

2D maps, 224, 227

3D maps, creating, 422428, 430


‘ (single quotes), using with workbook names, 179

- operator, 82

- operator, 82

/ operator, 82

+ operator, 82

#### error code, 95

% operator, 82

& operator, 82

* operator, 82

^ operator, 82


absolute references, 79, 83

actions, undoing and redoing, 59

active cell, 47. See also cells

addition operator, 82

AGGREGATE function, 144, 146148

Alt key. See keyboard shortcuts

analyzing data. See also business intelligence analysis; data; Data Analysis; Quick Analysis Lens

data tables, 196200

descriptive statistics, 208209

Goal Seek, 200202

Quick Analysis Lens, 190191

Solver, 202208

app window

arranging workbook windows, 2627

customizing, 38

Quick Access toolbar, 2830

ribbon, 3036

zooming in on worksheets, 2425

array formulas, 9293, 101102. See also formulas

ascending order, sorting in, 394

authenticating workbooks, 366368, 381

AutoCalculate, 143144, 147148

AutoComplete, 4142

AutoFill, 4243

automatic calculation, 101. See also Calculation Options

AutoSum, using to create measures, 417

AVERAGE function, 74

AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS functions, 85, 8889

averages, finding, 144


background color, changing for cells, 107. See also color palettes

backgrounds, removing from images, 129, 131

Backstage view

displaying, 7

Open page, 7

using, 300301

Bing search engine, 58

borders, adding around cells, 105, 108

box-and-whisker charts, 226, 228

business intelligence analysis. See also analyzing data

data model, 386388, 407

performing, 223228, 252

Power Pivot, 392397, 407408

Power Query, 401406, 408

relationships between tables, 388392, 407

timelines, 397400, 408

button form control, 331


adding to Quick Access toolbar, 2830

adding to worksheets, 334

changing appearance of, 324


calculated columns, adding, 396, 417. See also columns

Calculation Options, 8991. See also automatic calculation; errors

cell colors, sorting by, 160

cell groups, moving data in, 18

cell ranges

converting tables to, 64

copying, 51

cutting and moving, 51

displaying, 52

pasting, 52

cell references

changing, 79

in other workbooks, 178

retaining, 81

cells. See also active cell; header cells; ranges of cells

adding borders to, 105

adding to selections, 77

changing attributes, 106

changing shading of, 105

copying, 43

deleting formatting, 108109

editing contents, 55

entering values in, 4344

formatting, 104109, 133

locking and unlocking, 360, 362

merging and unmerging, 2224, 38

moving in worksheets, 2122

selecting, 50

centering printed items, 308

character size, changing in cells, 106

chart types

box-and-whisker, 226, 228

dual-axis, 238

funnel, 223, 227

line, 236

Pareto, 225, 228, 238

sunburst, 227228

treemap, 226, 228

waterfall, 224, 228

charts. See also PivotCharts; trendlines

business intelligence analysis, 223228, 252

color palettes, 229

combining, 238, 253

creating, 216223, 252

customizing appearance, 229235, 253

inserting, 216217

keyboard shortcut, 216

live preview, 216217

moving, 220, 222223

pasting into documents, 349350, 352

plotting, 221222

printing, 311312, 314

repositioning, 222

resizing, 219

types, 224

x- and y-axes, 218219

check boxes, 331332, 334

closing workbooks, 8, 12

col_index_num argument, 168

collaboration, 378379

color palettes, choosing for charts, 229. See also background color

color scales, 124125, 127

column width, changing, 19

columns. See also calculated columns

adding formulas to, 79

adding to tables, 63

deleting, hiding, and unhiding, 18, 2021, 397

filtering values in, 394395

inserting, 17, 1920

primary key, 167

referring to in formulas, 81

renaming, 397

repeating on printed pages, 310

resizing, 1617

selecting, 51

sorting data in, 394

using with Power Query, 404406

combo boxes, 328329, 333

command buttons, 330


managing, 355358, 380

using with scenarios, 192

concatenation operator, 82

conditional formats, 122128. See also formatting

consolidating data, 183185, 187188

constraints, setting with Solver, 204, 206208


cell ranges, 51

cells, 43

formatting between cells, 108

formulas, 81, 83

and pasting formulas, 7778

workbooks, 1415

worksheets, 1213

COUNT and COUNTIF functions, 74, 85, 8788, 144146

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

custom lists, using to sort data, 161167

cutting cell ranges, 51

Cycle diagrams, 242


data. See also analyzing data; external data

changing appearance of, 121128, 134

correcting and expanding, 67

entering and revising, 4044, 66

finding and replacing, 5761, 67

finding trends, 235238

importing from text files, 281284

limiting appearance on screen, 138142, 153

linking, 178182

managing via Flash Fill, 4447

manipulating, 153

moving, 4752, 67

naming groups of, 7072, 100

organizing into levels, 163167, 171172

plotting, 218, 221222

selecting list rows, 142

summarizing, 100101, 143149

viewing by using timelines, 397400

Data Analysis. See also analyzing data

add-ins, 386

button, 209

data bars, 124, 127

data connections, creating, 401

data entry

canceling, 40

techniques, 4043

data sets

consolidating, 183185

defining alternatives, 191196, 211212

finding unique values in, 149

data sources

connecting to, 401

selecting, 218

data tables, using for analysis, 196200, 212

Data View, 390

databases, connecting to, 401

date and time, displaying, 80

days, filling, 43


3D maps, 428

alternative data sets, 195

backgrounds from images, 129, 131

cell formatting, 104, 108109

cell styles, 112

columns and rows, 18, 20, 397

comments, 357

conditional formats, 128

custom groups in lists, 167

equations, 251

form controls, 335

hyperlinks, 349

images, 131

KPIs (key performance indicators), 421

macros, 323

measures, 418

personally identifiable info, 365366

print areas, 309

queries in Power Query, 406

relationships, 392

ribbon elements, 34

rows, 20

shapes, 244, 250

sorting rules, 161

subtotals, 166167

themes, 116

watches, 98

descending order, sorting in, 394

descriptive statistics, using to analyze data, 208209, 214

Developer tab, adding to ribbon, 332

Diagram View, 388, 390

diagrams, creating using SmartArt, 241245, 254. See also SmartArt

dictionary, adding words to, 60

digital certificates and signatures, 367368

#DIV/0! error code, 95

division operator, 82

Document Inspector, 364366

document properties, defining values, 1011

dual-axis charts, creating, 238


electronic submission, saving workbooks for, 354355

embedding files, 342344

encrypting workbooks, 359


creating and managing, 247251, 254

deleting, 251

error message, displaying, 89

errors. See also Calculation Options

finding and correcting, 9498, 102

printing, 307

Evolutionary option, using with Solver, 204

Excel 2019

customizing app window, 38

features, 46

Excel Mobile Apps, features, 45

Excel Online

features, 45

and OneDrive, 374379, 382

Excel table styles, applying, 113117. See also tables

Excel versions, 174175

exponentiation operator, 82

exporting XML data, 371374, 382

external data, importing, 401406. See also data


F keys. See keyboard shortcuts

file formats, specifying, 7, 10, 174175


creating data connections to, 401

embedding, 342344

fill colors, sorting by, 157

FillSeries, 4243. See also Flash Fill

filtered rows, summarizing data in, 143148. See also rows

filtering data, 138142

finding and replacing data, 5761, 67. See also looking up information

Flash Fill, 4347, 66. See also FillSeries


appearance, changing, 108

font color, changing, 105, 107

font default, changing, 109


adding to printed pages, 294299, 313

viewing, 294

forecast worksheets, creating, 410415, 429

forecasting future data values, 236

form controls. See also macros

check boxes, 331332, 334

combo boxes, 328329, 333

command buttons, 330

creating groups of, 335

deleting, 335

editing text of, 335

inserting, 337338

list boxes, 328329, 332333

option buttons, 331332, 334335

parameters, 329

resizing, 335

spin buttons, 330, 333334

using, 328332

formats, finding and replacing, 56

formatting. See also conditional formats

applying and clearing, 17

cells, 104109, 133

displaying, 106

filling, 43

numbers, 117121

PivotTables, 277280

Quick Analysis Lens, 191

shape text, 243, 249

shapes, 245

formula precedents, identifying, 97

formulas. See also array formulas; values

adding to columns, 79


copying, 81, 83

copying and pasting, 7778

copying between cells, 108

creating, 75, 80, 100

date and time, 80

entering, 73

evaluating, 98

hiding, 360, 363

moving, 83

named ranges, 81

referring to columns, 81


updating payments, 80


AGGREGATE, 144, 146147



COUNT, 74, 144146



IF, 84

IFERROR, 8586, 89

LARGE, 146

MAX, 74, 145146


MIN, 74, 145146



PRODUCT, 145146


RAND, 142143

SMALL, 147

STDEV, 145146

SUBTOTAL, 144145, 147

SUM, 74, 145146

SUMIF and SUMIFS, 8586

VAR, 145146

VLOOKUP, 168170

funnel charts, 223, 227

fv argument, 74


Goal Seek, 200202, 212

graphics, adding to headers or footers, 297298. See also SmartArt

GRG Nonlinear option, using with Solver, 204

groups, creating in lists, 166


header cells, including in data ranges, 145. See also cells


adding to printed pages, 294299, 313

viewing, 294

hidden rows, summarizing data in, 143148. See also rows

hiding and unhiding

columns and rows, 18, 2021

formulas, 360, 363

ribbon, 3233

rows, 2021

worksheets, 15

Hierarchy diagrams, 242

histograms, 225, 228

HLOOKUP function, 170

.htm and .html extensions, 369


creating, 344349, 351352

editing and deleting, 349


icon sets, 125, 127

ideas, relating, 242

IF function, 84, 86

IFERROR function, 8586, 89

images, adding to worksheets, 128132, 134. See also SmartArt


data from text files, 281284

and exporting XML data, 371374, 382

external data, 401406

Insert Function, using to create formulas, 80, 87

Insert Options, applying, 17


columns, 1920

rows, 1920

integer programming, 204, 207

Intelligent Services, 58

iterative calculation options, 8991, 101


keyboard shortcuts, 431438

Backstage view, 300

cells for selections, 77

charts, 216, 220

closing workbooks, 8

Copy, 51

creating workbooks, 9

Cut, 51

data entry, 4142

executing instructions, 320

Find tab, 53

hiding and unhiding ribbon, 3233

navigating references, 83

Open page of Backstage view, 7

Paste, 52

printing, 306307

Save As dialog box, 7

saving changes, 323

saving workbooks, 7, 365

selecting worksheets, 21

selections, 77

spell-checking, 57

undoing actions, 49, 57

Visual Basic Editor, 320

KPIs (key performance indicators), 418422, 430


landscape mode, 301302

languages, translating words to, 58

LARGE function, 146

levels, organizing data into, 163167

line charts, 236

linear forecasts, creating, 413


data, 178182, 187

Office documents, 341342

list boxes, 328329, 332333

List diagrams, 242

list rows, selecting, 142143

lists, using to sort data, 161167

locking and unlocking cells, 360, 362

logos, adding to worksheets, 129

looking up information, 167170, 172. See also finding and replacing data

lookup_value argument, 168


macro button, adding to Quick Access toolbar, 325326

macro-enabled templates, saving, 177

macros. See also form controls

creating and modifying, 322323, 337

deleting, 323

editing, 323

Enable Content button, 317

enabling, 337

examining, 321, 337

executing instructions, 320

exiting, 321

moving through, 320321

recording, 322323

running, 321, 323328, 337338

security levels, 316319

viewing and editing, 319

mailto hyperlink, creating, 348349

margins, specifying for printing, 300

mathematical equations, 247251, 254

Matrix diagrams, 242

MAX function, 74, 145146

measures, defining and managing, 416418, 429. See also Power Pivot

MEDIAN function, 146

merging cells, 2224

Microsoft Azure, connecting to, 401

MIN function, 74, 84, 145146

mobile apps, 5

MODE.SNGL function, 146


cell ranges, 50

charts, 220, 222223

data, 67

data in workbooks, 4752

formulas, 83

shapes, 247248

multiplication operator, 82


#NAME? error code, 95

named ranges, referring to, 81


groups of data, 100

worksheets, 12, 14

negation operator, 82

NOW() formula, updating, 80

nper argument, 74

numbers, formatting, 117121, 134


Office documents, including, 340344, 351

Office themes, applying, 113117, 133 diagrams, 242

OneDrive and Excel Online, 374379, 382

operators and precedence, 8283

option buttons, 331332, 334335

Options dialog box, Calculation Options, 90


page breaks, changing, 303304

page printing order, changing, 304305

Page Setup dialog box, 300

Pareto charts, 225, 228, 238

passwords, using, 358, 361364

Paste gallery, 48

Paste Live Preview, 48

Paste Options, 49, 349350

Paste Special dialog box, 50

pasting cell ranges, 52

payments, updating, 80

PDF files, saving workbooks as, 354355

percentage operator, 82

PERCENTILE function, 147148

Picture diagrams, 242

PivotCharts, using, 284286, 290. See also charts

PivotTables. See also tables

changing data display, 274

creating, 258259

creating dynamic charts, 284286

creating from external data, 280284

creating from Power Pivot data, 397

cross-tabular format, 261

custom styles, 278

deferring updates, 263

editing, 273276

fields, 260, 263

filtering, showing, and hiding data, 264273

formatting, 277280

organizing data, 261

slicers, 269270, 272

using, 256263, 275280, 288289

using KPIs in, 421

plotting data in charts, 218, 221222

portrait mode, 301302

Power Pivot, using to analyze data, 392397, 407408. See also measures

Power Query, using, 282283, 401406, 408

practice files

analyzing data sets, 189

business intelligence analysis, 385

calculations on data, 69

charts and graphics, 215

collaboration, 353

data and tables, 39

data management, 137

data sources, 173

forecasts and visualizations, 409

macros, 315

Microsoft Office apps, 339

PivotTables and PivotCharts, 255

printing, 293

reordering data, 155

summarizing data, 155

workbook appearance, 103

workbook setup, 3

precedence and operators, 8283

previewing data, 48

primary key column, 167

print area, defining and removing, 309

printed items, centering, 308

printed material, positioning, 309

printed pages

adding headers and footers, 294299, 313

repeating rows and columns on, 310311

viewing, 301


charts, 311312, 314

errors, 307

parts of worksheets, 308311, 314

preparing worksheets for, 299305, 313

specific pages, 309

worksheets, 305307, 314

Process diagrams, 242

PRODUCT function, 145146


assigning, 8

customizing, 11

protecting workbooks and sheets, 358364, 380381

pv argument, 74

Pyramid diagrams, 242


QUARTILE function, 147148

queries, creating with Power Query, 403406

Quick Access toolbar

adding buttons, 2830

adding macro button, 325326

Quick Analysis Lens, 190191, 211, 216. See also analyzing data


RAND function, 142143

range_lookup argument, 168169

ranges of cells, finding valid sets of values, 150152. See also cells

rate argument, 74

redoing actions, 59

#REF! error code, 95, 179180

Relationship diagrams, 242

relationships between tables, 389391

relative references, 7779, 83


columns, 397

ribbon elements, 34

worksheets, 14

replacing values, 5556


charts, 219

form controls, 335

images, 130

shapes, 246, 248

ribbon, customizing, 3036

rotating, shapes, 249

row height, changing, 18

rows. See also filtered rows; hidden rows; Total row

adding to tables, 63

deleting, hiding, and unhiding, 18, 2021

inserting, 17, 1920

repeating on printed pages, 310311

resizing, 1617

selecting, 51

sorting, 157


Save As dialog box, opening, 7, 9


changes to macros, 323

charts as templates, 234

macro-enabled templates, 177

as PDF and XPS files, 354355

workbooks, 7, 9, 174, 365

workbooks as templates, 177

workbooks for electronic distribution, 354355, 380

workbooks for web, 369370, 381382

Scenario Manager, 192193, 195

Search box, 54

search filter, 139141

security levels, setting for apps, 318


cells and ranges, 50

columns, 51

data sources, 218

rows, 51

worksheets, 21

selection filter, creating, 140

selections, expanding, 77


extending, 43

filling, 43

shading cells, 105

shape text, formatting, 243, 249. See also text


adding to worksheets, 248

aligning, 250

creating and managing, 243, 245247, 254

deleting, 244, 250

formatting, 245

moving, 247248

reordering, 250

resizing, 246, 248

rotating, 249

sheets. See worksheets

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

Simplex LP option, using with Solver, 204

single quotes (‘), using with workbook names, 179

slicers, using with PivotTables, 269270, 272

SMALL function, 147148

Smart Lookup, 58, 60

SmartArt, using to create diagrams, 241245, 254. See also diagrams; graphics; images

Solver, 202208, 213214

sorting data, 156163, 171, 394

sources. See data sources

sparklines, using to summarize data, 239241, 253

spelling, checking, 57, 59

spin buttons, 330, 333334

Spreadsheet Solutions tab, 176

Start screen, 7

statistics. See descriptive statistics

STDEV function, 145146

styles, defining, 109112, 133. See also table styles

SUBTOTAL function, 144145, 147148


applying, 164

removing, 166

subtraction operator, 82

SUM function, 74, 76, 145146

SUMIF and SUMIFS functions, 85


data, 100101, 143148

data using sparklines, 239241

data with charts, 253

values, 147

sunburst charts, 227228


tab color, changing for worksheets, 16

Table AutoExpansion, stopping, 62

table styles, applying, 116117, 133. See also styles

table_array argument, 168

tables. See also Excel table styles; PivotTables

adding using Quick Analysis Lens, 191

converting to cell ranges, 64

defining, 6164, 68

defining relationships between, 388392

renaming, 64

resizing, 62

Total row, 6263


choosing for hyperlinks, 345

displaying for hyperlinks, 349

templates. See also workbooks

saving charts as, 234

using, 174177

text. See also shape text

adding to number formats, 120121

adding to shapes, 246, 249

editing in SmartArt, 243

text files, importing data from, 281

themes, applying, 113117, 133

Thesaurus, 57, 60

time and date, displaying, 80

time periods, filling, 43

timelines, using to view data, 397400, 408

Top 10 filter, creating, 139141

Total row. See also rows

adding to tables, 6263

changing calculation in, 64


adding using Quick Analysis Lens, 191

finding, 144

tracer arrows, displaying and removing, 95, 97

Translator tools, 58, 6061

treemap charts, 226, 228

trendlines, 236238. See also charts

trends, finding in data, 235238, 253

Tufte, Edward, 239

type argument, 74


undoing actions, 49, 57, 59

unique values, finding in data sets, 149. See also values


validation rules, adding to cells, 151

#VALUE! error code, 95

values. See also formulas; unique values

calculating, 100

defining for ranges of cells, 150152, 154

displaying, 139

entering in cells, 4344

looking for, 53

replacing, 5556

summarizing, 147

watching in cell ranges, 9798

VAR function, 145146

Visual Basic Editor, opening, 319320

VLOOKUP function, 168170


Watch Window, 9798

waterfall charts, 224, 228

web, saving workbooks for, 369370

weekdays, filling, 43

words, adding to dictionary, 60

workbook windows, arranging, 2627

workbooks. See also templates

authenticating, 366368, 381

closing, 8, 12

copying, 1215

creating, 612, 37

displaying copies of, 27

finalizing, 364366, 381

modifying, 1216, 37

opening, 10

printing parts of, 308311

protecting, 358364, 380381

recalculating, 91

repositioning, 1314

saving, 7, 9, 174, 365

saving for electronic distribution, 354355, 380

saving for web, 369370, 381382

switching to, 27

as templates, 174177


changing tab colors, 16

creating, 13

displaying, 13

hiding and unhiding, 15

modifying, 1622, 3738

naming, 12

printing, 305307, 314

printing parts of, 314

protecting, 358364, 380381

recalculating, 91

renaming, 13

scaling for printing, 302

selecting, 21

zooming in on, 2425


.xlsm extension, 316

.xlsx extension, 316

.xlt and .xltm files, saving, 174

.xltm extension, 316

.xltx extension, 316

XML data, importing and exporting, 371374, 382

XPS files, saving workbooks as, 354355


zooming in on worksheets, 2425

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