
Accruals, 136

Acquisition costs, 140143

Adaptability, 6061

Analytics, 144146

Assets, 912, 126127

Balance sheet, 126, 158159

Bonds, 11, 4243

Brands, building, 48


debt for, 160161

economic literacy and, 81

finance basics for, 8688

finance for, 158161

financial literacy, 7984

freakonomics and, 9092

technology for, 159160

Buy vs. Lease, 32

Calculators, 67

Career development, 18

Cash flow statement, 131, 159

Chambers of commerce, 103

CIANJ. See Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey

College, 2627

Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ), 96, 99

Common stock, 127, 131

Continuous feedback, 110

Corporate ownership, 41

Cost-effective strategic planning

failing fast and often, 122

investments, 122123

needs of, 114116

overview of, 113

Cost of goods sold, 129

Credit, 140

Credit card debt, 13

Credit cards, 13

Credit score, 56

Credit utilization, 161

Credit utilization ratio, 151152


definition of, 110

description of, 108109

economics and, 109110

Current assets, 88

Current liabilities, 88

Customer analytics, 144

Customer profitability, 141142

Customer profits, 142143

Day trading, 41

Debt for business, 160161

Decision making process, 34

Deferrals, 136


definition of, 137139

description of, 136137

purpose of, 137

Depreciation tax shield, 139

Design metrics, 149150

Disengaged employees, 119

Dividends, 1011, 42

DJIA. See Dow Jones Industrial Average

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 3940, 42

Earnings, 4748

Economic literacy, 95

Emergency fund, 4957

Engagement, 111


debt and, 150151

fees, 152153

finance for, 77, 158161

interest, 151152

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG), 8586

Environment compliance, 86

Equity, 4142, 127

Equity investments, 127

Equity markets, 40

ESG. See Environmental, social, and governance

Expenses, 128129, 139

Experts, 141

Fees, 12, 152153

Financial health, 12

Financial literacy, 69, 9598

for business, 7984

definition of, 1

importance of, 155158

technology and, 9899

Financial planning

buy vs. lease, 32

college, 2627

first job, 2729

making, 3637

rent vs. buy, 3336

save and earn, 2931

tools, 36

Financing options, 108111

Financing strategy, 8890

First job, 2729

529 savings plan, 11

Flexibility, 6061, 101

401k system, 1112

Freakonomics, 9092

GoodBudget tool, 75

Governance, 86

Graphics, 101

Home ownership, 7273

Income statement, 127128

Index funds, 42

Inflation, 8

Initial public offering (IPO), 41

Interest, 7

Interest rates, 4344

Introductory rates, 151

Invested capital, 131

Investing, 132

IPO. See Initial public offering

Key performance questions, 102103

Leverage free, 149

Leverage technology, 65

Liabilities, 912, 127

Liquidity, 30

Literacy, 1

Marketing, 141

Matching principle, 128

Mint tool, 75

Money management, 60

Monthly payments vs. total cost, 7

Mvelopes tool, 76

Net income, 135136

Operating, 131132

Operational finance, 8283

Opportunity costs, 126

Pay out, 130

Personal finance, 15, 60

buying car, 7172

home ownership, 7273

planning, 63

saving/budgeting, 7374

takeaways, 155

tech tools, 7476

Personal financial plan, 6465

Piggybacking, 30

Planning, 3637

PocketGuard tool, 75

Professional development, 1819

Profit, 129

Q&A forums, 67

Reinvest, 130

Rent vs. Buy, 3336

Retained earnings

definition of, 130131

statement, 129130, 159

Revenues, 128

Risk profile, 3031

Saving/budgeting, 7374

Sell-ability, 35

Selling expenses, 128

Share-ability, 101

Social engagement and interaction, 86

Social media, 149

S&P 500, 40, 42

Sprint project

financial benefits, 120121

internal benefits, 118119

overview of, 116118

Statement of cash flow, 131, 159

Statement of retained earnings, 129130, 159

Stocks (Equities), 910

Taxes, 139140

Tax finance, 8384

Team building, 1619, 21


for business, 159160

financial literacy and, 9899

strategy, 148149

Tools, 2122, 36, 7476

Trade credit, 8788

Transparency, 30

Understandability, 101

Unprofitable customers, 143

Volatility, 3031

Warranty expenses, 136

Working capital, 88

You need a budget (YNAB) tool, 75

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