
accelerating rate of technological change, 26, 28, 71, 76, 121122

accelerating technonomic medium (ATOM)

characteristics, 4748

civilization to space

Earth’s surface, 115

exponential exploration and discovery, 117119

extraterrestrial surface, 115

Moon, 115

robots, 116117

creative destruction

artificial intelligence (AI), 1415

3D printing, 15, 21

education and career preparation, 1617

energy sector, 2021

financial services industry, 1718

healthcare sector, 1819

and human collateral damage, 2526

incumbents, 12

private spaceflight, 21

proliferation, 12

quantum computing, 1516

rate of change, 12

Silicon Valley, 13

transportation sector, 17

deflation rate

GDP, 32

QE, 31

economy maintenance, 7980

GDP, 11

grassroots campaign, 128129

growth, 4547

political platform

Democrat, 6567

fiscal 2015, 69

Republicans/Libertarians, 65, 67

tax-and-redistribute programs, 68

reinforcing paradigm, 34

technological disruption, 2225


American politics, 8182

broader equity index, 84

central bank perma-QE, 87

DUES, 8384, 86

high-crime urban communities, 82

immigration, 83

peace-of-mind dividend, 83

stipend, 8285

technology industry, 85

United States economy, 85

alternative minimum tax (AMT), 52

Artificial Intelligence (AI), 122

creative destruction, 1415

technological economics, 3441

ATOM age implementation

individuals as part of, 107110

for nations

Canada, 105106

Hong Kong and Singapore, 104105

Switzerland, 106

threshold, 9798

transformation, 97

United States, 98103

personal, 110114

capitalism, 124

Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 59

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 31

creative destruction

AI, 1415

3D printing, 15, 21

education and career preparation, 1617

energy sector, 2021

financial services industry, 1718

healthcare sector, 1819

and human collateral damage, 2526

incumbents, 12

private spaceflight, 21

proliferation, 12

quantum computing, 1516

rate of change, 12

Silicon Valley, 13

transportation sector, 17

Direct Universal Exponential Stipend (DUES), 7073, 8384, 86, 98, 100, 123124

economic growth, 122

accelerating nature, 4

“Dark Ages,” 6

exponential nature, 3

GDP, 6

historical events, 2

logarithmic scale, 3

opportunity cost, 6

trendline, 46, 122

Federal Reserve, 2934

Federal income taxes, 124

Fed Funds (FF) rate, 2932

financial inequality

QE money, 89

real inequality, 9096

wealth redistribution, 89

government policy, U.S.

asset price crashes, 79


economy maintenance, 7980

political platform, 6569

conventional wisdom, monetary expansion, 5354

corporate tax, 77

current U.S. Federal tax code, 4953

Federal budget, 5759

Federal Reserve, 5557

financial crisis (2017), 6063

income tax, 7677

marginal tax, 7677

“peace of mind” dividend, 7376

QE money, 5354

real estate trap, 5456

recessions, 79

skeptics, 7778

universal stipend

central bank monetary expansion, 6970

DUES, 7073

Federal Reserve monetary, 7071

Great Depression, 5

gross domestic product (GDP)

NGDP, 4145

per capita, 23, 6, 11

real, 12, 4144, 102

trendline, 32

inflation fear, 122

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 50, 52, 99

macroeconomy, 27

MIT Billion Prices Project, 33

monetary expansion, 5354, 6970, 122123

money-printing, 30

Moore’s Law, 78

net present value (NPV), 47

nominal gross domestic product (NGDP), 4145

Quantitative Easing (QE), 3032, 123

real inequality, 9096

socialism, 124

Social Security (SS) tax, 5152, 98100

technological deflation, 2934, 97, 122

technological disruptions, 122. See also creative destruction

technological economics

accelerating technological deflation, 2934

artificial intelligence (AI), 3441

equity valuations, 4547

Federal Reserve, 2934

fiscal policy experts, 28

futurists and technology forecasters, 28


NGDP, 4145

real, 4144

macroeconomists, 28

monetary policy experts, 28

technological progress

Apple iPod unit sales, 10

deflation, 11

device proliferation, 8

economic impact, 11

Moore’s Law, 78

technological deflation devices, 9

technology diffusion, 8

U.S. Congress, 52, 123

U.S. economy

conventional wisdom, monetary expansion, 5354

Federal budget, 5759

Federal Reserve, 5557

financial crisis (2017), 6063

QE money, 5354

real estate trap, 5456

U.S. Federal tax code

IRS, 50, 52

social security (SS) tax, 5152

tax complexity, 52

tortuous filing and collection process, 5051

U.S. Federal Reserve, 123

paradigm shifts, 5657

real estate trap, 5556

U.S. Federal tax code

IRS, 50, 52

social security (SS) tax, 5152

tax complexity, 52

tortuous filing and collection process, 5051

U.S. National Debt, 61

velocity of money (VM), 43

Weimar Republic of Germany, 30

world economy, 122

Yahoo Finance, 111

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