


^ (caret) symbol2nd
^ operator
_ (underscore) symbol2nd3rd4th
_tic() functions
_ticlabels() family of functions2nd
- (dash) symbol
- operator
! (exclamation point)
! operator2nd
!= operator
? (question mark) character
. (dot) operator2nd
" " accuracy specifier
"-" accuracy specifier
"#" accuracy specifier
"+" accuracy specifier
(,) operator
{} control character
{/ } control character
{/:Bold} control character
{/:Italic} control character
{/:Normal} control character
{/*} control character
{/=} control character
@ control character
@ symbol
* (asterisk) character
* (multiplication) operator
** (exponentiation) operator2nd
/ (division) operator
/ path separator
control character
& control character
& operator
&& operator
# (hashmark)2nd3rd
% operator
%% conversion specifier
%A conversion specifier
%a conversion specifier
%B conversion specifier
%b conversion specifier2nd
%c conversion specifier
%D conversion specifier
%d conversion specifier
%e conversion specifier
%F conversion specifier
%f conversion specifier
%g conversion specifier
%H conversion specifier
%h conversion specifier
%I conversion specifier
%j conversion specifier
%k conversion specifier
%l conversion specifier2nd
%M conversion specifier
%m conversion specifier
%o conversion specifier
%P conversion specifier2nd
%p conversion specifier
%R conversion specifier
%r conversion specifier
%S conversion specifier
%s conversion specifier2nd3rd
%T conversion specifier
%t conversion specifier
%U conversion specifier
%W conversion specifier
%w conversion specifier
%x conversion specifier
%Y conversion specifier
%y conversion specifier
+ default hotkey binding
+ operator
< operator
<< operator
<= operator
= operator
== operator
> operator
>= operator
>> operator
| operator
|| operator
~ control character
~ operator
$ character
$2-s using expression
"0a.b" accuracy specifier
0 set hidden3d option
1 set hidden3d option
2 set hidden3d option


a smoothing parameter
"a.b" accuracy specifier
abbreviations feature
abs(x) function
acos(x) function
acosh(x) function
acsplines keyword
add keyword
airy(x) function
allometric scaling2nd
allwindows option
alpha channel
alpha shading
"alt-" control key
  introducing delays
  waiting for user event
Apache web server log, plotting
appearance (plot), changing
append keyword
approximating splines2nd
aqua terminal
arg(x) function
ARG1 variable
ARG2 variable
ARGC variable
ARGO variable
arrays, creating with multiplot layout
arrow keys, default hotkey binding
arrow variable
  customizing appearance of
  placing with mouse
  styles for
arrowstyle keyword
arrowstyle variable
asin(x) function
asinh(x) function
aspect ratio, view point using2nd
asterisk (*) character
at option
at symbol (@)
atan(x) function
atan2(x) function
atanh(x) function
  graphs sharing common axis
  labels for
    linking axes
    plotting with two coordinate systems
  selecting plot ranges
    batch processing and
    interactive work and
  tic marks
    appearance and placement
    grid and zero axis
    labels for
    location and frequency of
    reading from file
  time series2nd
    date and time information
    months and weekdays
    working in time-series mode


b smoothing parameter
back keyword
background option
backheads keyword
backslash-escaped control characters
bandwidth keyword
base plane
batch files
batch mode
beg(x) function
behind keyword
besj0(x) function
besj1(x) function
besy0(x) function
besy1(x) function
Bézier approximations
bezier keyword
bgnd index
bimodal data
bin function
binc() function
binc(x,s) function
bind command2nd3rd
bird’s-eye view
black color index
blank lines
bmargin keyword
<body> tag
border (bo) keyword2nd3rd
  clipping data points close to
  creating empty space between axes and data
borders plane
bottom keyword
box plots2nd
box set dgrid3d keyword
box-and-whisker plots2nd
  appearance options
  semantics of
  serial box-and-whisker plots
    appearance options for
    example of array of
boxerrorbars style
boxplot keyword
boxxyerrorbars style
Brewer, Cynthia
Brown, J. H.
bspline keyword
buffers, flushing
buflen element
building gnuplot from source
  layout of source tree
  obtaining development version from CVS
  on Mac OS X
  on Unix
  on Windows
built-in color sequences
built-in functions
butt control
butt line end
Button1 window event


-c ... command-line option
c() function
cairo-based terminals, generating PNG and PDF with
cairolatex terminal2nd
  options for
call command2nd3rd
candlesticks style2nd
<canvas> element
canvas terminal2nd3rd
canvas, size of2nd
caret (^) symbol
cauchy set dgrid3d keyword
cb keyword
cbdata time option
cbdtics option
cbmtics option
cbrange option2nd3rd
cbtics option
ceil(x) function
center keyword
char keyword
character coordinate system
Chebyshev polynomial
clear command2nd
Cleveland, William S.2nd
close window event
cls(s) function
clustered histogram style
clustered style
CMY (cyan-magenta-yellow)
cnormal keyword
coerce evaluation
  alpha shading
  built-in color sequences
  data-dependent colors
    color gradients
    explicit and indexed
  explicit colors
    color names
    HSV color model
    RGB components
    mapping value into continuous gradient
    selecting through indexed lookup
  colored surface plots with pm3d
    appearance options for
    elevation and color
column-access functions
column() function2nd3rd
columnheader() function2nd
    by position or name
    column-access functions
columnsfirst keyword
comma operator
comma-separated data file
comma, mandatory
command files
  export script example
  extracting specifics from
  scripts as subroutines
    Newton’s method
    passing parameters to scripts
    simulating local variables
command-line flags
  extending command set
    using eval
    using scriptlets
  history of
    general history feature
    redrawing graphs
    restoring session defaults
  saving and loading
comment character2nd
comparison operator
complex numbers
concatenation operator
config/ file
configuration script
configure options
continuous gradient, mapping value into
continuous time series
contour plots2nd
  contour lines and
    contour labels
    customizing contour lines and their labels
    frequency and spacing of contours
    smoothing contour lines
  coordinate axes
    base plane
    borders plane
  plotting data from a file using splot
    grid format
    matrix format
  smooth surfaces
  view point
    bird’s-eye view
    unit length and aspect ratio
    using mouse
    using set view
control charts, monitoring and cusum plots
  identifying outliers
  making data comparable
controlled delay feature
coordinate axes
  base plane
  borders plane
Copyright file
corners2color keyword
cos(x) function
cosh(x) function
critical point
crop option
csplines keyword
ctrl option
ctrl- control key
cubic splines
cubicspline keyword
cumulative distribution functions2nd3rd
cumulative keyword
cumulative sum
curve fitting
  fit command
    managing fitting parameters
    options for
    specifying columns for data and weighting factors
    variables set by
  practical advice
curves, stacked, changing
custom hotkeys
  bind command
customizing line types
cusum plots
CVS, obtaining development version from
CVSROOT environment variable
cylindrical coordinates


-d command-line option2nd3rd
dash patterns2nd
  dash (-) symbol
  dot (.) symbol
  explicit tuples
  symbolic strings
  underscore (_) symbol
  whitespace symbol
dashlength option
dashtype keyword
  minimal context for
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools
Data and Story Library, The
data blocks
data repositories, resources
data set examples
  allometric scaling
  Chebyshev polynomial
  diffusion limited aggregation (DLA)
data sets.
    See data set examples.
data stream, live, continuously monitoring
  using drivers to monitor arbitrary data sources
  using gnuplot to monitor files
data structures, strings as
data styles
data transformations
data-dependent colors
  color gradients
  explicit and indexed
data() function
datafile missing option
dates variable
  common conventions
  identifying using tags
  text labels
    axis labels
    title label
deduping repeated entries
default font
default hotkeys
default keyword2nd
--default-settings command-line option
defined keyword
delays, in animations
demo/ file
dependent variable
descriptions, strings as
dgrid3d option2nd3rd
diff utility
discontinuity in data
discrete time series2nd
distances, judging
division (/) operator
dl option
DLA (diffusion limited aggregation)
do for loop
docs/ file
dot (.) operator2nd
dots style
double blank lines
double exponential smoothing
double-logarithmic axes
double-quoted strings
Down arrow key
downwards keyword
drawplot() function
dumb terminal
dy default


-e "..." command-line option
editors, external
Elements of Graphing Data, The2nd
EllipticE(x) function
EllipticK(x) function
EllipticPi(x) function
else clause
empty keyword
End system key block
end(x) function
enhanced text mode2nd
Enquist, B. J.
environment variables
eps keyword
epscairo terminal2nd
eq operator2nd
erf(x) function
erfc(x) function
error bars
errorbars style
errorlines style
Escape main key block
estimate parameter values
Euler-Mascheroni constant
eval command2nd3rd4th
eval dates command
eval polar command
eval times command
every directive2nd
example data sets
  allometric scaling
  Chebyshev polynomial
  diffusion limited aggregation (DLA)
example matrix format
exclamation point (!)
exec() function
exists() function
exp set dgrid3d keyword
exp(x) function
expint(n, x) function
explicit colors2nd
  color names
  HSV color model
  RGB components
explicit newlines
explicit semicolons
explicit specification
exponential smoothing
exponentiation (**) operator
export command2nd
    using clipboard
    using GUI button
    using terminals
expressions (math)
external editors and viewers


f function2nd
f range
f(x) function
F1 function key
F12 function key
false-color plots2nd3rd
  further reading about
  using points
  using with image
  using with pm3d
fc (fillcolor) keyword
field separators
fig terminal
file keyword
  accessing columns
    by position or name
    column-access functions
  file format options
    field separator
    missing values
    number formats
    strings in data files
  metadata in data files
    generating data
    reading data from standard input
    reading data from subprocess
    writing to a pipe
  standard data-file format
    comments and header lines
    selecting columns
  structured data sets
    multiple data sets per file
    records spanning multiple lines, the every directive
fill, styles for
fillcolor (fc) keyword2nd
filled styles
filledcurves style
fillsteps style
fillstyle (fs) keyword2nd
financebars style
first coordinate system
fit command2nd3rd
  managing fitting parameters
  options for
  specifying columns for data and weighting factors
  variables set by
FIT_ prefix, for internal variables
FIT_COV_ variable
FIT_LOG variable
FIT_NDF variable
FIT_NITER variable
FIT_P variable
FIT_SCRIPT variable
FIT_STDFIT variable
FIT_WSSR variable
fixed plot range
flicker effect
float keyword
floating average
floor(x) function
flushing, buffers
font handling, unified
font keyword
font option
font substitution2nd
fontconfig utility2nd
  resolution of
  selection of
fontscale sub-option2nd
for construct
for loop
frac keyword2nd
fraction keyword
frequency keyword
front keyword
fs (fillstyle) keyword
fsteps style
function styles
  defining palettes using
  sampling rate for
  strings as
functions feature
functions keyword


g default hotkey binding
gamma(x) function
gauss set dgrid3d keyword
geo palettes
geo scale
gif bitmap terminal
global styles
  arrow styles
  data and function styles
  fill styles
  line styles
  other global styles
GNPLOT_PS_DIR variable
GNU software, vs. gnuplot
GNUFITLOG variable
GNUHELP variable
  building from source
    layout of source tree
    obtaining development version from cvs
    on Mac OS X
    on Unix
    on Windows
  calling from other programs
    from Perl
    from Python
    helpful hints
  inspecting compile-time options
  installing prebuilt package
    on Linux
    on Mac OS X
    on Windows
  limitations of
  reasons for using
  release and development versions
  vs. GNU software
gnuplot command2nd
Gnuplot Cookbook
Gnuplot Tricks
GNUPLOT_FONTPATH environment variable
GNUPLOT_LIB variable2nd
GNUTERM variable
GPFUN_ prefix, for internal variables
gprintf() function
GPVAL_ prefix, for internal variables
gradient color
graph area
graph keyword
Graphic Discovery2nd3rd
graphical analysis
  limitations of
  logarithmic plots
    large variations in data
    power-law behavior
  multivariate data sets
    distribution by level
    distribution of values by attribute
    parallel-coordinates plot
    scatter-plot matrix
  organizational issues
    input data files
    lifecycle of graphs
    output files
  pie charts
  point distributions
    cumulative distribution functions
    jitter plots and histograms
    kernel density estimates and rug plots
    summary statistics and box plots
  presentation graphics
  ranked data
  reasons for using
  representing relationships
    highlighting trends
    scatter plots
  time-series plots
    changing composition and stacked curves
    differencing time series
    double exponential smoothing
    exponential smoothing
    monitoring and control charts
    plotting Apache web server log
  visual perception
    judging lengths and distances
    plot ranges and whether to always include zero
graphical analysis techniques, changing appearance
graphicx package2nd
  customizing elements of
    inline customizations
    line options
    using clipboard
    using GUI button
    using terminals
  legend of
    default settings
    turning on and off
  lifecycle of
  parallel-coordinates graphs
  scatter plot
  sharing common axis
  within graphs
grayscale palette
Green, J. J.
grid cbtics option
grid format
grid mcbtics option
GUI button, exporting graphs using


-h command-line option
h default hotkey binding
Handbook on Splines for the User
hann set dgrid3d keyword
hashmark (#)2nd3rd
header lines
header option
heads keyword
help command
--help command-line option
help expressions functions2nd
heredocs, reading and writing2nd
histeps style2nd
histogram error bars
history, of commands
  general history feature
  redrawing graphs
  restoring session defaults
Holt-Winters method
Home system key block
HOME variable
horizontal keyword
Hornik, Kurt
    bind command
  default hotkeys.
    See also mousing.
HSV (hue-saturation-value)2nd
hsv2rgb() function2nd
hypertext directive
hypertext option


ibeta(p, q, x) function
id attribute
if statement
igamma(a, x) function
imag(x) function
images, using false-color plots with
Impossible Gnuplot Graphs
includegraphics command
incremental keyword
independent variable
index directive2nd
indexed lookup2nd
indexing strings
    See startup configurations and initialization.
inline loops
  loops over numbers
  loops over strings
input data files
input option
inspecting compile-time options
INSTALL.gnu file
installing prebuilt package
  on Linux
  on Mac OS X
  on Windows
int keyword
int(x) function
interactive terminals
  aqua terminal
  common options
  qt terminal
  windows terminal
  wxt terminal
interactive workflow
  extending command set
    using eval
    using scriptlets
  extracting specifics from command files
    using macros
    using variables
internal variables2nd
interpolating splines
interpolation curves
  Bézier approximations
  spline interpolations
interquartile range
interval keyword
inverf(x) function
inverse Gaussian distribution function
invert keyword
invnorm(x) function2nd
iterating over files
  making data comparable
  plotting several files
iteration, defined


jitter plots
Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive
jpeg bitmap terminal
jsdir option


kdensity keyword
Kelley, Colin (gnuplot author)
kernel density estimates2nd
key bindings
key default hotkey binding
key, defined
known functional form


L default hotkey binding
l default hotkey binding
label() function
labels, placing with mouse
labeltag variable
labeltext variable
lambertw(x) function
landscape orientation
large variations in data
  generating graph using
  including graph in document
  using cairolatex terminal
    options for
layout directive
layout feature
layout keyword
lc keyword
Left arrow key
left keyword
legends, of graphs
  default settings
  turning on and off
  view point using
lgamma(a, x) function
lifecycle of graphs
limitations of gnuplot
line types, special
linear keyword
linecolor keyword2nd
linecolor variable2nd
  customizing types of
  dash pattern
    explicit tuples
    symbolic strings
  styles for2nd
  types of
linespoints style2nd
linestyle keyword
linetype (lt) keyword2nd
linewidth keyword
linewidth option
linewidth sub-option
link command
linking axes
Linux, installing prebuilt package on
Lissajous figures
live data stream, continuously monitoring
  using drivers to monitor arbitrary data sources
  using gnuplot to monitor files
lmargin keyword
load command2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
loadpath option
local variables, simulating
log-log plots
logarithmic plots2nd
  large variations in data
  power-law behavior
logarithmic scaling, of colorbox
loops and conditionals
  iterating over files
    making data comparable
    plotting several files
  making graph paper
  Newton’s method
  Taylor series
    See inline loops.
lw option

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