
Congratulations! By choosing to read this book, you’ve already made an important investment in yourself. Learning how to “unlock your creativity” could be a game changer. I dare say that expressing your creative nature on a regular basis could literally change the direction of your life—for the better! I know this from my own experiences both personally and professionally. I’ve also witnessed amazing transformations on the part of creativity clients whom I have coached. But don’t just take my word for it. If you do the work—and yes, exploring, understanding, examining, and executing your creativity will involve some work—you will see for yourself just how powerful this process can be.

Simply put, unlocking your creativity comes down to freedom of expression. Each of us is an exceptional individual like none other. You and I have a need to express ourselves, and by virtue of the fact we’re different, the why, the how, and the results of our creative expression will be unlike anyone else’s. The problem enters when you do not allow yourself to fully express your creativity—whether it’s via spoken or written communication, painting, singing, or another vehicle. This book will address that problem head on and ask you to go through an illuminating self-discovery in the process.

Throughout the book, you will be asked to take an honest look at yourself and reflect, learn, and apply the principles that resonate with you. You’ll also learn how to engage your playful, childlike spirit, combining both your right brain and left brain into whole-brain thinking. And to give you some extra motivation, I’ve provided real-life stories of people who have embraced their creativity.

Think of this as an enriching creative journey. While you may not become the next Picasso (or perhaps you will!), you can expect to undergo positive life shifts. It is my hope that each time you resume reading this book, you will do so with enthusiasm, actually looking forward to picking up where you left off.

When you finish reading this book, you will likely feel more confident about your creativity. You’ll be more open to exploring new possibilities and you’ll know yourself better—what drives you, your loves, and your dislikes. You will have moved beyond the blocks that kept you from being all you can be and you’ll be more attuned to your creative abilities and ways in which to express them. Enjoy your creative journey!

What You Will Learn in This Book

This book is divided into five parts that will lead you on a path to uncovering, discovering, and recovering your creativity.

Part 1, Craving Creativity, explains just what creativity entails, which goes well beyond the arts. Creativity can be described in different ways, so I give you traditional and new working definitions for it, as well as information on whether this visionary process can be learned. This part also asks you to make a commitment to your own creativity as you discover its value and discusses how consciously creating can enhance your life (such as an increase in energy, motivation, productivity, and prosperity; a deeper connection with others; and a feeling of freedom, independence, and completion).

Part 2, What It Takes to Create, examines that undeniable urge to create that either sneaks into your psyche quietly or yells loudly, like a cheerleader with a megaphone. I cover the different types of motivation and what drives you to create. This part also walks you through the creativity process—which involves both sides of the brain—and how your thoughts can go from a flash of an idea to something that actually comes to fruition. I also discuss the traits and success strategies of famous people and how to further develop your own attributes. I close this part with potential blocks to your creativity, or what’s keeping you stuck in the “creativity closet.” One by one, I take you through some of the most common barriers and some ways you can get past them. (Don’t worry—you’ll get out of the creativity closet eventually!) This part can be challenging, yet it’s a necessary piece to the puzzle that will require profound, authentic rumination on your part.

Part 3, Finding Your Keys to Creativity, starts to shift you from a feeling of doubt to more of a hopeful “I can do it!” feeling. I begin by giving you suggestions on how you can overcome your obstacles and how it all begins with your beliefs. This part also talks about how to move closer to your creative goals by laying the groundwork for an inviting creative space, including using all six of your senses. You then get to test some fun activities that are designed to jump-start your creativity, such as grading yourself with an A, making your technology vanish, and going on solo dates. This part also teaches you how to use different creative thinking techniques, as well as how to look through the lens of your passions. Finally, you learn how you can support and elevate your creativity through various partnerships.

Part 4, Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace, explores the demand for creativity and innovation, which is becoming more important today as employees and managers are realizing the benefits. This applies to corporations, small businesses, government institutions, school systems, nonprofit organizations, or self-employment. Perhaps you are the one who is constantly pushing for more creativity within your workplace but the higher-ups have not allowed the space for this to happen, or your manager or clients have expressed a need for you to be more creative. Whatever the case, you get ideas on how to develop a creative culture within your organization and how you can be more creative at work. I provide information on more innovative thinking techniques, how the rut of routines can hamper your creative efforts, the value of teamwork, and how to deal with burnout.

Part 5, Living Creatively Every Day, begins by talking about how you can support the creativity of those around you, such as children or loved ones as they age. In this part, I also delve into what can be a scary step—sharing your work with others. You learn how to prepare yourself, gain tips for dealing with positive and negative feedback, and discover how you can touch others’ hearts by sharing your talents. I then get into the flow of creativity, how synchronicity occurs more when you’re creative, and how handwriting can tap into a part of your brain that will assist your creative efforts. You also review your creative progress, reconnect with your creative spirit, and participate in some additional creativity techniques (including meditation). This part ends with considerations for your ongoing creative journey, addresses the question of whether you can force creativity, and provides pointers for remaining true to yourself. You can then celebrate and proclaim your creativity!

At the back of the book, you will find a glossary, a resource list of recommended books and websites, and bonus creative play exercises that are designed to keep your creativity in flow.


Throughout this book, you will find four types of sidebars that give you a greater understanding of the chapter’s material, inspire you with a notable quote, or illustrate an inspirational real-life example. I also provide a special type of boxed text that allows you to apply what you’ve learned.


These sidebars clarify the meaning of words that may go beyond the traditional dictionary definition and how they apply to creativity.


These pieces of information provide you with hints or tips to help you unlock the door to your creativity.


Creativity is often stimulated by inspirational quotes and others’ viewpoints, so these sidebars share words of wisdom spoken by some of the most well-known and not-so-known creators.


These sidebars are intended to give you a sense of direction by relating real-life stories of creativity in action (some of the names have been changed). The examples reinforce the text’s meaning, show you that you’re not alone, illustrate how to apply key principles, and provide some role models for your journey. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a big part of creativity, so I even open myself up to you by sharing some of my own stories of what helped me grow creatively.

Creative Play

In every chapter, you are given the opportunity to participate in various exercises that will be set off in boxed text. These are designed to help you gain a better understanding of your own creativity through self-reflection and fun! Appendix C even contains additional creative plays for continued inspirational support.


This book would not have been possible without the love and support of my partner, David Crandall. He not only serves as an amazing creativity role model through his work as a full-time custom goldsmith and part-time flute maker, he also cheers me on with all of my creative pursuits—writing, photography, videography, singing, songwriting, playing various instruments, and recording my music. He was the first to share in my joy of writing this book and has been with me every step of the way!

A huge thank you also goes to my incredible parents for giving me the support and tools I needed to pursue my creative interests at a young age. They taught me the value of encouraging my own two sons, Steven and J. P., to pursue and act upon their dreams.

Thanks to my four sisters and two brothers, who have influenced and motivated me with their own styles and brands of creativity through the years.

I’d also like to thank Nancy Julian, my spiritual counselor and a great creativity mentor, for her inspiration and ongoing support.

Big thanks as well to Patty Jensen, my longtime friend and one of my biggest “fans,” who supported me since the beginning of this book project.

Thanks to the Creativity Coaching Association for providing me with excellent training in becoming a certified creativity coach.

And finally, I wish to thank God, the Creator of all creators, and the Synchronous Universal Energy that helped bring this opportunity and book into being.


All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be or are suspected of being trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Alpha Books and Penguin Random House LLC cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.

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