Abu Ghraib prison, 27

Accountability of managers, 39, 43–45, 46

Acquarulo, Larry, 104

Air France, 43

Alignment of organization for ideas, 17–18, 47–88

assessment of, 115–118, 132

in budgeting and resources, 70–76

correction of problems in, 120–121, 133

in evaluation and reward systems, 86–87, 88

framework for, 49, 50f, 87

in funding and purchasing process, 72–74, 83, 88

horizontal, 57–64, 66

in implementation of new idea system, 120–121

and innovations, 165–169, 175

of management systems, 69–88

in policies and rules, 18, 76–83, 88

in processes and procedures, 84–86, 88

in strategy, structure, and goals, 18, 47–67

in support functions, 74–76, 88

in time and work schedules, 71–72, 88

vertical, 51–57

Allianz, 33–34, 61–62, 131

in China, 61, 75, 159–160

in Slovakia, 131

Alpha Natural Resources, 111–113

Ariens, Inc., 170

Assessment. See Evaluation

Autoliv, 131

Ayudhya Allianz, 33–34, 61

The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action (Kaplan and Norton), 52

Barriers to front-line ideas, 12–14

and innovations, 165–169, 175

managers as, 17–18, 24–29, 36, 90

tight controls as, 47–49

Benne, Kenneth, 34

“Big Hairy Audacious Goals,” 62

Big Y World Class Market, 35, 105, 135–136

BitDefender antivirus program, 71

Blackburn, Wilf, 33–34, 61–62, 75, 160

Boardman, John, 40

Boardroom Inc., 89–90, 95

Bonus system

aligned for ideas, 87, 88

current profits as basis of, 70

horizontal linkages in, 63

in pay-for-performance, 60–61

Brasilata, 2, 21, 75, 91–92

Budgeting of resources, 49, 70–76

of funding, 72–74, 83, 88

of support functions, 74–76, 88

of time, 71–72, 88

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Collins and Porras), 62

Bumrungrad Hospital, 142

Capital expenditures

escalation process required for, 104

facilitator role in, 100

in funding of ideas. See Funding of ideas

vertical alignment of goals on, 53


in idea management, 37, 125

in quality management, ISO 9001 standard in, 84, 85

Changing management mindsets and behaviors, 33–45

accountability and transparency in, 34, 43–45

engagement with front line workers in, 39–43

rational approach to, 34–36

reeducation in, 34, 36–39

Chin, Robert, 34

Clarion-Stockholm hotel, 3–6, 4t–5t, 144–149, 145t–147t, 153–154


on facilitation skills, 102

on front-line ideas, 37

in pilot tests, 123–124, 126, 128

Coca-Cola Stockholm, 7–9, 8f, 9f

Collaborative Care approach at ThedaCare, 171

Collins, Jim, 32, 38, 62

Command-and-control approach, 16

Commitment of leadership to idea system, 109–110, 111–113, 132

assessment of, 116

Completed staff work, 104

Continuous improvement of idea system, 131–132, 133

Cost allocation system, job code for improvement time in, 72

Cost-benefit analysis, role in decision making, 42–43, 46, 128–129

Cost savings, 7, 9

as layoff threat, 56–57

unintended consequences of policies on, 76–77

vertical alignment of goals on, 54–55, 56–57

Crane & Co., 42

Crutchfield, Kevin, 111, 112

Culture, organizational

assessment of, 116, 117

in kaizen teian systems, 92–93

leadership commitment to idea system and, 112

value of front-line ideas in, 49

Customer service, 4, 35

horizontal alignment of goals on, 57–58

idea mining on, 142–149

internal and external customers in, 63

organizational problem sensitivity in, 149–154, 155

policies affecting, 78

vertical alignment of goals on, 53

D’Amour, Donald, 35

Dana Corporation, 10, 83


limitations of cost-benefit analysis in, 42–43, 46, 128–129

pilot tests of, 127, 128–129

Delivery performance of Graniterock, 150, 151–152

Dempsey, Martin, 29, 33

Design process for new idea system, 119–120, 124, 125, 132

Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers), 174

Domino’s Pizza, 152

Downcycling, 141

Drucker, Peter, 89

Dubal (Dubai Aluminum), 40

Dupuit, Jean, 43

Echevarria, Jesus, 30

Edelston, Martin, 89–90

Effective idea processes, 18–19, 89–108

80/20 principle of improvement, 9–11

Electronic flat-screen displays as idea boards, 99

Escalation process, 92, 103–105, 108

for idea boards, 97

in idea meetings, 95

pilot test of, 127–128

replication of ideas in, 105

staff work required in, 104


current profits as basis of, 70

of organization from idea management perspective, 115–118, 132

of pilot test, 125–126, 127, 133

and rewards aligned for ideas, 86–87, 88

by subordinates, 32–33

360-degree system, 29, 33

Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in Health New England, 113–115

Facilitators in idea processes, 94, 95, 99–102, 173

Fast Company magazine, 163

Flat-screen displays as idea boards, 99

Ford, Henry, 63

Foster Corporation, 104

Fresh Ventilation, 55, 83

Front-line ideas, 1–21

accountability of managers for, 39, 43–45, 46

alignment of organization for, 17–18, 47–88. See also Alignment of organization for ideas

at Brasilata, 2, 21, 75, 91–92

changing management mindsets and behaviors for, 33–45

at Clarion-Stockholm hotel, 3–6, 144–149, 153–154

at Coca-Cola Stockholm, 7–9

effective processes for, 18–19, 89–108

80/20 principle of improvement in, 9–11

escalation process in, 103–105. See also Escalation process

facilitation of, 94, 95, 99–102, 173

at Hickory Chair, 11–14, 15, 16, 30, 32

implementation of high-performing system for, 109–133

and innovations, 20–21, 157–176

in kaizen teian process, 91–93

managers as barrier to, 17–18, 24–29, 36, 90

organizational strategy, structure, and goals for, 18, 47–67

problem sensitivity required for, 20, 149–154, 155

sources of new and better ideas, 135–155

team-based processes in, 93–99. See also Team-based processes

Fuji Heavy Industries, 137

Fujimura, Key, 42

Funding of ideas, 72–74, 83, 88, 92

assessment of, 116, 117

during pilot tests, 126, 128–129

escalation process required for, 104

facilitator role in, 100, 102

Galinsky, Adam, 27

Gemba, 40, 41, 83

Gilbreth, Frank, 84

Goals, organizational, 18, 51–64

“Big Hairy Audacious Goals,” 62

horizontal alignment and linkages in, 57–64, 66

in idea board process, 97–98

key performance indicators and, 52

vertical alignment of, 51–57

Good to Great (Collins), 32, 38–39

Graniterock, 149–153, 155

Gruenfeld, Deborah, 27

Guided reading course for managers, 38–39, 178n

Hayek, Friedrich, 16

HCSS Construction Software, 166–169

Health New England (HNE), 113–115

HeavyBid program of HCSS, 166–169

Hedgehog concept, 39

Hickory Chair, 11–14, 15, 16, 30, 32

Hiring process, characteristics considered in, 30–33, 38, 39, 46

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 119

Horizontal alignment and linkages, 51, 57–64, 66

Humility of managers, 30–32, 46

Idea activators, 20, 137–142, 154

Idea boards, 93, 94, 96f, 96–99, 108, 171

Idea meetings, 93–95, 97, 108

facilitators in, 94, 95, 99–102

Idea mining, 20, 142–149, 155

Ideas Are Free (Robinson & Schroeder), 49, 86, 90, 173

Implementation of high-performing idea system, 109–133

assessment of organization in, 115–118, 132

commitment of leadership to, 109–110, 111–113, 116, 132

continuous improvement in, 131–132, 133

correction of misalignments in, 120–121, 133

design process in, 119–120, 132

integration into existing practices in, 117–118, 132

minimal intervention in, 117–118

organization-wide roll out in, 129–131, 133

pilot test in, 121–127, 133

preparation for launch in, 127–129, 133

summary of steps in, 110

teams in, 109–110, 113–115

training in, 109, 112, 113–115, 121–122, 130–131, 132

Inditex, 30–31

Innovations, 20–21, 157–176

at Allianz, 33, 159–160

assessment of, 117

barriers to, 165–169, 175

at Brasilata, 2, 21

diffusion of, 174

at HCSS, 166–169

at Subaru Indiana Automotive, 158–159

at Task Force Tips, 160–163

at ThedaCare, 169–173

time required for, 70

at Whirlpool Corporation, 163–165

Integration of new idea system into existing practices, 117–118, 132

Internal customers, 63

Interviews in organizational assessment, 115–118

ISO 9001 certification, 84, 85

J. P. Morgan, 24

Jidoka, 131

Juran, Joseph, 63

Kaizen events or blitzes, 172

Kaizen teian process, 91–93, 108, 173

Kaplan, Robert, 52

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 52

“Kill Stupid Rules,” 18, 77–80


aggregate, 16

of particular circumstances of time and place, 16

of processes and procedures, 84–86

Leadership, 23–46

alignment of strategies and goals, 49, 51–57, 67

as barrier to front-line ideas, 24–29, 36

of Clarion-Stockholm, 6

commitment to new idea system, 109–110, 111–113, 116, 132

in escalation process, 103–105

in Executive Leadership Team (ELT) of Health New England, 113–115

at Hickory Chair, 12–14

hiring and promotion of, 30–33

of level 5 leaders, 32

power of, 26–29, 39–40, 45

360-degree evaluation of, 29

Lean principles, 118, 142

in escalation process, 105

in jidoka concept, 131

in Six Sigma program, 10

at ThedaCare, 40, 170, 172

Leape, Lucian, 169

Level 5 leaders, 32

Life insurance policies of Allianz China, 159–160


power affecting, 27, 45

problem-finding in, 148

Luthans, Fred, 23

Magee, Joe, 27

Management systems, 69–88

Managers, 23–46

accountability of, 39, 43–45, 46

aggregate knowledge of, 16

as barrier to front-line ideas, 17–18, 24–29, 36, 90

changing mindsets and behaviors of, 33–45

command-and-control approach of, 16

engagement with front line workers, 39–43, 46, 172

in Executive Leadership Team of Health New England, 113–115

at Hickory Chair, 12–14

hiring and promotion of, 23, 30–33, 38, 39, 46

humility of, 30–32, 46

pay and perk benefits of, compared to workers, 24–26

in pilot test of new idea system, 124–125

policymaking of, 80, 88

power of, 26–29, 39–40, 45

reeducation and training of, 34, 36–39

in rollout of idea system, 130–131

subordinate evaluation of, 32–33

successful and effective, comparison of, 23

in suggestion systems, 90

superiority feelings of, 24–26

Massey Energy Company, 111–113

McMillan, Stewart, 59–60, 161–163

Milliken, Roger, 12, 83

Milliken Corporation, 12, 83

Minimal intervention approach to implementation of idea system, 117–118

Misalignment of organization for ideas. See Alignment of organization for ideas

Monitor product of Task Force Tips, 160–162


and alignment of evaluation and reward systems, 86

policies affecting, 80–81

Norton, David, 52

Nucor Steel, 63

Objectification in power, 27

Observation, problem-finding in, 148–149

Ohba, Hajime, 13–14

Opportunities for improvement (OFIs), 93

facilitation of, 100

in idea board process, 96, 97, 98, 99

in idea meeting process, 95, 108

Organizational alignment for ideas. See Alignment of organization for ideas

Organization-wide rollout of idea system, 129–131, 133

Ortega, Amancio, 30–32, 65, 66


gap between workers and managers in, 24–26

horizontal linkages in, 63

in pay-for-performance system, 60–61

Perk benefits of managers, compared to workers, 24–26

Pilot test of new idea system, 121–127, 133

organization of, 124–125

performance review and changes made during, 125–126, 127

Poka-yoke principles, 142

Policies and rules, 49

alignment for ideas, 18, 76–83, 88

beneficial for ideas, 83

on inventory, 15–16, 53, 58–60

“Kill Stupid Rules” program, 18, 77–80

manager training on, 80, 88

matrix for analysis of, 81–82, 82t

on purchasing process, 72–74

unintended consequences of, 18, 76–83

on work schedule, 80–82

Policy Analysis Matrix, 81–82, 82t

Porras, Jerry, 62

Porter, Theodore, 42


and accountability for idea performance, 34, 43–45

and behavior of leadership, 26–29, 39–40, 45


exploration of alternative approaches to, 101–102, 108

facilitator role in, 101–102

finding or recognition of, 136–149, 154

idea activators for, 137–142

idea board process for, 98–99

idea mining of, 142–149

in jidoka concept, 131

as opportunities for improvement, 93, 101

sensitivity to, 20, 149–154, 155

solving of, 136, 154

team-based processes for solving, 93, 94–95

ThedaCare approach to, 171–172

Processes and procedures

alignment for ideas, 84–86, 88

existing, integration of new idea system into, 117–118, 132

in pilot tests, 126

Productivity, 4, 35

funding of ideas for, 72–74

manager engagement with front-line workers affecting, 42

tight controls affecting, 48

time-saving ideas for, 71

vertical alignment of goals on, 53, 54, 56–57

Promotions, 23, 30–33, 38, 39, 46

aligned for ideas, 87, 88

Purchasing process for ideas, 72–74

pilot tests of, 126

Pyromation, 32, 75, 131–132

Quality management

alignment of processes and procedures in, 84–85

ISO 9001 certification in, 84, 85

Rapid improvement events at ThedaCare, 172

Rational approach to change, 34–36

Reading course for managers on front-line ideas, 38–39, 178n

Realignment of organization for ideas. See Alignment of organization for ideas

Reardon, Jay, 11–14, 16, 30, 32

Recycling at Subaru Indiana Automotive, 62, 137–141, 158–159

Reeducation of managers, 34, 36–39

Rejection of ideas

facilitator role in, 101

in suggestion systems, 107

Resource use, 49, 70–76

in escalation of idea, 103–105

of funding, 72–74, 83, 88

of support functions, 74–76, 88

of time, 71–72, 88

Rewards in organization, 49

aligned for ideas, 86–87, 88

in pay-for-performance, 60–61

Riverside County “bathroom tissue gate,” 25–26

Rogers, Everett, 174

Rollout of idea system, organization-wide, 129–131, 133

Rules. See Policies and rules

Running Right idea system, 111, 112

Rydin, Michael, 166

Scania, 8, 43, 72, 103–104

Sensitivity to problems, 20, 149–154, 155

Shingo, Shigeo, 64

Short-pay policy of Graniterock, 149–153, 155

Siemens VDO, 44

Six Sigma, 103, 105, 118, 177n

at Coca-Cola Stockholm, 7, 8, 9

at U. S. Navy base, 10

Sloan Management Review, 173

Snyder, Nancy Tennant, 164

Softwin, 71

Springfield Technical Community College, 93–95, 123

Staff work, completed, 104

Stanford Prison Experiment, 26–27

Stevie awards, 33

Straley, Peter, 114

Strategy, organizational, 18, 49, 51–64

Structure, organizational, 49, 51–67

horizontal alignment and linkages in, 51, 57–64

vertical alignment in, 51–57

Subaru Indiana Automotive, 62, 137–142, 158–159

Suggestion systems, 90

compared to kaizen teian process, 91, 92

limitations of, 105–107, 108

Sumitomo Electric, 45

Super Fit life insurance policy, 159–160

Superiority feelings of managers, 24–26

Support functions

alignment for ideas, 74–76, 88

assessment of, 116

at Brasilata, 92

in escalation process, 104

pilot tests of, 129

Systems and procedures, organizational, 49

Take Family Traveling program of Task Force Tips, 163

Tarde, Gabriel, 174

Task Force Tips (TFT), 59–60, 160–163

Monitor product of, 160–162

Take Family Traveling program of, 163

Taylor, Frederick, 84

Team-based processes, 93–99

in design of idea system, 119–120

facilitation of, 99–103

in idea boards, 93, 94, 96–99

in idea meetings, 93–95, 97

in implementation of idea system, 109–110, 113–115

Texeira, Antonio, 2, 91

ThedaCare, 40–42, 83, 169–173

360-degree evaluation system, 29, 33

Time needed in idea process, 70, 71–72, 88

at Brasilata, 92

supervisor training on, 114

Top-directed and bottom-driven approach, 16, 50

Top-directed and top-driven approach, 16, 48

Toussaint, John, 41–42, 170, 171

Toyota, 13, 40, 63–64


and certification on idea management, 37, 125

on facilitation skills, 102

guided reading course in, 38–39, 178n

idea activators in, 137–142, 154

in implementation of idea system, 109, 112, 113–115, 130–131, 132

in organization-wide rollout of idea system, 130–131

in pilot test of new idea system, 121–122, 123–124, 125, 126

and reeducation of managers, 34, 36–39

Transparency, accountability of managers in, 43–44


of employees, implementation of ideas affecting, 103

of managers in employees, in suggestion systems, 90

Trust in Numbers (Porter), 42

U.S. Army, 360-degree evaluation system in, 29, 33

U.S. Navy, 10

Value of idea system shown in pilot test, 123

Value stream mapping, 63–64, 171

Vega de la Falla, Jesus, 31–32

Vertical alignment, 51–57

Wall Street Journal, 166

Waste management at Subaru Indiana Automotive, 62, 137–141, 138f, 158–159

Welch, Jack, 177n

Whirlpool Corporation, 163–165

Whitwam, David, 164

Wilson, Pete, 32, 75

Woolpert, Bruce, 149–150, 152

Work environment, 4

manager engagement with front-line workers affecting, 42

processes and procedures in, 84–86, 88

support functions in, 74–76

time for idea process in, 71–72, 88

unintended consequences of policies on, 80–82

Zara stores, 30, 31–32, 64–66

Zero landfill goal of Subaru Indiana Automotive, 62, 137–141, 158–159

Zimbardo, Philip, 26–27

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