
Chip’s life as a writer began when Mrs. Ridley gave him an A+ on his eleventh-grade essay titled “The Sex Life of a Coat Hanger.” He spent much of his youth in the woods of his family’s farm in South Georgia masquerading as a little boy since he was a superhero in his imagination.

He charmed his graduate school proessors into giving him good grades (Vanderbilt and George Washington University), thus preparing him for a career as a renowned keynote speaker. Global Gurus in 2020 ranked him for the sixth year in a row in the top three keynote speakers in the world on customer service. Chip’s keynotes focus on innovative service, customers as partners, and mining your customer’s imagination. His clients have included companies known for great customer service, including the Ritz-Carlton Hotels, USAA, Capital One, Southwest Airlines, Verizon, GE, Bayer, Cadillac, IBM, Marriott, and Harley-Davidson.

He spent about twenty years on a one-year tour in Vietnam as an infantry unit commander with the elite 82nd Airborne. He returned to the States with a chest full of medals for valor and enough really cool war stories to occupy a lifetime of dinner parties. Chip also served as a guerilla tactics instructor at the US Army Infantry School.

After eight years in the corporate world as the director of organization development and training for a large bank, Chip launched a consulting practice in 1980 focused on creating cultures that support long-term customer loyalty. Many of his award-winning, bestselling books center on innovative, value-unique customer experiences, including Take Their Breath Away, Magnetic Service, The 9½ Principles of Innovative Service, Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service, Service Magic, Sprinkles, and Kaleidoscope. He worked with legendary Academy Award–winning Warner Bros. cartoonist Chuck Jones to coauthor Beep Beep! Competing in the Age of the Road Runner. He also coauthored Magnetic Service with his son, Bilijack.

He still thinks he might be a superhero or at least a rock star since he once opened for the Backstreet Boys. Chip’s favorite color is purple; his favorite food is Mexican; his favorite music is Italian opera and classic country. He has been married for over fifty years to Dr. Nancy Rainey Bell, an attorney and graduate school professor, and has a son, a daughter-in-law, and three gorgeous, really smart granddaughters.

Chip can be reached at www.chipbell.com.

Contact Chip about his keynotes, workshops, webinars, and award-winning training programs.

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