
Accounts receivable (A/R) policy, 66–67, 108, 109

Actions, 30

Analysis paralysis syndrome, 90

Associative thinking, 54

Assumptions, verifying, 99–100

Bottom-up decisions, 40–41

Bounded rationality, 3–4

Break-even point, 24

Burnout, 31

    warning signs of, 32–33

Business consultants, 41

Business continuity and resiliency planning (BCRP). See Business continuity plans (BCPs)

Business continuity plans (BCPs), 73, 74, 75

Business decision making. See Decision making

Business executives, decision making by, 9–12

Business failure

    reasons for, 122–124

    small business, 120–122

    statistics, 118–120

Business management

constructive change management, 13–14

error management, 71–75

micromanagement, 81–82

online presence management, 29

personal presence management, 29–33

positive risk management, 36–37

strategic management, 91

Business plan. See also Planning

    perfect, 117

    starting, 118

Canadian Federal Assistance Programs for Small Business, 114

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 113–114

Capital investment decision, 50–52

Caveat emptor, 60–62

Chance, taking, 67–69

Cloud computing, 74

Collaboration, 26

Collective wisdom, 55


    recognizing, 93–94

    software function and, 94

    sources of, 94

    useless, 95–96

Computers versus people, 18–19

Constructive change management, 13–14

Contingency planning, 37–38, 77

Cooperative decisions, 41–42

Cost/benefit analysis (CBA), 50, 51

Cost–volume–profit (CVP) analysis, 24

Creative thinking, in policy process, 65–66

Critical reflection, 26–27


    demanding, value of, 63

    as king, 60–62

    with respect, treating, 59–60

Debt at manageable level, keeping, 107

Decision making

    bottom-up, 40–41

    by business executives, 9–12

    cooperative, 41–42

    delegate, 27–28

    early, 14

    formal, 2–5

    informal, 2–5

    top-down, 40–41

Defects, 45

Deficient product, 62–63

Delegate decision making, 27–28. See also Delegation

Delegation, 83–86

Demanding customers, value of, 63

Disaster recovery plans (DRPs), 73, 74

Early decision making, 14

Elusive knowledge, 55

Employee’s input, 42–43

Employer–employee committee (EEC), 42

Entrepreneurship, 88

Error management, 71–75

    inconceivable situations, 73–74

    person model for, 71

    system model for, 71–72

Estimation error, 25–26

Experience-based decision making, 11–12

    theoretical, 11

    vicarious, 11

Experience, learning from, 26–27

Expert, finding, 52–53

Female workforce, 113–114

Financing, options for, 105–106

Formal decision making, 2–5

Good plan, developing, 79

Government, working with, 114–115

Heuristics, 12

    defined, 5

Inarticulate intelligence, 55

Inconceivable situations, 73–74

Informal decision making, 2–5

Information technology, 20

Internet, 100

ISO 9000, 56

Knowing your customer (KYC), 22–23

Knowledge receptors, 57

Knowledge sausage slicing method, 56–57

Knowledge transfer

    challenge of, 53–56

    one-on-one, 53

Long-range planning, 89, 91

Management behavior complexity, 94

Marketing event, 39–40

Merger fiasco, 1–2

Micromanagement, 81–82

Murphy’s law, 75

Numbers, 49

One-on-one knowledge transfer, 53

Online presence management, 29

Open communication, 100

Paradigm shift, 69

Payback period, 50, 51

People versus computers, 18–19

Perseverance, 46–47

Personal assets out of business, keeping, 107

Personal presence management, 29–33

Person model, for error management, 71


    for best, 78

    contingency, 77

    defined, 89–91

    good plan, developing, 79

    importance of, 87–88

    options for, 78–79

    past, 88–89

    strategic, 88, 91

Positive risk management, 36–37

Premium value, of quality, 45–46

Process and outcome, 17–18

Process complexity, 94

Product complexity, 94

Projects progress, reviewing, 14–15

Public Safety Canada (PSC), 74

Quality, premium value of, 45–46

Request for proposal (RFP), 13

Risk management, positive, 36–37

Risk taking, 108

Rivers and Harbor Act of 1902, 50

Rule of thumb, 1, 12, 50, 108

    defined, 5–7

    qualitative, 2, 3, 4, 51

    quantitative, 2

Safety, 35–36

Searching, 21–22

September 11, 2011 (9/11), 73, 75

Short-term planning, 89

Slow down, 32

Small businesses, failure of, 120–122

Solutions to problems, 108–110

Strategic management, 91

Strategic planning, 88, 89, 91

Structure complexity, 94

System model, for error management, 71–72

Tacit knowledge transfer, 53, 55

    relationship with firm’s innovation capability, 55


    importance of, 17–20

    information, 20

    as panacea for operational problems, 18

Theoretical experience-based decision making, 11

Thinking process, 96–98

    type I, 96–97

    type II, 97

Top-down decisions, 40–41

Type I thinking process, 96–97

Type II thinking process, 97

United States Census Bureau

    Characteristics of Business Owners, 118

Universities cooperation with business, 111–113

Useless complexity, 95–96

Vicarious experience-based decision making, 11

Volume, 23–24

Website, 100–101

    usability guidelines, 101–103

What if, 38

Work on weekends, 31

Work presence, managing, 30

Zero defects, 47–48

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