Craving Creativity

You have come here because you have already recognized you have a thirst … a hunger … perhaps a voracious desire to experience more creativity in your life. You might call it a craving. At the very least, you have a curiosity to learn more about creativity and how it can enrich your life. The fantastic news is that this book begins by opening you up to the idea that everyone is creative! Regardless of how you feel day to day about your own creativity, the fact is, everyone is born with the ability to create.

In addition to exploring these concepts, you also get to explore just what creativity involves and its various meanings and whether creativity can be learned. Sometimes you forget what you once knew and just need some gentle reminders. Other times, you need a giant wake-up call! Either way, before you even finish this book, I hope you’ll be motivated to create what’s in your heart’s desire.

Moving on, I invite you to consider the value of creativity, the everyday invitation to create, and how you can benefit from tapping into your skills to fulfill your creative potential.

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