
Moxie represents many of the ideals I have observed in men and women in leadership positions. The influence of these remarkable people has enabled me to develop a book that will help others achieve their own leadership potential.

I owe special thanks to the leaders who shared their time with me during interviews and research sessions. They are Fernando Aguire, General John Allen, Donald Altman, Doug Conant, Chester Elton, Mark Goulston, Adam Grant, Jim Haudan, Jim Kouzes, Ryan Lance, and Richard Sheridan. Their insights have made for a better book, and I am grateful to each of them.

I want to single out Rich Wellins, PhD, of DDI for allowing me to cite DDI’s excellent research. The same applies to the Hay Group for allowing me to cite their global studies on leadership.

I want to thank my agent, Eric Nelson of Susan Rabiner Literary Agency, for believing in this book, as well as in me. Eric provided me with insights that helped me sharpen the focus of the book. Sarah McArthur was my personal copyeditor, and to her I am grateful. Jill Schoenhaut masterminded production, and Susan Lauzau worked her magic with the copy.

Mike Myatt, my colleague at N2growth, has been supportive in this project, and I want to say a special thank you. Tyler Walker, the Creative Director at N2growth, designed the infographics for which I am very appreciative. (Ty’s giving up his art for medical school. A loss for me but a boon to mankind.) And lastly, I want to thank my wife, Gail Campanella, for her faith in me and my work. Thanks again, sweetheart.

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