
  • A
  • Abreu, Thomas, 69
  • absurdity, getting used to, 179180
  • acceptance, creating, 103104, 173
  • accountability, sides of, 85
  • Adair, Johnny, 32
  • Agrawal, Miki, 180
  • agreements
  • Airbnb, 121
  • Alexander, Nathan, 118
  • analogy, using with customers, 28
  • Andreasen, Nancy, 158
  • answers, stretching with, 122123
  • anthropological witnessing, 1718, 32, 34, 3839
  • The Arbor Company, 99
  • Archimedes, 49
  • Assyria, rule of, ix
  • attraction and innovation, 54, 60
  • auto auction company, 2425
  • B
  • Babylonian King Marduk Zakir Shumi, ix
  • banjo player, Béla Fleck, 147149
  • Basarab, Dave, 113114
  • “Be all…there,” 108
  • “Be the Car” project, 25
  • “be the customer,” 910
  • Because of Winn-Dixie, 3132
  • belief and faith, benefits to, 61, 66
  • Bell, Annabeth, 31
  • Bell, Cassie, 141
  • Bell, Kaylee, 199
  • Benigni, Roberto, 180
  • Berra, Yogi, 31
  • The Big Apple Circus, 183184
  • “big boy” event, 187
  • Bix Bender, Texas, 115
  • blending, process of, 6364
  • Bohr, Niels, 177
  • booby traps, clearing away, 155156
  • brain, right versus left, 126
  • Brandeau, Greg, 35
  • breakthroughs, hunting for, 1112
  • Build-A-Bear Workshop, 2728
  • business, purpose of, xii
  • Byrne, John, 47
  • C
  • “Candelabra” performance, 84
  • car auction company, 2425
  • caring, communicating, 26, 8586
  • Carnegie, Andrew, 187
  • Carson, Johnny, 184
  • Carter, Jimmy, 33
  • Cathy, Truett, 67
  • caution lights
    • heeding, 161162
    • planning for contracts, 159
    • in Trust secret, 128
  • Chesky, Brian, 121
  • chi, 9495
  • Chick-fil-A, 67
  • CIA (Culinary Institute of America), 191
  • circus
  • Cirque de l’Imagination, 178, 185. See also imagination
  • Cirque du Soleil, 177, 182
  • clarity, assessing, 6768
  • Clark, Maxine, 2728
  • Clarke, Arthur C., 59
  • Clinton, Bill, 190
  • Close, Del, 131
  • clowns, sending in, 180181
  • co-creation partnership. See also partnership
    • components of, 198199
    • foundation of, 12
    • integrating customers, 2
    • versus participation, 4
    • secrets, 911
    • value of, 68
  • Collective Genius, 35
  • company as provider, 56. See also provider-to-customer relationship
  • Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Service, 121
  • connections, bad versus good, 132
  • “connect-the-nine-dots” puzzle, 65
  • contingency plans, 152153
  • Continuum consulting firm, 35
  • contracts, planning caution lights for, 159
  • The Convenience Revolution, 86
  • cooking shows, 151
  • Copeland, Bill, 139
  • core values, 3435, 37. See also value-based guardrails
  • cotton candy, 178180
  • Covey, Stephen, 26
  • crab, features of, 186
  • Craddock Terry Hotel, 34
  • The Creative Brain, 158
  • Cuff, Andrew, 117
  • Cummings, E. E., 185
  • Curiosity secret
    • in action, 22, 3233
    • conveying, 1213
    • explained, 910
    • goal of, 26
    • inquiry, 1718
    • listening, 17
    • manifestations, 17
    • opposite of, 18
    • practice of, 18
    • provider-customer dialogue, 1819
    • sincerity of, 4647
    • as treasure hunt, 16
    • unfiltered, 45
    • witnessing, 17
  • curious intent, showing, 4244
  • customer aware organizations, 12
  • customer-centric, meaning, 1112
  • “customerization,” 5
  • customer-organization relationship, vagueness, xii. See also organization
  • customers
    • being, 910, 2426
    • core values, 3435, 37
    • creating and keeping, xii
    • definition, xi
    • dreaming with, 4748
    • examining needs of, xii, 29
    • focusing on, 8788
    • getting intelligence about, 38
    • goals, 6263
    • identifying wants of, 2
    • journey mapping, 38
    • language, 35
    • listening to, 2122
    • loyalty, 8484
    • needs, 23, 4748, 6667
    • as “other king,” xxi
    • picturing goal of, 6263
    • traditions, 35
    • treasure trove within, 67
    • watching in action, 3637
  • Customers as Partners, 13
  • customer’s imagination, gaining access to, 54
  • D
  • Dance Lessons: Six Steps to Great Partnership in Business and Life, 2627
  • danger zones, watching out for, 153155
  • daredevil learning, 10, 93, 102
  • A Day in the Life of a Driver, 63
  • de Bono, Edward, 65, 122
  • de Meo, Luca, 35
  • DeGeneres, Ellen, 24
  • Dell computers, 4
  • Deming, Edwards, 191
  • DHL in Europe, 8
  • DiCamillo, Kate, 3132
  • DiJulius, John, 62
  • DiSabatino, Brian, 24
  • discipline, valuing, 148149
  • Discover credit card company, 86
  • Discovery Channel, tuning into, 112113
  • Discovery secret
    • characteristics, 9293
    • daredevil learning, 10, 102
    • elements, 94
    • pursuit of perfection, 100102
  • Disney, Walt, 9798, 177
  • disruption
    • discussing, 156
    • “go to market” strategy, x
    • in partnership, 153
  • Don’t Squat with Yer Spurs On! 115
  • Dreaming Sessions, 47
  • dreams, realizing, 62
  • Drucker, Peter, xii
  • E
  • EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), 133
  • “eccentric,” meaning of, 17
  • eccentric listening. See also listening
    • experience of, 23
    • function of, 17
    • practicing, 2930
  • eccentrics and mad scientists, 172174
  • Edinborough, Arnold, 15
  • EDiS Company, 24
  • Edison, Thomas, 74
  • “egalitarian,” 192
  • Einstein, Albert, 46, 199
  • Ellison, Larry, 94
  • empathy and listening, 2224
  • end, starting at, 179
  • “Engagement” staff, 99
  • The Executive Challenge, 114115
  • F
  • factory mentality, xi
  • faith and belief, benefits to, 61, 66
  • Fast Company magazine, 47
  • fear, driving out of workplace, 191
  • feedback cues, planning, 145147
  • Fields, Cindy, 188189
  • The Fifth Discipline, 111
  • Fleck, Béla, 147
  • flexibility versus tolerance, 7375
  • focus. See also insight
    • assessing, 6768
    • clarifying, 6466
    • and grounding, 55
    • requirement, 61
    • testing, 6566
  • Ford, Henry, 2
  • Forster, E. M., 107, 200
  • Fortune, 28, 43
  • “frameworks of seeing,” 34
  • Frisbie, William, 37
  • “functional fixedness,” 6566
  • G
  • General Electric, 47
  • generosity, stretching with, 118119
  • genuineness, 45
  • Getting Service Right, 75
  • Glidewell, Jack, 154
  • “go to market” strategy, x
  • goals, clarifying, 65
  • Godin, Seth, 80, 112, 118
  • gold mining, 4142
  • Goldcorp, 127
  • Google search, 38
  • gratitude, expressing, 194
  • Greenleaf Whittier, John, 152
  • greeting, intent of, 43
  • Groeschel, Craig, 169
  • Grounding secret. See also guardrails and grounding; needs of customer
    • components of, 5455
    • function of, 5556
    • partner on purpose, 10
    • purposeful components, 56
    • relationship security, 5657
  • Grove, Andrew, 124
  • growth, attraction to, 92
  • guardrails and grounding, 56. See also Grounding secret; value-based guardrails
  • The Guinness Book of World Records, 43
  • Gutsche, Jeremy, 39
  • H
  • half-truths, acceptability of, 133
  • handshake, symbolism of, ix
  • Harley-Davidson, 110111
  • Hartley, Lena, 71
  • Harwell, Ernie, 197
  • Hegel, W. F., 195
  • Hill, Linda, 35
  • Holt, John, 115
  • honesty as best practice, 134136
  • honor in action, trust as, 127128
  • “honor wine,” 126
  • honoring
  • hotels, guest workarounds, 3637
  • How shall we talk? 27
  • Hyken, Shep, 86
  • I
  • ideas. See also “two more ideas”
    • as solutions, 126
    • sprouting, 95
  • identification, creating climate of, 146
  • imagination. See also “Cirque de l’Imagination”
  • Immelt, Jeff, 47
  • The Imposter, 147
  • incubation alliance
    • creating, 104105
    • daredevil learning, 102
    • perfection and excellence, 100102
    • rapport retreat, 98100
    • unmistakable acceptance, 103105
  • Inn at Sea Island, 166
  • innocence
    • elevating, 179
    • versus intelligence, 174175
  • innovation
    • alliance of, 17
    • and attraction, 54
    • and honoring, 188190
    • innocence versus intelligence, 174175
    • meaning of, 2, 148
    • nurturing, ixx
    • process of, 92
    • quest, 5354
    • through honoring, 188190
  • inquiry
    • characteristics, 45
    • and curiosity, 1718
    • intent of, 43
    • unleashed and unfiltered, 4445, 4849
  • insight. See also focus
  • inspiration, providing, 8485
  • intelligence versus imagination, 199
  • invitation, extending for partnership, 198
  • Ionesco, Eugène, 41
  • Iraq Museum in Baghdad, ix
  • Iron Chef, 151
  • Izzo, John B., 81
  • J
  • Jones, Franklin P., 18
  • Jowett, Benjamin, 49
  • Joyce, Mike, 134
  • K
  • Kaye, Kenneth, 162
  • Keller, Helen, 91
  • Kennedy, John F., 151
  • Kennedy, Keith, 137138
  • Kimberly-Clark, 66
  • King Shalmaneser III, ix
  • “kings with staffs,” partnership, xiii
  • knowledge versus imagination, 199
  • Kounios, John, 105
  • L
  • LaFlèche, Isabelle, 176
  • Lakein, Alan, 161
  • Lateral Thinking, 65, 122
  • Lavin Bernick, Carol, 112
  • learning, hardwiring into partnership, 108110
  • left brain, 126
  • lemonade-stand scenario, 205208
  • Leonard, Stew, 43
  • leverage, principle of, 49
  • Levitt, Ted, 66
  • Liberation Management, 5
  • Lineback, Kent, 35
  • listening. See also eccentric listening
    • and Curiosity secret, 17
    • and empathy, 2224
    • getting data from, 22
    • to interpret, 23
    • for solutions, 126
  • Lloyd, Calvin, 141
  • “Locker Room Talk,” 154155
  • Lockheed Martin, 134
  • Logan, Frank, 41
  • Longstreet, John, 33, 122123, 174175
  • Love, Tim, 151
  • loyalty, considering, xiixiii
  • M
  • MacKenzie, Gordon, 105
  • mad scientists and eccentrics, 172174
  • Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for Learning, 146
  • The Marketing Imagination, 66
  • Marriott’s Executive Education Program, 190
  • Marriott’s Meeting Imagined website, 64
  • Marx, Groucho, 18
  • May, Rollo, 171
  • McDonald’s, 7374, 181
  • McElroy, Terry, 120
  • McEwen, Rob, 127
  • McLane wholesale supply company, 120
  • Mead, Margaret, 3235
  • meaning
    • joint search for, 2627
    • turning into insight, 2729
  • memory, imagining, 65
  • Menninger, Karl A., 21
  • Meno, Joe, 1
  • Merrill Lynch, 83
  • mindset, terminology, 26
  • The Music Man, 145
  • N
  • needs of customer, knowing, 23, 4748, 6667. See also Grounding secret
  • Net Promoter survey, 44
  • Netanyahu, Benjamin, 190
  • never-give-up tenacity, 113114
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich, 138
  • Nothing-Is-Impossible attitude, 110112
  • nurturing, elasticity versus endurance, 7879
  • O
  • Odom, Mel, 150
  • OMGs (oh my goodnesses), avoiding and remembering, 65
  • Orbiting the Giant Hairball, 105
  • organization. See also customer-organization relationship
    • loyalty to customer, xiixiii needs of, 1
  • “other king,” customer as, xxi
  • ownership, importance of, 103
  • P
  • pain
    • respecting, 161
    • stopping in partnerships, 157159
  • paradigm shift, customer’s needs as, 6667
  • paraphrasing, 2324
  • participation, encouraging, 4
  • partner on purpose, 10
  • partnership. See also co-creation partnership
    • agreements, 144145
    • building, 198
    • cause of failure, 131
    • checkup, 201203
    • clearing booby traps, 155156
    • definition, xiii, 13
    • discovery, 94
    • elasticity versus endurance, 7879
    • flexibility versus tolerance, 7375
    • giving flexibility, 7375
    • improving, 203
    • between “kings with staffs,” xiii
    • managing, 3, 7678
    • nurturing, 78
    • owning, 8283
    • and participation, 4
    • preparation, 156157
    • questions for preparation, 156157
    • roles in, 156
    • symbolizing with handshake, ix
    • The Partnership Checkup tool, 159
    • warranty, 8889
  • pass-I-on, 171, 175176
  • Passion secret
    • components of, 165
    • explained, 164
    • and honor, 167
    • Inn at Sea Island, 166
    • never stop courting, 11
  • Patterson, John, 2425, 83, 153
  • Penny Loafer, 4
  • perfection, pursuit of, 100102
  • performance, increasing, x
  • Perry, Jennifer, 29
  • Peters, Tom, 5
  • Peterson, Herb, 73, 172
  • Picasso, Pablo, 71, 148
  • picture-day mentality, 100102
  • pictures, blending, 6364
  • “pinch,” disruption as, 153155
  • Pitney Bowes Global Mailing Solutions, 113114
  • planning, purpose of, 161
  • “plight of the driver,” 62
  • Poirot, Ken, 117
  • preparedness scenarios, 152153
  • problems, identifying and addressing, 6566
  • Procter & Gamble, 34
  • products and services, factory mentality, xi
  • provider-to-customer relationship, 1112. See also company as provider
  • purpose and innovation, 5354
  • Q
  • Quadracci, Harry, 145
  • questions, using, 4647
  • R
  • Radio Shack, 8788
  • Rainey, Nancy Marie, 71, 79
  • rapport retreat, generating, 98100
  • rationale for feedback, stating, 146
  • reflection, 201202
  • reflective responses, 23
  • The Relationship Economy, 62
  • relationship
  • relevance, assessing, 6768
  • renegotiation, planning, 159
  • right brain, 126
  • Riley, Pat, 89
  • Rimini Street, 29
  • Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus, 184
  • Rogers, Carl, 16, 131
  • role model company, choosing, 29
  • roles in partnerships, 156
  • rules, breaking, 148
  • “rules of engagement,” 56
  • “runaround promise,” 137
  • S
  • Savage, John, 30
  • Savi Baby, 104
  • “scratching itches,” 54
  • Senge, Peter, 111
  • services. See products and services
  • Shalmaneser, ix
  • shepherd’s crook, symbol of, x, xi
  • Sherwood, John, 154
  • sideshow, adding, 182183
  • Smale, John, 34
  • Smyth, Cameron, 3738
  • solutions, listening for, 126
  • staff, brilliance in, 123
  • Starbucks, 4
  • Stern, Howard, 24
  • stimulation, randomizing, 178
  • Stone, W. Clement, 51
  • storyboarding, 121122
  • stretching
    • with generosity, 118119
    • with imagination appetizer, 119120
    • with more answers, 122123
    • with storyboarding, 121122
  • study guide, 205208
  • “sursy,” giving, 193194
  • symbols
    • handshake, ixx
    • shepherd’s crook, x, xi
  • T
  • TA (TravelCenters of America), 6263
  • Tai Chi, 117
  • Take Their Breath Away, 182
  • Tebeau, Jason, 103104
  • three Cs, 153
  • time out, calling, 158159
  • Toister, Jeff, 75
  • tolerance versus flexibility, 7375
  • traditions, 35
  • truck drivers, plight of, 62
  • Truelove, Emily, 35
  • Trust secret
    • components of, 128
    • elements of, 1011
    • as honor in action, 127128
    • importance of, 132134
    • in innovation cultures, 126127
    • trouble with, 131
  • Twain, Mark, 92
  • “two more ideas,” 122. See also ideas
  • Ty Beanie Babies, 28
  • U
  • Ultimate Software, 135136
  • unleashed and unfiltered inquiry. See inquiry
  • V
  • value-based guardrails. See also core values; guardrails and grounding
    • constructing, 7576, 7980
    • versus work agreements, 142
  • Vans shoes, 4
  • Vincenzo’s Ristorante, 126
  • VSC (Victoria’s Secret Catalog), 188189
  • W
  • Walton, Sam, 34
  • warranty
  • A Way of Being, 131
  • “what if,” 123, 152153, 181, 183, 188
  • What will it mean to you/to me? 27
  • Whitbread Hotels, 190
  • white lies, prohibiting, 136138
  • whole truth, 128, 131, 138139
  • “why” and pursuit of innovation, 53
  • Why are we here? 27
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 24
  • witnessing and Curiosity secret, 1718, 32, 34, 3839
  • work agreements
  • Y
  • Young, Andrew, 3334
  • Z
  • zeal and passion, 165, 170172
  • Zemke, Ron, 38
  • Ziglar, Zig, 62
  • “zone of indifference,” 153154
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