
1. Humberto Maturana (with G. Verden-Zöller), “Biology of Love,” in Focus Heilpädagogik, ed. G. Opp and F. Peterander. Munich and Basel: Reinhardt, 1996.

Chapter 1

1. This is a favorite invocation that we use in many settings. This version appears in Christina Baldwin’s Story catcher, pp. 55–56.

2. Pinker, Language Instinct, p. 353.

Chapter 2

1. This document is available on our Web site,, in a growing number of languages.

Chapter 4

1. This story is told in its entirety as a PeerSpirit Circle Tale, archived in July 2007 on our site, See also the Web site of Matthias zur Bonsen,

Chapter 7

1. Bohm, On Dialogue, pp. 16–17.

Chapter 9

1. Zweig and Abrams, Meeting the Shadow, p. 3.

2. Ibid.

Chapter 10

1. Baldwin, Story catcher, pp. 3–4.

2. A rondeval is a traditional hut with walls made from rocks collected in the fields. It is held together with dung and covered with a thatch roof.

3. Miombo woodlands form a broad belt across south-central Africa from Angola in the west to Tanzania in the east. The woodland contains grasses and shrubs and various tree species that shed their leaves for short periods during the dry season to preserve moisture.

4. “Ndira, a lifelong campaigner for political change, had been arrested more than 30 times but has kept up his opposition to the government that has led Zimbabweans to the lowest life expectancy in the world. His remains—a crushed skull, a bullet wound through the chest and blood-stained shorts—are a depressing metaphor for Zimbabwe in the aftermath of a stolen election.” Daniel Howden and Raymond Whitaker, reporting in The Independent, June 2, 2008.

5. The Research and Advocacy Unit is a nongovernmental organization working on providing specialist assistance in research and advocacy in the field of human rights, democracy, and governance in Zimbabwe.

6. Mahatma Gandhi, The Essential Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, ed. Raghavan Iyer. New Delhi: Manzar Khan/Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 242.

Chapter 11

1. See Brown and Isaacs, World Café, pp. 96–98.

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