Chapter 13


What’s in This Chapter

•  Assessment options to use in your workshops

•  Paper 360-degree assessment

•  Facilitator assessment for professional development

•  Refer to Chapter 15 for instructions to download full-size assessments

Leadership requires self-examination, and online assessments are the easiest and most thorough way to do this. You have a choice to order and use the recommended TriMetrix EQ assessments or to replace the TriMetrix EQ assessments with other standard assessments. If you are unable to use online assessments for budgetary or other reasons, alternative activities are suggested in Figure 13-1. But please note that this option will not yield the same results as the more comprehensive, research-based online options. To get more information about the TriMetrix EQ tools and Train-the-Trainer Debriefing Guides for TriMetrix EQ, contact

In these workshops, we have recommended using two different online assessments:

•  TriMetrix EQ: a three-part online assessment that measures behaviors, motivators, and emotional intelligence. The results are used to help learners leverage their strengths and mitigate their blind spots.

•  Online 360 OD Survey: a tool to gather feedback from leaders, peers, and direct reports for each learner using the 21st Century Leadership Competencies in these workshops. The results of the 360 are used as a baseline for ongoing coaching and development. An online 360 assessment is the most anonymous and easiest way to get feedback for each learner prior to class. It also creates an aggregate report, which is a good document to share with all the learners to teach them how to read their own reports, and see how they compare with the workshop results as a whole. This allows the time spent in class to be on reflection not assessment.

Using Other Standard Assessments

If you need to use standard assessments other than the TriMetrix EQ instruments for your workshop, this section will help you replace the TriMetrix EQ assessments in the programs with your own. This grid will help you map your own standard and compliant assessments with the ones used in this ATD Workshop Series volume (Figure 13-1). If you are not using any online assessment tool, the figure provides suggestions of activities you can use instead.

Figure 13-1. Assessment Mapping Tool

Use Figure 13-2 as a guide to replace the TriMetrix EQ assessment presentation slides in the workshop agenda with slides based on your own assessments. If you are doing the “no tool option,” you will need to remove the slides altogether (as noted in Figure 13-1).

Figure 13-2. Guide for Modifying Presentation Slides for Other Assessment Options

Using 360-Degree Paper Assessments

Feedback from others on the 21st Century Leadership Competencies used in these workshops is critical to leadership growth. A 360-degree assessment, online or paper, can be a powerful tool in this process, and it involves two important steps:

1.  Self-Assessment. Ask each learner to assess themselves.

2.  Peer Assessment. Ask other learners, one at a time, to assess others in the workshop (minimum of three). By letting reviewers see what the person has done on the self-assessment, the results become less severe and easier to accept. When explaining to people how to read their own results, remind them that small movements from others lower or higher than their own assessment should be noticed.

Here are paper assessment alternatives for the three workshop programs:

•  One-Day and Two-Day Workshops. Use Handout 26: 21st Century Leadership Competency Model Paper 360. Ask learners to complete the self-assessment, and then give the handout to other peer learners in the workshop for their feedback. (Handout 26 has columns for multiple respondents.) I recommend getting anonymous feedback from at least three other people. This can be done in less than 15 minutes per person responding. This assessment exercise takes some coordination from you as the facilitator. Tell the learners that they have the right to ask for a different person to assess them if they don’t feel as if they know the person well enough or if the person is too close to them (making feedback uncomfortable). Because of this, some of the people who are completing the assessments more quickly may end up doing four or five, rather than three, which is fine. The goal is that each learner receives anonymous feedback from three other learners who have seen them in action.

•  Two-Hour Workshop: Use Assessment 1: 360 Leadership Competency Assessment. Ask learners to complete the self-assessment. This can be done in less than 5 minutes. If you have time to incorporate a peer review aspect, you can use the assessment to give to others as well. Just ask learners to write their names on top of each of the assessment pages, complete the self-assessment, and then give the packet to three other peer learners for their feedback in class. I recommend getting anonymous feedback from at least three other people, which can be done in less than 5 minutes per person responding.

Assessments Included in Leadership Training

Assessment 1: 360 Leadership Competency Assessment

Assessment 2: Facilitator Competencies

Assessment 1: 360 Leadership Competency Assessment

Assessment 2: Facilitator Competencies

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