List of Experts

The following people were interviewed for their insights into how leaders apply the principles of Moxie to bring people together for common purpose.

Fernando Aguirre, former CEO of Chiquita Brands

General John Allen, U.S. Marines (retired), commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan (2009–2011) and special deputy for the Middle East for Secretary of State John Kerry

Donald Altman, MA, LPC, psychotherapist and author of One-Minute Mindfulness and The Mindfulness Code

Doug Conant, former CEO of Campbell Soup Company and coauthor of TouchPoints

Chester Elton, “The Apostle of Appreciation,” coauthor of The Carrot Principle, The Orange Revolution, and coauthor with Adrian Gostick of All In: How the Best Managers Create a Culture of Belief and Drive Big Results

Mark Goulston, MD, executive coach, founder of Heartfelt Leadership, and author of Just Listen and Get Out of Your Own Way at Work

Adam Grant, PhD, professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, and author of Give and Take

Jim Haudan, CEO of Root, Inc., and author of The Art of Engagement

Jim Kouzes, Dean’s Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, at Santa Clara University and coauthor with Barry Posner of more than thirty leadership books and workbooks, including The Leadership Challenge

Ryan Lance, CEO of ConocoPhillips

Richard Sheridan, cofounder and CEO of Menlo Innovations and author of Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love

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