Part 1. ArcGIS JavaScript Foundation

Part one of this book introduces some of the core concepts of GIS and terms used throughout the book. By the end of this part, you’ll have a solid understanding of the ArcGIS Server REST API, which is the driving force for ArcGIS web technologies and core concepts of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, as well as how spatial data is provided to web applications:

  • In chapter 1, you’ll learn how to use GIS as a tool and the significance of spatial applications.
  • In chapter 2, you’ll build your first map and learn the basics of spatial data and how to query that data. You’ll also learn the details of how a FeatureLayer works and how it’s optimized for performance.
  • In chapter 3, you’ll learn the basics of the ArcGIS Server REST API and be given a sample of how to use it to build a custom legend widget. This is also the first dive into using the Dojo AMD loading system and modularizing your application.
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