

ABCs of procrastination, 103

accountability, 23

action, deferring, clutter and, 27

action files, household filing, 110-111

activity centers

activity identification, 57

home office center, 105-108

kitchen, 84-85

launch pad, 58-59

laundry, 71

shared, family room, 92-93

storage, 58

appliances, accessories, 87

automatic clutter release, 41

automating activities, 56


bathroom, 91

bedroom, 89-90

behaviors, habits, 49-54

bill paying, 108-109

black holes, 76-77

bookshelves, 94

borrowing versus buying, 46-47

brain dumps, 123

breaking down jobs, 104

buying versus borrowing, 46-47


cabinets, kitchen, 79-80, 86-87

cable organizers, 94

calendaring, 96-99

special dates, 131

workplace, 124

cedar chest, 90

charging station, 90

checklists, 55

children, 128

checkpoints for clutter, 41-45

children, checklists, 128

chunking to-do list, 102

classic files, household, 113

clean preferences, 62

clear-a-thon for clutter, 31

clothing, 45, 70-71


causes, 26-28

checkpoints, 41-45

clear-a-thon, 31-34

clothing, 70

controlled clutter, 6

couponing, 69

deacquisition strategies, 46-47

decorative items, 75

demons, 37-40

donation box, 46

filing preference, 16-18

maximizing current items, 47-48

memories versus things, 38

pacts, 45

preserves, 35

releasing automatically, 41

sales, 29

space, 7

starting over, 135-136

STOP method, 28-30

tolerance level, 14-15, 117-118

valuing items, 41

workplace, 118-122

clutter sweep, 31

collectibles, valuing, 41

comparing self to others, 15

components of organized life, 5-10

computer, organization, 122

conditions on clutter, 44-45

contained clutter, 35

containment strategies, 77-78

control center

setup, 10-11

starting over, 134-135

controlled clutter, 6

couponing, 69

crash diet of organizing, 5


daily life, 53-56, 63

daily to-do list, 101

data clutter, workplace, 119-120

deacquisition strategies, 46-47

deadline tracking, 97

decision-making regarding clutter, 26, 37-40

deferring action, clutter and, 27

denial, clutter and, 27-28

denier filing preference, 17-18

discouragement, avoiding, 19

donation box, 46

door hangers for storage, 81

doors, keys, 9


electronics charging station, 90

entertainment items, 93-94

expenses, 3

experts on organizing, 4-5


family recruiting, 125-128

family room activity centers, 92-93


To Decide file, 111

hanging file folders, 17

household, 110-113

magazine files, 93

preferences, 16-18

Waiting/Pending file, 111

financial management, 107-111

focus, 19

follow-up, clutter and, 27

food storage, couponing, 69

freezer activity center, 85


garage sales, 29

goal setting, 21

clutter clear-a-thon, 34

defining goal, 22

prioritizing, 21

setbacks, 22-23

steps, 22

support, 24

to-do list, 102

guests, last-minute, 133-134


habits, 49-54, 94

hanger checkpoint for clothing, 45

hangers, adhesive, 81

holiday planning, 131

home maintenance, routines, 62

home office center, 105-108

hot zones, 76-77


routines, 62-69

calendars, 98-99

filing, 110-113

junk drawer, 35


keys, 9


activity center setup, 84-85

appliances, accessories, 87

cabinets, 79-80, 86-87

child’s items, 87

drawers, overfull, 88

flatware, 88

knife storage, 88

lost-and-found box, 85

oven, 84

pantry, 85

plates, extras, 87

refrigerator/freezer, 85

see-through containers, 88

sink, 84

stovetop, 84

towels, 87

under sink, 86

utensils, 88

vertical storage, 86


last-minute guests, 133-134

launch pad, 58-59

laundry, 71

lost-and-found box, 85


magazine files, 93

mail handling, 107-108

master to-do list, 100-101

medicine storage, 91

memories versus things, 38

menu/meal planning, 68-69

monthly routines, 64

moving house, 128-130

multiuse spaces, 82

myths about organization, 2-4


note taking, 98-102

notes, tools, 2

objects versus memories, 38

one in, one out clutter checkpoint, 44

online storage, 47

organization overview, 1-4

Organize (STOP method), 30

organized spaces, 7-8

organizing style, 13-21

oven activity center, 84


pantry activity center, 85

paper handling, 107-108

paperless bill pay, 109

perfectionism and clutter decisions, 39

personal style, 14-21

photographing items, 38

piler filing preference, 16-17

planning, 21

birthdays/anniversaries, 132

holiday planner, 131

last-minute guests, 133-134

menus/meals, 66-69

moving house, 128-129

routines, 54-55

storage, 74-75

wardrobe, 70

prioritizing, 21

clutter clear-a-thon, 34

master to-do list, 102


ABCs, 103

clutter decisions, 39-40

momentum, 104


maximizing current items, 47

quality investment, 48

Put Away (STOP method), 30


rebellion and clutter decisions, 40

recruiting family, 125-128

refrigerator/freezer activity center, 85

restarting, 135-136

retention schedule for files, 113

reviewing progress, clutter clear-a-thon, 34

routines, 7, 61

automating activities, 56

checklists, 55

family recruitment, 127-128

filing, 110-114

financial, 107-109

habits, 49-54

home maintenance, 62

housecleaning, 62-65

laundry, clothing care, 71

menu/meal planning, 66-69

planning, 54-55

tickler files, 55

time management, 97-98

toy pickup, 94

workplace, 123-124

rummage sales, 29


sales, 29

scarcity thinking and clutter decisions, 38

seasonal items, 33

seasonal routines, housecleaning, 65

self-coaching, 23

self-sabotage, 19-21

sentiment and clutter decisions, 38

setbacks, 22-23

shared calendars, 98-99

shipping box challenge for clutter, 45

single calendar, 96-97

sink activity center, 84

Sort (STOP method), 30

sorting, seasonal items, 33

space optimization

above cabinet storage, 79-80

clutter, 7

clutter checkpoints, 42-43

door hangers, 81

multiuse spaces, 82

organized spaces, 7-8

under furniture storage, 79

walls, 80-81

workplace, 117

workplace efficiency, 120-121

spring cleaning, 65

standard setting with family, 126-127

starting over, 134-136

starting point, 9-11

STOP clutter method, 28-30

storage, 30

activity centers, 58

black holes, 76-77

containment strategies, 77-78

decorations, 75

door hangers, 81

entertainment, 93

food storage, 68-69

hot zones, 76-77

kitchen cabinets, above, 79-80

location, 75

online, 47

options, assessing, 31-32

planning, 74-75

remote, bathroom, 91

seasonal items, 33

temporary, 32-33

under furniture, 79

walls, 80-81

zone categories, 75

stovetop activity center, 84

style, 13-14

workplace differences, 116

supercharged to-do list, 102

sweep method for clutter, 31


targeting components, 10

targets, calendar, 97

temporary storage, 32-33

tickler files, 55

time management, 8

calendaring, 96-99, 124

procrastination, 103-104

style, 18-19

to-do lists, 99-102

workplace, 116, 123

time-based clutter checkpoints, 43-44

time-management, planning and, 21

timer, 29

To Decide file, 111

to-do lists, 99-102, 123

tolerance for clutter, 14-15, 62


control central, 11

file folders, hanging, 17

note-taking, 2

organization systems, 4

STOP method, 29

timer, 29

Toss (STOP method), 30

towel storage, kitchen, 87

toy pickup routine, 94


under-cabinet mounting in kitchen, 87

under-furniture storage, 79

use it or lose it condition for clutter, 45

valuing items, 41

visual aspects, pilers versus filers, 16-17


Waiting/Pending file, 111

walls for storage, 80-81

wardrobe planning, 70

weekly routines, housecleaning, 64


clutter, 117-120

computer, organization, 122

routines, 123-124

space allocation, 117

space efficiency, 120-121

style differences, 116

time management, 116, 123

to-do lists, 123

zones for storage, 75

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