Part 2. Built-in classes and modules

In part 2, we come to the heart of the Ruby language: built-in classes and modules.

A great deal of what you’ll do as a Rubyist involves Ruby’s built-ins. You’ve already seen examples involving many of them: strings, arrays, files, and so forth. Ruby provides you with a rich toolset of out-of-the-box built-in data types that you can use and on which you can build.

That’s the thing: when you design your own classes and modules, you’ll often find that what you need is something similar to an existing Ruby class. If you’re writing a DeckOfCards class, for example, one of your first thoughts will probably be that a deck of cards is a lot like an array. Then you’d want to think about whether your cards class should be a subclass of Array—or perhaps each deck object could store an array in an instance variable and put the cards there—and so forth. The point is that Ruby’s built-in classes provide you with starting points for your own class and object designs as well as with a set of classes extremely useful in their own right.

We’ll start part 2 with a look at built-in essentials (chapter 7). The purpose of this chapter is to provide you with an array (so to speak) of techniques and tools that you’ll find useful across the board in the chapters that follow. To study strings, arrays, and hashes, for example, it’s useful to know how Ruby handles the concepts of true and false—concepts that aren’t pegged to any single built-in class but that you need to understand generally.

Following the essentials, we’ll turn to specific classes, but grouped into higher-level categories: scalar objects first (chapter 8) and then collections (chapter 9). Scalars are atomic objects, like strings, numbers, and symbols. Each scalar object represents one value; scalars don’t contain other objects. (Strings contain characters, of course; but there’s no separate character class in Ruby, so strings are still scalar.) Collection objects contain other objects; the major collection classes in Ruby are arrays and hashes. The collection survey will also include ranges, which are hybrid objects that can (but don’t always) serve to represent collections of objects. Finally, we’ll look at sets, which are implemented in the standard library (rather than the Ruby core) but which merit an exception to the general rule that our focus is on the core itself.

Equal in importance to the specific collection classes are the facilities that all collections in Ruby share: facilities embodied in the Enumerable module. Enumerable endows collection objects with the knowledge of how to traverse and transform themselves in a great number of ways. Chapter 10 is devoted to the Enumerable module and its ramifications for Ruby programming power.

Part 2 continues in chapter 11 with a look at regular expressions—a string-related topic that, nonetheless, deserves some space of its own—and concludes in chapter 12 with an exploration of file and I/O operations: reading from and writing to files and I/O streams, and related subtopics like error handling and file-status queries. Not surprisingly, Ruby treats all these things, including regular expressions and I/O streams, as objects.

By the end of part 2, you’ll have a rich working knowledge of Ruby’s core classes, and your own Ruby horizons will have expanded dramatically.

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