About the Author

donalee Moulton is a professional wordsmith. She is a communications specialist, award-winning writer, and freelance journalist with more than 25 years of experience.

donalee is the owner of Quantum Communications, a communications company based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. As a consultant, donalee has provided clients across Canada, the United States, and beyond with a wide range of services, including comprehensive editorial services, media relations, government relations, business planning, and communications planning. As a professional writer and editor, donalee has prepared everything from brochures to booklets, newsletters to annual reports, websites to online content, marketing kits to feature articles, manuals to users’ guides.

As well, donalee is a professional educator and trainer. She has taught business communication at Dalhousie University and Saint Mary’s University and public relations and communications courses at Mount Saint Vincent University.

In addition to her communications and training work, donalee is a professional journalist. Her byline has appeared in more than 100 magazines and newspapers including The National Post, Investment Executive, The Lawyers Daily, The Medical Post, Chatelaine, and The Globe & Mail. She is a coauthor of the book Celebrity Court Cases: Trials of the Rich and Famous.

For donalee, communicating effectively is about much more than finding the right word. It’s about understanding your audience and tailoring a message to meet their needs—and ultimately yours. That’s why, for example, she recommends not starting cover letters with “Yo Dawg.” donalee also believes that learning should be filled with laughter.

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