Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace

Creativity in the workplace is becoming more of an expectation than an option. Perhaps you’ve already experienced this call to action and you’re not quite sure how to respond, especially if you’ve been doing your job the same way for years. In this part, you learn that creativity isn’t just for the folks in the art department; there are opportunities for everyone. Even if you work from your home or don’t work at all, you will still be able to glean some tips.

This part starts by giving you ideas on how you can be more creative at work and why that’s important. You also take a look at your own mind-set and if your office space is helping to maximize your creativity. I then provide more creative thinking techniques that are designed to help you find innovative solutions to problems, as well as information on why it’s important to accept failure as part of the process. This part also addresses creative teamwork. Whether you’re the leader or one of the players, you play an important role. Finally, I demonstrate how it really is possible to create when there appears to be no opportunity, honing in on creative burnout and possible causes and solutions.

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