In Conclusion

Ending a publication, or a book for that matter, with an “in conclusion” sounds so terribly cliché that I did hesitate to include in this publication, but I did include it for a specific purpose. This book is meant to be both a roadmap for individuals and entrepreneurs that presents certain concepts at a high level, and a practical guide for implementing such changes into your personal financial strategy or your small business. The topic of personal finance, financial literacy, and how to implement such concepts into everyday practice are not usually topics that receive prime billing during casual conversation. Such an approach, however, leaves you as both an individual and entrepreneur unprepared and only partially informed about the critically important issues that can, and will, have an influence on both your personal life and your entrepreneurial activities. Finance and understanding the impact that finance can have are skills and information that you cannot afford to miss or ignore for any extended period of time.

Finance and accounting are not usually subjects that are associated with innovation, progress, or developing new and fresh ideas, but they do provide a fertile ground for you to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. More importantly, and especially in an age where technology continues to become increasingly important to business decision making, understanding how technology and finance drive business forward sets you apart from your competition. This book has hopefully provided you with pertinent information to make effective changes to your personal and business finances. It is important to remember, however, that regardless of how thorough a job a specific book does, you must be proactive and take charge of your continuous learning.

Arguably more important than any individual tactic, tool, or source of information that was covered in this book is just how important strategy is for building a successful personal financial plan. Regardless of whether these techniques are used for business or personal decision making is less important than understanding that having a strategy is just as important for your finances as it is for every other aspect of your life. Whether you are embarking on a project to improve your credit score, motivated to start a new business, or simply looking to get a better handle on your credit and debt-related issues there is nothing that a good plan can’t help you with. Strategy and strategic planning may seem like the domain of talking heads on TV, or high-powered corporate executives, but the reality is that having a well thought out strategy is important for every business person and entrepreneur. Making the most of your resources, taking advantage of opportunities that come your way, and having the ability to adjust your plan along the way form the foundation of any worthwhile strategy or strategic plan. What this text has hopefully demonstrated to you, throughout our analysis of both personal and business financial matters, is just how important strategy can be.

This book has hopefully provided you with the tools to advance, make productive changes, and meet the demands on an ever-changing world and business landscape. The most important thing to remember is that there are resources available to help you, that you can access these resources, and you have the potential to make whatever changes you set your mind to. The only remaining question is, what is stopping you?

Let’s get to work.

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