

Aesthetic Measure (Birkhoff), 41

AI (artificial intelligence)

assistants, 64, 76

CALO project, 77

intersecting fields, 8

threat factors, 130–131


beauty of, 39, 49

layers used by, 110

origin of, 48–49

reason for using, 25

smartphone use and, 125–126

successful app launch, 126

wow factor in, 48–49

Alibaba, 22

Amazon, 8, 126

shortcuts tool, 109

warehouses, 24

Amazon Echo, 45

Andreessen, Marc, 124

Andressen Horowitz, 7

Android, 18


iPhone, beauty of, 41

Jobs’ iPhone announcement, 42, 117

market risks taken by, 4

mobile apps, quality controls, 28

mobile developer ecosystem at, 124–125

mobile platform expansion, 136

reason to buy component of, 123

See also iPhone; Siri

apps. See mobile apps

Arendt, Hannah, 131–132

Ariely, Dan, 79

artistic tools, in building for learning growth teams’ mastery of, 107

hooks, 109

importance of, 106–107

layers, 110

shortcuts, 109

Autodesk, 7


baby boomers, 75

banking services, mobile, 122

Baumeister, Roy, 66


in ancient Greece, 39–40, 46

building for, 53–58

confounding nature of, 39

in context, 50–52

efficiency and, 39–46

in Flipboard design, 47–48

in France, 18th-century, 40–41

in GreenOwl design, 45

in Instagram, 44, 59–61

in iPhone design, 41, 42, 50–51

in medieval China, 36, 41–42

in mobile product design, 42–61

mom test of, 37, 47–48, 62, 145–146

in Pandora design, 43

in Sonos speakers design, 145

thumb test and, 62

in Uber design, 145

wow factor/visceral quality of, 46–50

Bell, Alexander Graham, 119, 122

Beykpour, Kayvon, 134

big data (analytical tool), 105, 106

Birkhoff, George David, 41

blogs/blogging, 4, 8

Body Rule

beauty and, 33, 37–62, 133

description, 33

design elements of, 133

futuristic example of, 134–135

millennials and, 133–135

relation to mobile products, 13, 36

Sonos and, 145

Uber and, 145

See also beauty

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 13

Breeze, car-leasing service, 24

Butterfield, Stewart, 51


CALO (Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes) project, 77

Chen, Andrew, 107

Clara, 46


Facebook and, 127

meaning and, 63, 71–76, 127, 147

power organizer organization of, 25

privacy concerns of, 73–75, 90

of ride sharers, 146

social norms and, 63, 71–76, 90

Spirit Rule and, 34, 138

computer revolution, 123


in beauty, 50–52

in learning, 102–104

in meaning, 76–81

cultural transformation, 28–30


Data Camp training program, 105

dating app development, 5

decision fatigue, 68

design of mobile products

beauty elements, 41–42, 53–58

external filters, 81–85, 87–88, 90, 147

gestures, 57

internal filters, 67, 81, 83–84, 86–87, 90, 147

mom test in, 37, 47–48, 62, 145–146

navigation, 56–57

onboarding, 56

performance, 57

pull and push, 58

single-task, 56

thumb test in, 37, 42–43, 45, 56, 62, 144–146

digital advertising, 15

digital natives. See millennials

Dropbox, 103


e-commerce, 20

Elance, 122

Ellis, Sean, 103


excitement about mobile, 7

global span of, 122

persistence of, 93

sharing economy creations, 13, 23–27

Evans, Benedict, 124

Eventbrite, 103

external filters

forms of, 82

meaning and, 81–84

permission, 85

policy, 83, 84–85

popularity, 85, 89

role of, 81, 82, 90

social norms and, 82, 85, 147

transparency and, 83

user personalization and, 147

Yelp’s use of, 87–88

Eyal, Nir, 71–72


Facebook, 5–7, 9

acquisition of Oculus Rift, 134

big data analysis on, 105

building for learning in, 112–114

building for meaning in, 86–87

community mission of, 127

complaint filing process, 78–80

content producers, 86–87

core values at, 28, 29

digital advertising on, 15

free Internet access from, 120–121

Instagram sharing on, 60

mobile access development, 6

mobile-first transition, 28–29

purchase of Instagram, 44

reaching consumers through, 15

smartphone app, case study, 126–128

social mission of, 92

strategic acquisitions, 29

targeting of new users, 99

Tinder interface with, 67

updating/push notifications, 58

user usage data, 125

Facebook Connect, 67

Facebook Login, 55

Facebook News Feed, 86

feature phones, 120

filters. See external filters; internal filters

Flipboard, 7, 47–48

Fordism, 26–27


Gates, Bill, 125

Gebbia, Joe, 48–49

Geminoids robots, 129–130

Golden Mean, 41, 62

Goldfein, Jocelyn, 28


Evans’ comment on, 124

free Internet access from, 120–121

mobile apps, quality controls, 28

mobile developer ecosystem at, 124–125

mobile platform expansion, 136

Nest purchased by, 44

search engine leadership, 22

Google Glass, 75–76, 83, 96

Greene, Robert, 93

GreenOwl Mobile, 8, 45

growth teams, 107


Harvard Business School study (2011), 88

Hawking, Stephen, 131

health initiatives, mobile, 121

Heidegger, Martin, 131

Her movie (Jonze), 64–65

HomeAway, 25

Hooked (Eyal), 71

hooks, in building for learning, 109

The Human Condition (Arendt), 131–132

human-first principles

as basis of mobile products, 9

body component, 31

mind component, 32

spirit component, 31–32


Impressionist paintings, 40–41

Inkinen, Sami, 98

Instacart, 24


beauty aspect of, 44, 59–61

digital advertising on, 15

Facebook purchase of, 44

integration with Facebook, 60

smartphone use and, 125–126

successful app launch, 126

internal filters

description, 81, 90

in Facebook, 67, 86–87

meaning and, 83–84, 147

people, 84

place, 83–84

in Trulia, 81–82

user personalization and, 147

International Digital Emmy, 3


early website history, 19–20

e-commerce, 20, 120, 126

global free access effort, 120–121

mobile book availability, 122

responsive websites, 15–16, 18–19

smartphone interactions with, 15, 50, 100, 120, 132

Internet of Things, 136 initiative, 120–121


app launch for, 18

beauty aspect of, 39, 50–51

capacitive touch screens, 118

daily use data, 41

Internet browsing on, 50

Jobs’ announcement of, 42, 117

wow factor, 42

See also Siri


Jobs, Steve, 42, 117, 124

Jonze, Spike, 64–65


KnockKnock, 49

Kochava, 105

Krishna, Golden, 45

Kuniavsky, Mike, 136


Lanier, Jaron, 74

layers, in building for learning, 109, 110

lean agile (scientific tool), 106

Leanplum, 105


artistic tools, 109–110

building for, 104–114

in context, 102–104

in Facebook, 112–114

fast, adapting to us, 95–98

in Nokia, 110–112

scientific tools, 104–105, 107–108

slow, breaking new ground, 98–102

by WhatsApp, 97–98

by Yelp, 101–102

Lehman, Bastian, 24


early challenges, 95

ease in using app, 70

power sharers and, 24

strategy for success, 95–96


Mad Men era, 21

Mandela, Nelson, 93–94

Mastery (Greene), 93

Mayer, Marissa, 22

McCue, Mike, 47–48

meaning (of mobile products)

building for, 81–85

community and, 63, 71–76, 127, 147

context of, 76–81

emotion and, 70

external filters and, 81, 82, 84–85

Facebook and, 86–87

internal filters and, 83–84, 147

personalization and, 63, 66–71, 90, 127, 147

Spirit Rule and, 31–32, 33, 37, 63, 80–84

Yelp and, 87–89


Body Rule and, 133–135

as digital natives, 132

Mind Rule and, 138–140

Mobile Formula and, 141

Pew Research Center description, 132

privacy beliefs of, 75

shaping of mobile revolution by, 117, 132–141

smartphone dependency of, 132

Spirit Rule and, 135–136

mind-body-spirit trilogy. See Body Rule; Mind Rule; Spirit Rule

Mind Rule, 91–115

building for learning, 104–110

description, 32, 33, 35

learning fast and, 95–98

learning in context and, 102–104

learning slow and, 98–102

millennials and, 138–140

relation to mobile products, 13, 36

scientific/artistic tools, 107–110

Sonos and, 147

Uber and, 147

See also learning

Mixpanel, 105

mobile apps

Corporate America’s demand for, 7

for dating, 5

Flurry’s industry data, 19

implied values of, 14

launching, 18–19

mobile marketing and, 15

pre-deployment quality controls, 28–29

problem-solving role, 94–96

See also specific mobile apps


Facebook’s transition to, 28, 126

mind-body-spirit trilogy and, 30

reasons for becoming, 29–30, 35

Sonos’s transition to, 144, 147

Mobile Formula

all encompassing quality of, 143

creation of, 8

Facebook case study, 126–128

in the future, 128–141

human-first principles, 31–33, 36

millennials and, 141

in the past, 118–122

in the present, 122–128

role in mobile product success, 13

See also Body Rule; Mind Rule; Spirit Rule

mobile phones

evolution of, 119–120

hardware component, 118–122

reason to buy component, 123–126

mobile revolution

abundance of data in, 73

Big Bang theory behind, 118–119

consequences of ignoring, 20–21

description, 2–3

global entrepreneurship and, 122

hardware component, 118–122

learning fast and, 95–98

learning in context and, 102–104

learning slow and, 98–102

millennials’ shaping of, 117, 132–141

origin of, 117

search for formula, 4

sharing economy and, 23–27, 36

mom test (of beauty), 37, 47–48, 62, 145–146

money services, mobile, 122

Montreal, Canada, smartphone app, 137–138

Mori, Masahiro, 130

Motorola, 4

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), 123–124

Music Genome, of Pandora, 43

Musk, Elon, 131

MyFitnessPal, 7


natural language processing, 77–78

Nest, 44

Net Promoter Score (NPS), 102–103, 104

Netscape, 124

New York Times, 93

99designs, 122


building for learning by, 110–112

connecting people mission of, 120

dismissal of iPhone technology, 117–118

early mobile designs, 119

incubation labs, 3

mobile market leadership, 3–4, 120

Opera Software and, 6

reason to buy component of, 123

resistive touch screens of, 112

smartphone success, 3–4

Nokia Life Tools, 121


Oculus Rift, 29, 134

Opera Mediaworks, 101

Opera Software

free Internet access from, 120–121

mobile video advertising success, 6–7

success of app, 100–101

operating systems, 123–124

Owyang, Jeremiah, 23



choices made by, 10

Music Genome of, 43

Sonos speakers linking with, 146

thumbing and, 43

PayPal, 87, 25

people (internal filter), 84

Periscope, 133–134

permission (external filter), 85

personalization (of mobile products) design considerations, 54, 63, 81, 90, 136–137, 144

emotions and, 80–81

meaning and, 63, 66–71, 90, 127, 147

privacy and, 73

Spirit Rule and, 34, 138

Tinder and, 66–67

Pew Research Center, 132

Pillow, 25

place filters, 83–84

policy filters, 84–85

popularity filters, 85, 89

Postmates, 22–23

power operators, 24–25

Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 79


baby boomers’ beliefs on, 75

community concerns about, 73–75, 90

external filters and, 82, 84–85

Google Glass and, 76

millennials’ beliefs on, 75

Spirit Rule and, 32

Pythagoras, 46


Qualcomm, 136–137

The Question Concerning Technology (Heidegger), 131


Rakuten, 103

reason to buy component, of mobile phones, 123–126

responsive websites, 15–16, 18–19

ridesharing services. See Lyft; Uber

Robinson, Joe, 50

robotics, 129–130

Rudin, Ken, 105–106


Samsung, 4, 136–137

Save the Trees, mobile game, 137

scientific tools, in building for learning

big data, 105, 106

description, 104–105

funnels, 108–109

goals, 107–108

growth teams’ mastery of, 107

lean agile, 106

turnkey solution companies, 105

selective insulation, 100

sharing economy

definition, 23

Fordism comparison, 26–27

job flexibility feature, 25–26

local delivery services, 22

mobile revolution and, 23–27, 36

new entrepreneurs of, 13, 23–27

Owyang’s expertise on, 23

power operators of, 24–25

professionalization of, 24

ridesharing services, 22

shortcuts, in building for learning, 109

Simmons, Russel, 87

Siri, 64, 77–78

Slack, 8, 51–52

smart apparel companies, 21

smartphone dependency, 132

social networks

connectivity study, 72–73

content sharing on, 60

digital advertising on, 15

reluctancy in joining, 99

rise of, 6, 44

See also specific networks

social norms

community and, 63, 71–76, 90

external filters and, 82, 85, 147

Spirit Rule and, 32, 63

Sonos, 145, 146

Sony, 136–137

Spirit Rule, 63–90

community and, 34

description, 31–32, 34

meaning aspect, 31–32, 33, 37, 66–89

millennials and, 135–136

relation to mobile products, 13, 36

Sonos and, 146

Uber and, 146

See also personalization (of mobile products)

Stoppelman, Jeremy, 87


targeting of new users, 98–99

thumb test

beauty and, 62

GreenOwl and, 45

Pandora and, 43

product assessment and, 144, 146

requirements for passing, 42–43, 56

Uber and, 145

Tinder, 7, 66–68

Tolstoy, Leo, 46, 62

Trulia, 6, 126

internal filters in, 81–82

NPS metric, 102–103, 104

Twitter, 15, 133–134



Body Rule and, 145

ease in using app, 70

Mind Rule and, 147

origin of greatness of, 92

sharing economy member, 22, 25–26, 70

smartphone use and, 125–126

Spirit Rule and, 146

successful app launch, 126

UNESCO study of mobile phone use, 121–122


Viber, 8, 103–104

Virtual Human Interaction Lab (Stanford University), 134

visions of mobile companies, 92


WeChat, 15

What Is Art? (Tolstoy), 46


advertising on, 15

Facebook’s purchase of, 29

learning by, 97–98

selective insulation by, 100

smartphone use and, 125–126

successful app launch, 126

Whirlpool, 136–137


Yahoo, 21–22

Yang, Jerry, 21

Yelp, 8, 126

external filters in, 87–89

learning by, 101–102

trustworthiness of, 89

Your Are Not a Gadget (Lanier), 74


Zillow, 109

Zuckerberg, Mark, 125

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