       ANALYST           20
	CLERK                         CLERK             10
	MANAGER                       CLERK             20
	PRESIDENT                     CLERK             30
	SALESMAN                      MANAGER           10
	                              MANAGER           20
	                              MANAGER           30
	                              PRESIDENT         10
	                              SALESMAN          30

By adding DEPTNO to the SELECT list, what you return is each DISTINCT pair of JOB/DEPTNO values from table EMP.

The second solution uses GROUP BY to suppress duplicates. While using GROUP BY this way is not uncommon, keep in mind that GROUP BY and DISTINCT are two very different clauses that are not interchangeable. I’ve included GROUP BY in this solution for completeness, as you will no doubt come across it at some point.

11.11 Finding Knight Values


You want return a result set that contains each employee’s name, the department they work in, their salary, the date they were hired, and the salary of the last employee hired, in each department. You want to return the following result set:

	------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
	    10 MILLER            1300 23-JAN-1982      1300
	    10 KING              5000 17-NOV-1981      1300
	    10 CLARK             2450 09-JUN-1981      1300
	    20 ADAMS             1100 12-JAN-1983      1100
	    20 SCOTT             3000 09-DEC-1982      1100
	    20 FORD              3000 03-DEC-1981      1100
	    20 JONES             2975 02-APR-1981      1100
	    20 SMITH              800 17-DEC-1980      1100
	    30 JAMES              950 03-DEC-1981       950
	    30 MARTIN            1250 28-SEP-1981       950
	    30 TURNER            1500 08-SEP-1981       950
	    30 BLAKE             2850 01-MAY-1981       950
	    30 WARD              1250 22-FEB-1981       950
	    30 ALLEN             1600 20-FEB-1981       950

The values in LATEST_SAL are the “Knight values” because the path to find them is analogous to a knight’s path in the game of chess. You determine the result the way a knight determines a new location: by jumping to a row then turning and jumping to a different column (see Figure 11-1). To find the correct values for LATEST_SAL, you must first locate (jump to) the row with the latest HIREDATE in each DEPTNO, and then you select (jump to) the SAL column of that row.

sql2 1101
Figure 11-1. A knight value comes from “up and over”

The term “Knight value” was coined by a very clever coworker of mine, Kay Young. After having him review the recipes for correctness I admitted to him that I was stumped and could not come up with a good title. Because you need to initially evaluate one row then “jump” and take a value from another, he came up with the term “Knight value.”


DB2 and SQL Server

Use a CASE expression in a subquery to return the SAL of the last employee hired in each DEPTNO; for all other salaries, return zero. Use the window function MAX OVER in the outer query to return the non-zero SAL for each employee’s department:

	 1  select deptno,
	 2         ename,
	 3         sal,
	 4         hiredate,
	 5         max(latest_sal)over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	 6    from (
	 7  select deptno,
	 8         ename,
	 9         sal,
	10         hiredate,
	11         case
	12           when hiredate = max(hiredate)over(partition by deptno)
	13           then sal else 0
	14         end latest_sal
	15    from emp
	16         ) x
	17   order by 1, 4 desc


Use the window function MAX OVER to return the highest SAL for each DEPTNO. Use the functions DENSE_RANK and LAST, while ordering by HIREDATE, in the KEEP clause to return the highest SAL for the latest HIREDATE in a given DEPTNO:

	1  select deptno,
	2          ename,
	3          sal,
	4          hiredate,
	5           max(sal)
	6             keep(dense_rank last order by hiredate)
	7             over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	8    from emp
	9  order by 1, 4 desc


DB2 and SQL Server

The first step is to use the window function MAX OVER in a CASE expression to find the employee hired last, or most recently, in each DEPTNO. If an employee’s HIREDATE matches the value returned by MAX OVER, then use a CASE expression to return that employee’s SAL; otherwise return 0. The results of this are shown below:

	select deptno,
	           when hiredate = max(hiredate)over(partition by deptno)
	           then sal else 0
	       end latest_sal
	  from emp

	------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----------
	    10 CLARK            2450 09-JUN-1981          0
	    10 KING             5000 17-NOV-1981          0
	    10 MILLER           1300 23-JAN-1982       1300
	    20 SMITH             800 17-DEC-1980          0
	    20 ADAMS            1100 12-JAN-1983       1100
	    20 FORD             3000 03-DEC-1981          0
	    20 SCOTT            3000 09-DEC-1982          0
	    20 JONES            2975 02-APR-1981          0
	    30 ALLEN            1600 20-FEB-1981          0
	    30 BLAKE            2850 01-MAY-1981          0
	    30 MARTIN           1250 28-SEP-1981          0
	    30 JAMES             950 03-DEC-1981        950
	    30 TURNER           1500 08-SEP-1981          0
	    30 WARD             1250 22-FEB-1981          0

Because the value for LATEST_SAL will be either 0 or the SAL of the employee(s) hired most recently, you can wrap the above query in an inline view and use MAX OVER again, but this time to return the greatest non-zero LATEST_SAL for each DEPTNO:

	select deptno,
	       max(latest_sal)over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	  from (
	select deptno,
	           when hiredate = max(hiredate)over(partition by deptno)
	           then sal else 0
	       end latest_sal
	  from emp
	       ) x
	 order by 1, 4 desc

	------- --------- ---------- ----------- ----------
	    10  MILLER          1300 23-JAN-1982       1300
	    10  KING            5000 17-NOV-1981       1300
	    10  CLARK           2450 09-JUN-1981       1300
	    20  ADAMS           1100 12-JAN-1983       1100
	    20  SCOTT           3000 09-DEC-1982       1100
	    20  FORD            3000 03-DEC-1981       1100
	    20  JONES           2975 02-APR-1981       1100
	    20  SMITH            800 17-DEC-1980       1100
	    30  JAMES            950 03-DEC-1981        950
	    30  MARTIN          1250 28-SEP-1981        950
	    30  TURNER          1500 08-SEP-1981        950
	    30  BLAKE           2850 01-MAY-1981        950
	    30  WARD            1250 22-FEB-1981        950
	    30  ALLEN           1600 20-FEB-1981        950


The key to the Oracle solution is to take advantage of the KEEP clause. The KEEP clause allows you to rank the rows returned by a group/partition and work with the first or last row in the group. Consider what the solution looks like without KEEP:

	select deptno,
	       max(sal) over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	  from emp
	 order by 1, 4 desc

	------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
	    10 MILLER           1300 23-JAN-1982       5000
	    10 KING             5000 17-NOV-1981       5000
	    10 CLARK            2450 09-JUN-1981       5000
	    20 ADAMS            1100 12-JAN-1983       3000
	    20 SCOTT            3000 09-DEC-1982       3000
	    20 FORD             3000 03-DEC-1981       3000
	    20 JONES            2975 02-APR-1981       3000
	    20 SMITH             800 17-DEC-1980       3000
	    30 JAMES             950 03-DEC-1981       2850
	    30 MARTIN           1250 28-SEP-1981       2850
	    30 TURNER           1500 08-SEP-1981       2850
	    30 BLAKE            2850 01-MAY-1981       2850
	    30 WARD             1250 22-FEB-1981       2850
	    30 ALLEN            1600 20-FEB-1981       2850

Rather than returning the SAL of the latest employee hired, MAX OVER without KEEP simply returns the highest salary in each DEPTNO. KEEP, in this recipe, allows you to order the salaries by HIREDATE in each DEPTNO by specifying ORDER BY HIREDATE. Then, the function DENSE_RANK assigns a rank to each HIREDATE in ascending order. Finally, the function LAST determines which row to apply the aggregate function to: the “last” row based on the ranking of DENSE_ RANK. In this case, the aggregate function MAX is applied to the SAL column for the row with the “last” HIREDATE. In essence, keep the SAL of the HIREDATE ranked last in each DEPTNO.

You are ranking the rows in each DEPTNO based on one column (HIREDATE), but then applying the aggregation (MAX) on another column (SAL). This ability to rank in one dimension and aggregate over another is convenient as it allows you to avoid extra joins and inline views as are used in the other solutions. Finally, by adding the OVER clause after the KEEP clause you can return the SAL “kept” by KEEP for each row in the partition.

Alternatively, you can order by HIREDATE in descending order and “keep” the first SAL. Compare the two queries below, which return the same result set:

	select deptno,
	         keep(dense_rank last order by hiredate)
	         over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	  from emp
	 order by 1, 4 desc

	------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
	    10 MILLER           1300 23-JAN-1982       1300
	    10 KING             5000 17-NOV-1981       1300
	    10 CLARK            2450 09-JUN-1981       1300
	    20 ADAMS            1100 12-JAN-1983       1100
	    20 SCOTT            3000 09-DEC-1982       1100
	    20 FORD             3000 03-DEC-1981       1100
	    20 JONES            2975 02-APR-1981       1100
	    20 SMITH             800 17-DEC-1980       1100
	    30 JAMES             950 03-DEC-1981        950
	    30 MARTIN           1250 28-SEP-1981        950
	    30 TURNER           1500 08-SEP-1981        950
	    30 BLAKE            2850 01-MAY-1981        950
	    30 WARD             1250 22-FEB-1981        950
	    30 ALLEN            1600 20-FEB-1981        950

	select deptno,
	         keep(dense_rank first order by hiredate desc)
	         over(partition by deptno) latest_sal
	  from emp
	 order by 1, 4 desc

	------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
	    10 MILLER           1300 23-JAN-1982       1300
	    10 KING             5000 17-NOV-1981       1300
	    10 CLARK            2450 09-JUN-1981       1300
	    20 ADAMS            1100 12-JAN-1983       1100
	    20 SCOTT            3000 09-DEC-1982       1100
	    20 FORD             3000 03-DEC-1981       1100
	    20 JONES            2975 02-APR-1981       1100
	    20 SMITH             800 17-DEC-1980       1100
	    30 JAMES             950 03-DEC-1981        950
	    30 MARTIN           1250 28-SEP-1981        950
	    30 TURNER           1500 08-SEP-1981        950
	    30 BLAKE            2850 01-MAY-1981        950
	    30 WARD             1250 22-FEB-1981        950
	    30 ALLEN            1600 20-FEB-1981        950

11.12 Generating Simple Forecasts


Based on current data, you want to return addition rows and columns representing future actions. For example, consider the following result set:

	-- ----------- ------------
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

You want to return three rows per row returned in your result set (each row plus two additional rows for each order). Along with the extra rows you would like to return two additional columns providing dates for expected order processing.

From the result set above you can see that an order takes two days to process. For the purposes of this example, let’s say the next step after processing is verification, and the last step is shipment. Verification occurs one day after processing and shipment occurs one day after verification. You want to return a result set expressing the whole procedure. Ultimately you want to transform the result set above to the following result set:

	-- ----------- ------------  -----------  -----------
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005  01-OCT-2005


The key is to use a Cartesian product to generate two additional rows for each order then simply use CASE expressions to create the required column values.

DB2, MySQL and SQL Server

Use the recursive WITH clause to generate rows needed for your Cartesian product. The DB2 and SQL Server solutions are identical except for the function used to retrieve the current date. DB2 uses CURRENT_DATE and SQL Server uses GET-DATE. MySQL uses the CURDATE and requires the insertion of the keyword recursive after with to indicate that this is a recursive CTE. The SQL Server solution is shown below:

	1  with nrows(n) as (
	 2  select 1 from t1 union all
	 3  select n+1 from nrows where n+1 <= 3
	 4  )
	 5  select id,
	 6         order_date,
	 7         process_date,
	 8         case when nrows.n >= 2
	 9              then process_date+1
	10              else null
	11         end as verified,
	12         case when nrows.n = 3
	13              then process_date+2
	14              else null
	15         end as shipped
	16    from (
	17  select nrows.n id,
	18         getdate()+nrows.n   as order_date,
	19         getdate()+nrows.n+2 as process_date
	20    from nrows
	21         ) orders, nrows
	22   order by 1


Use the hierarchical CONNECT BY clause to generate the three rows needed for the Cartesian product. Use the WITH clause to allow you to reuse the results returned by CONNECT BY without having to call it again:

	 1  with nrows as (
	 2  select level n
	 3    from dual
	 4  connect by level <= 3
	 5  )
	 6  select id,
	 7         order_date,
	 8         process_date,
	 9         case when nrows.n >= 2
	10              then process_date+1
	11              else null
	12         end as verified,
	13         case when nrows.n = 3
	14              then process_date+2
	15              else null
	16         end as shipped
	17  from (
	18 select nrows.n id,
	19        sysdate+nrows.n as order_date,
	20        sysdate+nrows.n+2 as process_date
	21   from nrows
	22        ) orders, nrows


You can create a Cartesian product many different ways; this solution uses the PostgreSQL function GENERATE_SERIES:

	 1 select id,
	 2        order_date,
	 3        process_date,
	 4        case when gs.n >= 2
	 5             then process_date+1
	 6             else null
	 7        end as verified,
	 8        case when gs.n = 3
	 9             then process_date+2
	10             else null
	11        end as shipped
	12  from (
	13 select,
	14 as order_date,
	15 as process_date
	16   from generate_series(1,3) gs (id)
	17        ) orders,
	18          generate_series(1,3)gs(n)


MySQL does not support a function for automatic row generation.


DB2, MySQL and SQL Server

The result set presented in the problem section is returned via inline view ORDERS and is shown below:

	with nrows(n) as (
	select 1 from t1 union all
	select n+1 from nrows where n+1 <= 3
	select nrows.n id,getdate()+nrows.n   as order_date,
	       getdate()+nrows.n+2 as process_date
	  from nrows

	-- ----------- ------------
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

The query above simply uses the WITH clause to make up three rows representing the orders you must process. NROWS returns the values 1, 2, and 3, and those numbers are added to GETDATE (CURRENT_DATE for DB2, CURDATE() for MySQL) to represent the dates of the orders. Because the problem section states that processing time takes two days, the query above also adds two days to the ORDER_DATE (adds the value returned by NROWS to GETDATE, then adds two more days).

Now that you have your base result set, the next step is to create a Cartesian product because the requirement is to return three rows for each order. Use NROWS to create a Cartesian product to return three rows for each order:

	with nrows(n) as (
	select 1 from t1 union all
	select n+1 from nrows where n+1 <= 3
	select nrows.n,
	  from (
	select nrows.n id,
	       getdate()+nrows.n    as order_date,
	        getdate()+nrows.n+2 as process_date
	  from nrows
	       ) orders, nrows
	 order by 2,1

	--- ---  ----------- ------------
	  1   1  25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  2   1  25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  3   1  25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  1   2  26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  2   2  26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  3   2  26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  1   3  27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  2   3  27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  3   3  27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

Now that you have three rows for each order, simply use a CASE expression to create the addition column values to represent the status of verification and shipment.

The first row for each order should have a NULL value for VERIFIED and SHIPPED. The second row for each order should have a NULL value for SHIPPED. The third row for each order should have non-NULL values for each column. The final result set is shown below:

	with nrows(n) as (
	select 1 from t1 union all
	select n+1 from nrows where n+1 <= 3
	select id,
	       case when nrows.n >= 2
	            then process_date+1
	            else null

	       end as verified,
	       case when nrows.n = 3
	           then process_date+2
	           else null
	       end as shipped
	  from (
	select nrows.n id,
	       getdate()+nrows.n   as order_date,
	       getdate()+nrows.n+2 as process_date
	  from nrows
	       ) orders, nrows
	 order by 1

	-- ----------- ------------  -----------  -----------
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005  01-OCT-2005

The final result set expresses the complete order process from the day the order was received to the day it should be shipped.


The result set presented in the problem section is returned via inline view ORDERS and is shown below:

	with nrows as (
	select level n
	  from dual
	connect by level <= 3
	select nrows.n id,
	       sysdate+nrows.n order_date,
	       sysdate+nrows.n+2 process_date
	  from nrows

	-- -----------  ------------
	 1 25-SEP-2005   27-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005   28-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005   29-SEP-2005

The query above simply uses CONNECT BY to make up three rows representing the orders you must process. Use the WITH clause to refer to the rows returned by CONNECT BY as NROWS.N. CONNECT BY returns the values 1, 2, and 3, and those numbers are added to SYSDATE to represent the dates of the orders. Since the problem section states that processing time takes two days, the query above also adds two days to the ORDER_DATE (adds the value returned by GENERATE_ SERIES to SYSDATE, then adds two more days).

Now that you have your base result set, the next step is to create a Cartesian product because the requirement is to return three rows for each order. Use NROWS to create a Cartesian product to return three rows for each order:

	with nrows as (
	select level n
	  from dual
	connect by level <= 3
	select nrows.n,
	  from (
	select nrows.n id,
	       sysdate+nrows.n order_date,
	       sysdate+nrows.n+2 process_date
	  from nrows
	  ) orders, nrows

	--- --- ----------- ------------
	  1   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  2   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  3   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  1   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  2   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  3   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  1   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  2   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  3   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

Now that you have three rows for each order, simply use a CASE expression to create the addition column values to represent the status of verification and shipment.

The first row for each order should have a NULL value for VERIFIED and SHIPPED. The second row for each order should have a NULL value for SHIPPED. The third row for each order should have non-NULL values for each column. The final result set is shown below:

	with nrows as (
	select level n
	  from dual
	connect by level <= 3
	select id,
	       case when nrows.n >= 2
	            then process_date+1
	            else null
	       end as verified,
	       case when nrows.n = 3
	            then process_date+2
	            else null
	       end as shipped
	  from (
	select nrows.n id,
	       sysdate+nrows.n order_date,
	       sysdate+nrows.n+2 process_date
	  from nrows
	       ) orders, nrows

	 -- ----------- ------------  -----------  -----------
	  1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	  3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	  3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005  01-OCT-2005

The final result set expresses the complete order process from the day the order was received to the day it should be shipped.


The result set presented in the problem section is returned via inline view ORDERS and is shown below:

	select, as order_date, as process_date
	 from generate_series(1,3) gs (id)

	-- ----------- ------------
	 1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

The query above simply uses the GENERATE_SERIES function to make up three rows representing the orders you must process. GENERATE_SERIES returns the values 1, 2, and 3, and those numbers are added to CURRENT_DATE to represent the dates of the orders. Since the problem section states that processing time takes two days, the query above also adds two days to the ORDER_DATE (adds the value returned by GENERATE_SERIES to CURRENT_DATE, then adds two more days). Now that you have your base result set, the next step is to create a Cartesian product because the requirement is to return three rows for each order. Use the GENERATE_ SERIES function to create a Cartesian product to return three rows for each order:

	select gs.n,
	  from (
	select, as order_date, as process_date
	  from generate_series(1,3) gs (id)
	       ) orders,

	--- --- ----------- ------------
	  1   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  2   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  3   1 25-SEP-2005  27-SEP-2005
	  1   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  2   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  3   2 26-SEP-2005  28-SEP-2005
	  1   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  2   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	  3   3 27-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005

Now that you have three rows for each order, simply use a CASE expression to create the addition column values to represent the status of verification and shipment.

The first row for each order should have a NULL value for VERIFIED and SHIPPED. The second row for each order should have a NULL value for SHIPPED. The third row for each order should have non-NULL values for each column. The final result set is shown below:

	select id,
	       case when gs.n >= 2
	            then process_date+1
	            else null
	       end as verified,
	       case when gs.n = 3
	            then process_date+2
	            else null
	       end as shipped
	  from (
	select, as order_date, as process_date
	  from generate_series(1,3) gs(id)
	       ) orders,

	-- ----------- ------------  -----------  -----------
	 1 25-SEP-2005 27-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005 27-SEP-2005   28-SEP-2005
	 1 25-SEP-2005 27-SEP-2005   28-SEP-2005  29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005 28-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005 28-SEP-2005   29-SEP-2005
	 2 26-SEP-2005 28-SEP-2005   29-SEP-2005  30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005 29-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005 29-SEP-2005   30-SEP-2005
	 3 27-SEP-2005 29-SEP-2005   30-SEP-2005  01-OCT-2005

The final result set expresses the complete order process from the day the order was received to the day it should be shipped.

11.13 Summing Up

The recipes from this chapter represent practical problems that can’t be solved with a single function. They are some the kinds of problems that business users will frequently look to you to solve for them.

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