
The forensic community has grown in size in the past years, so to give thanks to the many that have kept me focused, encouraged me, and shared their knowledge is a longer list than I could share in a few pages. There are some that cannot go without public acknowledgement, for without their support as friends and confidants, this book would not have been but a fleeting thought.

I cannot thank Harlan Carvey enough for agreeing to be the Tech Editor for this book. Harlan is the rare person that not only has legendary expertise in the field, but also has a great heart as a person and family man. Troy Larson, another digital forensics legend, for his foreword to my book. Dave Stenhouse, one of the best persons I know to bounce ideas on the tough cases. Going back a few years, I thank the finest partner a detective could have, Mark Klinke. Mark is one of those investigators that will dig and not stop until the case is finished, all the while doing an absolute great job. I tend to think his tenacity in purpose rubbed off a bit on me. I’d also like to thank a dear friend, Brad Tofthagen, who constantly reminds me through his actions, that personal integrity and honor is something to keep strong, no matter the cost or effort. My constant calls, emails, and bothersome requests over the years, and in particular for this book, are appreciated.

As for my number one supporter, I thank my wife Chikae, as she has endured my endless discussions of computer jargon and excitement of finding forensic artifacts in my cases. Her limitless support was instrumental and probably the main reason I started and finished this book. I attribute my success and the success of our children to her tireless efforts and patience to encourage all of us to drive on.

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