Living Creatively Every Day

Once you’ve made a commitment to your own creative expression, you can’t really separate that from your everyday life. It is now a part of you and manifests in different ways. You may have developed certain expectations about your abilities and find yourself feeling like you’re going backward at times. Do not despair. This is normal, and in this part, you learn different recommendations to keep you going.

Children also may be a part of your everyday life. Whether you’re rearing your own kids, teaching young students, or interacting with children in other ways, this part begins by taking a look at creativity in youngsters and teenagers. From there, I focus on how creativity continues to offer tremendous benefits to people as they get older, so if you’re the caregiver of a parent or a loved one, you’ll want to take note.

This part also addresses the advantages of showing your creative work, why you may be holding back, and how you can get comfortable with going public—or at the very least, sharing with your friends and family. You then revisit your blocks, tune in to your creative rhythm, and discover how handwriting can actually contribute to your creativity. You also get a chance to check in to see how far you’ve come and where you’re at now. You are even given a few more creativity resources to consider and information on how meditation may enhance your creative efforts. To end this part, you get to read about what to expect on your ongoing creative journey, including whether you can and should force creativity, how to deal with personal burnout, and the importance of being authentic. At the end of this book, you will see you have now unlocked the door to creativity! Time to celebrate!

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