The Effect of Influence

Most of us do not realize how much power we have.


WE AS WOMEN HAVE SO much to gain—and nearly nothing to lose—by using the powerful influence strategies in this book.

Beyond the cumulative benefits of empowering individual women, the Influence Effect can be a game changer for organizations. Study after study reinforces the idea that gender-diverse leadership teams result in higher profitability, greater innovation, and balanced risk taking. The evidence is simply overwhelming. This should act as an incentive for top leaders in organizations to take a hard look at the number of women represented on their leadership teams at every level. Where the percentage of women does not adequately represent their workforce and customers, they would do well to take steps to increase female representation. Best-in-class companies have metrics that track gender representation and turnover. These companies fund and support leadership programs expressly designed to develop women leaders. They match their high-potential female leaders with executive-level sponsors, and design programs to enable coaching. Finally, best-in-class companies hold their top leaders accountable for retaining, training, and promoting female executives within their organizations. These are the types of actions that help companies succeed and be their best.

When American businesses achieve our firm’s long-standing goal of having women in at least 30 percent of the top leadership roles, our society will be a better place. Not just for women, or companies, or the economy, but for everyone.

Now, a final bit of encouragement.

One of the many things that the Influence Effect delivers for women is a sense of empowerment. Influence gets us in the game without asking us to sacrifice our values. Unlike politics, influence is not a zero-sum activity. We can be influential without taking influence away from someone else. Influence also fosters a sense of intellectual excitement. As we’ve seen throughout the book, the active pursuit of influence is a lifelong journey and it creates a path for career progress.

Remember when we asked you to think bigger and aim higher? Now is the time for you to choose a goal. Focus on that next big step forward in your career. Now, pick out two or three strategies from this book and get to work. Ask for support and feedback from your advisors and sponsors. Remember, you may not succeed in your first attempt. Use these strategies as an opportunity to develop your “influence muscles.” You must continue to develop them to get better and be stronger. The practice of influence is an ongoing endeavor. Even when you reach the highest levels of leadership, you will continue to fine-tune your influence capabilities. There is always a next influence loop to make, more connections to establish, and new ideas to champion.

We have presented dozens of tools for you to use. Choose a few and get started. Our hope is that you will use the Influence Effect as you walk to the water’s edge, seize the biggest wave you can find, and ride it to the top tier of your organization.

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