About the Authors

All four authors of The Influence Effect: A New Path to Power for Women Leaders are partners at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL), a firm dedicated to moving women leaders forward faster. They are inspired by their Red Suit Vision, which calls for women to make up a minimum of 30 percent of all top leadership positions in corporate America by the year 2025.


Kathryn Heath is a founding partner at FHHL who develops leadership programs, coaches executives, and designs training. She specializes in identifying organizations’ specific business targets through customized programs and working with executives and high-potential leaders at Fortune 500 companies. She coauthored Break Your Own Rules: How to Change the Patterns of Thinking That Block Women’s Paths to Power, which landed on the best-seller lists of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Washington Post. Before she cofounded FHHL, Kathryn was senior vice president and director of First University at the nation’s fourth-largest bank, First Union (now Wells Fargo), where her inventive and results-focused approach won her numerous awards in the field of learning and development.


Jill Flynn is a founding partner at FHHL and a coauthor of Break Your Own Rules. Her work with corporate clients results in higher retention and promotion rates of their women leaders. Jill is widely recognized for her coaching, training, speaking, and consulting expertise and has a roster of happy clients. She previously served as senior vice president at the nation’s fourth-largest bank, First Union (now Wells Fargo), where she established their leadership development, diversity, organizational consulting, and employee satisfaction initiatives. As the corporation grew exponentially during her tenure, Jill and her team prepared a cadre of high-potential leaders to assume senior positions. Within a three-year timeframe, the number of women in these roles increased from 9 percent to 26 percent.


Mary Davis Holt, also a partner at FHHL and coauthor of Break Your Own Rules, is an in-demand speaker who shares her hard-won insights and promotes the firm’s new rules for success to a wide range of audiences. Mary is also a sought-after facilitator and executive coach, and she works with companies to plan strategies that change the culture to support women leaders. Prior to joining FHHL, Mary held executive positions at Time Warner with oversight that ranged from finance to information technology, marketing, human resources, manufacturing, and distribution. She held a number of leadership roles in the publishing group, including senior executive vice president and chief operating officer of Time Life.


Diana Faison is a partner at FHHL, and she worked with the firm as a consultant for over ten years before her partnership. She began her career as a teacher of leadership development studies and a dean in student affairs at Queens University and the University of North Carolina–Charlotte. Over the span of her career, she has coached clients in a wide range of industries, including professional services, global real estate, financial services, software development, and health care. Diana is a sought-after keynote speaker on business leadership topics such as political savvy, brand, personal power, authentic leadership, and well-being.

For more information about the authors and Flynn Heath Holt Leadership, please visit www.FlynnHeath.com.

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