

Kicking Clutter to the Curb

In This Chapter

  Getting a grip on the causes of clutter

  Learning the STOP clutter method

  Taking aim on clutter around the house

  Containing clutter with clutter preserves

Clutter. We know it when we see it, and we see it everywhere! Plastic shopping bags swell like bread dough underneath the kitchen sink. Stacks of mail reproduce with abandon on counters and tabletops. Food-storage containers avalanche at us when the cabinet door is opened. Composed of once-useful items whose time has come and gone, clutter washes up around us in every area of life.

It’s safe to say that most of us will have “clear clutter” on our list of get-organized goals. The question is, what’s the fastest way to cut clutter once and for all?

In this chapter, we explore the root cause of clutter, learn a short and simple method to tackle it, and plan a whole-house assault to clear it out of our surroundings.

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