Where Do I Begin?

Okay, now that you have some helpful explanations about organization, it’s time to jump in and get started. The question is, where to begin?

You can get underway quickly by doing two key things: deciding your initial direction and setting up control central, an activity center to support you as you begin the journey.

Start Where the Shoe Pinches

The road to getting organized begins with a single step, but it’s up to you to determine what that first step should be. Because each of us has a different idea of what it means to be organized, and each of us brings varying skills and challenges to the process, your first step needs to be as individual as you are.

Here’s a quick way for you to figure out where to begin: start where the shoe pinches—that is, identify a single organizational problem that drives you crazy on a daily basis.

To identify it, sit back in your chair, lace your hands behind your head, and review the events of the last couple days. Are you tired of drinking your morning coffee at a table covered with yesterday’s clutter? Have you been hitting the supermarket on the way home from work because there’s no food in the refrigerator? Did you sit down to pay the bills, only to realize that they were scattered all over the house, and it took you 20 minutes just to find them?

Wherever the frustration feels highest, that’s the place for you to dive in and begin. Choose just one small change to make, such as to declutter a single surface, begin a new routine, or set up a holding container for a certain type of item.

Changing what’s bothering you most brings a welcome burst of motivation to carry you forward. Experiencing an immediate reward for fixing your most nagging issue helps keep you going in the direction of a more organized life.


Mount a hook beside the door you use to enter and exit your home. Make a habit of hanging the keys as soon as you enter the house, and you’ll no longer waste a single moment hunting for your key ring. Dog owners get extra credit if they add a second hook for a leash.

Decide on a Target Component

Now that you’ve made that important first step, you need to choose where to address your first efforts. Focus on the area where you need the most work. Do you need more help controlling clutter, building routines, organizing your space, or managing your time?

When you’re mired in a disorganized life, it can be a bit difficult to decide which of the core four represents your biggest challenge. A lot of folks simply throw their hands in the air in response to the question, answering it with a frustrated, “All of them!”

Nevertheless, you’ll move the process along more quickly if you focus your efforts on one component at a time and start with your weakest area. Beginning your journey where you need to travel the farthest will have more impact than fine-tuning a skill you’ve already mastered.

Set Up Control Central

Dealing with the business of your life takes time, energy, and effort. Do you have an appropriate place to help you put it all together? This is control central, your life-management center, the place you’ll plan your get-organized journey.

As one part a get-organized activity center and the other part a home office, control central is the place you’ll go to handle the business of living. It’s where you will work your plan, set goals, and track your progress as you get organized. It will maintain your calendar, checklists, to-do lists, and files. It’s where you’ll manage your finances, answer correspondence, and access information. Think of it as your base of operations for an organized life.

To set up control central, start by designating an appropriate space. Search your home for a room or area to host command central, but don’t get hung up on form. A comfortable chair in a well-lit corner can function just as effectively as a dedicated home office. Some people prefer mobility and can set up control central in a rolling organizer cart so they can work anywhere from sitting at the kitchen table to tucked up in bed. Others may prefer a designated area with a conventional office desk and chair. Figure out what works best for you.

Check the energy level of your designated spot. Do you feel empowered, calm, and comfortable? Is there adequate light for reading, writing, and computer use? A pleasant space makes it easier to carry out the work ahead.

Next, gather the necessary tools and supplies. For an efficient life-management center, you’ll want to include the following items:

  Computer and printer

  Flat writing surface

  Calendar or daily planner

  Address book or contacts manager

  Three-ring binders


  Page protectors

  Printer and binder paper

  Pens, pencils, and markers

  File box, file cart, or tabletop file

  Hanging files and/or file folders


  Envelopes and mailing supplies

  Office supplies, such as paper clips, tape, stapler, push pins, and Post-It notes


Depending on the space available and personal preference, you can add other items to your control central. A bulletin board or whiteboard can display calendars, shopping lists, reminders, and notes. Music can provide background noise and motivation. Decorative items or houseplants can add ambience.

Your goal is to create a calm, comfortable, supportive place to get on with the business of your organized, productive life. It’ll be the launch pad that supports you on your ongoing journey to better home and personal organization.

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