
Writing a book is something I’ve always wanted to do. As a high school student in Paris, France, I dabbled in literature before following a scientific path. Little did I know that the people around me, my friends and colleagues, would bring me back to this early dream of mine. I could never have hoped for a more supportive, inspiring group who constantly challenged me and brought the best out of me.

I’m particularly grateful to my multicultural family, who exposed me to the big and wonderful world we live in, and raised me to remain open-minded and take bold stands. My wonderful mother, Brigitte Duval, who wrote the first English method for primary school kids in France; my late father, Georges Alain Moatti, a force of nature in the face of civil war and chronic illness; my late aunt Louise Moatti, a powerful and independent woman to whom this book is dedicated; my late grandfather, Pierre Duval, a brilliant engineer who believed in me before I could even walk—all have my deepest love.

Special thanks to my wonderful life partner, Matt Houston, who never ceases to amaze me by living life to the fullest and who makes me feel loved unconditionally.

Thank you to Alexandra Watkins, without whom this book would not exist; to Mark Levy, Christian Clough, and Ran Liu, who helped me shape the manuscript; and to Nir Eyal, who wrote the foreword.

Thank you to Jeevan Sivasubramaniam and the supportive Berrett-Koehler Publishers team—I am honored to be one of your authors.

Thank you to Chris Anderson, Alexei Andreiev, Dan Arieli, Dan Arkind, Jonathan Badeen, Bogomil Balkansky, Sigal Bareket, Jamie Barnett, Roy Baumeister, Kenneth Berger, Kristen Berman, Kayvon Beykpour, Bruno Bilik, Ali Binazir, Andrew Burtis, Noah Blumenthal, Stewart Butterfield, Will Cathcart, Tim Chang, Andrew Chen, Rose Chen, John Choate, Sangeet-Paul Choudary, Charles de Coquet, Chris Cox, Charlie Crocker, Sean Dugan, Benedict Evans, Clark Freshman, James Friedman, Gaurav Hardikar, Joe Gebbia, Michel Gelobter, Marie-Laure Goepfer, Jocelyn Goldfein, Barry Grant, Robert Greene, Howard Ho, Ethan Imboden, Sami Inkinen, Alexandra Ivacheff, Robbie Kellman-Baxter, Golden Krishna, Yann Kronberg, Mike Kuniavsky, Reza Ladchartabi, Jaron Lanier, James Lattin, Loan Le, Bastian Lehman, Geraldine Le Meur, Grant Lindsay, Brian Long, Alexis Longinotti, Matt Man, Jonathan Mayer, John Maull, Mike McCues, Lull Mengesha, Lisa Miller, Bill Miranda, Mary Mookini, Rich Mironov, Sverre Munck, Tara-Nicholle Nelson, Michele Morrison, Chris Neumann, Julia Nguyen, Kathy Nicholson, Tero Ojanpera, Dan Olsen, Jeremiah Owyang, Joseph Perla, Thomas Piketty, Herve Pluche, Scott Rafer, Joe Robinson, Patricia Roller, Dan Rubinstein, Ken Rudin, Camille Sanandaji, Carol Sands, Jill Schaeffer-Hetherington, Philipp Schloter, Eric Setton, Hiten Shah, Peter Shin, Julia Shur, Eric Singley, Ed Simnett, Fidji Simo, Chloe Sladden, Lael Sturm, Karl Sluis, Paul Tyma, Sigurt Ulland, Kira Wampler, Amy Wilkinson, David Wygant, and Mark Zuckerberg.

Thank you to Benjamin Abou, Gabriel Aractingi, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Albert Cohen, Jean-Michel Detavernier, Nicolas Gogol, Steve Jobs, Milan Kundera, Yukio Mishima, Emile Moatti, Bernard Nivollet, and Deep Sahni.

Thank you to the loyal members of Products That Count, who provided insightful feedback and moral support.

Finally, thank you to everyone who reads this book. You rock!

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