Part VI. Putting Everything Together


After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.

 --Nelson Mandela

In this book, I have tried to give you a good feel for the APIs and utilities available to Java and Web services developers for programming the Oracle database. Using those APIs and utilities, you can build tactical Java stored procedures, JDBC and or SQLJ based applications, and database Web services, but as you will see, you can also integrate these technologies with strategic applications or build custom frameworks and products. How far can you go? When you combine Java in the Oracle database, JDBC, SQLJ, JPublisher, and database Web services with the rich features set of the Oracle database (including PL/SQL, XMLDB, streams/AQ, JMS), the sky is the limit! Now, I’ll describe real-world systems and products that exploit the technologies described in this book.

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