Last-Minute Company

The phone call begins innocuously: “Hello dear, we’re in the neighborhood and thought we’d come by for a visit!” Looking around the house, your heart sinks at the gulf between everyday comfort and company ready.

What’s the solution for sudden drop-in visitors? A crisis-cleaning plan. This short list of most important chores gets you ready for guests as quickly as possible—and without spinning your wheels. Whether you have 10 minutes or a whole hour, receive your guests into an organized home with this crisis-cleaning checklist:

If you have 10 minutes:

  Grab a box or bag and remove clutter from the family room or living room. Stow the box in a nearby closet for later retrieval.

  In the kitchen, do a quick clear of kitchen counters. Pop dirty dishes into the dishwasher or stack them neatly in the sink.

  Check the dining table. Sweep clutter aside, collect newspapers or mail, and straighten placemats and table decorations.

  Close doors to bedrooms or bathrooms guests won’t visit.

If you have 30 minutes, add these tasks:

  Make a quick swipe of the guest bathroom. Swab the sink, toilet seat, and under the toilet rim. Put out a fresh hand towel for guest use.

  Light a scented candle or give your home a quick spritz with scented room spray.

  Make space in the coat closet for guests’ coats and belongings.

If you have an hour, also include:

  Vacuum the family room, kitchen, and entryway.

  Dust family room furniture.

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