Chapter 12

Learning Activities

What’s in This Chapter

•  Twenty-eight learning activities to use in your workshops

•  Refer to Chapter 15 for instructions to download full-size handouts

To help you facilitate adult learning, we have designed learning activities to deploy regularly throughout the workshop. Their purpose is to challenge and engage learners by breaking up monotony, providing stimulation for different types of learners, and actively helping them acquire new knowledge. Such activities enliven and invigorate the experience, and they help learning “stick.”

Each learning activity provides detailed information about learning objectives, materials required, timeframe, step-by-step instructions, and variations and debriefing questions if required. Follow the instructions in each learning activity to prepare your workshop agenda, identify and gather materials needed, and successfully guide learners through the activity. The experiences provided by the learning activities help support the topics covered in the workshop. See Chapter 15 for complete instructions on how to download the workshop support materials.

Learning Activities Included in Leadership Training

Learning Activity 1: Sketch

Learning Activity 2: Inspirational Leader

Learning Activity 3: Personal Mission

Learning Activity 4: Behavioral Style

Learning Activity 5: Emotions

Learning Activity 6: Team Vision, Mission, and Values

Learning Activity 7: Left-Hand Column

Learning Activity 8: Key Accountabilities

Learning Activity 9: Chunks

Learning Activity 10: Motivators

Learning Activity 11: Spell and Count

Learning Activity 12: Quadrants

Learning Activity 13: Dots

Learning Activity 14: Triangles

Learning Activity 15: Sticky Note Pass

Learning Activity 16: Leadership Manifesto

Learning Activity 17: Coaching

Learning Activity 18: Koosh Ball

Learning Activity 19: Mind Map

Learning Activity 20: Executives Meet, Teams Meet (Breakout Sessions 1 and 2)

Learning Activity 21: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Share DISC and Information (Breakout Session 3)

Learning Activity 22: All Teams Meet and Greet (Breakout Session 4)

Learning Activity 23: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Roles and Strategy (Breakout Session 5)

Learning Activity 24: Individual Reflection

Learning Activity 25: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Final Strategy (Breakout Session 6)

Learning Activity 26: All Teams Meet—Final Negotiations (Breakout Session 7)

Learning Activity 27: Transition Plan

Learning Activity 28: Graduation

Learning Activity 1: Sketch

Learning Activity 2: Inspirational Leader

Learning Activity 3: Personal Mission

Learning Activity 4: Behavioral Style

Learning Activity 5: Emotions

Learning Activity 6: Team Vision, Mission, and Values

Learning Activity 7: Left-Hand Column

Learning Activity 8: Key Accountabilities

Learning Activity 9: Chunks

Learning Activity 10: Motivators

Learning Activity 11: Spell and Count

Learning Activity 12: Quadrants

Learning Activity 13: Dots

Learning Activity 14: Triangles

Learning Activity 15: Sticky Note Pass

Learning Activity 16: Leadership Manifesto

Learning Activity 17: Coaching

Learning Activity 18: Koosh Ball

Learning Activity 19: Mind Map

Learning Activity 20: Executives Meet, Teams Meet

Learning Activity 21: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Share DISC and Info

Learning Activity 22: All Teams Meet and Greet

Learning Activity 23: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Roles and Strategy

Learning Activity 24: Individual Reflection

Learning Activity 25: Executives and Their Teams Meet—Final Strategy

Learning Activity 26: All Teams Meet—Final Negotiations

Learning Activity 27: Transition Plan

Learning Activity 28: Graduation

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