
This workbook coaches how to magnify the profits of a business. ­Decision-makers learn a unique scientific system for predicting and achieving results. Their systematic decisions will spark the profits of any business. This system comprises all strategic decisions in the marketing plan for a business.

The first part uses the SWOT Analysis to assess its strengths and weaknesses and identify possible opportunities and threats. The SWOT Analysis clarifies the mission, target market, specialty, and suppliers of the business. The questions at the end of these four chapters guide the ­business to focus on quality, describe key customers, compete on strength, and delegate weaknesses.

The next part positions the business relative to its competitors with marketing mix decisions. The decision-makers specify its products and services, and how to distribute, promote, and price them. These four chapters close with questions that lead the business to offer treasures, deliver delight, trumpet empathy, and price as valued.

The final part motivates them to implement their decisions. The closing questions motivate the decision-makers to target key prospects, reward the best, concentrate resources, and jump into action. These twelve ­decisions transform a marketing plan and build the business.

“Its stories, examples, and graphics guide business leaders to use ­scientific realism in their marketing decisions,” testifies Richard Koch, the famed author of The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less. Her graphics show how to magnify profits with the square and cube of the 80/20 rule.

Want to generate more profits? Dr. Kruger lays out easy-to-follow ways to increase your profits,” exclaims Ken Bernhardt, an author of marketing textbooks. Her unique scientific system coaches decision-makers to use the 80/20 rule to magnify their profits.

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